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Exod RWebster 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod NHEBJE 15:27  They came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod SPE 15:27  And they came to Elim, and in Elim there are twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod ABP 15:27  And they came into Elim. And there were there twelve springs of waters, and seventy trunks of palm trees; and they camped there by the waters.
Exod NHEBME 15:27  They came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod Rotherha 15:27  Then came they in to Elim, and there, were twelve fountains of water and seventy palm-trees,—so they encamped there, by the waters.
Exod LEB 15:27  And they came to Elim, and twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees were there, and they encamped there at the water.
Exod RNKJV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod Jubilee2 15:27  And they came to Elim, where [there were] twelve fountains of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the waters.:
Exod Webster 15:27  And they came to Elim, where [were] twelve wells of water, and seventy palm-trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod Darby 15:27  And they came to Elim; and twelve springs of water were there, and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod ASV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve springs of water, and threescore and ten palm-trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod LITV 15:27  And they came to Elim. And there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees. And they camped by the waters.
Exod Geneva15 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelue fountaines of water, and seuentie palme trees, and they camped thereby the waters.
Exod CPDV 15:27  Then the sons of Israel arrived in Elim, where there were twelve fountains of water and seventy palm trees. And they camped next to the waters.
Exod BBE 15:27  And they came to Elim where there were twelve water-springs and seventy palm-trees: and they put up their tents there by the waters.
Exod DRC 15:27  And the children of Israel came into Elim, where there were twelve fountains of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped by the waters.
Exod GodsWord 15:27  Next, they went to Elim, where there were 12 springs and 70 palm trees. They camped there by the water.
Exod JPS 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve springs of water, and three score and ten palm-trees; and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod KJVPCE 15:27  ¶ And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod NETfree 15:27  Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there by the water.
Exod AB 15:27  And they came to Elim, where there were twelve fountains of water and seventy stems of palm trees; and they camped there by the waters.
Exod AFV2020 15:27  And they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees. And they camped there by the waters.
Exod NHEB 15:27  They came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod NETtext 15:27  Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there by the water.
Exod UKJV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod KJV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod KJVA 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod AKJV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and three score and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod RLT 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod MKJV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where there were twelve wells of water, and seventy palm trees. And they camped there by the waters.
Exod YLT 15:27  And they come to Elim, and there are twelve fountains of water, and seventy palm trees; and they encamp there by the waters.
Exod ACV 15:27  And they came to Elim, where were twelve springs of water, and seventy palm trees, and they encamped there by the waters.
Exod VulgSist 15:27  Venerunt autem in Elim filii Israel, ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum, et septuaginta palmae: et castrametati sunt iuxta aquas.
Exod VulgCont 15:27  Venerunt autem in Elim filii Israel, ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum, et septuaginta palmæ: et castrametati sunt iuxta aquas.
Exod Vulgate 15:27  venerunt autem in Helim ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum et septuaginta palmae et castrametati sunt iuxta aquas
Exod VulgHetz 15:27  Venerunt autem in Elim filii Israel, ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum, et septuaginta palmæ: et castrametati sunt iuxta aquas.
Exod VulgClem 15:27  Venerunt autem in Elim filii Israël, ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum, et septuaginta palmæ : et castrametati sunt juxta aquas.
Exod CzeBKR 15:27  I přišli do Elim, kdež bylo dvanácte studnic vod a sedmdesáte palm; i rozbili tu stany při vodách.
Exod CzeB21 15:27  A tak přišli do Elimu, kde bylo dvanáct vodních pramenů a sedmdesát palem; tam se utábořili u vody.
Exod CzeCEP 15:27  Pak přišli do Élimu. Tam bylo dvanáct vodních pramenů a sedmdesát palem. Tam při vodách se utábořili.
Exod CzeCSP 15:27  Pak přišli do Élimu, kde bylo dvanáct vodních pramenů a sedmdesát palem. Tam u vody se utábořili.
Exod PorBLivr 15:27  E chegaram a Elim, onde havia doze fontes de águas, e setenta palmeiras; e assentaram ali junto às águas.
Exod Mg1865 15:27  Ary tonga tao Elima izy; ary tao nisy loharano roa ambin’ ny folo sy hazo rofia fito-polo, dia nitoby teo anilan’ ny rano izy.
Exod FinPR 15:27  Sitten he tulivat Eelimiin; siellä oli kaksitoista vesilähdettä ja seitsemänkymmentä palmupuuta. Ja he leiriytyivät siellä veden ääreen.
