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Ezek RWebster 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned to him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek NHEBJE 18:22  None of his transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek ABP 18:22  All of his transgressions, as many as he did, they shall not be remembered to him; in his righteousness which he did he shall live.
Ezek NHEBME 18:22  None of his transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek Rotherha 18:22  None of his transgressions which he hath committed shall be remembered against him, —In his righteousness which he hath done, he shall live.
Ezek LEB 18:22  All of his transgressions that he committed will not be remembered against him. Through his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek RNKJV 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek Jubilee2 18:22  All his rebellions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him; by his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek Webster 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned to him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek Darby 18:22  None of his transgressions which he hath committed shall be remembered against him; in his righteousness which he hath done shall he live.
Ezek ASV 18:22  None of his transgressions that he hath committed shall be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek LITV 18:22  All his transgressions that he has done, they shall not be mentioned to him in his righteousness which he has done; he shall live.
Ezek Geneva15 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned vnto him, but in his righteousnes that he hath done, he shall liue.
Ezek CPDV 18:22  I will not remember all his iniquities, which he has worked; by his justice, which he has worked, he shall live.
Ezek BBE 18:22  Not one of the sins which he has done will be kept in memory against him: in the righteousness which he has done he will have life.
Ezek DRC 18:22  I will not remember all his iniquities that he hath done: in his justice which he hath wrought, he shall live.
Ezek GodsWord 18:22  All the rebellious things that he did will not be remembered. He will live because of the right things that he did.
Ezek JPS 18:22  None of his transgressions that he hath committed shall be remembered against him; for his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek KJVPCE 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek NETfree 18:22  None of the sins he has committed will be held against him; because of the righteousness he has done, he will live.
Ezek AB 18:22  None of his trespasses which he has committed shall be remembered; in his righteousness which he has done he shall live.
Ezek AFV2020 18:22  All his transgressions that he has done, they shall not be mentioned to him; in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek NHEB 18:22  None of his transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek NETtext 18:22  None of the sins he has committed will be held against him; because of the righteousness he has done, he will live.
Ezek UKJV 18:22  All his transgressions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek Noyes 18:22  None of his transgressions which he hath committed shall be remembered unto him; for his righteousness, which he hath done, he shall live.
Ezek KJV 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek KJVA 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek AKJV 18:22  All his transgressions that he has committed, they shall not be mentioned to him: in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek RLT 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.
Ezek MKJV 18:22  All his transgressions that he has done, they shall not be mentioned to him; in his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek YLT 18:22  All his transgressions that he hath done Are not remembered to him, In his righteousness that he hath done he liveth.
Ezek ACV 18:22  None of his transgressions that he has committed shall be remembered against him. In his righteousness that he has done he shall live.
Ezek VulgSist 18:22  Omnium iniquitatum eius, quas operatus est, non recordabor: in iustitia sua, quam operatus est, vivet.
Ezek VulgCont 18:22  Omnium iniquitatum eius, quas operatus est, non recordabor: in iustitia sua, quam operatus est, vivet.
Ezek Vulgate 18:22  omnium iniquitatum eius quas operatus est non recordabor in iustitia sua quam operatus est vivet
Ezek VulgHetz 18:22  Omnium iniquitatum eius, quas operatus est, non recordabor: in iustitia sua, quam operatus est, vivet.
Ezek VulgClem 18:22  Omnium iniquitatum ejus quas operatus est, non recordabor : in justitia sua quam operatus est, vivet.
Ezek CzeBKR 18:22  Žádná přestoupení jeho, jichž se dopustil, nebudou jemu připomínána; v spravedlnosti své, kterouž by činil, živ bude.
Ezek CzeB21 18:22  Žádné hříchy, jichž se dopustil, mu nebudou připomínány. Protože jednal spravedlivě, bude žít.
Ezek CzeCEP 18:22  Žádná jeho nevěrnost, jíž se dopustil, mu nebude připomínána, bude žít pro svou spravedlnost, podle níž jednal.
Ezek CzeCSP 18:22  Žádná jeho přestoupení, kterých se dopustil, mu nebudou připomínána; podle své spravedlnosti, kterou vykonal, bude žít.
Ezek PorBLivr 18:22  Todas as suas transgressões que cometeu não lhe serão lembradas; por sua justiça que praticou, viverá.
