The gesture of rejection with which I was forever met did not mean: 'I do not love you,' but: 'You cannot love me, much as you would like; you are unhappily in love with your love for me, but your love for me is not in love with you.' It is consequently incorrect to say that I have known the words, 'I love you'; I have known only the expectant stillness that should have been broken by my 'I love you,' that is all that I have known, nothing ..
Franz Kafka |
those who are ignorant naturally consider everything possible.
Franz Kafka |
Everyone has his cross to bear.
Franz Kafka |
It is entirely conceivable that life's splendour forever lies in wait about each one of us in all its fullness, but veiled from our view, deep down, invisible, far off. It is there, though, not hostile, not reluctant, not deaf. If you summon it by the right word, by its right name, it will come. This is the essence of magic, which does not create but summons Franz Kafka, 18 October 1921 Es ist sehr gut denkbar, dass die Herrlichkeit des Leb..
Franz Kafka |
Evil has ways of surprising one. Suddenly it turns round and says: "You have misunderstood me," and perhaps it really is so. Evil transforms itself into your own lips, lets itself be gnawed at by your teeth, and with these new lips -- no former ones fitted smoothly to your gums -- to your own amazement you utter the words of goodness."
Franz Kafka |
Peaceful moon. I consist only of bones.
Franz Kafka |
All the people who try to torment me, and who have now occupied the entire space around me, will quite gradually be thrust back by the beneficent passage of these days, without my having to help them even in the very least. And, as it will come about quite naturally, I can be weak and quiet and let everything happen to me, and yet everything must turn out well, through the sheer fact of the passing of days.
Franz Kafka |
As someone said to me--I can't remember now who it was--it is really remarkable that when you wake up in the morning you nearly always find everything in exactly the same place as the evening before. For when asleep and dreaming you are, apparently at least, in an essentially different state from that of wakefulness; and therefore, as that man truly said, it requires enormous presence of mind or rather quickness of wit, when opening your ey..
Franz Kafka |
I am never serious, and therefore I have to make jokes do duty both for jest and earnest.
Franz Kafka |
It seemed to k. as if all contact with him had been cut and he was more of a free agent than ever. He could wait here, in a place usually forbidden to him, as long as he liked, and he also felt as if he gad won that freedom with more effort than most people could manage to make, and no one could touch him or drive him away, why, they hardly had a right even to adress him. But at the same time - and this feeling was at least as strong - he f..
Franz Kafka |
When the little mouse, which was loved as none other was in the mouse-world, got into a trap one night and with a shrill scream forfeited its life for the sight of the bacon, all the mice in the district, in their holes were overcome by trembling and shaking; with eyes blinking uncontrollably they gazed at each other one by one, while their tails scraped the ground busily and senselessly. Then they came out, hesitantly, pushing one another,..
Franz Kafka |
Every new discovery is assumed at once into the sum total of knowledge, and with that ceases in a sense to be a discovery; it dissolves into the whole and disappears, and one must have a trained scientific eye even to recognize it after that.
Franz Kafka |
Gregor, open up, I'm pleading with you.' But Gregor had absolutely no intention of opening the door and complimented himself instead on the precaution he had adopted from his business trips of locking all the doors during the night even at home.
Franz Kafka |
A piece like a segment has been cut out of the back of his head. The sun looks in and the whole world with it. It makes him nervous, it distracts him from his work, and moreover it irritates him that he should be the very one excluded from the spectacle.
Franz Kafka |
Jemand musste Josef K. verleumdet haben, denn ohne dass er etwas Boses getan hatte, wurde er eines Morgens verhaftet.
Franz Kafka |
I had to arrange things as well as I could. That's obviously a very bad place for the bed, in front of the door. For instance when the judge I'm painting at present comes he always comes through the door by the bed, and I've even given him a key to this door so that he can wait for me here in the studio when I'm not home. Although nowadays he usually comes early in the morning when I'm still asleep. And of course, it always wakes me up when..
Franz Kafka |
Cascar una nuez no es realmente un arte, y en consecuencia nadie se atreveria a congregar un auditorio para entretenerle cascando nueces. Pero si lo hace y logra su proposito, entonces ya no se trata meramente de cascar nueces. O tal vez se trate meramente de cascar nueces, pero entonces descubrimos que nos hemos despreocupado totalmente de dicho arte porque lo dominabamos demasiado, y este nuevo cascador de nueces nos muestra por primera v..
Franz Kafka |
Mientras estaba tendido alli, a un paso de mi yacia un escarabajo, patas arriba, desesperado. No podia enderezarse, me habria gustado ayudarlo, era tan facil hacerlo, bastaba un paso y un empujoncito para brindarle una ayuda efectiva. Pero lo olvide a causa de la carta. Ademas no podia ponerme de pie. Por fin, una lagartija logro que volviera a tomar conciencia de la vida que me rodeaba. Su camino la llevo hasta el escarabajo, que ya estaba..
Franz Kafka |
The main thing holding the family back from a change in living quarters was far more their complete hopelessness and the idea that they had been struck by a misfortune like no one else in their entire circle of relatives and acquaintances.
