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Dani RWebster 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation of it, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani NHEBJE 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and you, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani ABP 4:18  This dream I beheld, I the king, Nebuchadnezzar. And you, O Belteshazzar, [2the 3interpretation 1tell]! for all the wise men of my kingdom are not able [2the 3interpretation 4of it 1to manifest] to me. But you Daniel are able, for [2spirit 3of God 1holy] is in you.
Dani NHEBME 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and you, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani Rotherha 4:18  This dream, have, I, King Nebuchadnezzar, seen. Thou, therefore, O Belteshazzar, the interpretation, do thou tell, forasmuch as, all the wise men of my kingdom, are unable, the interpretation, to make known to me, but, thou, art able, because, the spirit of the holy gods, is in thee.
Dani LEB 4:18  “ ‘This is the dream that I, Nebuchadnezzar the king, saw. Now you, Belteshazzar, declare its explanation, ⌞for⌟ all of the wise men of my kingdom were not able to make the explanation known to me, but you are able because the spirit of holy gods is in you.’
Dani RNKJV 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy elohim is in thee.
Dani Jubilee2 4:18  I, king Nebuchadnezzar, saw this dream. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, shall declare its interpretation, forasmuch as all the wise [men] of my kingdom could never show me its interpretation; but thou [art] able, for the spirit of the holy God in thee.
Dani Webster 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation of it, forasmuch as all the wise [men] of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation: but thou [art] able; for the spirit of the holy gods [is] in thee.
Dani Darby 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and thou, Belteshazzar, tell the interpretation, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation; but thou art able, for the spirit of the holygods is in thee.
Dani ASV 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation; but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani LITV 4:18  I, Nebuchadnezzar, have seen this dream. Now you, O Belteshazzar, declare its meaning, since all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to reveal the meaning to me. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Dani Geneva15 4:18  Whose leaues were faire and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meate for all, vnder the which the beastes of the fielde dwelt, and vpon whose branches the foules of the heauen did sit,
Dani CPDV 4:18  And its branches were very beautiful, and its fruit very abundant, and in it was food for all. Under it, dwelt the beasts of the field, and in its branches, the birds of the air stayed.
Dani BBE 4:18  This dream I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw; and do you, O Belteshazzar, make clear the sense of it, for all the wise men of my kingdom are unable to make the sense of it clear to me; but you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Dani DRC 4:18  And the branches thereof were most beautiful, and its fruit exceeding much, and in it was food for all, under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and the birds of the air had their abode in its branches.
Dani GodsWord 4:18  I said, "This is the dream I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had. Now you, Belteshazzar, tell me its meaning because the wise advisers in my kingdom can't tell it to me. However, you can, because the spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani JPS 4:18  whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was food for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation;
Dani KJVPCE 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani NETfree 4:18  "This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw. Now you, Belteshazzar, declare its interpretation, for none of the wise men in my kingdom are able to make known to me the interpretation. But you can do so, for a spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani AB 4:18  This is the vision which I, King Nebuchadnezzar saw. Now you, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, for none of the wise men of my kingdom are able to show me its interpretation-but you, Daniel, are able, for the Holy Spirit of God is in you.
Dani AFV2020 4:18  This dream, I, King Nebuchadnezzar, have seen. Now you, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make the meaning known to me. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani NHEB 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and you, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani NETtext 4:18  "This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw. Now you, Belteshazzar, declare its interpretation, for none of the wise men in my kingdom are able to make known to me the interpretation. But you can do so, for a spirit of the holy gods is in you."
Dani UKJV 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now you, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but you are able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Dani Noyes 4:18  This dream I, King Nebuchadnezzar, saw, and do thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation; but thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani KJV 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani KJVA 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani AKJV 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now you, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, for as much as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation: but you are able; for the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Dani RLT 4:18  This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation: but thou art able; for the Spirit of the Holy God is in thee.
Dani MKJV 4:18  I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen this dream. Now you, O Belteshazzar, declare its meaning, because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make the meaning known to me. But you are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
Dani YLT 4:18  `This dream I have seen, I king Nebuchadnezzar; and thou, O Belteshazzar, the interpretation tell, because that all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to cause me to know the interpretation, and thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani ACV 4:18  This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen. And thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, inasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known to me the interpretation. But thou are able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
Dani VulgSist 4:18  et rami eius pulcherrimi, et fructus eius nimius, et esca omnium in ea, subter eam habitantes bestiae agri, et in ramis eius commorantes aves caeli:
Dani VulgCont 4:18  et rami eius pulcherrimi, et fructus eius nimius, et esca omnium in ea, subter eam habitantes bestiæ agri, et in ramis eius commorantes aves cæli:
Dani Vulgate 4:18  et rami eius pulcherrimi et fructus eius nimius et esca omnium in ea subter eam habitantes bestiae agri et in ramis eius commorantes aves caeli
Dani VulgHetz 4:18  et rami eius pulcherrimi, et fructus eius nimius, et esca omnium in ea, subter eam habitantes bestiæ agri, et in ramis eius commorantes aves cæli:
Dani VulgClem 4:18  et rami ejus pulcherrimi, et fructus ejus nimius, et esca omnium in ea, subter eam habitantes bestiæ agri, et in ramis ejus commorantes aves cæli :
Dani CzeBKR 4:18  Tento sen viděl jsem já Nabuchodonozor král, ty pak, Baltazaře, oznam výklad jeho. Nebo všickni mudrci v království mém nemohli mi výkladu oznámiti, ale ty můžeš, proto že duch bohů svatých jest v tobě.