Ezek Mg1865 18:22  Ny fahadisoany rehetra izay nataony tsy hotsarovana aminy intsony; ho velona izy noho ny fahamarinana izay nataony.
Ezek FinPR 18:22  Ei yhtäkään hänen synneistänsä, jotka hän on tehnyt, muisteta; vanhurskautensa tähden, jota hän on noudattanut, hän saa elää.
Ezek FinRK 18:22  Yhtäkään hänen tekemistään synneistä ei enää muisteta. Hän saa elää vanhurskautensa tähden, jota hän on noudattanut.
Ezek ChiSB 18:22  他所行的一切邪惡必被遺忘;他必因所行的正義而得生存。
Ezek ChiUns 18:22  他所犯的一切罪过都不被记念,因所行的义,他必存活。
Ezek BulVeren 18:22  Всичките му престъпления, които е извършил, няма да му се помнят; заради правдата, която е вършил, ще живее.
Ezek AraSVD 18:22  كُلُّ مَعَاصِيهِ ٱلَّتِي فَعَلَهَا لَا تُذْكَرُ عَلَيْهِ. فِي بِرِّهِ ٱلَّذِي عَمِلَ يَحْيَا.
Ezek Esperant 18:22  Ĉiuj liaj malbonagoj, kiujn li faris, ne estos rememorataj; pro siaj bonaj agoj, kiujn li faris, li vivos.
Ezek ThaiKJV 18:22  บรรดาการละเมิดใดๆซึ่งเขาได้กระทำแล้วนั้นจะมิได้จดจำไว้เพื่อเอาโทษเขา เขาจะมีชีวิตอยู่เพราะความชอบธรรมที่เขาได้กระทำไป
Ezek OSHB 18:22  כָּל־פְּשָׁעָיו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה לֹ֥א יִזָּכְר֖וּ ל֑וֹ בְּצִדְקָת֥וֹ אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֖ה יִֽחְיֶֽה׃
Ezek BurJudso 18:22  ပြုမိသမျှသော ဒုစရိုက်အပြစ်တို့ကို သူတဘက် ၌ မမှတ်ရ။ ပြုမိသောဖြောင့်မတ်ခြင်းအမှုကြောင့် အသက် ရှင်ရလိမ့်မည်။
Ezek FarTPV 18:22  همهٔ گناهانشان بخشیده خواهد شد و زنده می‌مانند، زیرا ایشان به نیکویی عمل کرده‌اند.
Ezek UrduGeoR 18:22  Jitne bhī ġhalat kām us se sarzad hue haiṅ un kā hisāb maiṅ nahīṅ lūṅgā balki us ke rāstbāz chāl-chalan kā lihāz karke use zindā rahne dūṅgā.
Ezek SweFolk 18:22  Ingen av de överträdelser han har begått ska då tillräknas honom. Genom den rättfärdighet han har visat ska han få leva.
Ezek GerSch 18:22  aller seiner Missetat, die er begangen hat, soll nimmermehr gedacht werden! Er soll leben um seiner Gerechtigkeit willen, die er getan hat!
Ezek TagAngBi 18:22  Wala sa kaniyang mga pagsalangsang na nagawa niya na aalalahanin laban sa kaniya: sa kaniyang katuwiran na kaniyang ginawa ay mabubuhay siya.
Ezek FinSTLK2 18:22  Yhtään hänen synneistään, jotka hän on tehnyt, ei muisteta. Vanhurskautensa tähden, jota hän on noudattanut, hän on elävä.
Ezek Dari 18:22  و بخاطر اعمال نیک اش، گناهان او بخشیده می شوند و زنده می ماند.
Ezek SomKQA 18:22  Oo xadgudubyadiisii uu sameeyey oo dhan midna looma soo xusuusan doono. Wuxuu ku noolaan doonaa xaqnimadiisii uu sameeyey.
Ezek NorSMB 18:22  Alle hans misgjerningar som han hev gjort, skal vera gløymde; ved si rettferd som han gjorde, skal han liva.
Ezek Alb 18:22  Asnjë nga shkelje që ka kryer nuk do t'i kujtohet atij; ai do të jetojë për shkak të drejtësisë që zbaton.
Ezek KorHKJV 18:22  그가 범한 모든 범법 곧 그것들이 그에게 언급되지 아니하리니 그는 자기가 행한 자기의 의 가운데서 살리라.
