she found herself staring at a large puddle of some kind of fuzz-covered mud. Her mind barely registered it at first, but the more she gazed at the odd-looking mud, the more it drew her attention. The mud was dark and tar-like. Just above the surface, almost as if it were suspended in midair, there was a fuzzy yellowish-brown scum.
Louis Sachar |
Well, not exactly. I got a C-minus on the paper I wrote about my idea for the ergie. So then
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Louis Sachar |
If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs, "The bark on the tree was as soft as the skies." While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, Crying to the moo--oo--oon, "If only, if only." Stanley" --
Louis Sachar |
The urge to communicate is even stronger than the sex drive," Trapp said. "Why do you think people gossip so much? Why can't we keep secrets? Why have we invented the printing press, the telephone, the Internet? It's so ideas can grow and reproduce. Our bodies, our brains, are just machines that ideas use for a while, then toss aside when they wear out."
Louis Sachar |
He's not my dad," Kaira said. "Just because he married my-- As soon as I turn eighteen I'm firing his ass! Then I'll call you."
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Girls hate it when their clothes get dirty.
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You know what? I'm not going to describe anybody else as elderly. Let's just say that if you take my age and double it, I would still have been the youngest person in the room, by a lot.
Louis Sachar |
Louis Sachar |
I have been to the White House," Jeff admitted. "If you want, I'll tell you about it." Bradley thought a moment, then said, "Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you." 2."
Louis Sachar |
left his great-grandfather to face the hot barren desert. The Warden had left Stanley to face Mr. Sir. Somehow his great-grandfather
Louis Sachar |
lizard juice,
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The bad stuff always rose to the top of the brain.
Louis Sachar |
Kogda vsiu zhizn' zhivesh' v iame, -- skazal on, -- vylezti mozhesh' tol'ko vverkh.
Louis Sachar |
Louis Sachar |
not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it.
Louis Sachar |
The guy can't chew his own food," said the first boy. "So his dogs have to chew it up for him. Then they spit it out, and then he eats it."
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Stanley was still digging.
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Special Today: Mushroom Surprise He
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Louis Sachar |
And I can get my own phone," said Leslie, "with unlimited text messaging!" "And I can get my car fixed," I said. "Or maybe even a new car." "Or a new house that already has a swimming pool," said Leslie. "And a hot tub," I said. "And a game room, and a pool table," said Leslie. "And a giant TV with surround sound, and every kind of video game." And, and, and... That's the trouble with money."
Louis Sachar |
Mushroom Surprise
Louis Sachar |
My dog, Pugsy, was hit by a car,
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Wayside School is falling down, my
Louis Sachar |
Because if you fidget or wriggle or squirm or sass me or get an answer wrong, I'll wiggle my ears-- (Wiggles her ears: they vibrate dramatically. MYRON and BEBE duck under their desks) MYRON and BEBE: NO! MRS. GORF: --stick out my tongue and turn you into apples!
Louis Sachar |
had had
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Louis Sachar |
Twenty-five Percent Slam
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Love is different from most things...when I give my love to someone, I end up with more love than I started with. The more love you give away, the more you have left.
Louis Sachar |
That's the Little Dipper. Hey, Armpit, what sign are you?" "This is my sign," Armpit said, and gave him the finger."
Louis Sachar |
Your Doppelganger will regurgitate on your soul!
Louis Sachar |
Just because I love Mister Jewls, it doesn't mean I can't also love you. Love is different from most things." She picked up a piece of chalk. "If I gave my piece of chalk to someone, then I wouldn't have it anymore. But when I give my love to someone, I end up with more love than I started with. The more love you give away, the more you have left."
Louis Sachar |
Small steps, Hand in hand we'll walk together, And maybe we'll discover A clue along the way. . . .
Louis Sachar |
when Trapp was a young man, did he have sex with Annabel King,
Louis Sachar |
Louis Sachar |
Myron had named him "Oddly." Myron had named him oddly. "Is"
Louis Sachar |
So, you just told him all his cards?" East asked when we returned. "And he's going to remember them?" asked West. "You can ask me," my uncle said. "Despite my lack of eyesight, I can hear and speak." --
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Normally Trapp would just sit back and let the opponents argue, but I think he was offended by her use of the word fixed. She had just called him stupid and lucky. Worse, she blamed his supposedly lucky play on his blindness.
Louis Sachar |
Well, it's very distracting when we have to keep saying every card out loud," complained East. "I'm sorry my partner's blindness makes life so difficult for you," said Gloria."
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She looked around. There was a bulletin board covered with A papers. She looked from one paper to another and hoped, with all her heart, that she'd see one with Bradley's name on it. She didn't.
Louis Sachar |
One was a fast-talking, skinny white guy. With him was a big dude wearing a cowboy hat and boots.
Louis Sachar |
I'm Felix," said the skinny guy. "This is my man Moses."
Louis Sachar |
He gave it all to charity," said my father. "Diabetes research, I can understand that. But cancer research? He didn't even have cancer!"
Louis Sachar |
LOUIS SACHAR is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Holes, winner of the Newbery Medal, the National Book Award, and the Christopher Award. He is also the author of Stanley Yelnats' Survival Guide to Camp Green Lake; Small Steps, winner of the Schneider Family Book Award; and The Cardturner, a Publishers Weekly Best Book, a Parents' Choice Gold Award recipient, and an ALA-YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults book. His books for yo..
Louis Sachar |