Dani CzeB21 4:18  který měl krásné listí a hojné ovoce, jímž se všichni sytili, strom, v jehož stínu odpočívala zvěř a v jehož větvích hnízdili ptáci –
Dani CzeCEP 4:18  který měl nádherné listí a mnoho plodů, na němž byla potrava pro všechny, pod nímž bydlela polní zvěř a v jehož větvích přebývali nebeští ptáci,
Dani CzeCSP 4:18  jenž listí měl krásné i ovoce hojné a na němž byla potrava pro každého, pod nímž přebývala polní zvěř, v jehož větvích se zdržovalo nebeské ptactvo --
Dani PorBLivr 4:18  Este foi o sonho que eu, o rei Nabucodonosor, vi. Tu, pois, Beltessazar, dize a interpretação, porque todos os sábios do meu reino não puderam me revelar sua interpretação; mas tu podes, porque há em ti o espírito dos deuses santos.
Dani Mg1865 4:18  ny raviny dia tsara tarehy, sady betsaka ny voany, ary teo aminy nisy hanina ho an’ ny rehetra, teny ambaniny no nitoeran’ ny bibi-dia, ary teny amin’ ny rantsany no nitoeran’ ny voro-manidina,
Dani FinPR 4:18  {4:15} Tämän unen näin minä, kuningas Nebukadnessar. Ja sinä, Beltsassar, sano sen selitys, koska ei yksikään minun valtakuntani viisaista voi minulle ilmoittaa sen selitystä. Mutta sinä sen voit, sillä sinussa on pyhien jumalien henki."
Dani FinRK 4:18  ja jonka lehvät olivat kauniit ja hedelmät runsaat ja jossa oli ravintoa kaikille, jonka varjossa kedon eläimet asuivat ja jonka oksilla taivaan linnut majailivat
Dani ChiSB 4:18  樹葉美麗,果實繁多,足以供養一切生靈,田野的走獸安息在它的蔭下,空中的飛鳥棲息在它的枝條上。
Dani ChiUns 4:18  「这是我─尼布甲尼撒王所做的梦。伯提沙撒啊,你要说明这梦的讲解;因为我国中的一切哲士都不能将梦的讲解告诉我,惟独你能,因你里头有圣神的灵。」
Dani BulVeren 4:18  Този сън видях аз, цар Навуходоносор, и ти, Валтасасаре, кажи тълкуванието му, защото нито един от мъдреците на царството ми не може да ми извести тълкуванието, а ти можеш, защото духът на светите богове е в теб.
Dani AraSVD 4:18  هَذَا ٱلْحُلْمُ رَأَيْتُهُ أَنَا نَبُوخَذْنَصَّرَ ٱلْمَلِكَ. أَمَّا أَنْتَ يَا بَلْطَشَاصَّرُ فَبَيِّنْ تَعْبِيرَهُ، لِأَنَّ كُلَّ حُكَمَاءِ مَمْلَكَتِي لَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ أَنْ يُعَرِّفُونِي بِٱلتَّعْبِيرِ. أَمَّا أَنْتَ فَتَسْتَطِيعُ، لِأَنَّ فِيكَ رُوحَ ٱلْآلِهَةِ ٱلْقُدُّوسِينَ».
Dani Esperant 4:18  Tian sonĝon vidis mi, reĝo Nebukadnecar. Kaj vi, ho Beltŝacar, diru ĝian signifon; ĉar neniu el la saĝuloj en mia regno povas klarigi ĝian signifon, sed vi povas, ĉar vi havas en vi la spiriton de la sanktaj dioj.
Dani ThaiKJV 4:18  ความฝันนี้ตัวเราคือกษัตริย์เนบูคัดเนสซาร์ได้เห็นและ โอ เบลเทชัสซาร์ ท่านจงกล่าวคำแก้ฝันเถิด เพราะพวกนักปราชญ์ทั้งสิ้นแห่งราชอาณาจักรของเราไม่สามารถที่จะให้คำแก้ความฝันแก่เรา แต่ท่านสามารถ เพราะวิญญาณของพระผู้บริสุทธิ์อยู่ในตัวท่าน”
Dani OSHB 4:18  וְעָפְיֵ֤הּ שַׁפִּיר֙ וְאִנְבֵּ֣הּ שַׂגִּ֔יא וּמָז֨וֹן לְכֹ֖לָּא־בֵ֑הּ תְּחֹת֗וֹהִי תְּדוּר֙ חֵיוַ֣ת בָּרָ֔א וּבְעַנְפ֕וֹהִי יִשְׁכְּנָ֖ן צִפֲּרֵ֥י שְׁמַיָּֽא׃
Dani BurJudso 4:18  ထိုသို့ ငါနေဗုခဒ်နေဇာမင်းကြီးသည် မြင်မက် ရပြီ။ ယခုတွင် အချင်းဗေလတရှာဇာ၊ ငါမြင်သော အိပ်မက်အနက်ကိုဘော်ပြလော့။ ငါ့နိုင်ငံတွင် ပညာရှိ အပေါင်းတို့သည် အနက်ကို ငါ့အား မဘော်မပြနိုင်သော် လည်း၊ သင်သည် သန့်ရှင်းသော ဘုရားသခင်၏ ဝိညာဉ် နှင့်ပြည့်စုံ၍ ဘော်ပြနိုင်သည်ဟု ငါသည် ကိုယ်မြင်သော အိပ်မက်ကို ဒံယေလအား ပြန်ပြော၏။
Dani FarTPV 4:18  «این خوابی بود که من -‌نبوکدنصر پادشاه- دیدم. حال ای بلطشصر تو تعبیر آن را برای من بگو، چون هیچ‌یک از حکیمان کشور من نتوانستند آن را تعبیر کنند، امّا تو می‌توانی زیرا دارای روح خدایان مقدّس هستی.»
