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And the men who were mentioned by name arose, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them food and drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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The men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, and gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
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And [2rose up 1men] who were called by name, and they took hold of the captivity. And all the naked they covered from the spoils, and clothed them, and tied sandals upon them, and gave to them to eat and to drink, and to anoint. And they assisted them by beasts of burden for all the infirm. And they placed them in Jericho, the city of palms, with their brethren. And they returned to Samaria.
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The men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, and gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
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Then rose up the men who have been expressed by name—and took the captives, and, all who were naked among them, clothed they out of the spoil, and arrayed them and sandalled them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and conducted them with asses for every one that was exhausted, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, near unto their brethren,—and then returned to Samaria.
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Then the men designated by name arose and took the captives and from the plunder clothed all their nakedness. So they clothed them, gave them sandals, gave them food to eat, gave them water to drink, anointed them, and guided them with the donkeys provided for all those who stumbled, and brought them to Jericho, the city of the palm trees, next to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up and took the captives, and, with the spoil, clothed all that were naked among them and arrayed them and shod them and gave them to eat and to drink and anointed them and carried all the feeble of them upon asses and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren; then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men who were expressed by name arose, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men that have been expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on asses, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm-trees, to their brethren. And they returned to Samaria.
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And the men that have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm-trees, unto their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men who had been called by name rose and took the captives, and they clothed all the naked ones from the spoil; yea, they clothed them and shod them, and made them eat and drink, and anointed them, and led them out on asses, even every feeble one, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palms, near their brothers, and returned to Samaria.
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And the men that were named by name, rose vp and tooke the prisoners, and with the spoyle clothed all that were naked among them, and arayed them, and shod them, and gaue them meate, and gaue them drinke, and anoynted them, and caryed all that were feeble of them vpon asses, and brought them to Iericho the citie of Palme trees to their brethren: so they returned to Samaria.
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And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives. All those who were naked, they clothed from the spoils. And when they had clothed them, and had given them shoes, and had refreshed them with food and drink, and had anointed them because of the hardship, and had cared for them, whoever was not able to walk and whoever was feeble in body, they set them upon beasts of burden, and they led them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers, and they themselves returned to Samaria.
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And those men who have been named went up and took the prisoners, clothing those among them who were uncovered, with things from the goods which had been taken in the war, and putting robes on them and shoes on their feet; and they gave them food and drink and oil for their bodies, and seating all the feeble among them on asses, they took them to Jericho, the town of palm-trees, to their people, and then went back to Samaria.
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And the men, whom we mentioned above, rose up and took the captives, and with the spoils clothed all them that were naked: and when they had clothed and shod them, and refreshed them with meat and drink, and anointed them because of their labour, and had taken care of them, they set such of them as could not walk, and were feeble, upon beasts, and brought them to Jericho the city of palm trees to their brethren, and they returned to Samaria.
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Then the men who were mentioned by name took charge of the prisoners and gave clothes from the loot to all the prisoners who were naked. They provided clothes for them, gave them sandals, gave them something to eat and drink, and let them bathe. They put everyone who was exhausted on donkeys and brought them to Jericho (the City of Palms) near their own people. Then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men that have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm-trees, unto their brethren; then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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Men were assigned to take the prisoners and find clothes among the plunder for those who were naked. So they clothed them, supplied them with sandals, gave them food and drink, and provided them with oil to rub on their skin. They put the ones who couldn't walk on donkeys. They brought them back to their brothers at Jericho, the city of the date palm trees, and then returned to Samaria.
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And the men who were called by name rose up, and took hold of the prisoners, and clothed all the naked from the spoils, and gave them garments and shoes, and gave them food to eat, and oil to anoint themselves with, and they let everyone that was weak to ride on donkeys, and placed them in Jericho, the city of palm trees, with their brethren; and they returned to Samaria.
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And the men who were called by name rose up and took the captives and clothed all that were naked among them from the spoil, and dressed them, and shod them, and made them eat and drink, and anointed them, and led the feeble ones on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren. And they returned to Samaria.
