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6f164db That's an alien. I'm an alien. We're aliens. Aliens everywhere, acutally, which is why we have to leave. I'm sure someone called the police by now. Jennifer L. Armentrout
55c413a I was more of a 'run into things head-first and face-plant a wall' type of fighter. Jennifer L. Armentrout
8a6547e Hell, we my end up killing each other over something stupid next week. It's a possibility. But all I do know is what I feel for you isn't going anywhere. humor Jennifer L. Armentrout
a761b78 Alex, open your eyes. Come on, baby, open those eyes." I really wanted to, because for him I'd do anything. Fight a horse of half-blood daimons? There. Tangle with ticked-off furies? Sign me up. Break a dozen or so rules for one forbidden kiss? Done. Open my eyes? Apparently that was asking too much." Jennifer L. Armentrout
85ea8ba His eyes were burning a liquid silver and his arm tightened around me. "I would give up on you, Alex. Never." "Then why are you being such a--" "What?" his voice dropped low. "I'm being what?" Infuriating. Stubborn. Thick-skulled. Freaking sexy. "Good gods, can we stop arguing and just, I don't know, make out?" Jennifer L. Armentrout
a33d989 In their minds, they still had forever. But we knew better. Forever was something we all took for granted, but the problem with forever was that it really didn't exist. Jennifer L. Armentrout
fa19567 Daemon practically knocked me over to get in one last comment. "Don't forget. There are cooler things out there than fallen angels and dead guys. Just saying." He winked. I pictured an entire legion of females swooning. Pushing him aside, I winced and clicked the off button on the webcam page. "You like seeing yourself being recorded." He shrugged. "That was fun. When do you do another?" -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
28e087c Okay. This was good. This was heading somewhere I'd-- "I want to strangle you," she said, her voice hoarse. All right, that wasn't good. Not at all. "You have no idea how badly I want to kick you right now," she added. And that was worse. This wasn't-- "I love you," she said, and she swallowed. "I've loved you since you pushed me down on the playground. I swear-- I've loved you since then." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
e5df39c Apparently, there was even a meme created already. The incredibly photogenic glowing-alien meme. Jennifer L. Armentrout
771f756 You make me think before I act. You make me want to be a better person-Luxen-whatever. Jennifer L. Armentrout
08ad48a This was better than looking through Tumblr posts of hot guys. Jennifer L. Armentrout
dfba9f5 What are you still doing up?" I twisted around, spotting Hayden in the doorway. "Watching the... uh," I turned back, frowning at the screen, "the... way tigers mate." I sighed. Damn you, Discovery Channel. He chuckled deep in his throat. "Didn't know that kind of thing interested you." "Oh. Yeah, always wanted to know how they picked their boyfriends." romance Jennifer L. Armentrout
765dc7a Did you know me then?" she asked sleepily. "No." I held her closer, as if I could somehow pull her inside me and keep her safe. "But I knew, in that moment, you were amazing." Jennifer L. Armentrout
142095f Guy: Ash is going to kick your ass, Daemon. Daemon: Nah, she likes my ass too much for that. Jennifer L. Armentrout
bdd07ac Are you turning into a cougar? Is this some sort of midlife crisis I need to be concerned about? Jennifer L. Armentrout
8d4743b I'm not drunk,' I said indignantly. You were just dancing like some wood nymph five minutes ago. You took your shirt off and now you're latched onto me like a little monkey. So don't tell me you're in complete control of yourself. Jennifer L. Armentrout
ba86fb6 I turned and reached over,wrapping my arms around his all too stiff body. I hugged him, squeezing him as tightly as I could. And then I let him go before he overreacted and threw me off the rock. Daemon still didn't move. He stared at me, eyes wide, like he'd never been hugged before. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c02b522 Whispers followed me down the hall. Ignoring them was harder than I'd imagined. Every Cell in my body demanded that I confront them. And do what? Jump on them like a crazy spider monkey and take them all out? Yah, not going to win me any fans. funny Jennifer L. Armentrout
1a630fb I wanted Kat out. Every cell of my being demanded that I protect her, even though I knew she was hella capable of doing so herself, but I wanted her far away from here. Hell, I'd keep her in Bubble Wrap if it weren't so damn creepy and also inconvenient, considering I had a terrible habit of obsessively popping the damn things until not a single bubble was left. young-adult romance lux-series opposition paranormal-romance Jennifer L. Armentrout
75f63c5 There is so much you don't know or understand ... So don't claim to know what I really want or what I would do to protect it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
359c5f5 It must be cool, having a twin, though." "Ah, not sure if cool is the right word." He flashed a grin. "But we're not twins." Out in the crowded hallway, Bethany frowned. "You're not? Could've fooled me and the world." His laugh was husky, deep, and really nice to hear. "We're triplets." Her eyes popped wide. "Holy crap, there're three of you?" "We have a sister." He walked close to her, so their shoulders bumped every few steps. She found t.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
e89e743 Oh. Yeah, um..." I was pretty sure I matched a fire truck. "He's a heavy sleeper." "I'm sure he is." Dominic stepped back. "If you wish to join your uncle, I'll be waiting outside. You should have time to get ready. Your uncle is a...heavy sleeper, also." Whaaaa...and then it hit me. Ew. Ew. Ew." heavy-sleepers alex dominic marcus Jennifer L. Armentrout
