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603fb58 Despicable creatures, vultures: without a doubt the most disgusting birds ever. I suppose they served their purpose, but did they have to be so greasy and ugly? Couldn't we have cute fuzzy rabbits that cleaned up roadkill instead? Rick Riordan
ed5fe0f I'll admit that I was staring. Suddenly my whole perspective had flipped inside out, like when you look at an inkblot picture and see just the black part. Then your brain inverts the image and you realize the white part makes an entirely different picture, even though nothing has changed. That was Alex Fierro, except in pink and green. A second ago, he had been very obviously a boy to me. Now she was very obviously a girl. Rick Riordan
d569545 Before I could respond, Thalia tromped up the stairs. She was officially not talking to me now, but she looked at Grover and said, "Tell Percy to get his butt downstairs." "Why?" I asked. "Did he say something?" Thalia asked Grover. "Um, he asked why." "Dionysus is calling a council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy," she said. "Unfortunately, that includes Percy." Rick Riordan
2d451d4 I'm Carter Kane-part-time high school freshman, part-time magician, full-time worrier about all the Egyptian gods and monsters who are constantly trying to kill me. Okay, that last part is an exaggeration. Not the gods want me dead. Just a lot of them. son-of-sobek egypt Rick Riordan
d58b9aa Imagine jumping into a pit of boiling acid. Now multiply that pain times fifty." -Percy" Rick Riordan
133634e How do we beat her? I asked. You pretty much don't, Horus said. She is the incarnation of the sun's wrath. Back in the day when Ra was active, she would have been much more impressive, but still. .She's unstoppable. A born killer. A slaying machine-- "Okay, I get it!" I yelled." Rick Riordan
1920c29 They know they've won," Carter guessed. "They're making a show of it." "Yes," Amos said. "Well, let's blow up the boats or something!" I said. Amos looked at me. "Is that your strategy, honestly?" Rick Riordan
b098c0a The baby!' Nico grinned, which hurt his face muscles. He wasn't used to making that expression. 'Mellie and the kid are all right? Rick Riordan
e88c63a I felt a bit silly giving this advice to a girl who regularly fought monsters with golden swords, but I had promised Bill Nye the Science Guy I would always promote safe laboratory practices. Rick Riordan
47e47e1 Her freckles were orange, as if somebody had spray-painted her face with liquid Cheetos. Rick Riordan
37de017 In the old legends, Arachne had gotten into trouble because of pride. She'd bragged about her tapestries being better than Athena's, which had led to Mount Olympus's first reality TV punishment program: 'So You Think You Can Weave Better Than a Goddess?' Arachne had lost in a big way. funny humor athena wicked lol Rick Riordan
4ba764c Power makes good people uneasy rather than joyful or boastful. That's why good people so rarely rise to power. Rick Riordan
ea94e1f What if we promoted, like, Adidas shoes?" Percy wondered. "Would that make Nike mad enough to show up?" Rick Riordan
8d2951b You'd think getting chopped into a million pieces and cast into the darkest part of the Underworld would give him a subtle clue that nobody wanted him around. kronos percy-jackson Rick Riordan
00e2dbc I haven't devoured a soul in...What month is this? March? Rick Riordan
07ef7c9 Boy," Annabeth interrupted, "I'm sure you both would've been wonderful at killing each other. But right now you need some rest." Rick Riordan
d3f88de The world will end. The big picture cannot be changed. But in the meantime, as Loki once said, we can choose to alter the details. That's how we take control of our destiny. Rick Riordan
58e8545 It's not bad enough I am exiled? It's not bad enough you take away the few good heroes I'm allowed to meet? You think it's funny to send me this this -- this charbroiled runt of a boy to ruin my tranquility? This is NOT FUNNY! Take him back! Rick Riordan
8d6877e Annabeth sat up and glared at her ankle. "You HAD to break," she scolded it. The ankle did not reply." Rick Riordan
887b1dd Amos clapped his hands. "Khufu!" I thought he'd sneezed, because Khufu is a weird name, but then a little dude about three feet tall with gold fur and a purple shirt came clambering down the stairs. It took me a second to realize it was a baboon wearing an L.A. Lakers jersey." Rick Riordan