Ezek SrKDIjek 18:22  Безакоња његова што их је год учинио неће му се више спомињати, у правди својој коју чини живјеће.
Ezek Wycliffe 18:22  Y schal not haue mynde of alle his wickidnessis whiche he wrouyte; he schal lyue in his riytfulnesse which he wrouyte.
Ezek Mal1910 18:22  അവൻ ചെയ്ത അതിക്രമങ്ങളിൽ ഒന്നിനെയും അവന്നു കണക്കിടുകയില്ല; അവൻ ചെയ്ത നീതിയാൽ അവൻ ജീവിക്കും.
Ezek KorRV 18:22  그 범죄한 것이 하나도 기억함이 되지 아니하리니 그 행한 의로 인하여 살리라
Ezek Azeri 18:22  اتدئيي گوناهلاردان هچ بئري اونون ضئدّئنه خاطيرلانماياجاق؛ چونکي اتدئيي صالحلئکله ياشاياجاقدير.»
Ezek KLV 18:22  pagh vo' Daj transgressions vetlh ghaH ghajtaH committed DIchDaq taH remembered Daq ghaH: Daq Daj QaQtaHghach vetlh ghaH ghajtaH ta'pu' ghaH DIchDaq yIn.
Ezek ItaDio 18:22  Tutti i suoi misfatti, ch’egli avrà commessi, non gli saranno più rammemorati; egli viverà, per la giustizia ch’egli avrà operata.
Ezek RusSynod 18:22  Все преступления его, какие делал он, не припомнятся ему: в правде своей, которую будет делать, он жив будет.
Ezek CSlEliza 18:22  вся согрешения его, елика сотворил, не помянутся ему: но в правде своей, юже сотворил, жив будет.
Ezek ABPGRK 18:22  πάντα τα παραπτώματα αυτού όσα εποίησεν ου μνησθήσεται αυτώ εν τη δικαιοσύνη αυτού η εποίησε ζήσεται
Ezek FreBBB 18:22  Toutes les transgressions qu'il a commises, on ne s'en souviendra plus ; par sa justice qu'il a pratiquée, il vivra.
Ezek LinVB 18:22  Bakokanisa masumu ma ye lisusu te. Akotikala na bomoi mpo ya misala mya ye mya bosembo.
Ezek HunIMIT 18:22  Mind a bűntettei, melyeket elkövetett nem tartatnak neki emlékezetben; igazságért, amelyet művelt, élni fog.
Ezek ChiUnL 18:22  其所犯之罪、不復見憶、必因所行之義、而得生存、
Ezek VietNVB 18:22  Mọi tội lỗi nó đã phạm sẽ không bị ghi nhận cho nó; nhờ sự công chính nó đã làm, nó sẽ sống.
Ezek LXX 18:22  πάντα τὰ παραπτώματα αὐτοῦ ὅσα ἐποίησεν οὐ μνησθήσεται ἐν τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ αὐτοῦ ᾗ ἐποίησεν ζήσεται
Ezek CebPinad 18:22  Walay usa sa iyang mga paglapas nga iyang nahimo nga pagahandumon pa batok kaniya: diha sa iyang pagkamatarung nga iyang nahimo siya mabuhi.
Ezek RomCor 18:22  Toate fărădelegile pe care le-a făcut i se vor uita! El va trăi din pricina neprihănirii în care a trăit.
Ezek Pohnpeia 18:22  Dipe kan koaros pahn lapwada, e ahpw pahn mourla pwehki eh wiadahr me pwung.”
Ezek HunUj 18:22  Azok a vétkek, amelyeket elkövetett, nem maradnak emlékezetben. Azokért az igaz tettekért, amelyeket véghezvitt, élni fog!
Ezek GerZurch 18:22  Aller der Missetaten, die er begangen hat, wird ihm nicht mehr gedacht; um der Gerechtigkeit willen, die er geübt hat, soll er am Leben bleiben.
Ezek GerTafel 18:22  All seiner Übertretungen, die er getan, soll ihm nicht mehr gedacht werden, er soll leben in seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er hat getan.
Ezek PorAR 18:22  De todas as suas transgressões que cometeu não haverá lembrança contra ele; pela sua justiça que praticou viverá.
Ezek DutSVVA 18:22  Al zijn overtredingen, die hij gedaan heeft, zullen hem niet gedacht worden; in zijn gerechtigheid, die hij gedaan heeft, zal hij leven.
