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d115dfb Two things that can never be contained? Velociraptors and zombies. ~Carrow Graie Kresley Cole
851b93f We want you gone. Your presence is obviously upsetting for her." "Oh, aye, the poor, wee lass -- who tossed me like a skipping stone." Kresley Cole
e0bf1c1 And if you don't think I can hold my own against all those eighteenth-century mortals you were out tagging, then you're a fool, Casanova." ... "Oh, yes, I know all about you." He went still. "What are you talking about?" "I was alive back then. And all the Lore heard about the ruthless warlord brothers from Estonia. The general, the scholar, the enigma, and . . . the manwhore." humor fey valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole paranormal-romance vampires Kresley Cole
0ea1085 I think I just fell into like with him. Kresley Cole
b3d744d Illusion is Reality's coy lover who cheers him when he is grim. Illusion is cunning to his wisdom of ages, weet oblivion to his knowledge. A bounty to his lack. [Sabine] reality Kresley Cole
9b96009 God give me anything but a good man's pity. Kresley Cole
fc39bb5 Wow, look at this setup. NASA called. They want Houston back. Kresley Cole
84ed588 Ara?" She jerked her face up. "Huh? Where were we?" But his expression had grown serious, the lesson forgotten. He interlaced his fingers and said, "We are bound." "Bound?" He collected a piece of rope, knotting it. "Oh, you mean bound?" He gave a nod, then drew in the sand. An infinity symbol? "Clever demon, how did you know that...?" He was gazing at her with a question in his eyes. "Bound forever?" And somehow she met his gaze and lied, .. malkom lesson Kresley Cole
ede1632 You gave her your heart, and she gave you the bird." Nix sighed. "Songs will be written about this." Kresley Cole
20af86e You are so naive, it physically aggrieves me. Kresley Cole
42bb054 Do you know what I love? Life. And romantic love is a distraction that makes staying alive more difficult. " [Sabine]" -- Kresley Cole
8944428 And speaking of females, if I call you by one's name while my fangs are plunged deep in your neck, just run with it. lothaire Kresley Cole
5569029 She'd never seen a monster like that before, had never heard of one in all the Lore. When she grappled with the question of what it was, her sharply honed scientifical mind deduced one answer: manbearpig. Kresley Cole
2ddbe6a Inside the half-basement, they found Wroth alongside Garreth, grappling to hold up the ceiling. The vampire's voice was incongruously calm when he asked, "What kind of idiot would find this a worthy plan?" Kresley Cole
247da6b Blah, blah, blah. Demon boy, I can't speak that language. Furthermore, I don't want to pollute my brain by learning it. So it's time for you to learn mine. First lesson-I'm Say-been. I'm oft described as byoo-tee-full and mah-jest'ick. Kresley Cole
c7336b7 When they passed the centaur king's cell, Volos pointed at Regin and slid his forefinger across his throat. She replied, "Hey, didn't I see you in a donkey show down in Tijuana? No? You've got a twin then--" volos dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
6ad29bc You're still... Declan?"-- --Voice hoarse, he said, "Aye, it's me. I will never be your perfect Viking, Regin! I've made unforgivable mistakes. I've no family or friends, and my men hold no love for me. I'm scarred inside and out. And I'm bloody askin' for you anyway!" declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
c3dfd66 Lothaire, I've met dirt younger than we are." -Nix" Kresley Cole
b32fa07 Ach, woman! He raked his fingers through his hair. "You want me as much as I want you." "Assuming that's true -" "It's true." "- I can't. Not now." "It's no' your time of the month. I know that." "Ew." Valkyrie didn't have periods. "You're the only one here with a monthly cycle, werewolf." - Lucia and Garreth MacRieve" lucia macrieve werewolf Kresley Cole
ccd5bb7 Now, undress for me and let me see what's mine. Kresley Cole
aaff289 Remember my titles? I don't get poisoned, I do the poisoning. I'm the Princess of it major-arcana poison-princess kresley-cole evie Kresley Cole
cf296b7 Death wants to gank me. Must be Tuesday. Kresley Cole
9d2ea14 I'm so sleepy." "My beautiful girl, dawn nears. And all good vampires are to bed." She eased up, arching a brow at him. "Then you'll stay awake." Kresley Cole
20ecb4b Damiano is hot," Lucia murmured, then realized she'd spoken aloud. "And by that, I mean, I respect his mind." Kresley Cole
c175745 Nix : Poach her portal. So going on a T-shirt. Kresley Cole
