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6a8d6fb What?" he asked. "You've not the heart to kill them." Again, he merely shrugged. "You understand that's why I have fallen in love with you, yes?" Khotai said." R.A. Salvatore
3350f07 Once a witch is ever a witch," she said as the moment passed. "I could not unlearn the beauty of Usgar. No one could. Once you have seen truth, child, you will never forget." R.A. Salvatore
f5416a7 My dear friend, there is always more to lose. R.A. Salvatore
a00156b It just was, a way of heart and belief and shared joy. It could not be created. It could not be coerced. It could not be altered. It just was. R.A. Salvatore
619f2ab Because you have earned it, and I would be a lesser and petty thing to allow my surprise at your resilience, at the power of your love, to lead me to jealousy instead of, perhaps, enlightenment. And I am not a lesser and petty thing. R.A. Salvatore
8e9ff71 Or because I believe in something greater still," Drizzt said. "Something that speaks to justice and that which is right." R.A. Salvatore
024a0ef You would have me lie? To what end?" Drizzt asked. "Fear is not fealty and worry is not worship." R.A. Salvatore
fd48b25 You have many years of life before you. Close no doors behind as you journey on. R.A. Salvatore
8c1e213 Respect is one of the most basic needs of reasoning creatures, particularly among men. An insult is just that because it is an assault upon respect, upon esteem, and upon that most dangerous of qualities: pride. R.A. Salvatore
52a4afc Pray for me, Arathis signed. But not to Lolth! Despite the tense situation, Jarlaxle managed a smile at that, a saying that was becoming litany for his band of mercenaries, all of them outcasts from the matriarchal society of Menzoberranzan and the misandry of the Spider Queen. R.A. Salvatore
17f4724 It is a subtle shift in the omnipresent question of a rational being, from "What can I build?" to "What will I leave behind?" R.A. Salvatore
993a98d I will, I know, because in my grief the first time, when I thought these friends lost, my love lost, my life lost, I came to understand the truth: that the road will roll beneath your feet whether you step lightly with hope and swiftly with determination, or whether you plod in misery, scraping the dirt with heavy boots. Because the perspective of that journey is a choice, and I choose happiness, and I choose to climb the next mountain. R.A. Salvatore
45d979c Of course!" Jarlaxle explained. "That's why he fights. Hope gives him meaning. That's why we love him. Still, you must admit that the gods are practical above all else. If the hearts of their followers change, their power will be diminished if they do not follow. Divine paradox, I think." R.A. Salvatore
518457d Loss of empathy might well be the most enduring and deep-cutting scar of all, the silent blade of an unseen enemy, tearing at our hearts and stealing more than our strength. R.A. Salvatore
aa411c9 We have to save him," Kane said loudly, to the masters he knew were watching from the balcony above. "He has dedicated his entire existence to bettering himself and the world around him, and so he is a work of art, fine art, and we cannot let it be destroyed." R.A. Salvatore
f176e6f To Ivan Bouldershoulder, if you couldn't look a man in the eye when ending his life, then you couldn't admit to yourself that the life needed to be ended. R.A. Salvatore
9de6e11 Yvonnel laughed yet again, only this time, she ended with a most heartfelt and primal scream. "You are toys!" she scolded. "All of you. You are pieces on a sava board, willingly walking from square to square." R.A. Salvatore
86318d7 we can empathize with someone else, but we cannot truly see the world as another person sees it, or judge events as they affect the mind and the heart of another, even a friend. But we must try. For the sake of all the world, we must try. This is the test of altruism, the most basic and undeniable ingredient for society. R.A. Salvatore
d5334a8 Because, in the measure of time, in the measure of humanity, we sense those self-indulgent instincts to be a weakness, we sense that the needs of the community must outweigh the desires of the one. Only when we admit to our failures and recognize our weaknesses can we rise above them. Together. R.A. Salvatore
7f7767a It is so good to be among people who understand that life is more complex than darkness and light," Lord Parise remarked." R.A. Salvatore