Ezek FarOPV 18:22  تمامی تقصیرهایی که کرده باشد به ضد او به یاد آورده نخواهد شد بلکه در عدالتی که کرده باشد زنده خواهد ماند.»
Ezek Ndebele 18:22  Iziphambeko zakhe zonke azenzileyo kaziyikukhunjulelwa kuye; ekulungeni kwakhe akwenzileyo, uzaphila.
Ezek PorBLivr 18:22  Todas as suas transgressões que cometeu não lhe serão lembradas; por sua justiça que praticou, viverá.
Ezek Norsk 18:22  Ingen av de overtredelser han har gjort, skal tilregnes ham; for den rettferdighets skyld som han har gjort, skal han leve.
Ezek SloChras 18:22  Nobeden od prestopkov njegovih, ki jih je zakrivil, se mu ne bo spominjal; zaradi pravičnosti svoje, ki jo je storil, bo živel.
Ezek Northern 18:22  Etdiyi günahlardan heç biri onun ayağına yazılmayacaq, gördüyü saleh işlərlə yaşayacaq”.
Ezek GerElb19 18:22  Aller seiner Übertretungen, die er begangen hat, soll ihm nicht gedacht werden; wegen seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er geübt hat, soll er leben.
Ezek LvGluck8 18:22  Visi viņa grēki, ko viņš darījis, viņam netaps pieminēti; savas taisnības dēļ, ko viņš dara, viņš dzīvos.
Ezek PorAlmei 18:22  De todas as suas transgressões que commetteu não haverá lembrança contra elle: pela sua justiça que praticou viverá.
Ezek ChiUn 18:22  他所犯的一切罪過都不被記念,因所行的義,他必存活。
Ezek SweKarlX 18:22  Men på all hans öfverträdelse, som han gjort hafver, skall intet tänkt varda; utan skall lefva, för den rättfärdighets skull, som han gör.
Ezek FreKhan 18:22  Aucun des péchés qu’il a commis ne lui sera compté; grâce à la justice qu’il a pratiquée, il vivra.
Ezek FrePGR 18:22  De toutes les transgressions qu'il aura commises, il ne lui sera pas tenu compte, mais grâce à la justice qu'il aura pratiquée, il vivra.
Ezek PorCap 18:22  Não serão lembradas as faltas que cometeu, viverá por causa da justiça que praticou.
Ezek JapKougo 18:22  その犯したもろもろのとがは、彼に対して覚えられない。彼はそのなした正しい事のために生きる。
Ezek GerTextb 18:22  Alle seine Abtrünnigkeiten, die er begangen hat, sollen ihm nicht angerechnet werden; wegen seiner Frömmigkeit, die er geübt, soll er am Leben bleiben und nicht sterben.
Ezek Kapingam 18:22  Nia hala o-maa huogodoo gu-maahede, geia ga-haga-mouli mai i dono haihai nia mee ala e-donu.”
Ezek SpaPlate 18:22  No le será imputado ninguno de los pecados que haya cometido. A causa de la justicia que ha obrado vivirá.
Ezek WLC 18:22  כָּל־פְּשָׁעָיו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה לֹ֥א יִזָּכְר֖וּ ל֑וֹ בְּצִדְקָת֥וֹ אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֖ה יִֽחְיֶֽה׃
Ezek LtKBB 18:22  Ankstesni nusikaltimai bus užmiršti ir jam neįskaitomi; jis bus gyvas dėl savo teisumo.
Ezek Bela 18:22  Усе злачынствы ягоныя, якія рабіў ён, не папомняцца яму; у праўдзе сваёй, якую будзе рабіць, ён жывы будзе.
Ezek GerBoLut 18:22  Es soli alter seiner Ubertretung, so er begangen hat, nicht gedachtwerden, sondern soil leben urn der Gerechtigkeit willen, die er tut.
Ezek FinPR92 18:22  Hänen syntejään ei enää milloinkaan muisteta, ja hän saa elää sen hyvän tähden mitä on tehnyt.
Ezek SpaRV186 18:22  Todas sus rebeliones que cometió, no le vendrán en memoria: por su justicia que hizo vivirá.
Ezek NlCanisi 18:22  Van zijn vroegere wandaden zal hem niets toegerekend worden, maar omwille van zijn rechtschapen gedrag zal hij in leven blijven.
