Though auditing a class at the Sorbonne taught by Luce Irigaray and titled The Mother-Daughter Relationship: The Darkest of Dark Continents, Claire had followed maternal example by setting out guest towels.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
We were happy when Joe the Retard showed up. He arrived on his mother's arm, wearing his baggy Bermuda shorts and his blue baseball cap, and as usual he was grinning with the face he shared with every other mongoloid.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Mas talvez as Pulseiras de Pingentes soubessem mais da vida do que eu. Desde muito cedo compreendiam que o mundo dava pouco valor aos livros, e por isso nao gastavam seu tempo com eles. Ao passo que eu, ate hoje, persisto na crenca de que essas manchas pretas sobre papel branco tem a maior importancia, e que, se seguir escrevendo, talvez consiga capturar num pote o arco-iris da consciencia.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
That was the ideal: to remain dutiful to a preservationist ethos while not depriving yourself of modern creature comforts.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Lobsters are classified in the phylum Arthropoda, same as insects. They're bugs. And bugs are only lobsters that have learned to fly.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
That was when Leonard realized something crucial about depression. The smarter you were, the worse it was. The sharper your brain, the more it cut you up. As
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Aqui nos encontramos basicamente con una sonadora, una persona sin contacto con la realidad. Cuando salto, probablemente se figuraba que volaria
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Quiero hacerles unas preguntas: ?Es una cualidad la estupidez?, ?es una maldicion la inteligencia?
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Los suenos son para los que duermen, a nosotros nos toca vivir.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
And so it began. He played "Begin the Beguine" against Tessie's collarbone. He played "Moonface" against her smooth cheeks. Pressing the clarinet right up against the red toenails that had so dazzled him, he played "It Goes to Your Feet." With a secrecy they didn't acknowledge, Milton and Tessie drifted off to quiet parts of the house, and there, lifting her skirt a little, or removing a sock, or once, when nobody was home, pulling up her b..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Thinking back, we decided the girls had been trying to talk to us all along, to elicit our help, but we'd been too infatuated to listen. Our surveillance had been so focused we missed nothing but a simple returned gaze. Who else did they have to turn to? Not their parents. Nor the neighborhood. Inside their house they were prisoners; outside, lepers. And so they hid from the world, waiting for someone -- for us -- to save them.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
When Annie flirted she didn't always admit to herself that she was flirting. Sometimes she preferred to suspend her mental faculties so that she could flirt, as it were, without her mind watching. It was as if her body and mind separated, her body stepping behind a screen to remove its clothing while her mind, on the other side of the screen, paid no attention."."
Jeffrey Eugenides |
One's country was like one's self. The more you learned about it, the more there was to be ashamed of.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
I was aware only of what a strange thing it was to be male. Society discriminated against women, no question. But what about the discrimination of being sent to war? Which sex was really thought to be expendable?
Jeffrey Eugenides |
I hadn't gotten old enough yet to realize that living sends a person not into the future but back into the past, to childhood and before birth, finally, to commune with the dead.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
One's country is like oneself. The more you learned about it, the more there was to be ashamed of.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Les emotions, d'apres mon experience, ne sont pas recouvertes par de simples mots. Je ne crois pas en la << tristesse >>, la << joie >>, ou le << regret >>. Peut-etre la meilleure preuve de la nature patriarcale du langage est le fait qu'il simplifie les sentiments. J'aimerais avoir a ma disposition des emotions hybrides compliquees, des constructions germaniques comme, par exemple : << Le bonheur qui accompagne le desastre. >> Ou : << La d..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Emotions, in my experience, aren't covered by single words. I don't believe in "sadness," "joy," or "regret." Maybe the best proof that the language is patriarchal is that it oversimplifies feeling. I'd like to have at my disposal complicated hybrid emotions, Germanic train car constructions like, say, "the happiness that attends disaster." Or: "the disappointment of sleeping with one's fantasy." I'd like to show how "intimations of mortali..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Une femme n'est pas une pasteque dans laquelle on fait un trou pour voir si elles est sucree.
Jeffrey Eugenides |