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860b720 The person following is never in control, which she knows full well and which is exactly why she does it. following leadership psychology relationships Sara Gruen
0682c42 I am further back, surrounded on all sides by wailing men, their faces shiny with tears. Uncle Al promised three dollars and a bottle of Canadian whiskey to the man who puts on the best show. You've never seen such grief-- even the dogs were howling. gruen water-for-elephants Sara Gruen
47b9686 Dime, ?de verdad crees que este es el espectaculo mas deslumbrante del mundo? -?Eh? -No. Ni por asomo. Probablemente ni siquiera es el numero cincuenta de la lista de los espectaculos mas deslumbrantes del mundo. Tenemos un tercio de la capacidad del circo Ringling. Ya has descubierto que Marlena no pertenece a la realeza rumana. ?Y Lucinda? De 400 kilos nada, 200 como mucho. ?Y tu crees que a Frank Otto le tatuaron unos furiosos cazadores .. Sara Gruen
dc527c1 I've decided it's not about me at all. It's a protective mechanism for them, a way of buffering themselves against my future death, like when teenagers distance themselves from their parents in preparation for leaving home. Sara Gruen
9c2067b In all its beautiful, tragic fragility, there was still life. death life tragedy Sara Gruen
bd7cbf1 There is no question that I am the only thing standing between these animals and the business practices of August and Uncle Al, and what my father would do--what my father would want me to do--is look after them, and I am filled with that absolute and unwavering conviction. No matter what I did last night, I cannot leave these animals. I am their shepherd, their protector. inspirational Sara Gruen
438a4f7 I stared at him for a long time. If he wanted to end his search for the beast, he need look no further than a mirror. Sara Gruen
246ffbd a gaggle of old ladies is glued to the window at the end of the hall like children or jailbirds. They're spidery and frail, their hair as fine as mist. Most of them are a good decade younger than me, and this astounds me. Even as your body betrays you, your mind denies it.---- There are five of them now, white headed old things huddled together and pointing crooked fingers at the glass. Sara Gruen
c930d09 It was the only secret I kept from her and eventually it became impossible to fix. With a secret like that, at some point the secret becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it does not. Sara Gruen
85b49bb La edad es una ladrona implacable. Justo cuando empiezas a tomar el pulso a la vida te arranca la fuerza de las piernas y te encorva la espalda.Produce dolores y enturbia la cabeza y silenciosamente infesta a tu mujer de cancer. Sara Gruen
d9b6cc9 Age is a terrible thief. Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back. Sara Gruen
af43b31 And don't miss Frank Otto, the world's most tattooed man! Held hostage in the darkest jungles of Borneo and tried for a crime he didn't commit, and his punishment? Well, folks, his punishment is written all over his body in permanent ink! Sara Gruen
5b935c1 b`D l'shy fyn l tmwt bd. Sara Gruen
aa99a0a It's like Charlie told the cop. For this old man, this is home. Sara Gruen
545e374 Don't mind Russ," he says. "He's a good kid underneath all those holes, although it's a wonder he doesn't spring a leak when he drinks" humour Sara Gruen
5b29364 I strain to hear, but my old ears, for all their obscene hugeness, pick up nothing but snippets: Sara Gruen
18b8fe8 Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back. It makes you ache and muddies your head... Sara Gruen
3e270a3 I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head. It's been there awhile, biding its time and growing closer with each revolution. I give up on rage, which at this point has become a formality, and make a mental note to get angry again in the morning. Then I let myself drift, because there's really no fighting it. Sara Gruen
8ea1504 The longer I do this job, the less I like people. The species, of course," he adds grimly. "There are individuals I like just fine." Sara Gruen
1104276 I cling to my anger with every ounce of humanity left in my ruined body, but it's no use. It slips away, like a wave from shore. I am pondering this sad fact when I realize the blackness of sleep is circling my head. It's been there awhile, biding its time and growing closer with each revolution. I give up on rage, which at this point has become a formality, and make a mental note to get angry again in the morning. Then I let myself drift, .. Sara Gruen
a7c4b6a Age is a terrible thief. Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back. It makes you ache and muddies your head and silently spreads cancer throughout your spouse Sara Gruen
20a7299 Beneath it was a photograph of Hank alone, standing shirtless on the deck of a sailboat with his hands on his hips. Sara Gruen
0504d8f She blamed the lack of real flowers on both weather and the war, and instead put four or five pieces of coal in glass bowls, added water, salt, and ammonia, before finally pouring a mixture of violet and blue ink over them. It was a complete mystery to me how this alchemy would result in anything resembling flowers, but they were "blooming" within the hour." Sara Gruen
4e72df3 I want to knit socks for the soldiers." "It's not as easy as that," she said, looking at me strangely. "It's difficult to turn a good heel. There are competitions over it." socks Sara Gruen
