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80d7752 I watched clouds awobbly from the floor ' that kayak. Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies, an' tho' a cloud's shape nor hue nor size don't stay the same, it's still a cloud an' so is a soul. Who can say where the cloud's blowed from or who the soul'll be 'morrow? Only Sonmi the east an' the west an' the compass an' the atlas, yay, only the atlas o'clouds. David Mitchell
73bd9d7 We create models to explain nature, but the models wind up gatecrashing nature and driving away the original inhabitants. David Mitchell
9b41038 Spring adds, summer multiplies, autumn subtracts, winter divides. David Mitchell
e32601f I am, emphatically. Mental illness triggered by xperimental error. David Mitchell
0430525 Now and then goldfish splish and gleam, like new pennies dropped in water. David Mitchell
f4a03ac For most digital-age writers, writing rewriting. We grope, cut, block, paste, and twitch, panning for gold onscreen by deleting bucketloads of crap. Our analog ancestors had to polish every line mentally before hammering it out mechanically. Rewrites cost them months, meters of ink ribbon, and pints of Tippex. Poor sods. computers technology typewriters word-processors writers writing David Mitchell
32733af A single night is stuffed with minutes, but they leak out, one by one. night time David Mitchell
1cf549f When people listen they make a listening noise. David Mitchell
1a8ce84 Problem was, all this is new. In English at school we study a grammar book by a man named Ronald Rideout, read Cider with Rosie, do debates on fox-hunting and memorize 'I Must Go Down to the Seas Again' by Jason Masefield. We don't have to actually think about stuff. David Mitchell
a39f187 The night in question, I had put aside my perpetual lavatory read, , because of all the manuscripts (inedible green tomatoes) submitted to Cavendish-Redux, my new stable of champions. I suppose it was about eleven o'clock when I heard my front door being interfered with. Skinhead munchkins mug-or-treating? Cherry knockers? The wind? Next thing I knew, the door flew in off its ruddy hinges! I was thinking al-Queda, I was thinking ball light.. mob David Mitchell
296a97c The world won't leave things be. It's always injecting endings into beginnings. Leaves tweezer themselves from these weeping willows. Leaves fall into the lake and dissolve into slime. Where's the sense in that? Mum and Dad fell in love, had Julia, had me. They fall out of love, Julia moves off to Edinburgh, Mum to Cheltenham, and Dad to Oxford with Cynthia. The world never stops unmaking what the world never stops making. But who says the .. David Mitchell
af00217 I'm not good with the low-level unexplained. I worry at such things. I'm quite relaxed about the great mysteries of the universe; when it comes to the existence of God, for example, I figure that, as with a good episode of , I'll find out what's going on eventually. inspector-morse David Mitchell
1e9577f The truth is "#9dream" is a descendant of "Norwegian Wood". Both are ghost stories. "She" in "Norwegian Wood" curses you with loneliness. The "Two spirits dancing so strange" in "#9dream" bless you with harmony. But people prefer loneliness to harmony." loneliness norwegian-wood David Mitchell
8ec4fad Do soldiers feel this, when they get back from a war? The utter weirdness of utter normality. David Mitchell
59b880e Clocks measure arbitrary meters of time, but not its speed. Nobody knows if time is speeding up, or slowing down. Nobody knows what it is. How much time is there in a day? Not how many hours, minutes, seconds: how much TIME do we have? This day? David Mitchell
8177ae8 Ayrs let long moments fall away. 'You're young, Frobisher, you're rich, you've got a brain, and by all accounts you're not wholly repugnant. I'm not sure why you stay on here.'... ...Couldn't say if Ayrs felt humor, pity, nostalgia or scorn...Jocasta seemed angry with me. 'What?' I hissed. 'My husband loves you,' said the wife, dressing. David Mitchell
a0da9f2 El poder, el tiempo, la gravedad, el amor. Las fuerzas que de verdad mueven el cotarro son invisibles. español invisible love poder power spanish David Mitchell
fa90471 Now I seen Mauna Kena from Honokaa b'fore, o'course, but a mountain you're planning on climbin' ain't the same as the one you ain't. It ain't so pretty, nay. David Mitchell
36c00b1 She pulsed, invisibly, like a quasar. I can't describe women, but if you know Duke Pearson's 'After the rain', she was as beautiful and pure as that. Real things had happened to her to make her how she was and I wanted to know them, and read them, like a book. David Mitchell
42223f0 My friend is composing an epic in Byronic stanzas entitled "True History of Autua, Last Moriori" & interrupts my journal writing to ask what rhymes with what: - "Streams of blood"? "Themes of mud"? "Robin Hood"?" David Mitchell
aa27691 The library refused many downloads, of course, but I succeeded with two Optimists translated from the Late English, Orwell and Huxley; optimism David Mitchell
6a0d3bf Hay tantas verdades como hombres. De vez en cuando, alcanzo a vislumbrar una Verdad mas verdadera, escondida entre simulacros imperfectos de si misma, pero en cuanto me acerco, se agita y se hunde mas todavia en la espinosa cienaga del desacuerdo. spanish truth verdad David Mitchell
69ea8d9 You can't go changing what you've already set down, not without botching things up even more David Mitchell
19c0354 After the nuclear war, kids like them'll rule what's left. It'll be hell. David Mitchell
1bf41a1 Lunatics are writers whose works write them, Bat." "Not all lunatics are writers, Mrs. Rey-believe me." "But most writers are lunatics, Bat-believe me. The human world is made up of stories, not people." stories writing David Mitchell
a789ee5 Storytellers are not priests who commune with an ethereal realm but artisans, like dumpling makers, if somewhat slower. David Mitchell
0197fcc The potatoes were starch grenades. The canned carrots were revolting because that is their nature. humor David Mitchell
a4e29eb Prejudice is permafrost David Mitchell
481713c Foolproof depends on the size of the fool David Mitchell
163220a You underestimate humanity's ability to bring such evil into being. David Mitchell
8fed103 Tokyo is too close up to see, sometimes. There are no distances and everything is above your head - dentists, kindergartens, dance studios. Even the roads and walkways are up on murky stilts. An evil-twin Venice with all the water drained away. David Mitchell
6808ca6 Hell hell because, there, evil passes unremarked upon. hell David Mitchell
77d460a In the corridor outside, a trolley squeaks by. The brigadier I knew has left his bombed-out face, leaving me alone with the clock, shelves of handsome books nobody ever reads, and one certainty: that whatever I do with my life, however much power, wealth, experience, knowledge, or beauty I'll accrue, I, too, will end up like this vulnerable old man. When I look at Brigadier Reginald Philby, I'm looking down time's telescope at myself. David Mitchell
3d9408a The pursuit of insight takes you deep into the forest. David Mitchell
78984b7 Our brains are dark globes lit by very distant stars. David Mitchell
b208acb The truth is, deep ends cause drowning. Baptisms by fire cause third-degree burns. David Mitchell
2f7d484 Faust tends not to have happy endings. happy-endings David Mitchell
e8eda2e Life's more science-fictiony by the day. science-fiction David Mitchell
627315e You said you envied your uncritical, unthinking sisters. That's not quite the same as wishing to be one David Mitchell
e9e6dfc The human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature. human-nature David Mitchell
bc1e349 The secret of happiness is to ignore your reflection in mirrors once you're over forty. happiness mirrors David Mitchell
8ea220b Think larger. Redraw what is possible. possible redraw think David Mitchell
2d9d85e Survival often demands our courage. life survival David Mitchell
ac0b556 A finite infinity, David Mitchell