Ezek GerNeUe 18:22  Keine von allen Sünden, die er begangen hat, soll ihm noch angelastet werden. Weil er danach getan hat, was vor Gott recht ist, soll er am Leben bleiben.
Ezek UrduGeo 18:22  جتنے بھی غلط کام اُس سے سرزد ہوئے ہیں اُن کا حساب مَیں نہیں لوں گا بلکہ اُس کے راست باز چال چلن کا لحاظ کر کے اُسے زندہ رہنے دوں گا۔
Ezek AraNAV 18:22  وَلاَ تُذْكَرُ لَهُ جَمِيعُ آثَامِهِ الَّتِي ارْتَكَبَهَا. إِنَّمَا يَحْيَا بِبِرِّهِ الَّذِي عَمِلَهُ.
Ezek ChiNCVs 18:22  他所犯的一切罪过都不会被记念,作控诉他的理由;他必因自己所行的义而存活。
Ezek ItaRive 18:22  Nessuna delle trasgressioni che ha commesse sarà più ricordata contro di lui; per la giustizia che pratica, egli vivrà.
Ezek Afr1953 18:22  Al sy oortredinge wat hy begaan het, sal hom nie toegereken word nie; deur sy geregtigheid wat hy gedoen het, sal hy lewe.
Ezek RusSynod 18:22  Все преступления его, какие делал он, не припомнятся ему: в правде своей, которую будет делать, он жив будет.
Ezek UrduGeoD 18:22  जितने भी ग़लत काम उससे सरज़द हुए हैं उनका हिसाब मैं नहीं लूँगा बल्कि उसके रास्तबाज़ चाल-चलन का लिहाज़ करके उसे ज़िंदा रहने दूँगा।
Ezek TurNTB 18:22  İşlediği günahlardan hiçbiri ona karşı anılmayacaktır. Doğruluğu sayesinde yaşayacaktır.
Ezek DutSVV 18:22  Al zijn overtredingen, die hij gedaan heeft, zullen hem niet gedacht worden; in zijn gerechtigheid, die hij gedaan heeft, zal hij leven.
Ezek HunKNB 18:22  egyetlen elkövetett gonoszságáról sem emlékezem meg; igazságáért, amelyet cselekedett, élni fog.
Ezek Maori 18:22  E kore tetahi o ona he i mahia e ia e maharatia ki a ia; ka ora ia i tona tika i mahia e ia.
Ezek HunKar 18:22  Semmi gonoszságáról, melyet cselekedett, emlékezés nem lészen; az ő igazságáért, melyet cselekedett, élni fog.
Ezek Viet 18:22  Không có một tội nào nó đã phạm sẽ bị nhớ lại nghịch cùng nó; nó sẽ sống vì cớ sự công bình nó đã làm.
Ezek Kekchi 18:22  Chixjunil li ma̱c li quixba̱nu chak junxil incˈaˈ ta̱julticokˈ re li Dios ut incˈaˈ ta̱camsi̱k xban nak quixjal xnaˈleb ut quixba̱nu li us.
Ezek Swe1917 18:22  Ingen av de överträdelser han har begått skall du tillräknas honom; genom den rättfärdighet han har övat skall han få leva.
Ezek CroSaric 18:22  Sva njegova nedjela što ih počini bit će zaboravljena: zbog pravednosti što je čini, živjet će.
Ezek VieLCCMN 18:22  Mọi tội phản nghịch nó phạm, người ta sẽ không còn nhớ đến ; nó sẽ được sống vì đã thi hành lẽ công minh.
Ezek FreBDM17 18:22  Il ne lui sera point fait mention de tous ses crimes qu’il aura commis, mais il vivra pour sa justice, à laquelle il se sera adonné.
Ezek FreLXX 18:22  Toutes ses iniquités seront oubliées ; il vivra dans son équité et à cause d'elle.
Ezek Aleppo 18:22  כל פשעיו אשר עשה לא יזכרו לו  בצדקתו אשר עשה יחיה
Ezek MapM 18:22  כׇּל־פְּשָׁעָיו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה לֹ֥א יִזָּכְר֖וּ ל֑וֹ בְּצִדְקָת֥וֹ אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֖ה יִֽחְיֶֽה׃
Ezek HebModer 18:22  כל פשעיו אשר עשה לא יזכרו לו בצדקתו אשר עשה יחיה׃
Ezek Kaz 18:22  Сонда оның бұрын жасаған әділетсіз қылықтарының ешқайсысы оған қарсы ескерілмейді. Істеген әділ істері үшін ол өмір сүре беретін болады.