f680b61 His tone dripping condescension, Lothaire crooned, "Ah children, it's not yet story time." He closed his eyes and turned away, saying over his shoulder, "To anyone who contemplates even nearing me while I sleep: I will garrote you with your own viscera." lothaire dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
dc25a3c This morning Jackson had told Matthew, "You mention death one more time, and I"ll knock you into next week. ?" "Already been there," Matthew had answered." Kresley Cole
e855c94 A king of a kingdom no one fucking knows about! I'm the tree in the forest that silently falls--when no one is around to be crushed! [Lothaire, Enemy of Old] humor philosophical-musings Kresley Cole
cffb3dc Just hear me out. While you were napping, I was busy chatting up our allies. Didn't you know--your woman's a golden-tongued ambassador! My sisters always said I graduated from the shock-and-awe school of diplomacy, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck, right? declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
a5fe9e0 I will fight any battle for you, crush any adversity. Because you are mine, beautiful girl. I love you so madly that the past before you feels sane... Kresley Cole
64eeb8f Fuckhead: The name's MariKETA. Go to hell, The WITCH, doing a creepy spell somewhere right now. Kresley Cole
d534276 Holly's forgiven you?" "Almost mostly. But she still gives me slack about it when she's sick. I take it as a husbandly badge," he said, puffing out his chest. "Sick? You told me she was fully immortal." "Yeah, but she still throws up some, because, well, the thing of it is... Ah, fuck, Rydstrom, I knocked her up." "You're going to be a father?" Gods help the world. I'm going to be an uncle? "I got Holly, like, on the first shot. Nix is.. funny holly-s-pregnancy kresley-cole rydstrom Kresley Cole
5d54984 Human orgasm, firecracker. Vampire orgasm, blast. Kresley Cole
94b957d Just because you're a gutless harlot doesn't mean I won't find your... attributes attractive. I might be immortal, but I'm still a red-blooded male." "Harlot? Who talks like that? Father Time, meet the Flinstones." Kresley Cole
a87d3e2 What is he?" "I can't puzzle it out. He doesn't have horns, pointed ears--or apparently a need to eat. He does have small fangs, but he also sports a tan line." "You checked? Natalya, you durrrty bitch." "Hey, I had to determine if he was a blood sucker or not. Now I don't know what to think." kresley-cole vampires Kresley Cole
8b6144b Somebody want to explain to me why those soldiers were shooting each other?' (...)'Inbreeding? Kresley Cole
ea688ca My relationship with Jackson had felt fated. Whatever I had with Aric felt . . . endless. Kresley Cole
73e2416 Valkyrie, I will get answers from you one way or another. Either through this painful exercise in futility, as you believe, or through a civilized conversation." "You call this civilized?" She strained against her cuffs, leaning in to whisper, "Psst, Chase. The sexual tension between us is grueling." declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
181a21c Why am I letting you comfort me?" He stared over her head. Because I've made sure you have no one else to turn to." love confusion manipulation deceit Kresley Cole
c713295 With a sigh, she asked, "Why do you care if I believe you or not?" "Because if you think I got a leg over with that slag, then the chance of anything sexual with you will be drastically reduced." Without looking up, she said, "Cadeon, a chance can't be reduced from zero." "Gods, I love it when you talk mathy to me." Kresley Cole
66fd0a0 You'll call for me. You'll be lonely in your new quarters and will feel out of sorts. I could let you pet my hair until you fell asleep." He drew in closer and lowered his voice to ask in all seriousness, "You're mad, aren't you?" "As--a--hatter," she whispered back conspiratorially. He felt a hint of sympathy for the creature. "How long have you been in here?" "For four long...interminable...days." He glowered at her. "Which is why I want .. nikolai-wroth warlord myst Kresley Cole
021b931 Finally the vampire released him with another groan, sitting back on his haunches. "Your blood is in power." Running his tongue over a fang, he said, "Among other things. I believe I might be high. But I it." lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
cd7cc05 Chase, I've tussled with vibrators stronger than your charge throwers. Kresley Cole
0ea0363 Some men would take happiness where they found it. Especially when they have absolutely no promise of it anywhere else. [Rydstrom] Kresley Cole
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