Dani UrduGeoR 4:18  Maiṅ, Nabūkadnazzar ne ḳhāb meṅ yih kuchh dekhā. Ai Beltashazzar, ab mujhe is kī tābīr pesh karo. Merī saltanat ke tamām dānishmand is meṅ nākām rahe haiṅ. Lekin tum yih kar pāoge, kyoṅki tum meṅ muqaddas dewatāoṅ kī rūh hai.”
Dani SweFolk 4:18  med så vackert lövverk och så mycket frukt att det hade föda åt alla, trädet som markens djur bodde under och på vars grenar himlens fåglar hade sina nästen,
Dani GerSch 4:18  der so schönes Laub hatte und so reiche Früchte trug und an dem sich Nahrung für alle fand, unter welchem sich die Tiere des Feldes aufhielten und auf dessen Zweigen die Vögel des Himmels wohnten,
Dani TagAngBi 4:18  Akong si Nabucodonosor na hari ay nakakita ng panaginip na ito: at ikaw, Oh Beltsasar, ipahayag ang kahulugan, sapagka't lahat na pantas sa aking kaharian ay hindi makapagpaaninaw sa akin ng kahulugan; nguni't maipaaaninaw mo; sapagka't ang espiritu ng mga banal na dios ay sumasa iyo.
Dani FinSTLK2 4:18  jonka lehvät olivat kauniit ja hedelmät suuret ja jossa oli ravintoa kaikille, jonka alla kedon eläimet asuivat ja jonka oksilla taivaan linnut oleskelivat,
Dani Dari 4:18  این خوابی بود که من ـ نبوکدنصر پادشاه ـ دیده ام. حالا ای بِلطشزر تو تعبیر آن را برای من بگو. چون هیچیک از حکیمان کشور من نتوانست آن را تعبیر کند. اما تو می توانی، زیرا دارای روح خدایان مقدس هستی.»
Dani SomKQA 4:18  Anigoo ah Boqor Nebukadnesar ayaan riyadan arkay, adna Beelteshaasarow, fasirkeeda caddee, waayo, nimanka xigmadda leh ee boqortooyadayda joogay oo dhammu way kari waayeen inay fasirkii ii caddeeyaan; laakiinse adigu waad kartaa, waayo, ruuxii ilaahyada quduuska ah ayaa kugu jira.
Dani NorSMB 4:18  Soleis var draumen som eg, kong Nebukadnessar, hadde. Og no må du, Beltsassar, segja kva han tyder; for ingen av dei vise i riket mitt kann segja meg uttydingi; men du kann det vel, for anden åt heilage gudar er i deg.»
Dani Alb 4:18  Kjo është ëndrra që kam parë unë, mbreti Nebukadnetsar. Tani ti, Beltshatsar, jepi interpretimin, sepse asnjë nga të diturit e mbretërisë sime nuk është në gjendje të më bëjë të njohur interpretimin e saj; por ti mundesh, sepse fryma e perëndive të shenjta është te ti".
Dani KorHKJV 4:18  나 느부갓네살 왕이 이 꿈을 보았나니, 오 벨드사살아, 이제 너는 그것의 해석을 밝히 고하라. 내 왕국의 모든 지혜자들이 능히 해석을 내게 알려 주지 못하였으나 너는 할 수 있나니 거룩한 신들의 영이 네 속에 있느니라.
Dani SrKDIjek 4:18  Тај сан сних ја цар Навуходоносор; а ти, Валтасаре, кажи што значи, јер ни један мудрац у царству мом не може да ми каже што значи; а ти можеш, јер је у теби дух светијех богова.
Dani Wycliffe 4:18  and the faireste braunchis therof, and the fruyt therof ful myche, and the mete of alle in it, and beestis of the feeld dwellynge vndur it, and the briddis of the eir dwellynge in the boowis therof,
Dani Mal1910 4:18  നെബൂഖദ്നേസർരാജാവായ ഞാൻ ഈ സ്വപ്നം കണ്ടു; എന്നാൽ ബേല്ത്ത് ശസ്സരേ, എന്റെ രാജ്യത്തിലെ വിദ്വാന്മാൎക്കു ആൎക്കും അതിന്റെ അൎത്ഥം അറിയിപ്പാൻ കഴിയായ്കകൊണ്ടു നീ അതിന്റെ അൎത്ഥം അറിയിച്ചുതരേണം; വിശുദ്ധദേവന്മാരുടെ ആത്മാവു നിന്നിൽ ഉള്ളതുകൊണ്ടു നീ അതിന്നു പ്രാപ്തനാകുന്നു.
Dani KorRV 4:18  나 느부갓네살 왕이 이 꿈을 꾸었나니 너 벨드사살아 그 해석을 밝히 말하라 내 나라 모든 박사가 능히 그 해석을 내게 알게 하지 못하였으나 오직 너는 능히 하리니 이는 거룩한 신들의 영이 네 안에 있음이니라
Dani Azeri 4:18  من پادشاه نِبوکَدنِصّر بله بئر يوخو گؤردوم. ای بِلطِشَصّر، سن بو يوخونو تعبئر ات، چونکي پادشاهليغيمين حکئم آداملاريندان هچ بئري بو يوخونون معناسيني منه بئلدئره بئلمئر. آمّا سن بونو اده بئلرسن، چونکي سنده موقدّس آللاهلارين روحو وار."
Dani SweKarlX 4:18  Och dess qwistar dägelige, och dess frukt mycken war, der alle sina födo af hade, och djuren på markene bodde derunder, och himmelens foglar på dess qwistar såto;
Dani KLV 4:18  vam dream jIH, joH Nebuchadnezzar, ghaj leghpu'; je SoH, Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation, because Hoch the val loDpu' vo' wIj kingdom 'oH ghobe' laH Daq chenmoH Sovta' Daq jIH the interpretation; 'ach SoH 'oH laH; vaD the qa' vo' the le' Qunpu' ghaH Daq SoH.
