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19e1baa Maybe the lesson is: Know when to brag and when to keep your mouth shut. Or: Sometimes life isn't fair, even if you are as gifted as Athena. Or maybe: Don't give away free tapestries. Rick Riordan
b453fc7 No one is like me," Sadie agreed. "My amazingness is unique." Rick Riordan
1705474 NOW, MY BRETHREN!" Poseidon's voice was so loud I wasn't sure if I was hearing it from the smoke image or from all the way across town. "STRIKE FOR OLYMPUS!" Rick Riordan
fa698a8 His lion and hippo legs twitched. I wondered if netherworld monsters dreamed of chasing rabbits. Rick Riordan
3d15a9b Good luck, boss. Don't let'em turn you into horse meat! (Blackjack) Rick Riordan
42bfdea I keep forgetting about your amnesia. Heh. Forgetting about amnesia. That's funny. Rick Riordan
63e0f8f My father, Zeus, did not love me. The demigods at Camp Half-Blood did not love me. Python and the Beast and his comrades at Triumvirate Holdings did not love me. It was almost enough to make me question my self-worth. No, no. That was crazy talk. Rick Riordan
e5e26b4 Lord Th- I mean, Thor,' said Sam, 'Won't you come with us? This is an important battle - the fire lord Surt, Fenris Wolf. Surely that's worthy of your attention.' Thor's right eye twitched. 'That's a fine offer. Really. I'd love to, but I have another pressing appointment -' 'Game of Thrones,' Marvin explained. Rick Riordan
737dc83 I imagined loading the God of the Sea into a taxi and taking him to the Upper East Side. Rick Riordan
81ca869 One of these days, I would love to exit a world without being pursued by an angry mob. Rick Riordan
2d3fdf6 The farm god rolled his eyes. He pointed at the corn plant, and BAM! Nico di Angelo appeared in an exposion of corn silk. Nico looked around in panic. "I-I had the weirdest nightmare about popcorn." Rick Riordan
c17df7e Keep a demon busy, I thought. Right. Maybe he fancies a game of Tiddlywinks. Rick Riordan
edb6885 Hermes's shoulders sagged. "They'll try, Percy. Oh, we'll all try to keep our promise. And maybe for a while things will get better. But we gods have never been good at keeping oaths. You were born because of a broken promise, eh? Eventually we'll become forgetful. We always do." "You can change." Hermes laughed. "After three thousand years, you think the gods can change their nature?" "Yeah," I said. "I do." inspirational keeping-promises percy-jackson hermes Rick Riordan
411e6c2 We can't make a portal--" "We've got a flying boat," Carter offered." Rick Riordan
c2fe662 Back up shall we? When my brother, the crazy chicken warrior, turned into a falcon and went up the pyramid's chimney with his new friend, the fruit bat, he left me playing nurse to two very wounded people--which I didn't appreciate, and which I wasn't particularly good at. Rick Riordan
61fe711 It's hard to look in charge when you're hunched over like Quasimodo. Rick Riordan
acc8a10 Percy hefted a bronze grenade. 'I hope you labelled these right.' He yelled, 'Die, Romans!' and lobbed the grenade over the wall. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
aa10657 Thank Artemis, it is you! That little scar on your lip--you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!" ... Hedge nodded like he approved of Jason's taste. "Staplers--excellent source of iron." staplers thalia Rick Riordan
bbcbde7 Annabeth finished her note and folded the napkin. On the outside, she wrote: Connor, Give this to Rachel. Not a prank. Don't be a moron. Love, Annabeth Rick Riordan
a24cb50 Bianca di Angelo shivered. "That explains Nico, you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?" "And that bus driver," Nico said. "The one with the ram's horns. I *told* you that was real." nico-diangelo nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
77c30db I (Percy) set Nico on guard duty with Beckendorf and the Stoll brothers, figuring he'd be safely out of the way. ... "What's happening?" Nico demanded, trying to climb up next to me." connor-stoll nico-diangelo percy-jackson nico-di-angelo Rick Riordan
b95a12a Burrito fight! Rick Riordan
a7ec410 If Annabeth's mother was Athena, the goddess of wisdom, then why didn't Annabeth know better than to fall off a cliff? wisdom athena percy-jackson Rick Riordan
8c7073a Jason hated being old. heroes-of-olympus percy-jackson-and-the-olympians jason-grace Rick Riordan
a26a235 We stepped back and looked at the king of the gods, slumped in his chair snoring, and cradling his crook like a teddy bear. I placed the war flail across his lap, hoping it might make a difference--maybe complete his powers or something. No such luck. "Sick weasels," Ra muttered. "Behold," Sadie said bitterly. "the glorious Ra." sadie Rick Riordan
