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4354135 I will regret being with you, Syd. Never. And I wish I could go back and relive those hours. I wish I could go back in time, and instead of hooking up with some chick, I'd man up and tell you how I really felt for you, how I've felt for you. j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout Jennifer L. Armentrout
8e717ba You drive me fucking insane sometimes." I drove myself fucking insane." j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you cam insane Jennifer L. Armentrout
f2e65ec Some girl named Eva has him convinced that you put out after one beer." "What?" My voice was as shrill as the ringing tardy bell "I personally don't believe it" he went on blithely, "and I have a Porsche. Not as much leg room as a Beamer, but so much hotter, I'm told." white-hot-kiss layla roth Jennifer L. Armentrout
46c74b0 but then again, they were like baby Einsteins on crack. humor origin katy-swartz Jennifer L. Armentrout
a342f93 It's okay. Everything is okay, . You're here now and I have you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a663f4b Hope flickered in my chest. 'Do you think they'll stop this... zombie-apocalypse-in-the-making if they realize I'm back on Team Not-Insane? Jennifer L. Armentrout
83f5c55 Vegas. I was in Vegas with a Titan who needed to get drunk and laid. Jennifer L. Armentrout
4bf44c8 I would be clapping like a seal right now if I weren't so fucking hung over, just so you know. Inside, I am doing happy jumping jacks for you with glittery pom poms. Jennifer L. Armentrout
82fd46f Jesus. He could see the headlines now. Aliens Among Us. Run! Jennifer L. Armentrout
899d157 The gods wanted war? They were about to get it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
188ba3a Sorry. Sorry. Don't hit. Bitches be scary when they hit. lmfao j-lynn jennifer-l-armentrout wait-for-you jacob haha lol hit Jennifer L. Armentrout
669d232 Seeing her, well, it did things I hadn't been ready to delve into before. Hell, I really didn't even know at what point I had become ready. Probably happened somewhere between when I thought she was dead and when she wasn't. Jennifer L. Armentrout
a1edfba Bethany." His quiet voice intruded. Her heart turned over heavily. "This is real right?" His face contorted as if he were in pain. "Yes, it's real." Crazy people probably did things like this all the time. Asked their imaginary alien friends if they were real, and of course, they'd say yes." Jennifer L. Armentrout
035fe65 There was something soul-burningly about being on the brink of losing control, tumbling over into the unknown, and I wanted to fall and never resurface. --Jennifer L. Armentrout losing-control onyx katy Jennifer L. Armentrout
5dd0717 For once, I don't hurt. I don't worry. I want this. Jennifer L. Armentrout
d739a9a There were always choices. I'd made a string of bad ones myself. At least I could admit that. Jennifer L. Armentrout
c0875ea Seth burst into laughter. . Jennifer L. Armentrout
cedc235 It wasn't about the age-old battle of Arum versus Luxen. I wasn't fighting to feed or to work off aggression. I wasn't fighting because I was told or was obligated. I was fighting for Serena. She meant everything to me. Knowing that, fully understanding what that mean, I was on a motherfucking warpath. Jennifer L. Armentrout
95d7c65 Yeah, she had me. I was all hers. In reality, even though I'd been with everyone else, I'd always been Syd's. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b16576d God, you tick me off." "Well, at least I got you--" "Don't even finish that statement!" I snatched up my socks and tights. Rolling them on, I hobbled on one foot. "Ugh, I hate you sometimes." He sat up in one fluid motion. "Not too long ago, you were really, really loving me." -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
f118fe3 I remembered all the little things. Oh, yuck. I wanted to scrub out my brain with detergent. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cbd2983 Throwing a sub at the Apollyon probably wasn't something that should be done in public. But I couldn't help it; I laughed. humor seth Jennifer L. Armentrout
14dcd7b Free will, huh? Damn. It is a bitch.' And then he smiled-he smiled-at me, a real smile, revealing those deep dimples. 'I lost myself the moment I found you. Jennifer L. Armentrout
