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6946e7c How'd you like to take a ride on my new boat this Saturday?" he asked her one evening after class. "No, thank you," said Miss Katherine. "We've got a brand-new boat," he said. "You don't even have to row it." "Yes, I know," said Miss Katherine. Everyone in town had seen--and heard--the Walkers' new boat. It made a horrible loud noise and spewed ugly black smoke over the beautiful lake. Trout had always gotten everything he ever wanted. He f.. Louis Sachar
b89b085 You're not completely worthless. Louis Sachar
b825ef4 When the shoes first fell from the sky,he remembered thinking that destiny had struck him. Now he thought so again. It was more than a coincidence. It had to be destiny. Louis Sachar
3e765dc And what would you like, Sharie?" asked Miss Mush. "What do you have?" asked Sharie. "Potato salad". "What else is there?" asked Sharie. "Nothing" said Miss Mush. "Okay" said Sharie. "I'll have that." "Potato salad?" asked Miss Mush. "No,nothing." said Sharie." humor Louis Sachar
e8a1aa4 You're a caring, thoughtful, considerate human being. Maybe that is a curse in this cold world we live in. You have the soul of a poet. --Mrs. Bayfield, to David Louis Sachar
eee9df6 Dana had four beautiful eyes. She wore glasses. But her eyes were so beautiful that the glasses only made her prettier. With two eyes she was pretty. With four eyes she was beautiful. With six eyes she would have been even more beautiful. And if she had a hundred eyes, all over her face and her arms and her feet, why, she would have been the most beautiful creature in the world. Louis Sachar
a8240a1 Back at the compound, they had dug in a systematic order, row upon row, allowing space for the water truck. But out here there was no system. It was as if every once in a while, in a fit of frustration, the Warden would just pick a spot at random, and say, "What the hell, dig here." It was like trying to guess the winning numbers in a lottery." Louis Sachar
1551151 He understood it when other kids were mean to him. It didn't bother him. He simply hated them. As long as he hated them, it didn't matter what they thought of him. kids hate friends Louis Sachar
bc576a3 there. During Louis Sachar
ba84fc7 It's funny how you can go from hating a girl to maybe liking her, maybe liking her a lot, just because she shows a little interest in you. Louis Sachar
e3ac15a Friends always break even. Louis Sachar
bcaab6c Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it. Louis Sachar
938a2da It's a lost and lonely kind of feeling, To wake up wearing a disguise. I lie in bed staring at the ceiling, I don't know who I am There's little that I can Fully recognize.... But I'm taking small steps, 'Cause I don't know where I'm going. I'm taking small steps And I don't know what to say. Small steps, Trying to pull myself together, And maybe I'll discover A clue along the way.... Just to make it through the day and not to get hurt.. song Louis Sachar
71b9d8a Where are we supposed to go to the bathroom?" he asked Magnet. Magnet gestured with his arms to the great expanse around them. "Pick a hole, any hole," he said." Louis Sachar
9767879 How can he be your friend if you don't like him? Louis Sachar
14be9c1 He sat at his desk - last seat, last row - and looked at the chart on the wall next to him. Of course there was no gold star next to his name. He had already done three things wrong: First, he had knocked over a girl and made her cry. Second, he was late getting back to class. And third and worst of all, his name was Bradley Chalkers. As long as his name was Bradley Chalker's, he'd never get a gold star. They don't give gold stars to monste.. gold-star teacher children-s-books Louis Sachar
6c1251f right before a person freezes to death, he suddenly feels nice and warm. Louis Sachar
d371442 I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it. Louis Sachar
b4a8564 The piles were a lot bigger than his hole was deep. Louis Sachar
49a8db0 Stanley wondered if this was how a condemned man felt on his way to the electric chair--appreciating all of the good things in life for the last time. Louis Sachar
a2ed876 Well, the first hole's the hardest," Magnet said." Louis Sachar
978eb53 He brought his tray to the table. Behind him, a boy from one of the other tents said, "Hey, what happened to your face?" There was a crash. Stanley turned to see Mr. Sir holding the boy's head against the oatmeal pot. "Is something wrong with my face?" The boy tried to speak but couldn't. Mr. Sir had him by the throat. "Does anyone see anything wrong with my face?" asked Mr. Sir, as he continued to choke the boy. Nobody said anything. Mr. S.. Louis Sachar
9196de3 If Stanley and his father weren't always hopeful, then it wouldn't hurt so much every time their hopes were crushed Louis Sachar