Ezek FreJND 18:22  De toutes ses transgressions qu’il aura commises, aucune ne viendra en mémoire contre lui ; dans sa justice qu’il a pratiquée, il vivra.
Ezek GerGruen 18:22  Von seinen Sünden all, die er begangen, soll keine einzige ihm angerechnet werden. Er lebe wegen der Gerechtigkeit, die er geübt!
Ezek SloKJV 18:22  § Vsi njegovi prestopki, ki jih je zagrešil, mu ne bodo omenjeni. V svoji pravičnosti, ki jo je storil, bo živel.
Ezek Haitian 18:22  Yo p'ap chonje tout peche li te konn fè yo. L'ap viv paske li te fè sa ki dwat.
Ezek FinBibli 18:22  Kaikkia hänen ylitsekäymisiänsä, joita hän tehnyt on, ei pidä muistettaman; mutta hän saa elää vanhurskauden tähden, jonka hän tehnyt on.
Ezek SpaRV 18:22  Todas sus rebeliones que cometió, no le serán recordadas: en su justicia que hizo vivirá.
Ezek WelBeibl 18:22  Fydda i ddim yn cadw rhestr o'i holl bechodau e. Am ei fod e wedi dechrau gwneud beth sy'n iawn bydd e'n cael byw.
Ezek GerMenge 18:22  Keine von allen Sünden, die er begangen hat, soll ihm noch angerechnet werden: um der Gerechtigkeit willen, die er geübt hat, soll er am Leben bleiben.
Ezek GreVamva 18:22  πάσαι αι ανομίαι αυτού, τας οποίας έπραξε, δεν θέλουσι μνημονευθή εις αυτόν· εν τη δικαιοσύνη αυτού, την οποίαν έπραξε, θέλει ζήσει.
Ezek UkrOgien 18:22  Усі його гріхи́, які наробив він, не згадаються йому, — він буде жити в своїй справедливості, яку чинив!
Ezek FreCramp 18:22  De toutes les transgressions qu'il a commises, on ne se souviendra plus ; à cause de la justice qu'il a pratiquée, il vivra.
Ezek SrKDEkav 18:22  Безакоња његова што их је год учинио неће му се више спомињати, у правди својој коју чини живеће.
Ezek PolUGdan 18:22  Żadne jego występki, których się dopuścił, nie będą mu wspominane. Będzie żył w swej sprawiedliwości, którą czynił.
Ezek FreSegon 18:22  Toutes les transgressions qu'il a commises seront oubliées; il vivra, à cause de la justice qu'il a pratiquée.
Ezek SpaRV190 18:22  Todas sus rebeliones que cometió, no le serán recordadas: en su justicia que hizo vivirá.
Ezek HunRUF 18:22  Azokat a vétkeket, amelyeket elkövetett, elfelejtem majd neki. Azokért az igaz tettekért, amelyeket véghezvitt, élni fog!
Ezek DaOT1931 18:22  Ingen af alle de Overtrædelser, han har øvet, skal tilregnes ham; i Kraft af den Retfærdighed, han øver, skal han leve.
Ezek TpiKJPB 18:22  Olgeta pasin bilong em bilong kalapim lo, dispela em i bin mekim, ol man bai i no inap kolim ol liklik long em. Insait long ol stretpela pasin bilong em, dispela em i bin mekim, em bai stap laip.
Ezek DaOT1871 18:22  Alle hans Overtrædelser, som han har gjort, skulle ikke ihukommes imod ham; han skal leve ved sin Retfærdighed, som han har øvet.
Ezek FreVulgG 18:22  Je ne me souviendrai plus de toutes les iniquités qu’il avait commises ; il vivra dans (à cause de) la justice qu’il aura pratiquée.
Ezek PolGdans 18:22  Żadne przestępstwa jego, których się dopuścił, nie będą mu przypominane; w sprawiedliwości swej, którąby czynił, żyć będzie.
Ezek JapBungo 18:22  その爲しところの咎は皆記念られざるべしその爲し義き事のために彼は生べし
Ezek GerElb18 18:22  Aller seiner Übertretungen, die er begangen hat, soll ihm nicht gedacht werden; wegen seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er geübt hat, soll er leben.