5b060b7 Still, it is the journey of life that matters, and not the goal," said Lord Parise. "And this journey will prove exhilarating, I expect." R.A. Salvatore
ef83d8d Demanding of another that he earns your respect is, in of itself, an act of arrogance, a way of self-elevation, implying by its very nature that your respect is worth earning. R.A. Salvatore
c4aa88d the end, to a preacher's ultimate sorrow, the choice of a god is a personal one, and R.A. Salvatore
cb00cf5 If life is merely a delusion, then at what point is such delusion simply a reality? R.A. Salvatore
277449b I choose to be happy, and happiness is indeed a choice. Every day I can rise from my Reverie and gnash my teeth at what I do not have. Or I can smile contentedly in appreciation of what I do possess. R.A. Salvatore
25c80ec Devils were more predictable than demons, which generally were little more than vile killing machines with less subtlety than a trebuchet throwing baskets of fire into a village. R.A. Salvatore
52c3ee6 What a wonderful thing are the laws that serve the whims of the powerful," Artemis Entreri said with a snort and a disgusted shake of his head." R.A. Salvatore
898cf7b How could they know more about Jarlaxle than Jarlaxle knew of them? It never worked that way! R.A. Salvatore
d8025b9 Everyone needs a hobby," the weapon master said with a shrug." R.A. Salvatore
83d3945 We cannot change our past, and denying it serves no good end. For changing how we speak about it might deceive others, but not ourselves. Those chapters are written, the words are clear, the ink dried. But the book is not complete so long as we draw breath. R.A. Salvatore
92d2ccf Everyone dies, Dwahvel [...] It is how one lives that matters. -Artemis Entreri life life-lessons R.A. Salvatore
a20d5b5 The gods of the realms are many and varied-or they are the many and varied names and identities tagged onto the same being. I know not-and care not- which. Drizzt Do'Urden R.A. Salvatore
8fccd78 The rest of it--skin color, hair color, homeland--was nonsense, fabricated by people who needed to pretend that they were somehow superior for such superficial reasons. R.A. Salvatore
31ae42e It was earned, many times over, and all in Bregan D'aerthe would agree, Archmage. Jarlaxle need not rule with threats, but merely by asking. All in Bregan D'aerthe would fight for him and die for him. R.A. Salvatore
750409b You are impressive, I must say, and in so many ways," he admitted. "I find it truly lamentable that you are wound up in your nonsensical notions of fidelity, and to a pathetic warrior no less! And I am disappointed that one of your accomplishments--a chosen priestess, I am told, and a wizard of no small measure--clings to some ridiculous peasant superstition of entwining honor and sex." R.A. Salvatore
1346e82 Catti-brie was, he feared, more powerful than she knew. That was often a dangerous thing. R.A. Salvatore
c0ed300 Huh?" Harkle answered. "That? Oh, no, no, that was a fireball. I am good at casting those!" R.A. Salvatore
5d5fac4 Do more than survive, my son, as I have survived. Live! Be true to the callings in your heart. R.A. Salvatore
5e23add Perception is reality, Drizzt Do'Urden," Yvonnel stated. "There is no objective truth?" "Of course there is! But until a falsehood is uncovered, the reality is what you perceive it to be. You cannot separate the two without a reveal. That you tried to do so was your madness." R.A. Salvatore
ab28192 But then," the elf went on in condescending tones, "humans must name everything, must map it and place it in some tidy little package and category, that they believe they have found some measure of control over what cannot be controlled. A false sense of godliness, I suppose." R.A. Salvatore
aebe6ce There is no pain greater than this; not the cut of a jagged-edged dagger nor the fire of a dragon's breath. Nothing burns in your heart like the emptiness of losing something, someone, before you truly have learned of its value. Often now I lift my cup in a futile toast, an apology to ears that cannot hear: R.A. Salvatore
24c81b4 delays R.A. Salvatore
c949c0a traditional R.A. Salvatore
6366b4c And where is Jarlaxle?" "Secure and waiting your instructions." "In the Clawrift?" "He is secure." "Is he even on the Material Plane?" "Where else would be be?" "Does one ever know with Jarlaxle?" Arathis Hume conceded that with a shrug." R.A. Salvatore
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