But we made the night bright and the sunlight right a lot of the time, and never felt used or unloved.
Gregory David Roberts |
Instinct chooses her own children.
Gregory David Roberts |
How old is he?' 'Thirty.' 'He looks older.' 'They all do. All the Europeans look older and angrier than they really are. It's a white thing.
Gregory David Roberts |
Sometimes it is necessary to do the wrong things for the right reasons. The important thing is to be sure that our reasons are right and that we admit the wrong, that we do not lie to ourselves and convince ourselves that what we do is right.
Gregory David Roberts |
Some people always manage to make us feel sorry for them, no matter how stupid and angry we feel about it after. They're the canaries, kind of, in the coalmines of our hearts. If we stop feeling sorry for them, when they let us down, we're in deep trouble.
Gregory David Roberts |
I was exiled from my family, homeland, and culture. I thought that was the whole of it. Years into the banishment, I realised that I was exiled to something, as well. What I escaped to was the lonely, reckless freedom of the outcast.
Gregory David Roberts |
I think that we all, each one of us, we all have to earn our future,' she said slowly. 'I think the future is like anything else that's important. It has to be earned. If we don't earn it, we don't have a future at all.
Gregory David Roberts |
love's a one-way street. Love, like respect, isn't something you get; it's something you give.
Gregory David Roberts |
When we get older--when the steel door slams shut, in one way or another--we know that real suffering is measured by what's taken away from us.
Gregory David Roberts |
Sometimes you break your heart in the right way, if you know what I mean.' I
Gregory David Roberts |
A politician is someone who promises you a bridge, even when there's no river.
Gregory David Roberts |
Khader aveva cercato di spiegarmi che ogni uomo ha la possibilita di cambiare il proprio destino. Avevo sempre pensato che il fatto fosse immutabile: determinato al momento della nascita e fisso come le orbite delle stelle. All'improvviso compresi che la vita e molto piu bella e complessa. La verita e che fortuna e sfortuna non contano, e non importa cio che stai facendo: puoi cambiare completamente la tua vita con un solo pensiero, con un ..
Gregory David Roberts |
Virtue is concerned with what we do, and honour is concerned with how we do it. You
Gregory David Roberts |
The past reflects eternally between two mirrors--the bright mirror of words and deeds, and the dark one, full of things we didn't do or say. I
Gregory David Roberts |
But it's not true. It's the other way round. Money isn't the root of all evil. Evil is the root of all money. There's no such thing as clean money. All the money in the world is dirty, in some way, because there's no clean way to make it.
Gregory David Roberts |
You'd know where real suffering comes from. It's the same place where love and freedom and pride are born. And it's the same place where those feelings and ideals die. That suffering never stops. We only pretend it does. We only tell ourselves it does, to make the kids stop whimpering in their sleep.' He
Gregory David Roberts |
La droga "tutto e nulla": ti prende tutto, e non ti lascia nulla. Ma il nulla che ti offre, il vuoto privo di sentimenti che ti elargisce, a volte e tutto cio che desideri."
Gregory David Roberts |
L'unico momento in cui smetteva di odiarsi era quando il rischio era talmente grande da costringerlo ad agire senza pensare e senza provare nessuna emozione.
Gregory David Roberts |
L'anima non ha cultura. L'anima non ha nazione. L'anima non ha colore, accento stile di vita. L'anima e per sempre. L'anima e una. E quando il cuore prova un momento di verita, di dolore, l'anima non sa restare immobile. Uno dei motivi per cui abbiamo un terribile bisogno d'amore, e lo cerchiamo disperatamente, e perche l'amore e l'unica cura per la solitudine, per la vergogna e la sofferenza. Ma alcuni sentimenti si nascondono cosi profond..
Gregory David Roberts |
A dream is the place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and the fear are exactly the same, we call the dream a nightmare.
Gregory David Roberts |
Il passato si riflette perennemente in due specchi: quello luminoso delle parole pronunciate e delle azioni compiute e quello scuro, colmo di tutte le cose che non abbiamo detto o fatto.
Gregory David Roberts |
Una volta qualcuno mi ha detto che se trasformi il tuo cuore in un'arma, prima o poi finisci per usarla contro di te.
Gregory David Roberts |
Ogni volta che agiamo, pur con le migliori intenzioni, ogni volta che interferiamo con le cose del mondo, rischiamo di provocare un disastro che forse non dipende da noi, ma che non si verificherebbe senza il nostro intervento.
Gregory David Roberts |
E' un bene conoscere cosa ce di sbagliato al mondo, ma e altrettanto importante sapere che per quanto il mondo sia sbagliato tu non puoi cambiarlo, ma vorrei credere che se agiamo nel modo giusto tutto puo cambiare in meglio.
Gregory David Roberts |
Non sopporto i politici, e gente che ti promette un ponte anche se non ci sono fiumi.
