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faf70d7 Because fate would not slight me so unspeakably. I'd seek a noon-day sun if I were paired with one such as you." "Such as me," she repeated blandly. She'd been mocked too often over her lifetime to take offense. Her skin was as thick as armor. "Yes, you. An ignorant, mortal Kmart checkout girl." He took the sharpest knife from his place setting, absently turning it between his left thumb and forefinger. "Kmart? I should have been so luck.. iad lothaire Kresley Cole
2e5046a The first priest I find, I'm goan to marry you. I'm all in, peekon. Kresley Cole
5d957d6 I'd planned to kill them, too." When Neomi glared up at him, he raised his chained hands. "Past tense. See? Already I'm improving." Kresley Cole
caaf602 Hate Scars. I'm physically flawless-why can't everyone be? Everywhere Lothaire went, people stopped and stared. Of course, then they usually ran. Lothair Enemy of Old lothair Kresley Cole
36c2cc4 So what are you going to wear to the apocalypse? I'm thinking something sparkly and transfixing."-Nix" nucking-futs-nix nix-the-ever-knowing Kresley Cole
1e1c505 I lived in the royal library, among all the books." "You resided in a... library?" "There suites inside and great balconies that overlooked the city, but yes. I was most content among those shelves, so one night, I simply never left." Kresley Cole
20cb61f Regin had known the risk in coming here, but she wasn't fearful. As Lucia had also told her, "Sometimes I don't think you have the sense to be afraid when you should." Regin had interpreted that to mean, "You have no sense of fear, oh, great Reginleit." dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
4d9d87e I've got a fortune in gold. Ah, was that a flicker in your eye? Do you like me better now that you know I'm rich?" He curled his finger under her chin. "Because I'm all right with that." Kresley Cole
4f7159c Wroth! Don't do this!" "Five years of hell," he sneered, palming her ass roughly. "You deserve to be fucked till you can't walk." Kresley Cole
b6a5265 Take care, lest you lose a male who'll desire only you - and gain a male who'll desire only others. warnings Kresley Cole
88c2321 Has anyone ever told you you're sexy as hell when you're mathematizing? Kresley Cole
e4b4d97 Natalya's lips quirked. "You're glowing like a Lite-Brite." "Shut it, fairy." Kresley Cole
88d020a I told you once and I'll tell you again: there's nothing that can happen to you that we can't get past. Just give me a chance to get to you. Promise me." "Jack..." "Promise me. You doan leave me again." "I promise." Staring at his lips, I said, "Would you always come for me?" He drunkenly murmured, "Chase you like a junkyard dog." Kresley Cole
830f4c7 This mountain of a man was learning that his considerable might- which he'd clearly relied on for - was futile with her. néomie Kresley Cole
248ec0a Your ultimatum didn't sit well with me, so naturally, I voiced my opinion." "Which was?" "That you should go copulate with a pig. It sounded way cooler in medieval French." Kresley Cole
a608f72 You have two choices, grasshopper. Out-slut Clotile - or go Springer on her ass. I'm down for the assist in both scenarios. Kresley Cole
41b2fb1 I give you a week, maybe two, before you're driven to bite someone." "I don't know how to... to bite or drink! But you could teach me." "And what could you possibly do in return?" Lothaire waved a negligent hand. "Play football for me? Break in my jeans really well?" vampire-phantom lothaire thad declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
7c9f2bc You're a fuckin' parasite." . Filthy leeches. "Words still hurt, Chase. Besides, you should be thanking me. My advice about the Valkyrie clearly worked. And speaking of females, if I call you by one's name while my fangs are plunged deep in your neck, just run with it." lothaire declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
50cf094 Everything between us is sick... twisted. And it doesn't have to be." "Shh, shh." He rocked her in his arms. Never had he comforted another in such a manner. He was awkward with this as well. "I h-hate you s-so much." She sobbed so hard her body quaked against him, her tears wetting his chest. "I know." Kresley Cole
b19a7cb Why don't you just buy me a minivan, zip me into mom jeans, and shoot me in the face" - Melanthe the potential Queen of Persuasions:" Kresley Cole
99047b8 One last question." "Very well, dearling." "Can I trust Cadeon?" Nix gave her a sunny smile with blank golden eyes. "As far as you can throw him." -- Kresley Cole
2fa9aeb Aww, did I just become the most popular person in this tent? Kresley Cole
b6fe7b3 How much longer are we going to do this? We have to talk about what happened." With a harsh laugh, he'd turned to me. "It's very simple. I want you, you want another, and I'm owed a wife." Kresley Cole
77a03a3 Kneeling before him, Regin murmured, "Don't let that Fegley worm get to you." Still staring ahead, the kid slowed his banging. "There's a good ... male of indeterminate species." thad dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
e0533ae Thirty nerve-shattering minutes passed before Cadeon returned. "What happened? Tell me!" "Everything's taken care of." She frowned. "You smell like beer." He rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, Holly, like me and the cop were downing a beer together." Of course, he and the cop had completely been downing a beer together." Kresley Cole