Dani ItaDio 4:18  Questo è il sogno, che io, re Nebucadnesar, ho veduto. Or tu, Beltsasar, dinne l’interpretazione; conciossiachè fra tutti i savi del mio regno niuno me ne possa dichiarare l’interpretazione; ma tu puoi farlo; perciocchè lo spirito degl’iddii santi è in te.
Dani RusSynod 4:18  на котором листья были прекрасные и множество плодов и пропитание для всех, под которым обитали звери полевые и в ветвях которого гнездились птицы небесные,
Dani CSlEliza 4:18  и листвие его благоцветное и плод его мног, и пища всем в нем, под ним живяху зверие дивии, и в ветвех его угнездяхуся птицы небесныя:
Dani ABPGRK 4:18  τούτο το ενύπνιον είδον εγώ ο βασιλεύς Ναβουχοδονόσορ και συ Βαλτάσαρ το σύγκριμα είπον ότι πάντες οι σοφοί της βασιλείας μου ου δύνανται το σύγκριμα αυτού δηλώσαί μοι συ δε Δανιήλ δύνασαι ότι πνεύμα θεού άγιον εν σοι
Dani FreBBB 4:18  Tel est le songe que j'ai eu, moi, le roi Nébucadnetsar ; et toi, Beltsatsar, dis-m'en la signification, puisque tous les sages de mon royaume ne peuvent me la faire connaître ; mais toi, tu le peux, car l'esprit des dieux saints est en toi.
Dani LinVB 4:18  ezalaki na nkasa kitoko mpe ebotaki mbuma mingi, ezalaki kopesa bato banso biloko bikoki na bango, nyama ya zamba izalaki kobombama o nse ya yango, ndeke mpe izalaki koya kofanda o bitapi bya yango,
Dani HunIMIT 4:18  s lombozata szép s gyümölcse sok és táplálék rajta mindnek, alatta lakozik a mező vadja s ágaiban laknak az ég madarai:
Dani ChiUnL 4:18  我尼布甲尼撒王所得之夢卽此、伯提沙撒歟、爾其解之、我國中諸哲士、不能爲我解、惟爾能之、蓋聖神之靈寓於爾中也、○
Dani VietNVB 4:18  Ta, vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa, đã thấy chiêm bao ấy. Vậy bây giờ, ngươi, Bên-tơ-sát-xa, hãy giải nghĩa cho ta. Tất cả các nhà thông thái trong vương quốc ta đều không thể giải ý nghĩa cho ta rõ, nhưng ngươi có khả năng làm điều ấy, vì linh các bậc thần thánh ngự trong ngươi.
Dani LXX 4:18  καὶ ἀναστὰς τὸ πρωὶ ἐκ τῆς κοίτης μου ἐκάλεσα τὸν Δανιηλ τὸν ἄρχοντα τῶν σοφιστῶν καὶ τὸν ἡγούμενον τῶν κρινόντων τὰ ἐνύπνια καὶ διηγησάμην αὐτῷ τὸ ἐνύπνιον καὶ ὑπέδειξέ μοι πᾶσαν τὴν σύγκρισιν αὐτοῦ τοῦτο τὸ ἐνύπνιον ὃ εἶδον ἐγὼ Ναβουχοδονοσορ ὁ βασιλεύς καὶ σύ Βαλτασαρ τὸ σύγκριμα εἰπόν ὅτι πάντες οἱ σοφοὶ τῆς βασιλείας μου οὐ δύνανται τὸ σύγκριμα αὐτοῦ δηλῶσαί μοι σὺ δέ Δανιηλ δύνασαι ὅτι πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἅγιον ἐν σοί
Dani CebPinad 4:18  Kining damgoha nakita ko, ako nga si hari Nabucodonosor. Ug ikaw, Oh Beltsasar, ipahayag mo ang iyang kahulogan sanglit ang tanang mga tawo nga manggialamon sa akong gingharian dili makahimo sa pagtug-an kanako sa kahulogan: apan ikaw makahimo man; kay ang espiritu sa balaan nga mga dios anaa kanimo.
Dani RomCor 4:18  Iată visul pe care l-am visat eu, împăratul Nebucadneţar. Tu, Beltşaţar, tâlcuieşte-l, fiindcă toţi înţelepţii din împărăţia mea nu pot să mi-l tâlcuiască; tu însă poţi, căci ai în tine duhul dumnezeilor sfinţi.’
Dani Pohnpeia 4:18  Nanmwarki Nepukadnesar eri mahsanih, “Iei met ouramano me I wiahier. Eri, Peldesasar, komw padahkihong ie ia wehwehpe. Sohte emen nanpwungen nei sounkaweid kan me kak kawehwehiong ie. A komwi kak, pwehki ngenen koht sarawi kan kin ketiket rehmwi.”
Dani HunUj 4:18  szép lombja és sok gyümölcse volt, táplálékot nyújtott mindenkinek, alatta tanyáztak a mezei vadak, ágain fészkeltek az égi madarak,
Dani GerZurch 4:18  dessen Laubwerk schön war und der Früchte die Fülle trug, an dem Nahrung für alle war, unter dem die Tiere des Feldes weilten und in dessen Zweigen die Vögel des Himmels wohnten -
Dani GerTafel 4:18  Und dessen Gezweige schön und dessen Frucht viel war, und Nahrung für alle darauf, unter dem das Tier des Feldes verweilte, und auf dessen Ästen die Vögel der Himmel wohnten:
Dani PorAR 4:18  Este sonho eu, rei Nabucodonozor, o vi. Tu, pois, Beltessazar, dize a interpretação; porquanto todos os sábios do meu reino não puderam fazer-me saber a interpretação; mas tu podes; pois há em ti o espírito dos deuses santos.