Exod FinRK 15:27  Sitten israelilaiset tulivat Eelimiin, missä oli kaksitoista vesilähdettä ja seitsemänkymmentä palmua. Siellä he leiriytyivät veden ääreen.
Exod ChiSB 15:27  以後他們到了厄林,那裏有十二股水泉,七十棵棕樹。他們便在那裏靠近水邊安了營。
Exod CopSahBi 15:27  ⲁⲩⲉⲓ ⲇⲉ ⲉϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲉⲉⲗⲉⲓⲙ ⲛⲉⲩϣⲟⲟⲡ ⲇⲉ ϩⲙ ⲡⲙⲁ ⲉⲧⲙⲙⲁⲩ ⲛϭⲓ ⲙⲏⲧ ⲥⲛⲟⲟⲩⲥ ⲙⲡⲩⲅⲏ ⲙⲙⲟⲟⲩ ⲙⲛ ϣⲃⲉ ⲛⲕⲁϥ ⲛⲃⲛⲛⲉ ⲁⲩⲟⲩⲉϩⲛⲁⲩ ⲇⲉ ϩⲙ ⲡⲙⲁ ⲉⲧⲙⲙⲁⲩ ⲉϩⲣⲁⲓ ⲉϫⲙ ⲡⲙⲟⲟⲩ
Exod ArmEaste 15:27  Եւ եկան հասան Եղիմ: Այնտեղ կային ջրի տասներկու աղբիւր ու եօթանասուն արմաւենի: Նրանք կայք հաստատեցին այնտեղ, ջրի մօտ:
Exod ChiUns 15:27  他们到了以琳,在那里有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树;他们就在那里的水边安营。
Exod BulVeren 15:27  После дойдоха в Елим, където имаше дванадесет водни извора и седемдесет палмови дървета, и там се разположиха на стан при водите.
Exod AraSVD 15:27  ثُمَّ جَاءُوا إِلَى إِيلِيمَ وَهُنَاكَ ٱثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ عَيْنَ مَاءٍ وَسَبْعُونَ نَخْلَةً. فَنَزَلُوا هُنَاكَ عِنْدَ ٱلْمَاءِ.
Exod SPDSS 15:27  . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exod Esperant 15:27  Kaj ili venis al Elim; tie estis dek du fontoj de akvo, kaj sepdek daktilpalmoj. Kaj ili starigis tie sian tendaron ĉe la akvo.
Exod ThaiKJV 15:27  พวกเขามาถึงตำบลเอลิม ที่มีบ่อน้ำพุสิบสองบ่อ มีต้นอินทผลัมเจ็ดสิบต้น พวกเขาจึงตั้งค่ายใกล้บ่อน้ำนั้น
Exod OSHB 15:27  וַיָּבֹ֣אוּ אֵילִ֔מָה וְשָׁ֗ם שְׁתֵּ֥ים עֶשְׂרֵ֛ה עֵינֹ֥ת מַ֖יִם וְשִׁבְעִ֣ים תְּמָרִ֑ים וַיַּחֲנוּ־שָׁ֖ם עַל־הַמָּֽיִם׃
Exod SPMT 15:27  ויבאו אילמה ושם שתים עשרה עינת מים ושבעים תמרים ויחנו שם על המים
Exod BurJudso 15:27  ထိုနောက်မှ ရေတွင်းဆယ်နှစ်တွင်း၊ စွန်ပလွံပင် ခုနစ်ဆယ်နှင့် ပြည့်စုံရာ ဧလိမ်ရွာသို့ရောက်၍၊ ထိုအရပ်တွင် ရေရှိရာအနားမှာ တပ်ချကြ၏။
Exod FarTPV 15:27  روز بعد به ایلیم آمدند. در آنجا دوازده چشمهٔ آب و هفتاد درخت خرما بود. آنها در آنجا در کنار آب اردو زدند.
Exod UrduGeoR 15:27  Phir Isrāīlī rawānā ho kar Elīm pahuṅche jahāṅ 12 chashme aur khajūr ke 70 daraḳht the. Wahāṅ unhoṅ ne pānī ke qarīb apne ḳhaime lagāe.
Exod SweFolk 15:27  Sedan kom de till Elim, där det fanns tolv vattenkällor och sjuttio palmer. Och de slog läger där vid vattnet.
