Those native peoples were confounded by the mystery of the crucified man the whites worshipped, and they could not understand the advantage of living contrary to their inclinations in this world in order to enjoy a hypothetical well-being in another.
Isabel Allende |
There is no worse suffering than to love with fear,
Isabel Allende |
Although stunned and hungry, many sang, because it would have been pointless to aggravate misfortune by complaining.
Isabel Allende |
lns mndh `Swr l trq~ lyh ldhkr@ yfqdn 'bnhn, nh 'qdm alm lbshry@ w'kthrh Htmy@.
Isabel Allende |
Una vez me dijiste que los viejos hacen el amor sin prisa. No es mala idea. Vamos a querernos como un par de abuelitos, ?que te parece?
Isabel Allende |
Los chilenos veneran al Papa, pero no le hacen caso en asuntos sexuales y sus concecuencias, porque un anciano celibe, de buen pasar economico, que no ha trabajado en su vida, poco sabe de eso.
Isabel Allende |
He was a polite, thoughtful boy, who could spend hours in one spot, staring at the purple mountains against the clear blue sky, lost in his own thoughts and emotions. It was said of him that he had a monk's vocation, and that in Japan he would have been a novice in a Zen monastery. Although the Oomoto faith discouraged proselytizing, Takao surreptitiously preached his religion to Heideko and his children, but Ichimei was the only one who pr..
Isabel Allende |
Intimacy needs time to mature--a shared history, tears shed, obstacles overcome, photographs in an album. It's a slow-growing plant.
Isabel Allende |
I tried and tried to sleep, lulled by the movement, the purring of the motor, and the snores of the other passengers, but it's never been easy for me to sleep, and much less now, when I still have residues of the wild life running through my veins.
Isabel Allende |
Mi vida se hace al contarla y mi memoria se fija con la escritura; lo que no pongo en palabras sobre papel, lo borra el tiempo.
Isabel Allende |
Comprendio que se estaba muriendo en vida porque para el la libertad era mas importante que el amor
Isabel Allende |
You're going to have time to get bored, Maya. Take advantage of it to write down the monumental stupidities you've committed, see if you can come to grips with them,
Isabel Allende |
lHy@ lyst Swr@, yrtb 'Hdn fyh l'shy ky tbdw jmyl@ thm ythbt lSwr@ b`d dhlk lzmn tl
Isabel Allende |
l'mr lwHyd lmw'kd 'n kl shy ytGyr. f`l~ lrGm mn ltfqt tbrz mshkl Gyr mtwq`@, wlhdh lm tkn hnk jdw~ mn lqlq, wkthr@ ljdl 'w mHwl@ ltHkm b'dq ltfSyl, kn `lyn 'n nstslm lnTlq lHy@ lywmy@
Isabel Allende |
Next to the tree was a short, broad-shouldered Asian man in overalls and a straw hat, leaning on a spade. His face was weathered, and in a halting English difficult to follow, he told Alma that this moment was beautiful, but that it would last only a few days before the blooms fell like rain to the ground; much better was the memory of the cherry tree in bloom, because that would last all year, until the following spring.
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Fue lectora voraz desde muy corta edad, con los peligros que esa costumbre conlleva.
Isabel Allende |
Un dolor asi, dolor del alma, no se quita con remedios, terapia o vacaciones; un dolor asi se sufre, simplemente, a fondo, sin atenuantes, como debe ser
Isabel Allende |
el amor nos vuelve buenos. No importa a quien amemos, tampoco importa ser correspondidos o si la relacion es duradera. Basta la experiencia de amar, eso nos transforma.
Isabel Allende |
La nostalgia desgasta y aniquila, es el vicio de los desterrados.
Isabel Allende |
Barrabas llego a la familia por via maritima.
Isabel Allende |
Su extrana belleza tenia una cualidad perturbadora de la cual ni ella escapaba, parecia fabricada de un material diferente al de la raza humana.
Isabel Allende |
Since when has a man not beaten his wife? If he doesn't beat her, it's either because he doesn't love her or because he isn't a real man. Since when is a man's paycheck or the fruit of the earth or what the chickens lay shared between them, when everybody knows he is the one in charge? Since when has a woman ever done the same things as a man? Besides, she was born with a wound between her legs and without balls, right, Senora Clara?
