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5856546 And it really was kind of the moon to shine on me, too, and out of modesty I was about to place myself under the arch of the tower bridge when it occurred to me that the moon, of course, shone on everything. So I happily spread out my arms in order fully to enjoy the moon. Franz Kafka
32363c6 It is truly no feat to crack a nut, and therefore no one would think to gather an audience for the purpose of entertaining them with nutcracking. But if he should do so, and if he should succeed in his aim, then it cannot be a matter of mere nutcracking. Or alternatively, it is a matter of nutcracking, but as it turns out we have overlooked the art of nutcracking because we were so proficient at it that it is this new nutcracker who is the .. Franz Kafka
16e0409 Das Gericht will nichts von Dir. Es nimmt Dich auf wenn Du kommst und es entlasst Dich wenn du gehst. Franz Kafka
64fce7d For Kafka, paradise wasn't a place where people lived in the past and of which a memory has survived, but rather a perennial, hidden presence. In every moment, an immense, encompassing obstacle prevents us from seeing it. That obstacle is nothing other than the expulsion from paradise--a process Kafka called "eternal in its principal aspect." Franz Kafka
2056cbc Milena lutfen bana yardim edin! Soyleyebildiklerimden daha da fazlasini anlamaya calisin. kafka letter love milena Franz Kafka
60bc973 Teoricamente, so ha uma possibilidade perfeita de felicidade: acreditar no indestrutivel em si sem a ele aspirar. Franz Kafka
3347acf Das Negative zu tun, ist uns noch auferlegt, das Positive ist uns schon gegeben. good-and-evil philosophy philosophy-of-life Franz Kafka
7d8cbf6 Wenn man einmal das Bose bei sich aufgenommen hat, verlangt es nicht mehr, dass man ihm glaube. good-and-evil philosophy philosophy-of-life Franz Kafka
85fd40d Whatever he may seem to us, he is yet a servant of the Law; that is, he belongs to the Law and as such is set beyond human judgment. Franz Kafka
8f9a944 Nobody reaches through here, least of all with a message from one who is dead. You, however, sit at your window and dream of the message when evening comes. Franz Kafka
08db3ab Il sogno e l'ultima notizia che possiedo di te. Franz Kafka
c77bf99 depois, comi o meu jantar de vegetariano, fiquei satisfeito com a minha digestao e tive algumas apreensoes quanto a saber se a minha vida bastaria para toda a duracao da minha vida. Franz Kafka
b4d0865 O frio e o calor alternam dentro de mim com as palavras de uma frase, sonho com a expansao e a queda melodiosas. Leio frases de Goethe como se percorresse com todo o meu corpoa gama de entoacoes Franz Kafka
f612e98 And there shouldn't be anything to stop you carrying on with your usual life. Franz Kafka
6f9f120 For a man under suspicion movement is better than rest, for the man who is at rest can always, without knowing it, be on the scales being weighed together with his sins. Franz Kafka
6b0bd5f That is a very poor career, but only a poor career give the world the light that an imperfect, but pretty good writer wants to generate--at all costs, unfotunately. Franz Kafka
5d10ed9 At least descriptive psychology is probably, taken as a whole, a form of anthropomorphism, a nibbling at our own limits. Franz Kafka
4ecc64a Ocurrio que el cerebro no pudo soportar mas las preocupaciones y dolores que le habian sido impuestos. Y entonces dijo: "Me doy por vencido; pero si alguien sigue interesado en mantener la unidad, que me alivie y recoja parte de mi carga; asi tiraremos un poco mas"." Franz Kafka
5d0857d Fragen war die Hauptsache Franz Kafka
1923d06 Toda esta escritura no es otra Franz Kafka
37c4d9e 48 Belief in progress doesn't mean belief in progress that has already occurred. That would not require belief. Franz Kafka
042f1e2 O God," he thought, "what a demanding job I've chosen! Day in, day out on the road. The stresses of trade are much greater than the work going on at head office, and, in addition to that, I have to deal with the problems of traveling, the worries about train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships which never come from the heart. To hell with it all!" Franz Kafka
513ede7 It's always questionable to intervene decisively in strange circumstances. Franz Kafka
9768f75 Could K. represent the congregation all by himself? What if he had been a stranger merely visiting the church? That was more or less his position. Franz Kafka
9c38bcd Inspiratia de un anume tip, pe care eu, cel mai fericit si mai nefericit, o am acum, la doua noaptea, cand ma duc la culcare (ea va persista, poate, numai sa suport sa ma gandesc la ea, caci este superioara tuturor celor anterioare) este aceea ca pot face de toate, nu numai o anumita munca. Daca astern pe hartie o propozitie la intamplare, de exemplu: <>, aceasta este deja desavarsita. Franz Kafka