Exod GerSch 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim, da waren zwölf Wasserbrunnen und siebzig Palmbäume, und sie lagerten sich daselbst am Wasser.
Exod TagAngBi 15:27  At sila'y dumating sa Elim, na doo'y mayroong labingdalawang bukal ng tubig, at pitongpung puno ng palma; at sila'y humantong doon sa tabi ng mga tubig.
Exod FinSTLK2 15:27  He saapuivat Eelimiin. Siellä oli kaksitoista vesilähdettä ja seitsemänkymmentä palmupuuta. He leiriytyivät siellä veden ääreen.
Exod Dari 15:27  روز بعد به ایلیم رسیدند. در آنجا دوازده چشمۀ آب و هفتاد درخت خرما بود. پس آن ها در کنار چشمه های آب خیمه زدند.
Exod SomKQA 15:27  Markaasay waxay yimaadeen meel la yidhaahdo Eelim, oo meeshaas waxaa ku yiil laba iyo toban ilood oo biyo ah, iyo toddobaatan geed oo timir ah, oo halkaasay degeen biyaha agtooda.
Exod NorSMB 15:27  Sidan kom dei til Elim. Der var det tolv kjeldor og sytti palmetre, og dei lægra seg der, frammed vatnet.
Exod Alb 15:27  Kështu arritën në Elim, ku kishte dymbëdhjetë burime uji dhe shtatëdhjetë palma; dhe e ngritën kampin e tyre pranë ujërave.
Exod UyCyr 15:27  Андин кейин улар Елим дегән йәргә йетип кәлди. У йәрдә он икки булақ, йәтмиш түп хорма дәриғи бар еди. Шуңа улар су бойида чедирлирини тикти.
Exod KorHKJV 15:27  ¶그들이 엘림에 이르렀는데 거기에 우물 열두 개가 있었고 종려나무 일흔 그루가 있었더라. 그들이 거기서 물들 옆에 진을 치니라.
Exod SrKDIjek 15:27  И дођоше у Елим, гдје бијаше дванаест извора и седамдесет палама; и ондје стадоше у око код воде.
Exod Mal1910 15:27  പിന്നെ അവർ ഏലീമിൽ എത്തി; അവിടെ പന്ത്രണ്ടു നീരുറവും എഴുപതു ഈത്തപ്പനയും ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു; അവർ അവിടെ വെള്ളത്തിന്നരികെ പാളയമിറങ്ങി.
Exod KorRV 15:27  그들이 엘림에 이르니 거기 물샘 열둘과 종려 칠십 주가 있는지라 거기서 그들이 그 물 곁에 장막을 치니라
Exod Azeri 15:27  سونرا ائسرايئل اؤولادلاري ائلئمه گلدئلر. اورادا اون ائکي سو قايناغي و يتمئش خورما آغاجي وار ائدي. ائسرايئل خالقي اورادا سولار اطرافيندا دوشَرگه قوردو.
Exod SweKarlX 15:27  Och de kommo till Elim, der woro tolf wattubrunnar, och sjutio palmträ; der lägrade sig sig wid wattnet.
Exod KLV 15:27  chaH ghoSta' Daq Elim, nuqDaq pa' were cha' wa'maH springs vo' bIQ, je seventy palm Sormey: je chaH Dabta' pa' Sum the bIQmey.
Exod ItaDio 15:27  Poi vennero in Elim, e quivi erano dodici fontane d’acqua, e settanta palme; e si accamparono quivi presso all’acque.
Exod RusSynod 15:27  И пришли в Елим; там было двенадцать источников воды и семьдесят финиковых дерев, и расположились там станом при водах.
Exod CSlEliza 15:27  И приидоша во Елим, и бяху тамо дванадесять источников вод, и седмьдесят стеблий финиковых: и ополчишася тамо при водах.
Exod ABPGRK 15:27  και ήλθοσαν εις Ελείμ και ήσαν εκεί δώδεκα πηγαί υδάτων και εβδομήκοντα στελέχη φοινίκων παρενέβαλον δε εκεί παρά τα ύδατα
Exod FreBBB 15:27  Puis ils arrivèrent à Elim, et il y avait là douze sources d'eau et soixante-dix palmiers, et ils y campèrent près des eaux.
Exod LinVB 15:27  Na nsima bakomi o Elim, kuna bakuti maziba zomi na mabale na nzete ya mbila ntuku nsambo ; bapiki nganda penepene na mai.