cd97a04 I want you to change me. I want to become what she is" -Will "I can't just twitch my nose and make it happen." -Daemon" onyx lux-series Jennifer L. Armentrout
3110325 Somehow, in the relatively short time I'd known Serena, she had wiggled her way into my cold body. She was my light, my warmth, and I wasn't ready to let her go. Jennifer L. Armentrout
8e80e74 Cayman cocked his head to the side. "When is there ever a right time to fully give your heart to another? There are always going to be obstacles. You just have to decide which ones are worth it." Jennifer L. Armentrout
2043e0f If there's a will, there's a way Jennifer L. Armentrout
c4f1a8b I'm a demon, Layla. What I see in your eyes and what I sense from your body is something I will take. Make no mistake. I'll give you one chance. Close your eyes, and I'll let this go." I felt weak under his consuming stare, but I didn't close my eyes. "Layla." He said my name as if it hurt him. And then he kissed me." Jennifer L. Armentrout
72d9e78 Why couldn't he say I reminded him of Ariel or something? Then again, Ariel was kind of stupid, giving up her voice for a dude. Jennifer L. Armentrout
3df356e This was stupid, but I was doing it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
09148e0 As long as it's what you're passionate about, go for it. Jennifer L. Armentrout
b32b8b7 Yes," she purred. "I really think you can do better. Lots better." As she spoke, she trailed a red-painted finger down the center of his chest, over his abdomen, heading straight for the button on his jeans. And oh, hell to the no. "Get your hands off him." Sadi's head snapped in my direction. "Excuse me?" "I don't think I stuttered." I took a step forward. "But it looks like you need me to repeat it. Get your freaking hands off him." One s.. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5acf5f7 But if you take off your clothes, I'm sure I can get them dry." My eyes went wide. "Are you trying tog et my naked?" His silvery gaze met mine. "Do you really need me to answer that?" A hot, sweet flush stole across my cheeks. When he was like this--open, flirty, and downright sexy--I was at my lamest. I wasn't used to this side of him. I don't think I ever would be, and there was something thrilling in that. But I stared at him, caught bet.. lovers hot-jasmine-pool alex underworld Jennifer L. Armentrout
001e0b3 Then it was a rumble, causing the house to groan and small clouds of dust to drop from the ceiling. The table scuttled over the floor. A chair toppled over and then another. Somewhere in the living room, a window shattered. Kat was going to bring the house down. Jennifer L. Armentrout
bbabcca The thing is, every Luxen feared Daemon's notorious temper. His brother was like a lit fuse, ready to explode at any minute, but what they didn't know was that it was another thing Dawson shared with Daemon. When push came to shove, and it involved someone he cared about, he could be just as mean. Jennifer L. Armentrout
4c41e3d Jesus, all this thinking about my feelings and hers was probably going to give me a period. Jennifer L. Armentrout
e3175c8 I'm totally calm. I would just like to know who marred your skin so that I can put a name and face to the creature I'm going to kill very slowly." "I think we might have different definitions of calm," I said wryly. "I've never been calmer in my life." Jennifer L. Armentrout
218f688 Oh, dear gods, this was turning into a boy fight. Jennifer L. Armentrout
5037730 Your arrogance is rooted in stupidity. Jennifer L. Armentrout
22ebda5 I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything - Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot Jennifer L. Armentrout
5ca6d59 It can't be that bad. I have to try it." I bit back a mad grin. I was so not going to stop her. "Uh, Ash, I really wouldn't suggest doing that," Daemon began. Party pooper, I thought, but Ash was a determined little alien." Jennifer L. Armentrout
4ce5b59 I'll burn the world down to save her Jennifer L. Armentrout
a746b0a Throughout our lives, no one could figure out how we were so close, but when friendships begin with cupcakes--chocolate, at that--no truer bond develops. Jennifer L. Armentrout
98e4b58 Daemon's gaze slipped from his brother to me then back to his brother. "Are we having a slumber party? And I'm not invited?" Jennifer L. Armentrout