Dani DutSVVA 4:18  Dezen droom heb ik, koning Nebukadnezar gezien; gij nu, Beltsazar! zeg de uitlegging van dien, dewijl al de wijzen mijns koninkrijks mij de uitlegging niet hebben kunnen bekend maken; maar gij kunt wel, dewijl de geest der heilige goden in u is.
Dani FarOPV 4:18  این خواب را من که نبوکدنصرپادشاه هستم دیدم و تو‌ای بلطشصر تعبیرش رابیان کن زیرا که تمامی حکیمان مملکتم نتوانستندمرا از تعبیرش اطلاع دهند، اما تو می‌توانی چونکه روح خدایان قدوس در تو می‌باشد.»
Dani Ndebele 4:18  Leliphupho ngilibonile mina nkosi uNebhukadinezari. Wena-ke, Beliteshazari, yitsho ingcazelo yalo; ngoba bonke abahlakaniphileyo bombuso wami bengelakho ukungitshela ingcazelo; kodwa wena ulakho; ngoba umoya wabonkulunkulu abangcwele ukuwe.
Dani PorBLivr 4:18  Este foi o sonho que eu, o rei Nabucodonosor, vi. Tu, pois, Beltessazar, dize a interpretação, porque todos os sábios do meu reino não puderam me revelar sua interpretação; mas tu podes, porque há em ti o espírito dos deuses santos.
Dani Norsk 4:18  Det var den drøm som jeg kong Nebukadnesar, så; kunngjør nu du Beltsasar mig dens uttydning. For ingen av mitt rikes vismenn kan si mig hvad den betyr; men du kan det, fordi de hellige guders ånd er i dig.
Dani SloChras 4:18  Te sanje sem videl jaz Nebukadnezar kralj; ti pa, Beltsazar, povej njih razlago, ker mi jih ne morejo razložiti vsi modrijani kraljestva mojega; ali ti moreš, ker v tebi je svetih bogov duh.
Dani Northern 4:18  Mən padşah Navuxodonosor belə bir yuxu gördüm. Ey Belteşassar, sən bu yuxunu yoz, çünki padşahlığımın müdrik adamlarından heç biri bu yuxunu yoza bilmir. Sən isə bunu edə bilərsən, çünki səndə müqəddəs allahların ruhu var».
Dani GerElb19 4:18  Diesen Traum habe ich, der König Nebukadnezar, gesehen; und du, Beltsazar, sage seine Deutung, da alle Weisen meines Königreichs mir die Deutung nicht kundzutun vermögen; du aber vermagst es, weil der Geist der heiligen Götter in dir ist."
Dani LvGluck8 4:18  Šo sapni es, ķēniņš Nebukadnecars, esmu redzējis. Tu tad, Beltsacar, izstāsti to, tādēļ ka visi manas valsts gudrie man to nevar izstāstīt, bet tu to gan māki, tāpēc ka svēto dievu gars ir iekš tevis.
Dani PorAlmei 4:18  Isto em sonho vi eu, rei Nabucodonozor: tu, pois, Belteshazzar, dize a interpretação: porque todos os sabios do meu reino não poderam fazer-me saber a sua interpretação; mas tu podes; pois ha em ti o espirito dos deuses sanctos.
Dani ChiUn 4:18  「這是我─尼布甲尼撒王所做的夢。伯提沙撒啊,你要說明這夢的講解;因為我國中的一切哲士都不能將夢的講解告訴我,惟獨你能,因你裡頭有聖神的靈。」
Dani SweKarlX 4:18  Och dess qvistar dägelige, och dess frukt mycken var, der alle sina födo af hade, och djuren på markene bodde derunder, och himmelens foglar på dess qvistar såto;
Dani FreKhan 4:18  l’arbre dont le feuillage était beau et les fruits abondants, qui fournissait de la nourriture à tous, à l’ombre duquel habitaient les bêtes des champs et dont les branches servaient d’abri aux oiseaux du ciel,
Dani FrePGR 4:18  Tel est le songe que j'eus, moi, le roi Nébucadnézar ; et toi, Beltsazar, donnes-en l'interprétation, puisque tous les sages de mon empire sont incapables de m'en faire connaître le sens ; mais toi, tu le peux, car l'esprit des dieux saints est en toi.
Dani PorCap 4:18  essa árvore de bela folhagem, de frutos abundantes, que a todos dava de comer, debaixo da qual se acolhiam os animais do campo e em cuja folhagem se abrigavam as aves do céu,
Dani JapKougo 4:18  われネブカデネザル王はこの夢を見た。ベルテシャザルよ、あなたはその解き明かしをわたしに告げなさい。わが国の知者たちは、いずれもその解き明かしを、わたしに示すことができなかったけれども、あなたにはそれができる。あなたのうちには、聖なる神の霊がやどっているからだ」。
Dani GerTextb 4:18  dessen Laubwerk schön, dessen Früchte reichlich waren, und an dem sich Nahrung für alle befand, unter dem die wilden Tiere weilten, und in dessen Zweigen die Vögel des Himmels nisteten,
Dani Kapingam 4:18  King Nebuchadnezzar ga-duudagi-adu ana helekai, “Deenei dagu midi ne-mmada ginai au. Gei goe go Belteshazzar, haga-donu-ina mai gi-di-au dono hadinga, idimaa, digau kabemee o dogu henua-king le e-deemee di haga-donu dagu midi. Gei goe e-mee, idimaa, di hagataalunga o-nia god dabuaahia la ala i doo baahi.”