Exod HunIMIT 15:27  És elérkeztek Élimbe, ott pedig volt tizenkét vízforrás és hetven pálma; és táboroztak ott a víz mellett.
Exod ChiUnL 15:27  民至以琳、在彼有水泉十二、椶樹七十、乃近水建營焉、
Exod VietNVB 15:27  Khi đến Ê-lim là nơi có mười hai suối nước và bảy mươi cây chà là, họ đóng trại bên cạnh các suối nước này.
Exod LXX 15:27  καὶ ἤλθοσαν εἰς Αιλιμ καὶ ἦσαν ἐκεῖ δώδεκα πηγαὶ ὑδάτων καὶ ἑβδομήκοντα στελέχη φοινίκων παρενέβαλον δὲ ἐκεῖ παρὰ τὰ ὕδατα
Exod CebPinad 15:27  Ug miabut sila sa Elim, nga didto may napulo ug duha ka tinubdan sa tubig, ug kapitoan ka palma; ug napahamutang sila didto sa haduol sa mga tubig.
Exod RomCor 15:27  Au ajuns la Elim, unde erau douăsprezece izvoare de apă şi şaptezeci de finici. Şi au tăbărât acolo, lângă apă.
Exod Pohnpeia 15:27  Mandahn rahno re ahpw douluhllahng Elim, wasa me utuhnpihl eisek riau oh tuhke pahm isihsek mi ie. Irail eri kauwada imwarail impwal ko wasao limwahn pihl ko.
Exod HunUj 15:27  Azután elérkeztek Élímbe. Ott tizenkét vízforrás volt és hetven pálmafa. Ott ütöttek tábort a víz mellett.
Exod GerZurch 15:27  Dann kamen sie nach Elim; da waren zwölf Quellen mit Wasser und siebzig Palmen, und sie lagerten sich daselbst am Wasser. (a) 4Mo 33:9
Exod GerTafel 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim und daselbst waren zwölf Wasserquellen und siebzig Palmen; und sie lagerten da an den Wassern.
Exod RusMakar 15:27  И пришли въ Елимъ; тамъ было двјнадцать источниковъ водныхъ и семьдесятъ финиковыхъ деревъ; и тамъ при водахъ расположились станомъ.
Exod PorAR 15:27  Então vieram a Elim, onde havia doze fontes de água e setenta palmeiras; e ali, junto das águas, acamparam.
Exod DutSVVA 15:27  Toen kwamen zij te Elim, en daar waren twaalf waterfonteinen, en zeventig palmbomen; en zij legerden zich aldaar aan de wateren.
Exod FarOPV 15:27  پس به ایلیم آمدند، و در آنجا دوازده چشمه آب و هفتاددرخت خرما بود، و در آنجا نزد آب خیمه زدند.
Exod Ndebele 15:27  Basebefika eElimi lapho okwakukhona imithombo elitshumi lambili yamanzi, lezihlahla zelala ezingamatshumi ayisikhombisa; basebemisa inkamba khona emanzini.
Exod PorBLivr 15:27  E chegaram a Elim, onde havia doze fontes de águas, e setenta palmeiras; e assentaram ali junto às águas.
Exod Norsk 15:27  Så kom de til Elim; der var tolv vannkilder og sytti palmetrær; og de slo leir der ved vannet.
Exod SloChras 15:27  In prišli so v Elim, kjer je bilo dvanajst studencev in sedemdeset palm, in utaborili so se tam pri vodah.
Exod Northern 15:27  Sonra İsrail övladları Elimə gəldilər. Orada on iki su qaynağı və yetmiş xurma ağacı var idi. İsrail xalqı orada sular ətrafında düşərgə qurdu.
Exod GerElb19 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim, und daselbst waren zwölf Wasserquellen und siebzig Palmbäume; und sie lagerten sich daselbst an den Wassern.
Exod LvGluck8 15:27  Tad tie nāca uz Elim, un tur bija divpadsmit avoti un septiņdesmit palmas, un tie tur apmeta lēģeri pie ūdens.
Exod PorAlmei 15:27  Então vieram a Elim, e havia ali doze fontes d'agua e setenta palmeiras: e ali se acamparam junto das aguas.
Exod ChiUn 15:27  他們到了以琳,在那裡有十二股水泉,七十棵棕樹;他們就在那裡的水邊安營。
Exod SweKarlX 15:27  Och de kommo till Elim, der voro tolf vattubrunnar, och sjutio palmträ; der lägrade de sig vid vattnet.