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The men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, and gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
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Men were assigned to take the prisoners and find clothes among the plunder for those who were naked. So they clothed them, supplied them with sandals, gave them food and drink, and provided them with oil to rub on their skin. They put the ones who couldn't walk on donkeys. They brought them back to their brothers at Jericho, the city of the date palm trees, and then returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them on asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men which were expressed by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all that were naked among them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brethren: then they returned to Samaria.
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And the men who were called by name rose up and took the captives and clothed all that were naked among them with the plunder, and dressed them, and shod them, and made them eat and drink, and anointed them, and led the feeble ones on asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. And they returned to Samaria.
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and the men who have been expressed by name rise and take hold on the captives, and all their naked ones they have clothed from the spoil, yea, they clothe them, and shoe them, and cause them to eat and drink, and anoint them, and lead them on asses, even every feeble one, and bring them in to Jericho, the city of palms, near their brethren, and turn back to Samaria.
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And the men who have been mentioned by name rose up, and took the captives, and with the spoil clothed all who were naked among them, and dressed them, and shod them, and gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed them, and carried all the feeble of them upon donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.
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E levantaram-se os homens nomeados, e tomaram os cativos, e vestiram do despojo aos que deles estavam nus; vestiram-nos e calçaram-nos, e deram-lhes de comer e de beber, e ungiram-nos, e conduziram em asnos a todos os fracos, e levaram-nos até Jericó, cidade das palmeiras, próxima de seus irmãos; e eles voltaram a Samaria.
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ka ireo olona voalaza anarana ireo dia nitsangana ka naka ny sambo-belona, ary izay rehetra tsy nitafy no nampiakanjoiny tamin’ ny zavatra nentiny; eny, nampiakanjoiny sy nokiraroiny izy ary nampihinaniny sy nampisotroiny ary nohosorany, sady nampitaingeniny boriky izay rehetra osaosa, ka nentiny tany Jeriko, tanàna be rofia, ho any amin’ ny rahalahiny; dia niverina tany Samaria izy.
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Ja nimeltä mainitut miehet nousivat ja ottivat huostaansa vangit ja antoivat saaliista vaatteita kaikille heidän joukossaan, jotka olivat alasti. He antoivat näille vaatteita ja kenkiä, ruokaa ja juomaa, voitelivat heitä ja toimittivat heille, kaikille uupuneille, aasit ja veivät heidät Jerikoon, Palmukaupunkiin, lähelle heidän veljiänsä. Sitten he palasivat Samariaan.
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Tehtävään nimetyt miehet nousivat, ottivat huostaansa vangit ja antoivat saaliista vaatteet kaikille niille, jotka heidän joukossaan olivat alasti. He antoivat heille vaatteita ja kenkiä, ruokaa ja juomaa. He voitelivat heidät öljyllä ja toimittivat kaikille uupuneille aaseja ja veivät heidät Jerikoon, Palmukaupunkiin, veljiensä luo. Sitten he palasivat Samariaan.
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И споменатите по име мъже станаха и взеха пленниците, и облякоха от плячката всичките голи между тях. Облякоха ги и ги обуха, и им дадоха да ядат и да пият, и ги помазаха. А всичките немощни от тях пренесоха на магарета и ги заведоха в Ерихон, града на палмите, при братята им. И се върнаха в Самария.
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وَقَامَ ٱلرِّجَالُ ٱلْمُعَيَّنَةُ أَسْمَاؤُهُمْ وَأَخَذُوا ٱلْمَسْبِيِّينَ وَأَلْبَسُوا كُلَّ عُرَاتِهِمْ مِنَ ٱلْغَنِيمَةِ، وَكَسَوْهُمْ وَحَذَوْهُمْ وَأَطْعَمُوهُمْ وَأَسْقَوْهُمْ وَدَهَّنُوهُمْ، وَحَمَلُوا عَلَى حَمِيرٍ جَمِيعَ ٱلْمُعْيِينَ مِنْهُمْ، وَأَتَوْا بِهِمْ إِلَى أَرِيحَا، مَدِينَةِ ٱلنَّخْلِ، إِلَى إِخْوَتِهِمْ. ثُمَّ رَجَعُوا إِلَى ٱلسَّامِرَةِ.
