You tried to kidnap me, Luc. Hmm, he murmured. That means I like you. I arched a brow. Okay. That's messed up on about a thousand different levels. Probably, I don't people well.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I'd wanted the truth, but actually hearing it - seeing it - was totally different.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Deacon met my glare with an impish grin. "Anyway, did you celebrate Valentine's Day when you were slumming with the mortals?" I blinked. "Not really. Why?" Aiden snorted and then disappeared into one of the rooms. "Follow me," Deacon said. "You're going to love this. I just know it." I followed him down the dimly-lit corridor that was sparsely decorated. We passed several closed doors and a spiral staircase. Deacon went through an archway a..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Nothing in this world is stronger than love. It should always be enough, no matter what.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Gods, Josie." He wrapped his arms around me, fitting me to the side of his body. "You've...you've made my life."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I was going to throw myself a freaking party when I got home. Like an eat-fudge-icing-straight-out-of-the-freaking-can kind of party. Hardcore. Knuckles
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
And you just now say something?" Tink vaulted over the couch. Like, jumped up and cleared the back and landed, standing on the center cushion. I gaped at him. "How in the world did your towel stay on for that when I can't even get one to stay wrapped around me when I get out of the shower?" "Magic," he replied. "Seriously. " --
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Finish that sentence and I will stab you in the eye with the spork Bethany's about to pull out of her bag for her apple sauce." He smiled gamely. "And she'd be very upset if I got her spork all messed up. She's rather fond of the thing."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
There were a thousand things I could've said to him in that moment. I didn't know why, out of everything, I said what I did. "Jayden told me once, after the day in the garage, that he looked up to you and Hector. I...I just thought you should know that was real." The skin around his eyes and mouth tightened. I did something else I didn't really think about. I stretched up once more and kissed his cheek. I felt his sharp inhale, and with one..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I stared at him, torn between wanting to laugh and to punch him in the face
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
You're breaking my heart." At the sound of Rider's voice, I wheeled around, clutching my bag to my side. First thing I noticed was the faded Ravens emblem stretched over his broad chest, and then I forced my eyes up. The slight scruff along his jaw was gone. Nothing but smooth skin today. No notebook. Hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, a familiar, crooked grin pulled at Rider's lips, causing the dimple in his right cheek to pop. He..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I'm a lot to handle, but I can assure you, you'll have fun handling me.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I still love you. I'm still right here with you.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
No sabia demasiado a estas alturas, pero si sabia que daria mi vida por ella.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I lost myself the moment I found you"- Roth"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
El amor es una criatura extrana que uno cree que conoce y entiende, solo para descubrir mas tarde que solo era una probada del sentimiento real.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
What destiny crap are you talking about?" A secretive smile curved the corners of his lips. "There is so much you do not know." Why I hadn't blasted the glittery fuck-face out the window yet was anyone's guess."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Did I get you in trouble today during practice?" "No. I'm usual y easily distracted. So it was nothing new." Luke nudged me, grinning. "I can see why you are distracted. Too bad he's a pure. I'd give my left butt cheek for a piece of that." "He likes girls." "So?" Luke laughed at my expression. "What's he like? He seems so quiet. Like you know he'd be good in--" "Stop right there!"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Ah, you are amusing." "I am not amusing!" I lifted my chin. "I'm pissed." "Really," he replied dryly. "I never would've guessed that."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I was having one of those nights where I questioned everything that ever was, and I was getting on my own nerves. I blamed Seth.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Just because you're a god doesn't mean I won't punch you." "Just because you're a guest in my house doesn't mean I won't drown you in the ocean."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Words were not the enemy or the monster under my bed, but they held such power over me.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Daria mi vida por ella. Y aquello era totalmente epico. Los demonios no daban nada por nadie.