Exod SPVar 15:27  ויבאו אילים ובאילים שתים עשרה עינות מים ושבעים תמרים ויחנו שם על המים
Exod FreKhan 15:27  Ils arrivèrent à Élim, là étaient douze sources d’eau et soixante-dix palmiers. Ils y campèrent près des eaux.
Exod FrePGR 15:27  Et ils arrivèrent à Elim, et là il y avait douze fontaines et soixante-dix palmiers, et ils y campèrent près des eaux.
Exod PorCap 15:27  *Chegaram a Elim, onde estão doze nascentes de água e setenta palmeiras, e acamparam ali à beira da água.
Exod JapKougo 15:27  こうして彼らはエリムに着いた。そこには水の泉十二と、なつめやしの木七十本があった。その所で彼らは水のほとりに宿営した。
Exod GerTextb 15:27  Hierauf gelangten sie nach Elim; dort fanden sich zwölf Quellen mit Wasser nebst siebzig Palmbäumen, und sie lagerten sich daselbst am Wasser.
Exod Kapingam 15:27  Nomuli, gei digaula gaa-dau-adu gi Elim, go di gowaa dela iai nia monowai uwa-aga e-madangaholu maa-lua, ge mada-hidu laagau niu, gei digaula ga-haga-duu-aga nadau hale-laa i-baahi o-nia monowai aalaa.
Exod SpaPlate 15:27  Después llegaron a Elim, donde había doce fuentes de agua y setenta palmeras, y acamparon allí junto a las aguas.
Exod WLC 15:27  וַיָּבֹ֣אוּ אֵילִ֔מָה וְשָׁ֗ם שְׁתֵּ֥ים עֶשְׂרֵ֛ה עֵינֹ֥ת מַ֖יִם וְשִׁבְעִ֣ים תְּמָרִ֑ים וַיַּחֲנוּ־שָׁ֖ם עַל־הַמָּֽיִם׃
Exod LtKBB 15:27  Jie atėjo į Elimą, kur buvo dvylika vandens šaltinių ir septyniasdešimt palmių; ten pasistatė stovyklą.
Exod Bela 15:27  І прыйшлі ў Элім: там было дванаццаць крыніц вады і семдзесят пальмавых дрэў, і разьмясьціліся там табарам каля водаў.
Exod GerBoLut 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim, da waren zwolf Wasserbrunnen und siebenzig Palmbaume; und lagerten sich daselbst ans Wasser.
Exod FinPR92 15:27  Sitten he tulivat Elimiin; siellä oli kaksitoista vesilähdettä ja seitsemänkymmentä taatelipalmua. He leiriytyivät sinne veden ääreen.
Exod SpaRV186 15:27  Y vinieron a Elim, donde había doce fuentes de aguas, y setenta palmas, y asentaron allí junto a las aguas.
Exod NlCanisi 15:27  Vandaar gingen zij naar Elim, waar twaalf waterbronnen zijn en zeventig palmen staan, en zij sloegen de legerplaats op aan het water.
Exod GerNeUe 15:27  Dann kamen sie nach Elim. Dort am Wasser schlugen sie ihr Lager auf. In Elim gab es nämlich zwölf Quellen und siebzig Palmen.
Exod UrduGeo 15:27  پھر اسرائیلی روانہ ہو کر ایلیم پہنچے جہاں 12 چشمے اور کھجور کے 70 درخت تھے۔ وہاں اُنہوں نے پانی کے قریب اپنے خیمے لگائے۔
Exod AraNAV 15:27  ثُمَّ بَلَغُوا إِيلِيمَ حَيْثُ كَانَتِ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ عَيْنَ مَاءٍ وَسَبْعُونَ نَخْلَةً. فَخَيَّمُوا إِلَى جُوَارِ عُيُونِ الْمَاءِ.
Exod ChiNCVs 15:27  后来他们到了以琳,那里有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树。他们就在那里靠近水边的地方安营。
Exod ItaRive 15:27  Poi giunsero ad Elim, dov’erano dodici sorgenti d’acqua e settanta palme; e si accamparono quivi presso le acque.
Exod Afr1953 15:27  Daarop het hulle by Elim gekom, waar twaalf waterfonteine en sewentig palmbome was. En hulle het daar by die water laer opgeslaan.