b249a0f He's SO goatly. mellie mellie-the-wind-nymph Rick Riordan
1f212b1 Not that my regularly scheduled life was so great, but it beat getting judged unworthy by twelve bearded guys named Erik. humour magnus-chase Rick Riordan
7cb8ea4 Get closer," I told Blackjack. "I need to talk to the statue." he muttered, but he flew as close as he could, dodging the flying statue." olympian Rick Riordan
44f2d74 So,' Nico said, 'since we're going to be spending at least a year seeing each other at camp, I think I should clear the air.' Percy's smile wavered. 'What do you mean? truth percy-jackson Rick Riordan
b63396b You spoke the truth, Percy Jackson. You are nothing like... like Hercules. I am honored that you carry this sword. zoe-nightshade Rick Riordan
9908329 We were alone in a strange mansion with a baboon, a crocodile, and a weird cat. And apparently, the entire world was in danger. I looked at Sadie. "What do we do now?" Rick Riordan
2057347 Percy: Dad- Poseidon: Very well! It shall be as you say. But my son, pray this works. Percy: I'm praying, I'm talking to you, right? Poseidon: Oh...yes. Good point. poseidon percy-jackson Rick Riordan
6c553ed I still don't get it" Coach Hedge muttered as they roamed the centre aisle. "They named a whole town after Leo's table?" "I think the town was here first, Coach" Nico said." -- the-blood-of-olympus percy-jackson nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
c570219 The taller they are, the longer they fall. Rick Riordan
c155c28 Hades took off his helm. His complexion was even paler than usual. He had a bad case of helmet hair. He was sweating and nervous and blinking like he had something in his eyes. "I am Hades," he said in a squeaky voice. "I love you." Rick Riordan
ec38c4d It wasn't Leo's finest moment. Panic seized him, and he took off. His only comfort was that his friends did, too - and they weren't the cowardly type. Rick Riordan
cb4c72d What was I up to, you may ask? I certainly didn't want to meet Monsieur Evil again or creepy old Lord Salamander. Rick Riordan
ec20a18 If Aphrodite is angry, she might make you fall in love with a toy poodle, or a telephone pole. Rick Riordan
d7f9881 Throwing down your staff may sound like a sign of surrender, but in Egyptian magic, it's bad news. It usually means, 'Hey, I'm going to summon a big nasty thing to kill you while I stand safely inside my circle and laugh'. throne-of-fire Rick Riordan
30dd069 You're a Demigod Percy, half god and half mortal! Rick Riordan
80c78e8 He crossed the street toward the man in the trench coat, which left me with two choices: follow my dad and see what was going on, or do what I was told. I decided on the slightly less dangerous path. I went to retrieve my sister Rick Riordan
22e0550 Theophane gave birth to a magical ram named Krysomallos, who for some reason had wool made of gold. Eventually, Krysomallos would be skinned for his fleece, which became known as the Golden Fleece, which means I am related to a sheepskin rug. Rick Riordan
a084814 Come on," I said. "I've got some questions for Thoth. And then I'm going to punch him in the beak." chronicles riordan kane rick pyramid red sadie Rick Riordan
cf787a9 They're not so bad. They just need some attention. ...Like pets. Or my brother. Rick Riordan
6714b9d The bridge fell away into the chasm, and the Cyclops howled ... with delight, because he was standing right next to us. percy-jackson-and-the-olympians Rick Riordan
e85cdc5 Polyphemus stiffened. "Who said that?" "Nobody!" Annabeth yelled. That got exactly the reaction she'd been hoping for. The monster's face turned red with rage. "Nobody!" Polyphemus yelled back. "I remember you!" "You're too stupid to remember anybody," Annabeth taunted. "Much less Nobody." riddle nobody polyphemus Rick Riordan
11818df Nico enjoyed how nervous the Romans acted around him, even though they were older and bigger and more experienced fighters. Rick Riordan
61b4cd5 We heard the army before we saw it. The noise was like a cannon barrage combined with a football stadium crowd- like every Patriots fan in New England was charging us with bazookas. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
5e7bf0c So I saved your life, and you repaid me by raising Kronos. That's fair. Rick Riordan