I promised myself that I would talk to her before the summer was over, but schools reopened, the leaves reddened, yellowed, and fell, the rains of winter swept in and wakened Baba's joints, baby leaves sprouted once more, and I still hadn't had the heart, the dil, to even look her in the eye.
Khaled Hosseini |
l`lm l yrk mn ldkhl, w'nh l y`b' bamlk, w'Hlmk, walmk lty t`tml dkhlk
Khaled Hosseini |
And yet she was leaving the world as a woman who had loved and been loved back. She was leaving it as a friend, a companion, a guardian. A mother. A person of consequence at last.
Khaled Hosseini |
One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls. Laila
Khaled Hosseini |
hnk khTyy'@ wHd@ , wHd@ fqT ; why lsrq@ , kl khTyy'@ 'khr~ hy wjh akhr llsrq@ .hl tfhm ? `ndm tqtl rjlan f'nt tsrq Hy@, tsrq Hq zwjth bzwj ,mn 'Tflh tsrq 'bhm , `ndm tkdhb tsrq Hq shkhS blHqyq@ , `ndm tGsh , tsrq Hq l`dl@ , hl fhmt ?
Khaled Hosseini |
She studies mathematics at the Sorbonne. .... - Perhaps it's her way of rebelling. You know a thing or two about rebellion, I think. - Yes, but I did it in the proper way. I drank and smoked and took lovers. Who rebells with mathematics?
Khaled Hosseini |
If there's a God out there, then I would hope he has more important things to attend to than my drinking scotch or eating pork.
Khaled Hosseini |
Agha, did you hear what Mullah Nasruddin did when his daughter came home and complained that her husband had beaten her?" I could feel him smiling in the dark and a smile of my own formed on my face. There wasn't an Afghan in the world who didn't know at least a few jokes about the bumbling mullah. "What?" "He beat her too, then sent her back to tell the husband that Mullah was no fool: If the bastard was going to beat his daughter, then Mu..
Khaled Hosseini |
I wished I could open my veins and drain his cursed blood from my body.
Khaled Hosseini |
for you ,thousand times over
Khaled Hosseini |
She had this laugh. I swear it's why I married her, Laila, for that laugh! It bulldozed you. You stood no chance against it.
Khaled Hosseini |
I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word had been my name.
Khaled Hosseini |
But, miraculously, something of her former life remained, her last link to the person she had been before she had become so utterly alone. A part of Tariq still alive inside her, sprouting tiny arms, growing translucent hands.
Khaled Hosseini |
Can I ask what you're reading?"...She turned the book so the cover faced me. Wuthering Heights. "Have you read it?" She said. I nodded. I could feel the pulsating beat of my heart behind my eyes. "It's a sad story." "Sad stories make good books," She said. "They do."
Khaled Hosseini |
Kabul is . . ." Idris searches for the right words. "A thousand tragedies per square mile."
Khaled Hosseini |
Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors. Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.
Khaled Hosseini |
Seruas jari harus dipotong untuk menyelamatkan tangan.
Khaled Hosseini |
she was leaving the world as a woman who had loved and been loved back. She was leaving it as a friend, a companion, a guardian. A mother.
Khaled Hosseini |
Mereka bernasib naas, memiliki ayah yang lemah. Seorang pengecut yang lebih memilih melihat mereka semua mati daripada menyiksa nuraninya sendiri.
Khaled Hosseini |
Kazu pronadi svrhu u zivotu i ostvari je. Ali katkad, tek nakon sto ga prozivis, uvidis da je zivot imao svrhu, lako moguce onu o kojoj nisi nikad ni razmisljao.
Khaled Hosseini |
It was like waking up one morning and finding that a wild animal has wandered into your house. No place felt safe to me.
Khaled Hosseini |
It's a dangerous business, making promises to kids.
Khaled Hosseini |
They feel wronged. they haven't been given their due. No one loved them enough. Of course they expect you to love them. They want to be held, rocked, reassured. But it's a mistake to give it to them. They can't accept it. They can't accept the very thing they're needing. They end up hating you for it. And it never ends because they can't hate you enough. It never ends - the misery, the apologies, the promises, the reneging, the wretchedness..
Khaled Hosseini |
She wondered what it would be like to live with him, to see him every day. She pictured herself handing him a towel as he shaved, telling him when he nicked himself.
Khaled Hosseini |
That's the real Afghanistan, Agha sahib. That's the Afghanistan I know. You? You've always been a tourist here, you just didn't know it
Khaled Hosseini |
Slushai sega, nezavisimo na kakvo te uchi mollata, ima samo edin griakh. I tova e krazhbata. Vseki drug griakh e variant na krazhbata. -Kogato ubiesh chovek, otkradvash mu zhivota. Otkradvash na zhena mu pravoto da ima s'prug, na detsata otkradvash bashcha im. Kogato kazvash l'zha, kradesh pravoto na drugiia da znae istinata. Kogato mamish, kradesh pravoto na pochtenost.