5ce5558 Next to it was another sign which declared that it was a violation of the Texas Penal Code to bring guns, explosives, weapons, drugs, or alcohol onto the premises. Louis Sachar
82f1672 Onions! Louis Sachar
00fe2b1 Dana raised her hand. "I learned about exaggeration," she said. "It was all my teacher ever talked about. We had like ten thousand tests on it, and the teacher would kill you if you didn't spell it right." "That's very good, Dana!" said Mrs. Jewls. "You learned your lesson well." teacher lesson school Louis Sachar
45807ad Dear Stanley, It was wonderful to hear from you Your letter made me feel like one of the other moms who can afford to send their kids to summer camp. I know it's not the same, but I am very proud of you for trying to make the best of a bad situation. Who knows? Maybe something good will come of this. Your father thinks he is real close to a breakthrough on his sneaker project. I hope so. The landlord is threatening to evict us because of th.. Louis Sachar
e1e192a Stanley spent more time pushing the wheelbarrow than digging, because he was such a slow digger. He carted away the excess dirt and dumped it into previously dug holes. He was careful not to dump any of it in the hole where the gold tube was actually found. Louis Sachar
f989f8b Everyone in his family had always liked the fact that "Stanley Yelnats" was spelled the same frontward and backward. So they kept naming their sons Stanley. Stanley was an only child, as was every other Stanley Yelnats before him." Louis Sachar
08b965c Stanley took a shower--if you could call it that, ate dinner--if you could call it that, and went to bed--if you could call his smelly and scratchy cot a bed. Louis Sachar
6f12ee9 If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs, "The bark on the tree was just a little bit softer." While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, He cries to the moo--oo--oon, "If only, if only." Louis Sachar
12a9b7c After all, if you're not scared, then there's nothing to be brave about, is there? Louis Sachar
0010048 I prefer to use the names their parents gave them -- the names that society will recognize them by when they return to become useful and hardworking members of society. Louis Sachar
01e0192 Higher and higher he climbed. His strength came from somewhere deep inside himself and also seemed to come from the outside as well. After focusing on Big Thumb for so long, it was as if the rock had absorbed his energy and now acted like a kind of giant magnet pulling him toward it. After a while he became aware of a foul odor. At first he thought it came from Zero, but it seemed to be in the air, hanging heavy all around him. He also noti.. Louis Sachar
d83314e He didn't have any friends at home. He was overweight and the kids at his middle school often teased him about his size. Even his teachers sometimes made cruel comments without realizing it. On his last day of school, his math teacher, Mrs. Bell, taught ratios. As an example, she chose the heaviest kid in the class and the lightest kid in the class, and had them weigh themselves. Stanley weighed three times as much as the other boy. Mrs. Be.. Louis Sachar
3d27f0c Dameon had hazel eyes with little black dots in the middle of each of them. The dots were called pupils. Louis Sachar
61b6290 Sam wasn't allowed to attend classes because he was a Negro, Louis Sachar
8031da1 One afternoon, Sam, the onion man, and his donkey, Mary Lou, were returning to his boat, which was anchored just a little off shore. It was late in November and the peach trees had lost most of their leaves. "Sam!" someone called. He turned around to see three men running after him, waving their hats. He waited. "Afternoon, Walter. Bo, Jesse," he greeted them, as they walked up, catching their breath. "Glad we caught you," said Bo. "We're g.. Louis Sachar
04049ea Onions! Fresh, hot, sweet onions," Sam called as Mary Lou pulled the cart down Main Street. "Eight cents a dozen." It was a beautiful spring morning. The sky was painted pale blue and pink--the same color as the lake and the peach trees along its shore. Mrs. Gladys Tennyson was wearing just her nightgown and robe as she came running down the street after Sam. Mrs. Tennyson was normally a very proper woman who never went out in public withou.. Louis Sachar
9553304 letter. Stanley Louis Sachar
7794b00 The reader is probably asking: Why would anyone go to Camp Green Lake? Most campers weren't given a choice. Camp Green Lake is a camp for bad boys. If you Louis Sachar
4e3c4bd The Warden owns the shade."-Chapter 1.5" Louis Sachar
dbf7634 offering you a hundred and eighty dollars, pure profit, and no worries. Louis Sachar
f87d11f holes BY LOUIS SACHAR Louis Sachar
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