Dani SpaPlate 4:18  cuyo follaje era tan hermoso y su fruto tan copioso, en el cual había alimento para todos, debajo del cual moraban las bestias del campo y en cuyas ramas habitaban los pájaros del cielo;
Dani WLC 4:18  וְעָפְיֵ֤הּ שַׁפִּיר֙ וְאִנְבֵּ֣הּ שַׂגִּ֔יא וּמָז֨וֹן לְכֹ֖לָּא־בֵ֑הּ תְּחֹת֗וֹהִי תְּדוּר֙ חֵיוַ֣ת בָּרָ֔א וּבְעַנְפ֕וֹהִי יִשְׁכְּנָ֖ן צִפֲּרֵ֥י שְׁמַיָּֽא׃
Dani LtKBB 4:18  Tai sapnas, kurį aš, karalius Nebukadnecaras, sapnavau. O tu, Beltšacarai, paskelbk išaiškinimą, nes visi mano karalystės išminčiai nepajėgia jo išaiškinti. Bet tu gali, nes šventųjų dievų dvasia yra tavyje!’
Dani Bela 4:18  а лісьце было цудоўнае, і мноства пладоў і ежа на ўсіх, а пад ім жыла зьвярына польная і ў гольлі гнездаваліся птушкі нябесныя,
Dani GerBoLut 4:18  und seine Aste schon und seiner Fruchte viel, davon alles zu essen hatte, und die Tiere auf dem Felde unter ihm wohneten, und die Vogel des Himmels auf seinen Asten salien:
Dani FinPR92 4:18  ja jonka lehvistö oli kaunis ja hedelmät runsaat ja jossa oli ravintoa kaikille, jonka alla asustivat maan eläimet ja jonka oksilla majailivat taivaan linnut,
Dani SpaRV186 4:18  Este sueño ví yo el rey Nabucodonosor: mas tú, Baltasar, dirás la declaración de él; porque todos los sabios de mi reino nunca pudieron mostrarme su interpretación: mas tú puedes, porque hay en ti espíritu de los dioses santos.
Dani NlCanisi 4:18  wiens loof prachtig was en wiens vrucht overvloedig; die spijs bood aan allen; waaronder de wilde dieren vertoefden, en in wiens takken de vogels uit de lucht nestelden:
Dani GerNeUe 4:18  der schönes Laub hatte, reichlich Frucht gab und alle mit Nahrung versorgte, der den wilden Tieren Schatten bot und in dessen Zweigen die Vögel nisteten –
Dani UrduGeo 4:18  مَیں، نبوکدنضر نے خواب میں یہ کچھ دیکھا۔ اے بیل طَشَضَر، اب مجھے اِس کی تعبیر پیش کرو۔ میری سلطنت کے تمام دانش مند اِس میں ناکام رہے ہیں۔ لیکن تم یہ کر پاؤ گے، کیونکہ تم میں مُقدّس دیوتاؤں کی روح ہے۔“
Dani AraNAV 4:18  هَذَا هُوَ الْحُلْمُ الَّذِي رَأَيْتُهُ أَنَا نَبُوخَذْنَاصَّرَ الْمَلِكُ، وَعَلَيْكَ أَنْتَ يَابَلْطَشَاصَّرُ أَنْ تُفَسِّرَهُ، لأَنَّ كُلَّ حُكَمَاءِ مَمْلَكَتِي قَدْ عَجَزُوا عَنْ إِطْلاَعِي عَلَى تَفْسِيرِهِ. أَمَّا أَنْتَ فَتَسْتَطِيعُ ذَلِكَ لأَنَّ فِيكَ رُوحَ الآلِهَةِ الْقُدُّوسِينَ».
Dani ChiNCVs 4:18  “‘这就是我尼布甲尼撒王所作的梦。伯提沙撒啊!你要把这梦的意思告诉我,因为我国中所有的智慧人都不能把梦的意思向我说明;只有你能,因为你里面有圣神的灵。’”
Dani ItaRive 4:18  Questo è il sogno che io, il re Nebucadnetsar, ho fatto; e tu, Beltsatsar, danne l’interpretazione, giacché tutti i savi del mio regno non me lo possono interpretare; ma tu puoi, perché lo spirito degli dèi santi è in te"
Dani Afr1953 4:18  Dit is die droomgesig wat ek, koning Nebukadnésar, gehad het; en jy, Béltsasar, sê my die uitlegging, omdat al die wyse manne van my koninkryk my die uitlegging nie kon bekend maak nie; maar jy is daartoe in staat, want die gees van die heilige gode is in jou.
Dani RusSynod 4:18  на котором листья были прекрасные, и множество плодов, и пропитание для всех; под которым обитали звери полевые, и в ветвях которого гнездились птицы небесные, –
Dani UrduGeoD 4:18  मैं, नबूकदनज़्ज़र ने ख़ाब में यह कुछ देखा। ऐ बेल्तशज़्ज़र, अब मुझे इसकी ताबीर पेश करो। मेरी सलतनत के तमाम दानिशमंद इसमें नाकाम रहे हैं। लेकिन तुम यह कर पाओगे, क्योंकि तुममें मुक़द्दस देवताओं की रूह है।”
Dani TurNTB 4:18  “İşte ben Kral Nebukadnessar'ın gördüğü düş! Şimdi, ey Belteşassar, bunun ne anlama geldiğini söyle. Çünkü krallığımdaki bilgelerin hiçbiri bu düşün ne anlama geldiğini bana açıklayamadı. Ama sen açıklayabilirsin, çünkü kutsal ilahların ruhu var sende.”
Dani DutSVV 4:18  Dezen droom heb ik, koning Nebukadnezar gezien; gij nu, Beltsazar! zeg de uitlegging van dien, dewijl als de wijzen mijns koninkrijks mij de uitlegging niet hebben kunnen bekend maken; maar gij kunt wel, dewijl de geest der heilige goden in u is.