6ad4350 He shot to his feet, faced off against her. "No more mercy for ye, Valkyrie." Holding nothing back, he launched a haymaker at her head. She ducked and laughed. "That accent you work so hard to hide is coming out! Are ye feckin' Oirish this time? Eh, boyo?" She leapt atop his desk, punting the side of his head. "Those swords are ! Touch them, and I'll use 'em to slice off your nutsack! For a coin purse!" declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
06d9bb2 When Thad began nuzzling her neck, pressing his opened lips against her, she smacked him in the back of the head. "Don't go vamp on me now!" "Whaa!" He shot upright, his fangs sharp. "Where am I?" She glanced at his fangs, then down. "Oh, my gods, when do you sport wood? There are bathrooms in the back, so go burp the worm or whatever." vampire-phantom thad declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
4a342f1 Emma convinced herself she'd lost him because she was fast. She was also adept at convincing herself of things that might not be - good at pretending. She could pretend she took classes at night by choice, and that blushing didn't make her thirsty-- A vicious growl sounded. Her eyes widened, but she didn't turn back, just sprinted across the field. She felt claws sink into her anckle a second before she was dragged to the muddy ground and .. werewolf paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
c4f0ee7 Wroth, darling," she purred, smiling so sweetly. "I can't wait for the next time I get to put my mouth on you." In an instant the smile faded and she snapped her teeth and yanked her head back as if she was chewing something free." humorous humor Kresley Cole
4b73f0a Declan and Regin: "Kiss ?" As he waited for the revulsion to seize him, he found himself wondering how she would react. Would she moan into his mouth? "It will help you remember me. Kiss me. Come on, you know you want to so bad. You want so bad." "Never." . But he to be above her like this, to master her, overpower her. "Never? That boner of yours just called you a lair." regin-the-radient declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
ef3a9e0 First Emma. Now Thad. Regin was sick and tired of non-evil vampiric creatures messing with her millennium's worth of scathing animosity for their species... Kresley Cole
555f16a My heart doesn't fucking work right without you. Kresley Cole
a71a24d You know, do nice shite for her. Buy her things. Really think about what she likes and what makes her happy and make it happen. She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you can cut off your horns for her. Chicks dig that." (Cadeon)" Kresley Cole
c105a6c Do you honestly want credit because you didn't do anything to a helpless female?" "No! Yes. No, damn it--" Kresley Cole
1902d51 You asked me how old I am. I was born roughly nine centuries ago. I've lived for more than three hundred thousand days. And you made this one my favorite one of all." -Uilleam MacRieve ~" Kresley Cole
375bcb8 You see, that's the thing with you detrus," Chase began in a contemplative tone. "Your bodies are abominations. If I severed your arms--" Lothaire yawned loudly. "--you'd merely regenerate from the injury. You might experience pain, but you wouldn't suffer the horror of permanent loss, not like a human." Lothaire grew increasingly bored by this. "When I get free, I believe I'll show you your spine. I'll hand it to you so casually, politely .. lothaire dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker paranormal-romance vampires Kresley Cole
b52c6be Aww, did we masturbate through the tears last night? sarcasm Kresley Cole
5f9b64f He swallowed. "Have you no modesty?" Never in his life had he encountered a female so quick to be naked. Of course, he'd never in his life encountered a female who should so utterly be naked at any chance." humorous humor flirty Kresley Cole
2b6840b Damn, , you still smell like a blossom. Been so long since I've seen a flower that I'd nearly forgotten what they smelled like." He took a lock of my hair, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. "You're dressing up using expensive perfume? Ole Jack senses a trap. Consider me snared." snared poison-princess kresley-cole evie scents flirting jackson jack Kresley Cole
4078827 The crowd quieted as a whole, but more than one creature cursed under his breath, "Not Regin." A drunk hunched over the bar muttered, "That glowing one made me eat a transistor radio once." -- Kresley Cole
572b237 He sat up, going still. "Am I wearing a wife-beater, Lizvetta?" He gaped down. "Oh, come on!" vampire paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
b056c21 I'd bet the leeches are looking for me. Because I glow and I'm wicked smart. They probably want to breed with me." (Regin)" Kresley Cole
3db2bd5 You'll strip in front of a vampire when you don't even know his name?" "You're right! So what's your name?" "My answer will be as forthcoming as yours. What do you want it to be?" "Some kind of name that fits a battle-scarred, overgrown vampire warlord." Kresley Cole
cc355a9 I can't believe you're going to sacrifice your archery mojo for MacReive." Lucia would forfeit her fantastical skill with a bow if she was unchaste. "Who am I going to hang out with when your a talentless nobody?" lucia declan-chase dreams-of-a-dark-warrior lore regin-the-radiant valkyrie immortals-after-dark kresley-cole berserker archer paranormal-romance Kresley Cole
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