640e1e2 Only those burdened with a common affliction understand each other. Thanks to their affliction they constitute a circle and provide each other mutual support. They glide along the inner borders of their circle, make way for or jostle one another gently in the crowd... There exists not the shadow of a thought to give the comforter an advantage over the comforted. Thus their conversations consist only of a coming-together of their imagination.. Franz Kafka
9b5c7c1 One does not have to believe everything is true, one only has to believe it is necessary. Franz Kafka
b5d7824 The conclusion to be drawn from this was that this was in its way a quite different sort of fatigue from K.'s. Here it was doubtless fatigue amid happy work, something that outwardly looked like fatigue and was actually indestructible repose, indestructible peace. If one is a little tired at noon, that is part of the happy natural course of the day. 'For the gentlemen here it is always noon,' K. said to himself. Franz Kafka
3b11496 The observer of the soul cannot penetrate into the soul, but there doubtless is a margin where he comes into contact with it. soul Franz Kafka
2e4c265 Wir brauchen aber die Bucher, die auf uns wirken wie ein Ungluck, das uns sehr schmerzt, wie der Tod eines, den wie lieber hatten als uns, wie wenn wir in Walder verstossen wurden, von allen Menschen weg, wie ein Selbstmord, ein Buch muss die Axt sein fur das gefrorene Meer in uns. Franz Kafka
c6e9786 Oh, God", he thought, "what a strenuous career it is that I've chosen! Travelling day in and day out. Doing business like this takes much more effort than doing your own business at home, and on top of that there's the curse of travelling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food, contact with different people all the time so that you can never get to know anyone or become friendly with them. It can all go to Hell!" Franz Kafka
74400c8 Now, quite apart from the fact that the doors were locked, should he really call out for help? In spite of all his distress, he was unable to suppress a smile at this idea. Franz Kafka
d262dfe Hier war es wohl die Mudigkeit inmitten glucklicher Arbeit; etwas, was nach aussen hin wie Mudigkeit aussah und eigentlich unzerstorbare Ruhe, unzerstorbarer Frieden war. Franz Kafka
0c01e4c The correspondence on this subject brings one again and again to the conclusion that you're united by an all but sacramental indissoluble marriage (...) to your husband, and I by a similar marriage to - I don't know whom, but the eye of this terrible wife often lies on me, I feel it. Franz Kafka
775d13d For I underestimate myself, and that itself means an overestimation of others Franz Kafka
1af5a4a I hope it is nothing serious. On the other hand, I must also say that we business people, luckily or unluckily, however one looks at it, very often simply have to overcome a slight indisposition for business reasons. Franz Kafka
90869f1 Concerning this a man once said:Why such reluctance? If you only followed the parables you yourselves would become parables and with that rid of all your daily cares. Another said: I bet that is also a parable. The first said: You have won. The second said: But unfortunately only in parable. The first said: No, in reality; in parable you have lost. parables reality struggle Franz Kafka
4e71e9d An und fur sich ist uns das Lachen immer nah; trotz allem Jammer unseres Lebens ist ein leises Lachen bei uns gewissermassen immer zu Hause. german Franz Kafka
4b5f478 For when one is about to embark on some enterprise, it is precisely the books whose contents have nothing at all in common with the enterprise that are the most useful. Franz Kafka
52ea5ea Evidentemente, soy muy ignorante, la verdad es esa, y es muy triste para mi, pero esto supone una ventaja: El ignorante osa a mas cosas. Tambien estoy preparado para soportar todavia un poco la ignorancia y sus consecuencias -malas, de acuerdo- tanto como resistan mis fuerzas. ignorance Franz Kafka
362d412 lHb blnsb@ ly hw 'nk lskyn lty 'dyrh mGrws@ fy dkhly Franz Kafka
55d0370 I wish I had a strong hand for the sole purpose of thrusting it into this incoherent construction that I am. And yet what I am saying here is not even precisely my opinion, not even precisely my opinion at this moment. When I look into myself I see so much that is obscure and still in flux that I cannot even properly explain or fully accept the dislike I feel for myself. Franz Kafka
3a4e9ba Plenty of hope -- for God -- no end of hope -- only not for us. Franz Kafka
dc64196 How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense. Franz Kafka
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