Dani HunKNB 4:18  melynek ágai igen szépek és gyümölcse nagyon sok, amelyen étel van minden lény számára, amely alatt a mező vadjai tanyáznak és ágai közt az ég madarai laknak:
Dani Maori 4:18  Ko tenei moe, he mea kite naku, na Kingi Nepukaneha. Na mau, e Peretehatara, e whakaatu mai tona tikanga, kahore nei hoki i taea e nga tangata whakaaro nui katoa o toku kingitanga te whakaatu te tikanga ki ahau; e taea ia e koe, kei roto na hoki i a koe te wairua o nga atua tapu.
Dani HunKar 4:18  És levelei szépek, gyümölcse pedig sok, és táplálék rajta mindeneknek; alatta tartózkodék a mező vada, és ágain az égi madarak lakozának:
Dani Viet 4:18  Ta đây và vua Nê-bu-cát-nết-sa, đã thấy điềm chiêm bao ấy. Vậy, hỡi Bên-tơ-xát-sa, ngươi hãy giải nghĩa cho ta được, vì hết thảy bác sĩ trong nước ta không có thể giải nghĩa cho ta được; nhưng ngươi giải được, vì linh của các thần thánh ở trong ngươi.
Dani Kekchi 4:18  Aˈan aˈin lin matcˈ, chan li rey Nabucodonosor. —La̱at at Beltsasar ta̱ye cue cˈaˈru naxye lin matcˈ xban nak ma̱ jun reheb li cuanqueb xnaˈleb saˈ xya̱nkeb li cuanqueb rubel lin cuanquil xeˈru xyebal cue cˈaˈru naxye. Abanan la̱at tatru̱k xban nak qˈuebil a̱naˈleb xbaneb la̱ dios santo, chan.
Dani Swe1917 4:18  och som hade ett så skönt lövverk och bar mycken frukt, så att det hade föda åt alla, trädet under vilket markens djur bodde, och på vars grenar himmelens fåglar hade sina nästen,
Dani CroSaric 4:18  krošnje lijepe i plodova obilnih na kojem bijaše hrane za sve i pod kojim počiva zvijerje poljsko, a na njegovim se granama gnijezde ptice nebeske:
Dani VieLCCMN 4:18  lá đẹp, trái nhiều, cung cấp thức ăn cho mọi loài, thú đồng núp dưới bóng, và chim trời đậu trên cành, 19 tâu đức vua, cây ấy chính là ngài. Ngài đã lớn lên và vững mạnh : sự cao cả của ngài chạm tới trời và quyền thống trị của ngài trải rộng đến tận cùng cõi đất.
Dani FreBDM17 4:18  Moi Nébucadnetsar Roi, j’ai vu ce songe, toi donc Beltesatsar, dis son interprétation ; car aucun des sages de mon royaume ne m’en peut déclarer l’interprétation, mais toi, tu le peux ; parce que l’Esprit des dieux saints est en toi.
Dani FreLXX 4:18  Tel est le songe que j'ai eu, moi, le roi Nabuchodonosor, et toi, Baltasar, dis-m'en l'interprétation ; car nul des sages de mon royaume ne peut me la donner ; mais toi, Daniel, tu le peux, parce que l'Esprit-Saint de Dieu est en toi.
Dani Aleppo 4:18  ועפיה שפיר ואנבה שגיא ומזון לכלא בה תחתוהי תדור חיות ברא ובענפוהי ישכנן צפרי שמיא
Dani MapM 4:18  וְעׇפְיֵ֤הּ שַׁפִּיר֙ וְאִנְבֵּ֣הּ שַׂגִּ֔יא וּמָז֨וֹן לְכֹ֖לָּא־בֵ֑הּ תְּחֹת֗וֹהִי תְּדוּר֙ חֵיוַ֣ת בָּרָ֔א וּבְעַנְפ֕וֹהִי יִשְׁכְּנָ֖ן צִפְּרֵ֥י שְׁמַיָּֽא׃
Dani HebModer 4:18  דנה חלמא חזית אנה מלכא נבוכדנצר ואנתה בלטשאצר פשרא אמר כל קבל די כל חכימי מלכותי לא יכלין פשרא להודעתני ואנתה כהל די רוח אלהין קדישין בך׃
Dani Kaz 4:18  Оның жапырақтары әдемі, жемісі мол, бәрінің азығына жететіндей болған, көлеңкесін дала аңдары паналап, бұтақтарына құстар ұялайтын сол ағаш өзіңізді білдіреді, уа, патша ағзам.
Dani FreJND 4:18  et dont le feuillage était beau et le fruit abondant, et qui avait de la nourriture pour tous, sous lequel habitaient les bêtes des champs, et dans les branches duquel demeuraient les oiseaux des cieux :
Dani GerGruen 4:18  und dessen Laub so wunderschön und dessen Frucht so reichlich ist, an dem es Nahrung gibt für alle und unter dem des Feldes Tiere ruhen, in dessen Zweigen auch des Himmels Vögel nisten,
Dani SloKJV 4:18  Te sanje sem jaz, kralj Nebukadnezar, videl. Torej ti, oh Beltšacár, razglasi njihovo razlago, ker vsi modri ljudje mojega kraljestva niso zmožni, da bi mi dali spoznati razlago, toda ti si zmožen, kajti duh svetih bogov je v tebi.‘“
Dani Haitian 4:18  Men rèv mwen menm, wa Nèbikadneza, mwen te fè a. Koulye a, ou menm Beltechaza, esplike m' sa li vle di. Pa gen yonn nan tout nèg save peyi m' lan ki te ka fè m' konnen sans rèv la. Men ou menm, ou kapab, paske lespri bondye yo nan ou.
