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ced05b2 The past no longer exists, and the future does not yet exist," Morik reasoned. "So live in the present and enjoy it, my friend. Enjoy every moment." R.A. Salvatore
dc3bba7 For there is no perfect strike, no perfect defense, no perfect form. The word itself defines a state that cannot be improved, but such is not the case, is never the case with muscle and mind and technique. So there is no state of perfection, but to seek it is not folly, nay, for it is that very seeking, the relentless journey, which defines the quality of the warrior. R.A. Salvatore
eea8bd4 They live with the belief that anything is acceptable if you can get away with it, that self-gratification is the most important aspect of existence, and that power comes only to she or he who is strong enough and cunning enough to snatch it from the failing hands of those who no longer deserve it. Compassion has no place in Menzoberranzan, and yet it is compassion, not fear, that brings harmony to most races. It is harmony, working toward .. R.A. Salvatore
c4df62a For I do not want a god to tell me how to behave. I do not want a god to guide my movements and actions--nay. Nor do I want a god's rules to determine that which I know to be right or to outlaw that which I know to be wrong. For I surely do not need to fear the retribution of a god to keep my path aligned with what is in my heart. R.A. Salvatore
6361a85 Play for the day," he told himself. "Win the day, each day, and so you will win the war." R.A. Salvatore
c580174 Two-hands," Zak said more emphatically. Matron Malice motioned for him to continue, unable to deny the grace of her youngest son's display. "Could you do it again?" Zak asked Drizzt. With each hand working independently, Drizzt soon had the coins stacked atop his index fingers, ready to flip. Zak stopped him there and pulled out four more coins, building each of the piles five high. Zak paused a moment to study the concentration of the youn.. R.A. Salvatore
071cef6 Wszyscy jestesmy w tym czy innym momencie naszego zycia wiezniami, wzgledem siebie lub wzgledem wymagan tych, ktorzy nas otaczaja. Jest to brzemie, ktorego wszyscy doswiadczaja, ktorym wszyscy pogardzaja i przed ktorym niewielu nauczylo sie uciekac. R.A. Salvatore
540a4f4 To think that all we've known to be true is not necessarily an absolute is unsettling and almost incomprehensible, and so to walk the road of acceptance and peace often takes more courage than the way of the warrior. R.A. Salvatore
392e5f6 No, what keeps Captain Deudermont safe is his ability to show respect for anyone he meets. He is a man of charm, who holds well his personal pride. He grants respect at the outset of a meeting and continues that respect until the person forfeits it. This is very different than the way most people view the world. Most people insist that respect has to be earned, and with many, I have come to observe, earning it is no easy task! R.A. Salvatore
35b4477 We like to keep what's our own to keep, especially from little thieves with little fingers and big mouths. R.A. Salvatore
df23fb3 Though many would seek short cuts to the truth, there is no way around the simplest of tenets: hardship begets achievement and achievement begets joy--true joy, and the sense of accomplishment that defines who we are as thinking beings. R.A. Salvatore
ea4c2c9 It is right and necessary and important to set goals and chase them. But to do so singularly, particularly regarding those roads which will take many months, even years, to accomplish is to miss the bigger point. It is the journey that is important, for it is the sum of all those journeys, planned or unexpected, that makes us who we are. If you see life as a journey to death, if you truly understand that ultimate goal, then it is the presen.. R.A. Salvatore
068da93 Neverwinter Wood. R.A. Salvatore
e2c6f9f One of the most common truths of life is that we all take for granted things that simply are. Whether a spouse, a friend, a family, or a home, after enough time has passed, that person, place, or situation becomes the accepted norm of our lives. It is not until we confront the unexpected, not until the normal is no more, that we truly come to appreciate what once we had. I R.A. Salvatore
5b93e6e For there is indeed a harmony in the universe, a concordant singing of common weal. To join that song, one must find inner harmony, must find the notes that ring true. There is one point to be made about that truth: Evil creatures cannot sing. R.A. Salvatore
da62a3f The meekest of animals will fight bravely when it is backed against a wall, for it has nothing left to lose. A poor man is more deadly than a rich man because he puts less value on his own life. R.A. Salvatore
576c8f4 I consider every person an enemy until he has proven himself differently, and I find that in knowing my enemies, I can prepare against anything they might send against me. R.A. Salvatore
426cc33 For what is a rational being if not a choice? And there can be no evil, nor any good, without intent. R.A. Salvatore
1f86f77 snarled, R.A. Salvatore