Franz Kafka |
Tinh ban that la ky. Khi yeu, nguoi ta noi den tinh yeu. Giua nhung nguoi ban chan chinh voi nhau, nguoi ta khong noi den tinh ban. Tinh ban, nguoi ta ket ban ma khong can phai goi ten hay binh pham gi ve no. Manh me va yen ang. No kin dao. Ran roi. Do la su lang man cua nhung nguoi dan ong. Chac no phai sau sac va ben vung hon tinh yeu de nguoi ta khong vung vai no mot cach ngo ngan bang ngon tu, tuyen bo, tho van. No phai dem lai su thoa ..
Franz Kafka |
In the morning and in the evening and at night in his dreams, this street was filled with constantly bustling traffic, which seen from above seemed like a continually self-replenishing mixture of distorted human figures and of the roofs of all sorts of vehicles, constantly scattered by new arrivals, out of which there arose a new, stronger, wilder mixture of noise, dust, and smells, and, catching and penetrating it all, a powerful light tha..
Franz Kafka |
Es perfectamente imaginable que el esplendor de la vida esta dispuesto, siempre en toda plenitud, alrededor de cada uno, pero cubierto de un velo, en las profundidades, invisible muy lejos. Sin embargo esta ahi, no hostil, no a disgusto, no sordo, viene si uno lo llama con la palabra correcta, por su nombre correcto, Es la esencia de la magia, que no crea, sino llama.
Franz Kafka |
We can't carry on like this. Maybe you can't see it, but I can. I don't want to call this monster my brother, all I can say is: we have to try and get rid of it.
Franz Kafka |
Extraordinary,' said the Burgomaster, 'extraordinary. And now do you think of staying here in Riva with us?'
Franz Kafka |
One learns when one has to; one learns when one needs a way out; one learns at all costs. One stands over oneself with a whip; one flays oneself at the slightest opposition.
Franz Kafka |
Oh, bother
Franz Kafka |
Seen with the terrestrially sullied eye, we are in a situation of travelers in a train that has met with an accident in a tunnel, and this at a place where the light of the beginning can no longer be seen, and the light of the end is so very small a glimmer that the gaze must continually search for it and is always losing it again, and, furthermore, both the beginning and the end are not even certainties. Round about us, however, in the con..
Franz Kafka |
If you were walking across a plain, had an honest intention of walking on, and yet kept regressing, then it would be a desperate matter; but since you are scrambling up a cliff, about as steep as you yourself are if seen from below, the regression can only be caused by the nature of the ground, and you must not despair.
franz kafka |
What are our lungs supposed to do?" I shouted. Shouted: "If they breathe fast they suffocate themselves from inner poisons; if they breathe slowly they suffocate from unbreathable air, from outraged things. But if they try to search for their own rhythm they perish from the mere search."
Franz Kafka |
In our folk nobody has any experience of youth, there's barely even any time for being a toddler. The children simply don't have any time in which they might be children........Indeed... there's simply no way that we would be able to provide our children with a viable childhood, one that is real. Naturally, there are consequences. There's a certain ever present, not to be liquidated childishness that permeates our folk; We often act in ways..
Franz Kafka |
In her opinion her singing falls on deaf ears anyway; there is no lack of enthusiasm and applause, but she has long since given up hope of genuine understanding as she conceives it.
Franz Kafka |
Don't look at him!" he snapped, without noticing how odd it was to speak to free men in this way"
Franz Kafka |
Yet Gregor's sister was playing so beautifully. Her face was leant to one side, following the lines of music with a careful and melancholy expression. Gregor crawled a little further forward, keeping his
Franz Kafka |
The man from the country has not expected such difficulties; the law, he thinks, should be accessible to everyone and at all times; but as he now takes a closer look at the doorkeeper in his fur coat, at his large pointed nose, his long, sparse, black Tartar beard, he decides that it is better, after all, to wait until he receives permission to enter.
Franz Kafka |
my joints ache with fatigue, my dried up body trembles toward its own destruction in turmoils of which I dare not become fully conscious, in my head are astonishing convulsions.
Franz Kafka |
In the struggle between yourself and the world, second the world. (Im Kampf zwischen Dir und der Welt, sekundiere der Welt)
Franz Kafka |
Am I to leave this world as a man who shies away from all conclusions?
Franz Kafka |
lw 'mknny 'n 'stGrq fy lnwm km 'Grq fy khwfy `ly hdh lnHw fln 'kwn Hyny'dh `ly qyd lHy@
Franz Kafka |
The amount of quiet I need does not exist in the world, from which it follows that no one ought to need so much quiet.
Franz Kafka |
All I did there, after all, was to bemoan what I could not bemoan upon your breast.
Franz Kafka |
Leo en Dostoievski el pasaje que tanto se asemeja a ser desdichado
Franz Kafka |
All right then, I'll be mad at you on this score, which incidentally is no great misfortune, as things balance out quite well if there's a little anger for you lurking in one corner of my heart.
Franz Kafka |
l'lm ykmn fy SdGy mtrbSan, fhl knt nbl@ kywbyd qd Swbt fy tjh SdGy bdlan mn tSwybh nHw qlby
Franz Kafka |
It seems hard to remain a bachelor...to model your appearance and behaviour on one or two bachelors remembered from your youth. That is how it will be, only that in reality it will be you yourself standing there, today and later, with a body and a real head, and so with a brow too, to strike with your hand.
Franz Kafka |