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26d5371 If the Romans could have fortified their cities the way the human brain fortifies itself, we'd still be wearing togas. The mind is an amazing piece of biomachinery, really. A serious threat presents itself at the gate and up fly the walls, standing firm in the face of earth-shaking revelations, ideological bullets, and plain old logic. shield fact reflection Kelley Armstrong
45b9fad I signed off with Ricky, and I was putting away my phone when TC slunk past, heading for his spot in the front window. "Hey, cat," I said. "We're bringing home a friend for you. A doggie big enough to devour you in a single gulp. Is that okay?" He turned a baleful stare on me, as if he understood. I'm convinced TC isn't just a cat, no more than Lloergan is just a dog. Maybe someday, when I'm moments from perishing at the hands of an intrude.. cats Kelley Armstrong
bef45ec There is no escape from the prison of the mind. Kelley Armstrong
9ab670e whispered a familiar voice. Thwack. He stumbled, Liz behind him, a sturdy branch raised. She hit him again, a home-run swing between the shoulders, and he went down with an oomph and an oath. She recognized the voice--or the curse--and leaned over, getting a look at him. (Liz) (Simon) sneak-up whoops liz derek simon hit Kelley Armstrong
10294f9 This was a doctor. Sworn to heal, not to judge. But judge she did, in the twist of her lips and the chill of her tone. Kelley Armstrong
aa80116 If I'd known how many brownie points this daddy stuff could win me, I'd have talked you into kids years ago. Would have saved me a lot of trouble." "It would have." "Problem is, they're going to grow up." He paused. "We may need to have more." "We may." Kelley Armstrong
42db949 Yep, Gin and Brandi. Call me crazy, but naming your daughters after alcoholic beverages is just asking for trouble. brandi gin trouble Kelley Armstrong
d9663c4 If the Romans could have fortified their cities the way the human brain fortifies itself, we'd still be wearing togas. Kelley Armstrong
6276898 Tell me half a cup's worth of story and we'll call it a night. Kelley Armstrong
b0e0e2e I had no patience with anyone who put down other kids because of their race, religion, or sexuality. But that's just one kind of open-mindedness. There's another kind, too, the kind that's willing to see people for who they really are and admit when you were wrong about them. Kelley Armstrong
3bce5a0 Everyone had heard what happened and they were all so pleased, so very pleased. Which seems a little odd, but in Cainsville "a little odd" was the norm." Kelley Armstrong
2827ad6 Mi stupisco che non ci abbia ancora mandato gli auguri di Natale", ha commentato Antonio. "Me li immagino, di buon gusto, stampati in rilievo su pergamena, le migliori cartoline che riesce a rubare. Un breve messaggio in perfetta calligrafia: 'Buone vacanze, spero che stiate tutti bene. Ho fatto a fettine Ethan Ritter a Miami e ho gettato i resti nell'Atlantico. Vi faccio i miei migliori auguri per l'anno nuovo. Karl'." Kelley Armstrong
442c531 Take this. It's one of my gothics. The seventies were, sadly, not the time to include sex scenes of any satisfying nature. When the lights go out, you can imagine the hero and heroine are lying in bed, fully clothed, making shadow puppets on the wall. Kelley Armstrong
a209118 If he knew one thing about life, it was this: look out for yourself. No one else would do it for you. If you were cheated or tricked, it was your own fault, and a lesson best learned before the world devoured you. hard-life looking-out-for-yourself self-sufficency Kelley Armstrong
d0437b1 Suona un po' strano pero. A malapena la conoscevi, e sei la prima a volerle telefonare?" "Si chiama premura. Ne hai mai sentito parlare?" con un colpo scaccio la mia mano dal quadrante "Scuri, acqua fredda. Oppure ti ritroverai con un carico di capi stinti." mi lancio un'occhiata. "Vedi? Sono premuroso." "Per forza, e quasi tutta roba tua li dentro." Kelley Armstrong
47262ae Religion exists to instill false security and blind faith, Kelley Armstrong
82c2337 God, it's like talking to a cyborg sometimes. You pretend to listen, but really, you've just gone on pause, waiting for me to stop so you can reiterate your original point. Kelley Armstrong
2a69950 Are you coming now?" Griffin snapped. Karl glanced over at him and smiled. "What's the magic word?" Griffin stalked off, muttering a word under his breath. "That's not it," Karl called after him." karl magic-word Kelley Armstrong
9b878d9 This is not one of the bandits," she said. Gavril looked closer at the shadow-stalker-abandoned corpse. "You are correct," he said, as if with some surprise. She gave him a look. "Thank you. So it seems we are stuck in the middle--sorry, the edge of the steppes--with no horses and a useless wagon and a landscape populated by shadow stalkers. If they are indeed raised by some confederate of your father's, then we should be safe enough. We si.. Kelley Armstrong
938039c Take note, Anderson. Size and martial ability do not need to come with a correlating decrease in intelligence. intelligence brawn-over-brains chandler gabriel stereotype Kelley Armstrong
d0e6e2d She dreamed she was back in that cell, fighting off the guard--Halmond--pulling back the knife to stab him. Only in the dream, he wrested it from her fingers and slammed it into her gut, and she gasped, her eyes closing and then opening to see, not Halmond holding the blade, but Gavril. Moria shot upright, screaming, still feeling the agony of the blade buried in her gut, and then she saw Gavril, right there, his hands on her shoulders, say.. Kelley Armstrong
dc6b9c8 We lay there a moment, entwined around each other, panting. Then I lifted my head to look at the room. Two broken lamps. One ripped pillowcase. One damaged headboard. Not bad ... Oh, shit. Was that a picture frame? Two picture frames. How the hell did we ...? I sighed. "We'll snag the bill before Jeremy sees it," Clay said. I sighed louder. "Bigger room, darling. Like I said, we need a bigger room." -- Kelley Armstrong