6bc5f3d Sometimes I think that if I had to choose between an ear of corn or making love to a woman, I'd choose the corn. Not that I wouldn't love to have a final roll in the hay - I am a man yet, and some things never die - but the thought of those sweet kernels bursting in my teeth sure sets my mouth to watering. It's fantasy, I know that. Neither will happen. I just like to weigh the options, as though I were standing in front of Solomon: a final.. Sara Gruen
317be7b But there's nothing to be done about it. All I can do is put in time waiting for the inevitable, observing as the ghosts of my past rattle around my vacuous present. They crash and bang and make themselves at home, mostly because there's no competition. I've stopped fighting them. They're crashing and banging around in there now. Make yourselves at home, boys. Stay awhile. Oh, sorry--I see you already have. Damn ghosts. Sara Gruen
6bb984b When you are five, you know your age down to the month. Even in your twenties, you know how old you are. I'm twenty-three you say, or maybe twenty-seven. But then in your thirties, something strange starts to happen. It is a mere hiccup at first, an instant of hesitation. How old are you? Oh, I'm--you start confidently, but then you stop. You were going to say thirty-three, but you are not. You're thirty-five. And then you're bothered, beca.. getting-older time Sara Gruen
98a8398 n l`mr lS rhyb, fbmjrd n ttmkn mn msr Hytk, yty hw lyk lyksr sqk wyHny Zhrk fyskn l'lm fy jsdk, wyshwsh `qlk wynshr fy Smt mrD lsrTn fy jsd shryk Hytk. Sara Gruen
ae0c18f It seems there's nothing so good or pure it cant be taken without a moment's notice. And then in the end, it all gets taken anyway. Sara Gruen
609ce97 Violet was nothing if not sensible. She didn't even approve when we pulled entirely harmless pranks, like hiding someone's yacht in the wrong slip, or turning the racquet club's pool water purple. Sara Gruen
92c9ed2 When you're five, you know your age down to the month. Even in your twenties you know how old you are. I'm twenty-three, you say, or maybe twenty-seven. But then in your thirties something strange starts to happen. It's a mere hiccup at first, an instant of hesitation. How old are you? Oh, I'm--you start confidently, but then you stop. You were going to say thirty-three, but you're not. You're thirty-five. And then you're bothered, because .. Sara Gruen
485b6e4 nk Hyn tkbr fy lsn -w lst 'tHdth hn `nk, nny 'tHdth bshkl `m, fkl mn yhrm `l~ nHw mkhtlf- tbd' l'shy lty knt tfkr fyh 'w ttmnh tbdw k'nh Hqyqy@. thm tbd' btSdyqh, w qbl 'n tdrk dhlk tSbH jzan mn trykhk, w yHn y'ty shkhS m lytHd~ SH@ tSwrtk tlk fnk tsh`r blhnh. l'nk l tdhkr ljz l'wl mn lHdyth. kl m tdhkrh hw 'n 'Hdan n`tk blkdhb. hl ymknk nfhm mwqf lsyd mkjwynty, Ht~ lw knt mHqan fy ltfSyl lfnyh llHdyth? Sara Gruen
3331359 It's hard to reconcile this August with the other one. and to be honest I don't try very hard. I've seen flashes of this August before-This brightness, this conviviality, this generosity of spirit-but I know what he's capable of, and I won't forget it. The others can believe what they like, but I don't believe for a second that this is the real August and the other an aberration And yet I can see how they might be fooled- chapter-17 jacob-jankowski page-293 page-294 water-for-elephants Sara Gruen
aa99cb9 off, but Osgood, the photographer, was already snoring softly. He was in the center seat, wedged between John Thigpen and Sara Gruen
6a652b0 And you know what they say. Always carry a large flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and further, always carry a small snake. Sara Gruen
0c2269f Es imposible describir la ternura que he empezado a sentir por ellos: hienas, camellos y todos los demas. Hasta el oso polar, que veo tumbado sobre su costado, mordisqueando sus zarpas de doce centimetros con sus dientes de doce centimetros. El amor por estos animales me invade repentinamente, como un torrente, y se eleva dentro de mi, solido como un obelisco y fluido como el agua. Sara Gruen
eca33f8 For the rest of the night, all I could think about was how many heads had lain on those pillows before my own. Sara Gruen
a26d04b My father felt it his duty to continue to treat animals long after he stopped getting paid. He couldn't stand by and watch a horse colic or a cow labor with a breech calf even though it meant personal ruin. The parallel is undeniable. There is no question that I am the only thing standing between these animals and the business practices of August and Uncle Al, and what my father would do--what my father would want me to do--is look after th.. Sara Gruen
a516857 Give orange give me eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you. --NIM CHIMPSKY, 1970s Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more. --BRITNEY SPEARS, 2007 Sara Gruen
b1db3d4 comparison. His eyes were hazel, and his arms ended in white bandages just below the elbows. Sara Gruen
f41dad1 He's paragon schnitzophonic.' 'He's what?!' Sara Gruen (Author)
cdd87d7 One Crow for sorrow, Two Crows for mirth, Three Crows for a wedding, Four Crows for a birth, Five Crows for silver, Six Crows for gold, Seven for a secret, never to be told. Sara Gruen
8882c31 But then in your thirties something strange starts to happen. It's a mere hiccup at first, an instant of hesitation. How old are you? Oh, I'm--you start confidently, but then you stop. You were going to say thirty-three, but you're not. You're thirty-five. And then you're bothered, because you wonder if this is the beginning of the end. It is, of course, but it's decades before you admit it. Sara Gruen
b21eef1 It was full of luxurious trappings and shiny baubles, and that had blinded me to the fact that nothing about it was real. Sara Gruen
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