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Kaj leviĝis la viroj, menciitaj laŭ iliaj nomoj, prenis la kaptitojn, kaj ĉiujn el iliaj nuduloj ili vestis per parto de la rabitaĵo, vestis ilin, donis al ili ŝuojn, donis al ili manĝi kaj trinki, ŝmiris ilin per oleo, sidigis sur azenoj ĉiujn senfortulojn, forkondukis ilin en Jeriĥon, la urbon de Palmoj, al iliaj fratoj; kaj ili mem revenis en Samarion.
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และผู้ชายซึ่งถูกระบุชื่อนั้นได้ลุกขึ้นเอาเสื้อผ้าอันเป็นของที่ริบมาให้แก่คนที่เปลือยกายอยู่ในพวกเชลยและเขาก็นุ่งห่มให้เขาไว้ และให้รองเท้า และจัดหาอาหารและเครื่องดื่มให้ และชโลมเขา และนำคนที่อ่อนเปลี้ยในพวกเขาขึ้นลา นำเขากลับมายังญาติพี่น้องของเขาที่เมืองเยรีโค คือเมืองต้นอินทผลัม และเขาทั้งหลายก็กลับไปยังสะมาเรีย
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וַיָּקֻ֣מוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים֩ אֲשֶׁר־נִקְּב֨וּ בְשֵׁמ֜וֹת וַיַּחֲזִ֣יקוּ בַשִּׁבְיָ֗ה וְכָֽל־מַעֲרֻמֵּיהֶם֮ הִלְבִּ֣ישׁוּ מִן־הַשָּׁלָל֒ וַיַּלְבִּשׁ֣וּם וַ֠יַּנְעִלוּם וַיַּאֲכִל֨וּם וַיַּשְׁק֜וּם וַיְסֻכ֗וּם וַיְנַהֲל֤וּם בַּחֲמֹרִים֙ לְכָל־כּוֹשֵׁ֔ל וַיְבִיא֛וּם יְרֵח֥וֹ עִיר־הַתְּמָרִ֖ים אֵ֣צֶל אֲחֵיהֶ֑ם וַיָּשׁ֖וּבוּ שֹׁמְרֽוֹן׃ פ
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အထက်ဆိုခဲ့ပြီးသောသူတို့သည် ထလျက်၊ သိမ်းယူခဲ့သော သူတို့ကိုခေါ်၍၊ အဝတ်မရှိသော သူတို့ကို လက်ရဥစ္စာဖြင့် ဝတ်ဆင်စေကြ၏။ ခြေနင်းကို စီးစေ ကြ၏။ စားသောက်စရာဘို့ ပေးကြ၏။ ဆီနှင့်လိမ်း စေကြ၏။ အားမရှိသောသူအပေါင်းတို့ကို မြည်းပေါ်မှာ တင်၍၊ သူတို့ ပေါက်ဘော်ရှိရာ ယေရိခေါမြို့တည်း ဟူသော စွန်ပလွံပင်မြို့သို့ ပို့ပြိးမှ၊ ရှမာရိမြို့သို့ ပြန်သွား ကြ၏။
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و چهار نفر مرد برگزیده شدند تا برای اسیران از غنایم پوشاک تهیّه کنند. ایشان به اسیران پوشاک و کفش داده و خوراک و آب کافی دادند و روغن زیتون بر زخمهای ایشان نهادند. کسانی را که بسیار ناتوان بودند، سوار بر الاغ کردند و همهٔ اسیران را به اریحا معروف به شهر نخلها، در سرزمین یهودا بازگرداندند. آنگاه اسرائیلیها به سامره بازگشتند.
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Mazkūrā chār ādmiyoṅ ne sāmne ā kar qaidiyoṅ ko apne pās mahfūz rakhā. Lūṭe hue māl meṅ se kapṛe nikāl kar unhoṅ ne unheṅ un meṅ taqsīm kiyā jo barahnā the. Is ke bād unhoṅ ne tamām qaidiyoṅ ko kapṛe aur jūte de die, unheṅ khānā khilāyā, pānī pilāyā aur un ke zaḳhmoṅ kī marham-paṭṭī kī. Jitne thakāwaṭ kī wajah se chal na sakte the unheṅ unhoṅ ne gadhoṅ par biṭhāyā, phir chalte chalte sab ko Khajūr ke Shahr Yarīhū tak pahuṅchāyā jahāṅ un ke apne log the. Phir wuh Sāmariya lauṭ āe.