Isabel Allende |
l'lm l mfr mnh lmn ymr fy hdhh lHy@
Isabel Allende |
D]as Gedachtnis [ist] schwach und der Lauf eines Lebens kurz und alles [geschieht] so rasch, dass wir den Zusammenhang zwischen den Ereignissen nicht mehr sehen, die Folgen der Taten nicht mehr ermessen konnen, wir glauben an die Fiktion der Zeit, an Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft, aber es kann auch sein, dass alles gleichzeitig geschieht [...]
Isabel Allende |
Der] ziellose Blick eines Menschen, der sich ausschliesslich von Gemuse ernahrt.
Isabel Allende |
D]ie Leute [lesen] nichts, was sie nicht interessiert, und wenn sie etwas interessier[t], [sind] sie auch reif dafur.
Isabel Allende |
Leanne lighted an oil lamp and they continued until the moment came to receive the baby. 'Erzulie, mother loa, help it be born,' Tete prayed aloud. 'Saint Raymond Nonatus, pay attention, do not let an African saint get ahead of you,' Leanne answered in the same tone, and they both burst out laughing.
Isabel Allende |
In all social classes except the most privileged, abnegation and hard work are considered the supreme female virtues; a spirit of sacrifice is a question of honor: the more one suffers for family, the prouder one feels. Women are used to thinking of their mate as a foolish child whose every serious fault, from drunkenness to domestic violence, they forgive . . . because he's a man.
Isabel Allende |
no hay sabiduria sin espiritualidad y la verdadera espiritualidad incluye siempre el servicio
Isabel Allende |
I stroke them, and they always like that, because old people don't have anyone who touches them, and I get them hooked on a TV series, because nobody wants to die before the final episode. Some of them find comfort in prayer, but there are lots of atheists here, and they don't pray. What's most important is not to leave them on their own.
Isabel Allende |
I realized that she had simply fulfilled her mission in this life and that she had escaped another dimension where her spirit, finally free of its material burden, would be more at home
Isabel Allende |
The elderly are the most entertaining people in the world," she eventually told Irina. "They have lived a lot, say whatever they like, and couldn't care less about other people's opinion. You'll never get bored here. Our residents are well educated, and if they're in good health they keep on learning and experimenting. This community stimulates them and they can avoid the worst scourge of old age: loneliness." Irina"
Isabel Allende |
Como puedes defender este sistema de vida= !Mira la pobreza! ?Te gustaria vivir asi? -No, Jaguar, pero tampoco me gustaria tener mas de lo que se necesita - replico ella
Isabel Allende |
La condicion femenina es una desgracia, hija, es como tener piedras atadas a los tobillos, no se puede volar.
Isabel Allende |
Piensa que los demas tienen mas miedo que tu.
Isabel Allende |
The North Americans' sense of time is very special. They are short on patience. Everything must be quick, including food and sex, which the rest of the world treats ceremoniously. Gringos invented two terms that are untranslatable into most languages: "snack" and "quickie," to refer to eating standing up and loving on the run . . . that, too, sometimes standing up. The most popular books are manuals: how to become a millionaire in ten easy ..
Isabel Allende |
n lqds@ thqyl@ lwT' Hqan y tyty, `lyk 'n thrby mn l'b nTwn wl stnthyn l~ `jwz hrm@ mthl l'kht lwsy
Isabel Allende |
El que es un miserable no se vuelve generoso con los anos...se vuelve mas miserable.
Isabel Allende |
She tried to understand what it meant to carry winter on your back, to hesitate over every step, to confuse words you don't hear properly, to have the impression that the rest of the world is going about in a great rush; the emptiness, frailty, fatigue, and indifference toward everything not directly related to you, even children and grandchildren, whose absence was not felt as it once had been, and whose names you had to struggle to rememb..
Isabel Allende |
lqd kn ywm t`ys. - 'lm tkn fy hdh lywm lHZ@ wHd@ Tyb@, y 'ndry? - bl~, lqd wq` Sby w ksr 'nfh. - w m lTyb fy hdh, bllh `lyk! - lm 'kn 'n.
Isabel Allende |
What is the most generous thing to do in this case?
Isabel Allende |
Como la aguja de una brujula apunta siempre al norte, asi el dedo acusador de un hombre apunta siempre a una mujer
Isabel Allende |
Olia a yerbas y tenia la piel fria. Supo que amarla era su destino inexorable.
Isabel Allende |
El aire fresco y el trabajo duro son remedios infalibles contra la estupidez del amor.
Isabel Allende |