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I gagged, trying not think about the fact that I just swallowed some of the Dirt Man as I rolled away from him. Armentrout, Jennifer L. (2013-10-31). Sentinel (The Covenant Series Book 5) (p. 228). Spencer Hill Press. Kindle Edition.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Don't you dare laugh, you jerk-face! This is not funny. My wings are a freak of Nature!' He lifted his hands. 'I'm not going to laugh, but I think you should leave the razors alone. Besides, lots of things have feathers in their wings.' 'Like what?' I demanded 'Like...like hawks' He answered My brow furrowed. 'Hawks? HAWKS?' 'And eagles?' "I'm not a bird, Roth!' Patience leaked out of me."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I don't regret saying something," I said as he pulled down the street. He glanced at me."Well, I regret not punching him in the face." My lips twitched."Sorry. I couldn't let that happen." "I'm sure I'll get another opportunity," He muttered, squinting out the windshield."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I cried it all out in the bathroom of a house that didn't belong to me, held in the protective arms of the Crown Prince of Hell.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Life was really too short and twisted to hold grudges, especially over something she truly had no control over.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Le emozioni si confondenvano dentro di me, ma la risposta era semplice
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Fuera de mi cabeza! --No puedo evitarlo. Estas transmitiendo tus pensamientos tan condenadamente fuerte, que siento que debo ir a sentarme en un rincon y comenzar a mecerme, susurrando el nombre de Daemon una y otra vez.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
You can't judge an entire race based on a few individuals.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I watched her until I could no longer keep my eyes open. I then counted each breath she took until I could no longer remember what the last number was. And when that happened, I repeated her name, over and over again, until it was the last thing I thought before I slipped into oblivion.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Cross that bridge when we get there, that kind of thing, but as long as everyone is together, we'll figure something out.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Dee kuncogott, es egy nyalokat dugott a szajaba. - Na jo, mielott nemet mondasz, Ashsel mar megbeszeltem. - Mit beszeltel meg? - neztem ra ertetlenul. - Holnap bulit rendeznek naluk. Csak mi megyunk, egyparan. Daemon is ott lesz. - Ize, nem hiszem, hogy Ash szeretne engem ott latni. - De, minden oke. - Dee ugy repdesett a nappaliban faltol falig, mint egy csapdaba esett pillango. - Megigerte, hogy nem lesz tusko. Szerintem kezd megkedv..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
sorry, luv, all is far in war/
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Or do I need to repeat myself for a third time? It's okay. I like to hear myself talk.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Go figure it wouldn't be with a human but a freaking alien. At least I now knew that the male species were asses no matter what planet they hailed from.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
I ate lunch with Keira today. Second day in a row," I told him, then winced at how stupid that sounded. Rider's grin turned into a full smile, transforming his handsome face into the kind of masculine beauty that was like a punch to the chest. "That's really good, Mallory." His voice dropped as he reached over, curving his hand over my arm. There was a near electric rush from his touch. "I'm proud of you. For real." Giddiness surrounded my ..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Defended myself." I mimicked him, bopping my head back and forth."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
It's a sign of the times, man. It'll probably be on some Alpha's Facebook wall within the hour." Alphas"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
What does... mean?" Rider blinked and his lips slowly parted. Surprise splashed across his face. Yeah, I'd spoken in front of Hector. I felt sort of giddy. Might've only been a handful of words, but it was the first time I spoke to him. It was the first time I'd spoken to anyone in front of Rider since we crossed paths again. He'd never been around when Jayden had. Biting down on my lip to stop from grinning, I dared a peek at Hector. His ..
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
You're on crack if you think I'm removing a single stitch of clothing." "Like"
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Mire alrededor a la gente que abarrotaba el enorme salon de la escuela. Era como si todos los Guardias y Centinelas estuviesen alli, de pie bajo las estatuas de las nueve musas. Las nueve olimpicas, hijas de Zeus y Mnemosine, o quien fuese con la que se lio. ?Quien lo sabia a ciencia cierta? El dios se movia bastante.
Jennifer L. Armentrout |
Suddenly Tink was right in front of my face, causing me to jerk back. "I know you're mad at me and you probably want to slice and dice me up and wear my skin as a new bracelet." I glanced around. "Um. That's not exactly what I want to do." Hope widened his eyes. "But I kind of want to flush you down a toilet," I amended. He gasped. "I'd get stuck! And these pipes are old. How would you even do that? I'm not a goldfish." I rolled my eyes."
Jennifer L. Armentrout |