Dani FinBibli 4:18  Tämän unen olen minä kuningas Nebukadnetsar nähnyt. Vaan sinä Belsatsar sano sen selitys; sillä kaikki viisaat minun valtakunnassani ei taida minulle ilmoittaa sen selitystä; vaan sinä kyllä taidat, sillä pyhäin jumalain henki on sinun tykönäs.
Dani SpaRV 4:18  Yo el rey Nabucodonosor he visto este sueño. Tú pues, Beltsasar, dirás la declaración de él, porque todos los sabios de mi reino nunca pudieron mostrarme su interpretación: mas tú puedes, porque hay en ti espíritu de los dioses santos.
Dani WelBeibl 4:18  Dyna'r freuddwyd ges i,” meddai Nebwchadnesar. “Dw i eisiau i ti, Belteshasar, ddweud beth mae'n ei olygu. Does neb arall o ddynion doeth y deyrnas wedi gallu esbonio'r ystyr i mi. Ond dw i'n siŵr y byddi di'n gallu, am fod ysbryd y duwiau sanctaidd ynot ti.”
Dani GerMenge 4:18  dessen Laubwerk schön war, der Früchte in reicher Fülle trug und an dem sich Nahrung für alle befand, unter dem die Tiere des Feldes lagerten und in dessen Zweigen die Vögel des Himmels nisteten:
Dani GreVamva 4:18  Τούτο το ενύπνιον είδον εγώ ο Ναβουχοδονόσορ ο βασιλεύς· και συ, Βαλτασάσαρ, ειπέ την ερμηνείαν αυτού· διότι πάντες οι σοφοί του βασιλείου μου δεν είναι ικανοί να φανερώσωσι προς εμέ την ερμηνείαν· συ δε είσαι ικανός· διότι το πνεύμα των αγίων θεών είναι εν σοι.
Dani UkrOgien 4:18  а ві́ття його гарне, і плід його великий, і в ньому пожи́ва — для всіх, під ним ме́шкала польова́ звірина́, а на його галу́ззях перебували пта́хи небесні, —
Dani FreCramp 4:18  dont le feuillage était beau et les fruits abondants ; où il y avait de la nourriture pour tous ; sous lequel s'abritaient les animaux des champs, et dans les branches duquel demeuraient les oiseaux du ciel,
Dani SrKDEkav 4:18  Тај сан сних ја, цар Навуходоносор; а ти, Валтасаре, кажи шта значи, јер ниједан мудрац у царству мом не може да ми каже шта значи; а ти можеш, јер је у теби дух светих богова.
Dani PolUGdan 4:18  Taki sen miałem ja, król Nabuchodonozor. A ty, Belteszassarze, powiedz jego znaczenie, gdyż wszyscy mędrcy mojego królestwa nie mogli mi oznajmić jego znaczenia. Ale ty możesz, bo duch świętych bogów jest w tobie.
Dani FreSegon 4:18  Voilà le songe que j'ai eu, moi, le roi Nebucadnetsar. Toi, Beltschatsar, donnes-en l'explication, puisque tous les sages de mon royaume ne peuvent me la donner; toi, tu le peux, car tu as en toi l'esprit des dieux saints.
Dani SpaRV190 4:18  Yo el rey Nabucodonosor he visto este sueño. Tú pues, Beltsasar, dirás la declaración de él, porque todos los sabios de mi reino nunca pudieron mostrarme su interpretación: mas tú puedes, porque hay en ti espíritu de los dioses santos.
Dani HunRUF 4:18  szép lombja és sok gyümölcse volt, táplálékot nyújtott mindenkinek, alatta tanyáztak a mezei vadak, ágain fészkeltek az égi madarak,
Dani DaOT1931 4:18  Det var dette Drømmesyn, som jeg, Kong Nebukadnezar, skuede, og du, Beltsazzar, tyd mig det! Thi ingen af mit Riges Vismænd kan tyde mig det; du derimod evner det, thi i dig bor hellige Guders Aand.
Dani TpiKJPB 4:18  Mi yet king Nebukatnesar i bin lukim dispela driman. Nau yu, O Betlesasar, tokaut long mekim dispela as tingting bilong em i kamap klia, tru tumas olgeta saveman bilong kingdom bilong mi i no inap long kliaim mi long dispela as tingting, tasol yu em inap, long wanem spirit bilong ol god i holi i stap insait long yu.
Dani DaOT1871 4:18  Denne Drøm saa jeg, Kong Nebukadnezar; men du, Beltsazar! sig Udtydningen, efterdi alle vise i mit Rige ikke kunne kundgøre Udtydningen, men du kan det, fordi de hellige Guders Aand er i dig.
Dani FreVulgG 4:18  cet arbre dont les branches étaient très belles et les fruits très abondants, qui portait de la nourriture pour tous, sous lequel habitaient les bêtes des champs, et parmi les branches duquel demeuraient les oiseaux du ciel,
Dani PolGdans 4:18  Ten sen widziałem ja król Nabuchodonozor; a ty, Baltazarze! powiedz wykład jego, gdyż wszyscy mędrcy królestwa mego nie mogli mi tego wykładu oznajmić; ale ty możesz, bo duch bogów świętych jest w tobie.
Dani JapBungo 4:18  我ネブカデネザル王この夢を見たりベルテシヤザルよ汝その解明を我に述よ我國の智者は執も皆その解明を我に示すことを得ざりしが汝は之を能せん其は汝の裏には聖神の霊やどればなりと
Dani GerElb18 4:18  Diesen Traum habe ich, der König Nebukadnezar, gesehen; und du, Beltsazar, sage seine Deutung, da alle Weisen meines Königreichs mir die Deutung nicht kundzutun vermögen; du aber vermagst es, weil der Geist der heiligen Götter in dir ist."