Exod RusSynod 15:27  И пришли в Елим. Там было двенадцать источников воды и семьдесят финиковых деревьев; и расположились там станом при водах.
Exod UrduGeoD 15:27  फिर इसराईली रवाना होकर एलीम पहुँचे जहाँ 12 चश्मे और खजूर के 70 दरख़्त थे। वहाँ उन्होंने पानी के क़रीब अपने ख़ैमे लगाए।
Exod TurNTB 15:27  Sonra Elim'e gittiler. Orada on iki su kaynağı, yetmiş hurma ağacı vardı. Su kıyısında konakladılar.
Exod DutSVV 15:27  Toen kwamen zij te Elim, en daar waren twaalf waterfonteinen, en zeventig palmbomen; en zij legerden zich aldaar aan de wateren.
Exod HunKNB 15:27  Izrael fiai ezután Elimbe jutottak, ahol tizenkét forrás és hetven pálmafa volt, és tábort ütöttek a vizek mellett.
Exod Maori 15:27  Na ka tae ratou ki Erimi, kotahi tekau ma rua nei nga puna wai i reira, me nga nikau e whitu tekau; a ka noho ratou ki reira, ki te taha o nga wai.
Exod sml_BL_2 15:27  Pagubus, palanjal na sigām sampay ta'abut pagbohe'an niōnan Ilim. Sangpū' maka duwa ya heka tuburan bohe' maina'an, maka pitumpū' po'onan hulma. Jari pahanti' sigām maina'an ma bihing bohe'.
Exod HunKar 15:27  És jutának Élimbe, és ott tizenkét forrás vala és hetven pálmafa; és tábort ütének ott a vizek mellett.
Exod Viet 15:27  Ðoạn, dân sự đến đất Ê-lim; nơi đó có mười hai suối nước, và bảy mươi cây chà là; dân sự đóng trại tại đó, gần bên suối nước.
Exod Kekchi 15:27  Queˈcuulac saˈ jun li naˈajej Elim xcˈabaˈ. Aran cuanqueb cablaju li yuˈam haˈ ut cuanqueb ajcuiˈ laje̱b xca̱cˈa̱l (70) li ni̱nki cheˈ palmera. Ut aran quilajeˈxyi̱b xmuheba̱l chire eb li haˈ.
Exod Swe1917 15:27  Sedan kommo de till Elim; där funnos tolv vattenkällor och sjuttio palmträd. Och de lägrade sig där vid vattnet. [1] D. ä. bitterhet.
Exod SP 15:27  ויבאו אילים ובאילים שתים עשרה עינות מים ושבעים תמרים ויחנו שם על המים
Exod CroSaric 15:27  Zatim stignu u Elim, gdje je bilo dvanaest izvora i sedamdeset palma. Tu se, uz vodu, utabore.
Exod VieLCCMN 15:27  Họ đã đến Ê-lim, nơi có mười hai suối nước và bảy mươi cây chà là. Và họ đóng trại ở đó, bên bờ nước.
Exod FreBDM17 15:27  Puis ils vinrent à Elim, où il y avait douze fontaines d’eau, et soixante et dix palmes ; et ils se campèrent là auprès des eaux.
Exod FreLXX 15:27  De là, ils vinrent à Elim, où il y avait douze sources d'eau vive et soixante-dix palmiers ; et ils campèrent au bord des eaux.
Exod Aleppo 15:27  ויבאו אילמה—ושם שתים עשרה עינת מים ושבעים תמרים ויחנו שם על המים
Exod MapM 15:27     וַיָּבֹ֣אוּ אֵילִ֔מָה וְשָׁ֗ם שְׁתֵּ֥ים עֶשְׂרֵ֛ה עֵינֹ֥ת מַ֖יִם וְשִׁבְעִ֣ים תְּמָרִ֑ים וַיַּחֲנוּ־שָׁ֖ם עַל־הַמָּֽיִם׃
Exod HebModer 15:27  ויבאו אילמה ושם שתים עשרה עינת מים ושבעים תמרים ויחנו שם על המים׃
Exod Kaz 15:27  Содан кейін халық он екі су көзі, жетпіс құрма ағашы бар Елим деген шұратқа жетіп, бұлақтарды жағалай орналасты.
Exod FreJND 15:27  Puis ils vinrent à Élim, où il y avait douze fontaines d’eau et 70 palmiers ; et ils campèrent là, auprès des eaux.