82700d0 outcropping R.A. Salvatore
645e592 With numbers comes strength, R.A. Salvatore
994ed09 Es mejor, pienso, intentar coger las estrellas que no hacerlo porque sabes que no puedes alcanzarlas. Al menos quien trepa disfrutara de una magnifica vista, y quizas incluso se haga con una manzana colgada de la rama en recompensa por sus esfuerzos. esfuerzo estrellas metas recompensa R.A. Salvatore
1f6e721 As we uncover the mysteries of the body, so too must we unravel the harmonies of the soul. R.A. Salvatore
1a2b778 We make the dragons as we make the gods, because we need them, because, somewhere deep in our hearts, we recognize that a world without them is a world not worth living in. R.A. Salvatore
66c79a5 was still working in the finance field for a high-tech company. The R.A. Salvatore
18b59f7 verybody has an imagination. There's the construction worker who can close his eyes and imagine a Hawaiian vacation. There's the corporate executive with visions of that next big promotion. There's the stay-at-home mother and her perfectly built "cabana boy" who will sweep her off her feet. For a small group of us, we've been fortunate enough to be able to use our imaginations to make a living." R.A. Salvatore
365b975 A leering succubus, vile temptress of the Abyss, stared back at him. R.A. Salvatore
77dbb4c A hundred goblins and orcs looked up from their herding and fishing duties to mark the drow soldier's swift passage. Knowing their restrictions as slaves, they took care not to look Dinin in the eye. R.A. Salvatore
ca09211 Such a typical misunderstanding. He is broken. Something within him is damaged. You can no more expect Drizzt to clearly unwind his twisting thoughts than you could expect a man with shattered legs to run. Just because you cannot see the injury does not mean that it isn't there. Nor is it one that can be cured by force of will, any more than simple determination could mend shattered bones." Jarlaxle" R.A. Salvatore
f8d37ef Pwent fell back and began to choke on the command. By his estimation, a dwarf king ordering a subject to go take a bath was roughly the equivalent of a human king telling his knights to go out and kill babies. R.A. Salvatore
8317767 I came to hear the screams: the screams of protest against murderous treachery; the screams of rage from the leaders of drow society, the high priestesses of the Spider Queen, echoing down the paths of my mind, ever to hold a place within my mind. The screams of dying children. --Drizzt Do'Urden R.A. Salvatore
cc89c9f Conscience does not always adhere to rational judgment. Guilt is always a self-imposed burden, but is not always rightly imposed. R.A. Salvatore
6643db0 And doubts regarding how high the price might prove. But this is our way. This is our creed. This is the mantra of the Companions of the Hall. It can be no other way. And since we knew our course to be true, doubts could not equal regret. No matter the price. --Drizzt Do'Urden R.A. Salvatore
f808e1c Words blurted out in fast reaction so oft ring true. They flow from the heart, and give voice to raw emotions before the speaker can thoughtfully intervene, out of tact or fear. Before the natural guards arise to self-censor, to protect the speaker from embarrassment or retribution. Before the polite filters catch the words to protect the sensibilities of others, to veil the sharp truth before it can stab. R.A. Salvatore
2567e88 It is a complicated word: home. It carries varied definitions to nearly every person. To me, home is not just a place, but a feeling; a warm and comfortable sensation of control. Home is where I need make no excuses for my actions or the color of my skin; where I must be accepted because this is my place. It is both a personal and a shared domain; for it is the place a person most truly belongs, and yet it is so only because of those friend.. R.A. Salvatore
fd9b4ed Discipline was necessary, but unquestioning obedience was a limiting thing, not a growing one. R.A. Salvatore
8d146cd The centuries dull and shift the memories, and the lens of time alters images. A R.A. Salvatore
b691922 Certitude is strength and suspicion is worthless, and worry over suspicion is something less than that. I R.A. Salvatore
0c4827b appreciate, that he will one day die. That he will one day be gone from this place, this life, this consciousness and existence, to whatever it is that awaits. For only when a person completely and honestly accepts the inevitability of death R.A. Salvatore
02da21e Glory brings fame, and fame brings jealousy, and jealousy brings danger. R.A. Salvatore
bd95556 Bene tellemara, chuchota Druzil. druzil dungeons-and-dragons R.A. Salvatore
0229e26 his words and ensuing actions--fleeing instead of fighting--had indeed put a bit of doubt in the kindly elf's not-so-closed mind. R.A. Salvatore
c02c23b There were two undeniable truths in the Realms: It was very easy to overestimate a drow and even easier to underestimate a dwarf. drow dungeons-dragons-rpgs dwarf elf fantasy R.A. Salvatore
609ca34 It is not the world that has changed, merely my understanding of it. R.A. Salvatore
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