Gregory David Roberts |
La cosa sbagliata... per un motivo giusto.
Gregory David Roberts |
The simple and astonishing truth about India and Indian people is that when you go there, and deal with them, your heart always guides you more wisely than your head. There's nowhere else in the world where that's quite so true.
Gregory David Roberts |
Money isn't the root of all evil. Evil is the root of all money. There's no such thing as clean money. All the money in the world is dirty, in some way, because there's no clean way to make it.
Gregory David Roberts |
Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going?
Gregory David Roberts |
It seemed impossible that a modern airport, full of prosperous and purposeful travellers, was only kilometres away from those crushed and cindered dreams. My first impression was that some catastrophe had taken place, and that the slums were refugee camps for the shambling survivors. I learned, months later, that they were survivors, of course, those slum-dwellers: the catastrophes that had driven them to the slums from their villages were ..
Gregory David Roberts |
Cruel laughter is the way cowards cry when they're not alone, and causing pain is how they grieve.
Gregory David Roberts |
The cops watched me and the Georges and the other foreigners who worked the streets, and they knew exactly what we were doing. They reasoned, truly enough, that we caused no violent harm, and we were good for business in the black market that brought them bribes and other benefits. They took their cut from the drug and currency dealers. They left us alone. They left me alone.
Gregory David Roberts |
The truth is a bully we all pretend to like/
Gregory David Roberts |
Glory belongs to God, of course; that's what the word really means. And you can't serve God with a gun.
Gregory David Roberts |
Plast proslosti sazdan je od komadica osecanja i sasiven nitima rebusa. Najvise sto mozemo da ucinimo, uglavnom, je da ga ogrnemo utehe radi, ili da ga vucemo za sobom dok se borimo da idemo dalje. Ali sve ima svoj uzrok i smisao. Svaki zivot, svaka ljubav, svako delo i osecanje, svaka misao ima svoj razlog i svoj znacaj: svoj pocetak i ulogu koju odigraju na kraju. Nekada zaista vidimo. Nekada vidimo proslost tako jasno, i cutimo objasnjen..
Gregory David Roberts |
Jer je to ono sto cinimo. Iskoracimo jednom nogom, pa onda drugom. Jos jednom podignemo pogled ka rezanju i osmehu sveta. Mislimo. Delamo. Osecamo. Dajemo svoj maleni doprinos plimi i oseci dobra i zla koje plave svet i povlace se iz njega. Vucemo svoje nevidljive krstove ka nadi koju nosi jos jedna noc. Guramo svoja hrabra srca ka obecanju koje nosi novi dan. S ljubavlju: onom strasnom potragom za istinom mimo nase sopstvene. Sa ceznjom: t..
Gregory David Roberts |
Nishcho ne priliaga taka v dlanta i ne e tolkova na miastoto si, i ne vd'khnoviava tolkova zakrilnicheskiia instinkt kato detskata r'ka.
Gregory David Roberts |
When you know you're going to die, there's no comfort in cleverness. Genius is vain, and cleverness is hollow, at the end. The
Gregory David Roberts |
Wenn einen das Schicksal nicht zum Lachen bringt, dann hat man den Witz nicht kapiert.
Gregory David Roberts |
Nel mondo e tutto sbagliato, e la cosa peggiore che si possa fare e continuare a vivere. Eppure bisogna continuare a vivere. E questo dilemma che ci fa credere alla bugia che esistano un'anima e un Dio che si preoccupa delle sorti.
Gregory David Roberts |
Black markets for things exist,' he said slowly, as if confiding a personal secret rather than a commercial fact, 'because the white markets are too strict. In this case, in the case of currencies, the government and the Reserve Bank of India control the white markets, and they're too strict. It's all about greed, and control. These are the two elements that make for commercial crime. Any one of them, on its own, is not enough. Greed withou..
Gregory David Roberts |
There's a theory that snoring at night in sleep is a subconscious defence reflex--a warning sound that frightened potential predators away from the mouth of the cave when our lower-Palaeolithic ancestors huddled in vulnerable sleep.
Gregory David Roberts |
Millions of dreams were born there, around us, every day. Millions of dreams died there, and were born again. The humid air was thick with dreams, everywhere, in my Mumbai.
Gregory David Roberts |
Lin, covek mora da nade dobru zenu i kad je nade mora da osvoji njenu ljubav. Onda mora da zaradi njeno postovanje. Onda mora da cuva njeno poverenje. I onda mora, ono, da nastavi to da radi dok je ziv. DOk oboje ne umru. U tome je cela sustina. To je najvaznije na svetu. To je muskarac. Muskarac je stvarno muskarac kad osvoji ljubav dobre zene, zaradi neno postovanje i zadrzi njeno poverenje. Dok to nisi u stanju da uradis, nisi muskarac.
Gregory David Roberts |