21e328d Breaking the cookie in two, he handed me the larger piece. I snatched it away, half tempted to throw it back in his face, but it was chocolate chip. So I ate it and loved it. katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
d0c56ca No one else. It was me who had to carry myself over the finish line, and all I needed to remember when I felt like not trying was that that feeling wouldn't last forever. Forever. I used to believe it didn't exist. One word has terrified me as a child and it haunted me. But now I knew, and many small ways, but it was real, But it didn't scare me anymore. Forever wasn't a little girl cowering in the closet. Forever wasn't the shadows sitt.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
9dcdaed Don't you want to know what cookies is a code word for?" "No! Good God, no!" funny code-word cookie jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cookies cam haha Jennifer L. Armentrout
c6706d7 If you tell me to leave, I'll turn and walk away. I swear that, Ivy, but I had to try one more time. I'm not going to possibly go to my grave without trying. Please. Don't let me go. Jennifer L. Armentrout
6582e3d To love is not weak. Love is the strongest thing there is. love Jennifer L. Armentrout
03215d5 She's not going anywhere anytime soon. Dawson knocked her into next week, I think. Jennifer L. Armentrout
84f9e6c I...can't believe you have kittens." I wiggled my fingers and the little guy strained to reach them. "What're their names?" Roth snorted. "That one is Fury. The white one is Nitro and the black one is named Thor." "What? You called these cuties something like that, but named a giant snake Bambi?" He bent forward, placing a kiss on my shoulder. It was so fast I wasn't sure he'd actually done it. "There's sweetness in evil," he said. "And rem.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c56565f He hasn't even eaten at Olive Garden, so I doubt he's a connoisseur of hotels." - Kat "No Olive Garden? Man, we've got to get that boy some endless breadsticks and salad. Travesty." - Daemon" daemon-black lux lux-series origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
8c59bcd Okay. I'll admit, I slept or doodled through most of my classes. I have no idea who you're talking about. covenant-series jennifer-l-armentrout sentinel Jennifer L. Armentrout
46410b5 I seriously love these socks." "Give me back my foot," I ordered. "It's not so much the fact that they've got reindeers on them or that they go all the way up to your knees." As if that were some kind of great distance. "But it's the fact that they're like mittens on your feet." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2a89e56 Sporks are only used in the most dire situations. life-saving sporks katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
66435dd Hades will be here in twenty minutes," Apollo announced from somewhere way too close to the bed. "Either speed this up or pick it up later, kids." "Oh my gods," I whispered, horrified. "Oh, and I hope you two are being responsible," Apollo added. And then he was gone. There was a muffled, hoarse shout from a room nearby. "Damn him," Aiden muttered, dropping his head onto my shoulder. He shuddered. "Damn him to the Underworld and back again.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
db6b817 This speech wasn't forever. Being embarrassed as not forever. None of this was forever. But trying was. Living was. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a20f896 I stared at him in disbelief and sputtered, "You can't - Get off!" One single brown arched up. "I can't get off? Oh, I most definitely can get of." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2f0b043 Tomorrow or next week wasn't guaranteed. Not that it ever was, but for us, things really weren't looking in our favor. There really was only one now, and I wanted to seize the moment and live in it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
ba6671a I want you so badly it's like a hunger that gnaws at me endlessly. It doesn't go away ... You have no fucking clue." "Then do something about it," I whispered." Jennifer L. Armentrout
906180f I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. "Guess what?" "What?" Meeting his amber-colored eyes, I admitted what probably wasn't a secret, but what I felt like I needed to put into words. "I like you, Seth." He stopped his hand over mine, staying there, as he gave me a lopsided smile. "Guess what?" "What?" I whispered. Seth shifted so that his lips brushed mine as he spoke. "I like you too, Josie." seth-diodoros the-return Jennifer L. Armentrout
7698141 Oh, shimmer down, Hunter. You're too testy. How many times have I've told you that you need to chill out, take a vacay. Disney World is really fun this time of the year. you should check it out. time world shimmer disney hunter disney-world year luc vacation Jennifer L. Armentrout
a822345 Roth lowered his forehead to mine as he brought our joined hands to his chest, placing them above his heart. "And I love you," he said. "With every breath I take, I will always love you." Jennifer L. Armentrout
b3a6b94 Or maybe it was the soul that worked that way, seeking out warmth and touch, needing to prove that we were still in the world of living. Jennifer L. Armentrout
0d55f70 You haven't locked yourself in any rooms or rocked in any corners, right? Jennifer L. Armentrout
1473ac5 A second later, there was a knock on my door and a booming voice. 'Alexandria?' Seth stilled above me, panting. 'You have got to be freaking kidding me.' Leon knocked again. [...] 'Lucian is requesting your presence immediately.' Another gap of silence followed. 'He is also requesting to see you, Seth.' Seth frowned as the gleam in his eyes faded. 'How in the world does he know I'm in here?' 'Leon...just knows.' I pushed at him weakly. 'Get.. Jennifer L. Armentrout