Exod GerGruen 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim. Dort waren zwölf Quellen und siebzig Palmen. Und sie lagerten dort am Wasser.
Exod SloKJV 15:27  In prišli so do Elíma, kjer je bilo dvanajst vodnjakov vode in sedemdeset palm, in tam so se utaborili ob vodah.
Exod Haitian 15:27  Apre sa, yo rive Elim, yon kote ki te gen douz sous dlo ak swasanndis pye dat. Yo rete la, yo moute tant yo bò dlo a.
Exod FinBibli 15:27  Ja he tulivat Elimiin, siellä on kaksitoistakymmentä lähdettä, ja seitsemänkymmentä palmupuuta: siellä he sioittivat itsensä vetten tykö.
Exod Geez 15:27  ወበጽሑ ፡ ኤሌም ፡ ወሀለው ፡ ህየ ፡ ፲፪ዐይ[ን] ፡ ዘቦ ፡ ዐዘቅተ ፡ ወ፸ጸበራተ ፡ ተመርት ፡ ጠቃ ፡ ማያት ፡ በቀልቶን ።
Exod SpaRV 15:27  Y llegaron á Elim, donde había doce fuentes de aguas, y setenta palmas; y asentaron allí junto á las aguas.
Exod WelBeibl 15:27  Yna dyma nhw'n cyrraedd Elim, lle roedd un deg dwy o ffynhonnau a saith deg o goed palmwydd. A dyma nhw'n gwersylla yno wrth ymyl y ffynhonnau.
Exod GerMenge 15:27  Hierauf kamen sie nach Elim; dort waren zwölf Wasserquellen und siebzig Palmbäume; und sie lagerten dort am Wasser.
Exod GreVamva 15:27  Έπειτα ήλθον εις Αιλείμ, όπου ήσαν δώδεκα πηγαί υδάτων και εβδομήκοντα δένδρα φοινίκων· και εκεί εστρατοπέδευσαν πλησίον των υδάτων.
Exod UkrOgien 15:27  І прийшли вони до Єліму, а там дванадцять во́дних джере́л та сімдесят пальм. І вони ота́борилися там над водою.
Exod FreCramp 15:27  Ils arrivèrent à Elim, où il y avait douze sources d'eau et soixante-dix palmiers ; et ils campèrent là, près de l'eau.
Exod SrKDEkav 15:27  И дођоше у Елим, где беше дванаест извора и седамдесет палми; и онде стадоше у логор код воде.
Exod PolUGdan 15:27  I przybyli do Elim, gdzie było dwanaście źródeł wody i siedemdziesiąt palm; tam rozbili obóz nad wodami.
Exod FreSegon 15:27  Ils arrivèrent à Élim, où il y avait douze sources d'eau et soixante-dix palmiers. Ils campèrent là, près de l'eau.
Exod SpaRV190 15:27  Y llegaron á Elim, donde había doce fuentes de aguas, y setenta palmas; y asentaron allí junto á las aguas.
Exod HunRUF 15:27  Azután elérkeztek Élimbe. Tizenkét forrás volt ott, és hetven pálmafa. Ott ütöttek tábort a víz mellett.
Exod DaOT1931 15:27  Derpaa kom de til Elim, hvor der var tolv Vandkilder og halvfjerdsindstyve Palmetræer, og de lejrede sig ved Vandet der.
Exod TpiKJPB 15:27  Na ol i kam long Elim, ples i gat twelpela hul bilong kisim wara, na seventi diwai palm. Na ol i wokim kem long dispela ples klostu long ol wara.
Exod DaOT1871 15:27  Og de kom til Elim, og der var tolv Vandkilder og halvfjerdsindstyve Palmetræer; og der lejrede de sig ved Vandet.
Exod FreVulgG 15:27  Les enfants d’Israël vinrent à Elim où il y avait douze fontaines (sources d’eaux) et soixante-dix palmiers, et ils campèrent auprès des eaux.
Exod PolGdans 15:27  I przyszli do Elim, gdzie było dwanaście źródeł wód, i siedmdziesiąt palm; i położyli się tam obozem nad wodami.
Exod JapBungo 15:27  斯て彼等エリムに至れり其處に水の井十二棕櫚七十本あり彼處にて彼等水の傍に幕張す
Exod GerElb18 15:27  Und sie kamen nach Elim, und daselbst waren zwölf Wasserquellen und siebzig Palmbäume; und sie lagerten sich daselbst an den Wassern.