0de8bd8 How do you have five children in a row, each on a different say?" "They're gods," Carter said. "They can do stuff like that." Rick Riordan
6c5c052 Percy pushed on his side furiously and the crack closed. His eyes blazed with anger. She hoped he wasn't mad at her, but if he was she couldn't blame him. If it keeps him going, she thought, then let him be angry. Rick Riordan
f81ac58 Everybody loves to show up at the party once all the hard work is done. Rick Riordan
0443213 The most unreal thing about the bar was Taylor Swift's 'Blank Space' blasting from the speakers. 'Dwarves like human music?' I asked Blitzen. 'You mean humans like our music.' 'But ...' I had a sudden image of Taylor Swift's mom and Freya having a girls' night out in Nidavellir. 'Never mind. Rick Riordan
31f6a44 Note to self: If you're trying not to have kids, don't marry a lady who is the Titan of motherhood. Rick Riordan
d96c226 My son Asclepius had become the god of medicine by the time he was fifteen, and I couldn't have been happier for him. It left me time for my other interests. Besides, it's every god's dream to have a child who grows up to be a doctor. parent-dreams Rick Riordan
583e445 YEAH, I KNOW. You guys are going to read about how I died in agony, and you're going be like, "Wow! That sounds cool, Magnus! Can I die in agony too?" No. Just no. Don't go jumping off any rooftops. Don't run into the highway or set yourself on fire. It doesn't work that way. You will not end up where I ended up." Rick Riordan
61dff03 But I suppose if you're friends of Magnus's ..." He went completely still. His runes faded. Then he leaped out of my hand and flew towards Annabeth, his blade twitching as if he was stiffing the air. "Where is she? Where are you hiding the babe?" Annabeth backed towards the rail. "Whoa, there, sword. Personal space?" "Jack, behave," Alex said. "What are you doing?" "She's around here somewhere," Jack insisted. He flew to Percy. "Aha! What's.. percy-jackson Rick Riordan
14438c3 I mentally began composing a list of words that began with F: Frey. Father. False. Friend. Frick. Frack. And some others. Rick Riordan
dc2e395 And now, Anubis, I find you in this den of iniquity, this morass of questionable behavior, this...this--' 'School? Rick Riordan
75239a8 Oh, lord. I was beginning to think like Neith. Soon I'd be huddled in an underground bunker eating army rations and cackling as I sewed together the pockets of all the boys who'd jilted me. Rick Riordan
295d778 Hermes rolled his eyes. "Surely you've seen network TV lately. It's clear they don't know whether they're coming or going. That's because Janus is in charge of programming. He loves ordering new shows and cancelling them after two episodes. God of beginnings and endings, after all. Anyway, I was bringing him some magic doormats, and I was double-parked-" "You have to worry about double-parking?" "Will you let me tell the story?" "Sorry." Rick Riordan
818541e Annabeth didn't mean to, but she surged forward. Percy rushed toward her at the same time. The crowd tensed. Some reached for swords that weren't there. Percy threw his arms around her. They kissed, and for a moment nothing else mattered. An asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, and Annabeth wouldn't have cared. Percy smelled of ocean air. His lips were salty. Seaweed Brain, she thought giddily. Percy pulled away and st.. Rick Riordan
ca5664b You see that massive giantess blocking the river?" "Technically speaking," Jack said, "I can't see anything, because I don't have eyes. But yes, I see the giant." Rick Riordan
f87f4b9 Juno: "The heroes of olympus must unite! After your victory over kronos in manhattan...well I fear that wounded jupiter's self-esteem." rick riordan
18057d6 I imagined having that bronzed dragon in our fight against the Titan lord Kronos. His monsters would think twice about attacking camp if they have to face that thing. On the other hand, if the dragon decided to go berserk again and attack the campers-that would pretty much stink. Rick Riordan
3bab5e0 I was five steps away when he called, "Perseus." I turned. There was a different light in his eyes, a fiery kind of pride. "You did well, Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God." -- Rick Riordan
6ccf637 I mean, I can understand not being as pricey as Percy or Jason, maybe... but am I worth, like, two Franks, or three Franks? quote humorous-quotes leo-valdez Rick Riordan
cb0318b Intelligence won wars, not brute force. war Rick Riordan