It was possible to feel superior to other people and like a misfit at the same time.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
All I know is this: despite my androgenized brain, there's an innate feminine circularity in the story I have to tell. In any genetic history. I'm the final clause in a periodic sentence, and that sentence begins a long time ago, in another language, and you have to read it from the beginning to get to the end, which is my arrival.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Only the Lisbon house remained dark, a tunnel, an emptiness, past our smoke and flames.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
La observo con tal concentracion que hasta dejo de existir
Jeffrey Eugenides |
But even as we make these conclusions we feel our throats plugging up, because they are both true and untrue. So much has been written about the girls in the newspapers, so much has been said over backyard fences, or related over the years in psychiatrists' offices, that we are certain only of the insufficiency of explanations.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Apesar de todos os cuidados e reclamacoes sobre ervas daninhas, eles nao davam a minima para os gramados.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
A tragedia se tornou difusa e universalizada.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Inertes exceto quando removidos, batiam as asas com furia entre nossos dedos e entao voavam para se agarrar novamente a qualquer coisa, inertes outra vez
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Nosso unico legado seria a desercao.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Callie rises up inside me, wearing my skin like a loose robe. She sticks her little hands into the baggy sleeves of my arms. She inserts her chimp's feet through the trousers of my legs. On the sidewalk I'll feel her girlish walk take over, and the movement brings back a kind of emotion, a desolate and gossipy sympathy for the girls I see coming home from school.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Callie rises up inside me, wearing my skin like a loose robe. She sticks her little hands into the baggy sleeves of my arms. She inserts her chimp's feet through the trousers of my legs. On the sidewalk I'll feel her girlish walk take over, and the movement brings back a kind of emotion, a desolate and gossipy sympathy for the girls I see coming home from school. This continues for a few more steps. Calliope's hair tickles the back of my th..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Emerson said, "I am more of a Quaker than anything else. I believe in the still, small voice."
Jeffrey Eugenides |
The only way we know it's true is that we both dreamed it. That's what reality is. It's a dream everyone has together.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
General John L. Throckmorton set up the headquarters of the 101st Airborne at Southeastern High, where my parents had gone to school.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
I did what any loving, loyal daughter would have done who had been raised on a diet of Hercules movies.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Part of my interest was zoological. I's never seen a creature with so many freckles before. A Big Bang had occurred, originating at the bridge of her nose, and the force of this explosion had sent galaxies hurtling and drifting every end of her curved, warm-blooded universe. There were clusters of freckles on her forearms and wrists, an entire Milky Way spreading across her forehead, even a few sputtering quasars flung into the wormholes of..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
There's a thing they've figured out about love. Scientifically. They've done studies to find out what keeps couples together. Do you know what it is? It isn't getting along. Isn't having money, or children, or a similar outlook on life. It's just checking in with each other. Doing little kindnesses for each other. At breakfast, you pass the jam. Or, on a trip to New York City, you hold hands for a second in a smelly subway elevator. You ask..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
But then she came closer and we saw the light in her eyes we have been looking for ever since.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
My mother pictured a daughter as a counterinsurgent: a fellow lover of lapdogs, a seconder of proposals to attend the Ice Capades. In
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Dust balls lined the steps. A half-eaten sandwich sat atop the landing where someone had felt too sad to finish it.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Ha egyszer megjartad az alvilagot, soha tobbe nem felejted el a visszavezeto utat.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
asked to translate different bits
Jeffrey Eugenides |
A tulelok buntudata gyotorte, azert menekult a vilagegyetem kiismerhetetlen eroinek karmai koze, hogy buntesse magat, amiert meg mindig elt.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
A termeszet sem tudott megvigasztalni. A kulvilag veget ert. Barhova is mentem volna, mindenutt csak magammal talalkozom.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Though he'd never been religious, he realized now that he'd always believed in the soul, in a force of personality that survived death. But as his mind continued to waver, to short-circuit, he finally arrived at the cold-eyed conclusion, so at odds with his youthful cheerfulness, that the brain was just an organ like any other and that when it failed he would be no more.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Gathered in the folding chairs of the meeting room, they made a diverse group with the drug-addicted, a perfect democracy of collapse.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Ilyenek a ferfiak. Ugy mutatjak ki az erzelmeiket, hogy rad telepszenek, akar a koporsofedel. Es meg ezt hivjak szerelemnek.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Judge Woodward envisioned the new Detroit as an urban Arcadia of interlocking hexagons. Each wheel was to be separate yet united. This dream never quite came to be. Planning is for the world's great cities, for Paris, London, and Rome, for cities dedicated, at some level, to culture. Detroit, on the other hand, was an American city and therefore dedicated to money, and so design had given way to expediency.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
The adaptation [to assembly lines] has been passed down: we've all inherited it to some degree, so that we plug right into the joysticks and remotes, to repetitive motions of a hundred kinds.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
He had been a teacher so long he had a sink in his room.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Aunt Zo, who never missed a chance to lament her marriage, had said at dinner in her comedienne's voice, "My husband. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride."
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Ugy dontott, hogy nem ragadhat le, elni kell tovabb.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Olyannak akarta erezni a vilagot, mint ahol csak most kezdodik az elet - holott valojaban epp veget erni keszult.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
It was still years before Desdemona, cutting cucumbers, would lean against the corner of the kitchen table and, without realizing it, would lean in a little harder, and after that would find herself taking up that position every day, the table corner snug between her legs.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Barmerre menekultem is, mindenutt teged lattalak magam elott.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Hirtelen az jutott az eszembe, hany es hany kulonos sorsot rejt magaban a vilag: akik odabent elnek a hazakban, azoknak ezerfele gondolat nyuzsog a fejeben, penzugyek, szerelmi gondok, iskolai problemak. Az emberek szerelembe esnek, osszehazasodnak, kabitoszer-elvonokurara jarnak, korcsolyazni tanulnak, bifokalis szemuveget probalnak az optikusnal es ruhakat az aruhazi probafulkeben, hajat vagatnak, megszuletnek. Vannak hazak, ahol a lakok ..
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Ordogi kor alakult ki: nem volt kit szeretni, hat nem volt tobbe szerelem, nem volt tobbe szerelem, nem szulettek tobbe gyerekek, es mert nem szulettek tobbe gyerekek, nem volt kit szeretni tobbe.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Olive trees are intimate creatures, eloquent in their twistedness. It's easy to understand why the ancients believed human spirits could be trapped inside them.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Lefty and Desdemona's cousin, Sourmelina, had gone to America and was living now in a place called Detroit. Built
Jeffrey Eugenides |
pulled out a blue bandanna,
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Or in my grandparents's case, the circling worked like this: as they paced around the deck the first time, Lefty and Desdemona were still brother and sister. The second time, the were bride and bridegroom. And the third, they were husband and wife.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
biosynthesis and peripheral action of testosterone,
Jeffrey Eugenides |
Planning is for the world's great cities, for Paris, London, and Rome, for cities dedicated, at some level, to culture. Detroit, on the other hand, was an American city and therefore dedicated to money, and so design had given way to expediency. Since 1818, the city had spread out along the river, warehouse by warehouse, factory by factory. Judge Woodward's wheels had been squashed, bisected, pressed into the usual rectangles.
Jeffrey Eugenides |
The two of them, father and son, lived like roommates, stumbling upon each other in their matching peacock robes, bitching over who used up the coffee, but by afternoon they drifted in the pool together, bumping the sides, compatriots in the search for a little passion on earth. They
Jeffrey Eugenides |