Khaled Hosseini |
Hassan and I were stunned. Dazed. John Wayne didn't really speak Farsi
Khaled Hosseini |
She suddenly realizes that she may not know how to live without Masooma. She doesn't know if she can. How will she bear the days when Masooma's absence feels like a far heavier burden than her presence ever had? How will she learn to tread around the edges of the big gaping hole where Masooma had once been?
Khaled Hosseini |
After all, didn't all fathers in their secret hearts harbor a desire to kill their sons?
Khaled Hosseini |
Joseph shall return to Canaan, grieve not, Hovels shall turn to rose gardens, grieve not. If a flood should arrive, to drown all that's alive, Noah is your guide in the typhoon's eye, grieve not.
Khaled Hosseini |
Benden beklenen neydi? Bir umut tohumu mu? Seni karanliktan kurtarmasi icin alinmis bir bilet mi? Yuregindeki deligi kapatacak bir yara mi? Oyleyse, yeterli olamadim. Yanina bile yaklasamadim. Acinin merhemi degildim, yalnizca bir baska cikmaz sokak, bir baska yuktum; sense bunu cabucak gormus olmalisin. Cok erken farketmis olmalisin. Ama ne yapabilirdin ki?
Khaled Hosseini |
A person has to have a flaw somewhere.
Khaled Hosseini |
Tepenize cig dustugunde, butun o karin altinda yatarken neresi asagi neresi yukari anlayamaz oluyormussunuz. Kari iteleyip kurtulmak istiyor ama yanlis yonu secip kendinizi daha da derine , kendi mezariniza gomuyormussunuz. Iste kendimi aynen boyle hissediyordum, yonunu sasirmis, arada kalmis, pusulamdan olmustum. Dahasi, sozcuklere dokemeyecegim kadar derin bir bunalimdaydim. Bu durumdayken, cok aciz, cok savunmasiz olursunuz.
Khaled Hosseini |
Bir baskasinin yuregini, yureginden gecenleri yargilarken, kisi bir miktar da olsa alcakgonullulukten ve yardimseverlikten nasibini almis olmali.
Khaled Hosseini |
The previous year, Baba had surprised Hassan with a leather cowboy hat just like the one Clint Eastwood wore in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly--which had unseated The Magnificent Seven as our favorite Western.
Khaled Hosseini |
Yasaminda bir amac bul ve ona gore yasa, derler. Ama bazen, ancak yasayip bitirdikten sonra yasaminin bir amaci oldugunu fark edersin, bu da genellikle hic aklinda olmayan bir amactir.
Khaled Hosseini |
Bazi insanlarin mutsuzlugu, digerlerinin aski hissettigi gibi hissettigini biliyorum artik: mahrem, yogun ve karsilik beklemeksizin.
Khaled Hosseini |
Izin veriyorum, cunku belki yardimlari dokunur, diyorum. Ama unutup gidiyorlar. Bir daha onlardan haber almiyorum. Onun icin de sana soruyorum: Simdi ne olacak?
Khaled Hosseini |
Vi cau, ca ngan lan roi
Khaled Hosseini |
Insanlarin bu kadar gec kavramasi cok tuhaf.Istedikleri seylere gore yasadiklarini dusunuyorlar. Yasamlarina istediklerine gore yon verdiklerini. Oysa isin asli, onlari yonlendirenler korktuklari seyler. Istemedikleri seyler.
Khaled Hosseini |
if culture was a house, then language was the key to the front door, to all the rooms inside. Without it, he said, you ended up wayward, without proper home or a legimate identity.
Khaled Hosseini |
Kendi budalaligi yuzunden kendine ates puskuruyor. Kendini bir omur boyu surecek bir endiseye ve aciya boyle baliklama, cani gonulden attigi icin. Delilikti bu yaptigi. Tam bir cildirmislik. Her seye, devasa olasilik oranlarina ragmen, kontrol edemedigin bir dunyanin, kaybetmeyi kaldiramayacagin tek seyi elinden almayacagina dair son derece temelsiz ve akil almaz aptallikta bir inanc duymak. Dunyanin seni mahvetmeyecegine inanmak.
Khaled Hosseini |
But time, it is like a charm. You never have as much as you think.
Khaled Hosseini |
I always thought cliches got a bum rap. Because, often, they're dead-on. But the aptness of the cliched saying is overshadowed by the nature of the saying as a cliche.
Khaled Hosseini |