525725c Yes, I know you consider it a waste of time under the circumstances, but we have time to waste. Kelley Armstrong
f382e99 He watched as her sister read it. Watched as her face crumpled, as her shoulders shook. Ashy. Caught her and held her, and they fell against each other. Kelley Armstrong
a640f57 Absolutely alone in the dark. Every outside stimulus vanishes and there's nothing except me in the darkness and the silence. I swear I can hear my thoughts. All my thoughts. And it's horribly uncomfortable, and I want to switch on the light and say something and shove that aside. But the feeling passes in a few panicked heartbeats, and then ... and then it's indescribable. This is what I've been looking for in all those therapy sessions. No.. Kelley Armstrong
ecdee14 His weekly golf game no longer keeps his love handles in check, he's recently resorted to a slight comb-over to cover that growing bald spot, he squints to avoid wearing the bifocals he hides in his desk drawer, and he spends his days in an office filled with decades-old sports trophies. Kelley Armstrong
3c769c0 You don't pursue happiness. You pursue everything you need to have a fulfilled life, and then, if you achieve it, you'll be happy some of the time. The rest of the time, you'll be consent. One can't sustain happiness forever. Kelley Armstrong
ce7ab2a I shook my head. "Calling my boyfriend." "You need a guy to come rescue you?" I waggled my gun. "I have that part covered, but given the situation, I'm going to let someone know where I am. I'm a feminist; I'm not an idiot." Kelley Armstrong
4324e29 So why was his stomach tightening and twisting with every step up those stairs? Because hope was a dangerous thing. It said the failure would be his own fault alone. Kelley Armstrong
a35c07b It looked like I was the dead itself, and that isn't something someone should aspire to look like. Kelley Armstrong
3b0803b I couldn't get through this last book." "He didn't even just skip ahead to read the sex scenes," Helia said. "Which is what he normally does with your paranormals." Patrick turned to Gabriel. "This is your revenge, isn't it?" "Helia and Alexios? Gabriel said. "This is Patrick. He'll be accompanying us to Seanna." "Oooh," Alexios said. "It's a family reunion." "So you really Gabriel's father?" Helia said. "That's what everyone says, but th.. Kelley Armstrong
561d922 There, flanking either side of the walkway were a pair of raised fountains. The base of each was a shell-shaped bowl filled with water and lily pads. Standing in each bowl was the masculine version of Boticelli's famous "Birth of Venus". The man stood in the same pose as Venus, left hand coyly drawn up o cover his chest, right down by his genitals, yet instead of covering them, he held his optimistically endowed penis, pointing it upward. W.. Kelley Armstrong
2f6dddd Technically, you don't need the keys. As long as they're in the car, you can drive it." He paused. "I probably shouldn't have told you that." Kelley Armstrong
8f04aa3 The sense that the only thing better than being alone would be to be with someone who made you feel as safe and comfortable as you did when you were alone. Kelley Armstrong
d5e47a9 If a bird flies straight at you, prepare for a bad day. Kelley Armstrong
ce6367f Don't apologize." "I wasn't-" "Not in words, but it was clear from your tone. Apology suggests that you are keeping me from doing what I need to do, which implies I am somehow powerless to do otherwise. It's a choice, Olivia." -- choice will Kelley Armstrong
d49544b He turned, a stray slip of moonlight illuminating a sliver of his face, blue eyes glowing almost preternaturally in the darkness. Kelley Armstrong
41c627c I could mentally lift the vision wholesale and stick it into the already overflowing "crazy shit I'll deal with later" box in my brain." Kelley Armstrong
04459ef Simon and Derek exchanged a look. Derek said. A derisive snort. Simon said. Tori's mouth hardened. Derek said. Tori sputtered a protest, but from the horror in her eyes, I knew the possibility hadn't occurred to her. I said, Derek said. He fixed her with an icy look. The expression on her face...I felt for her, whether she'd welcome my sympathy or not. Simon said, his tone softer than his brother's. I cut in. Derek said... go-off-on kind-of-person tori derek simon Kelley Armstrong
d401e25 See? It's a menace. We may have escaped a thunder hawk, but ultimately, we will perish . . . killed by my hair. Kelley Armstrong
a1d0d46 he asked. I smiled. His face lowered toward mine and I knew what was coming. I knew it. But when his lips touched mine, I still jumped. he murmured. kissing skittish-as-a-cat date simon Kelley Armstrong
dbaa8b8 She shrugged. She glanced over her shoulder. I thought she was talking to me. Then Derek stepped into the doorway. she said to me. She aimed a pointed look his way. chloe derek maya rescue strangers home running Kelley Armstrong
d84f692 He blinked. He shook his head, looking away. I walked around in front of him. He rolled his shoulders in a half shrug, then looked away again. I was right. He just didn't like hearing the thought voiced; it sounded too close to self-pity. I said. He mumbled the word, unconvinced. I didn't say that, of course. How could I, without it sounding weird.? But I felt it, heart hammering against my ribs, and it wasn't some romantic I can't bear.. feelings derek leaving Kelley Armstrong
49a9aab Something up, and it has nothing to do with why you're bringing gifts. You just do that because you're awesome." "Can I get that in writing?" "Casey's right," Dalton says. "Not about the awesome part. That depends on what condition my town's in. Something's up, and it's making me think I might not be awarding you that awesome certificate anytime soon." "There's a certificate?" "I have a stack of them." I say." Kelley Armstrong