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Männen som nämnts vid namn stod upp och tog sig an fångarna. Alla som var utan kläder bland dem klädde de upp med vad de hade tagit som byte. De gav dem kläder och skor, mat och dryck, och smorde dem med olja, och alla som inte orkade gå lät de sätta sig upp på åsnor och förde dem så till Jeriko, Palmstaden, till deras bröder där. Sedan vände de tillbaka till Samaria.
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Die Männer aber, die mit Namen genannt sind, machten sich auf und nahmen sich der Gefangenen an und bekleideten alle, die unter ihnen nackt waren, mit Kleidern von der Beute, zogen ihnen Schuhe an und gaben ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und salbten sie und führten alle, die zu schwach waren, auf Eseln und brachten sie gen Jericho, zur Palmenstadt, in die Nähe ihrer Brüder, und kehrten dann wieder nach Samaria zurück.
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At ang mga lalaking nasaysay sa pangalan ay nagsitindig, at kinuha ang mga bihag, at sa samsam ay binihisan ang lahat na hubad sa kanila, at dinamtan at sinapatusan, at mga pinakain at pinainom, at mga pinahiran ng langis, at dinala ang lahat na mahina sa kanila na nakasakay sa mga asno, at mga dinala sa Jerico, na bayan ng mga puno ng palma, sa kanilang mga kapatid: saka nagsibalik sila sa Samaria.
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Nimeltä mainitut miehet nousivat ja ottivat huostaansa vangit ja antoivat saaliista vaatteita kaikille niille heidän joukossaan, jotka olivat alasti. He antoivat näille vaatteita ja sandaaleja, ruokaa ja juomaa, voitelivat heitä ja toimittivat heille, kaikille uupuneille, aasit ja veivät heidät Jerikoon, Palmukaupunkiin, lähelle heidän veljiään. Sitten he palasivat Samariaan.
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آنگاه رهبران نامبرده به اسیرانِ که برهنه بودند، از آن غنیمت لباس دادند که تن خود را بپوشانند. همچنین پاپوش، خوردنی و نوشیدنی هم برای شان تهیه نمودند. کسانی را که مریض و ناتوان بودند بر خرها سوار کردند و پیش خویشاوندان شان به اریحا که شهر درختان خرما بود، بردند و بعد خودشان به سامره برگشتند.
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Markaasay nimankii la magacaabay soo kaceen, oo waxay qabteen maxaabiistii, oo kuwii dhexdooda ku jiray oo qaawanaana dhar bay uga xidheen boolidii, wax bay huwiyeen, oo kabana way u geliyeen, oo waxay siiyeen wax ay cunaan iyo wax ay cabbaanba, wayna u subkeen, oo kuwii itaalka yaraa oo dhanna dameeray ku qaadeen, markaasay Yerixoo oo ahayd magaaladii geedatimireedka lahayd walaalahood ugu geeyeen, dabadeedna Samaariya ayay ku noqdeen.
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Og dei mennerne som er nemnde, tok fangarne, klædde deim som var nakne ibland deim med det dei hadde til herfang, gav deim klæde og skor, gav deim mat og drikka, salva deim og sette deim som var utarma uppå asen og førde deim til Palmebyen, Jeriko, til brørne deira; og deretter snudde dei attende til Samaria.
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Pastaj disa njerëz të thirrur me emër u ngritën dhe morën robërit dhe me rrobat e plaçkës veshën tërë ata që ishin lakuriq; u dhanë rroba dhe sandale, për të ngrënë dhe për të pirë dhe i vajosën; pastaj i mbartën tërë të dobëtit mbi gomarë dhe i çuan në Jeriko, qyteti i palmave, pranë vëllezërve të tyre, pastaj u kthyen në Samari.
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이름이 명시된 사람들이 일어나서 포로들을 데려가 노략한 물건으로 그들 가운데 벗은 모든 자들에게 옷을 입히고 차려 입히며 신을 신기고 먹고 마시게 하며 기름을 발라 주고 그들 중에서 연약한 모든 자는 나귀에 태워 종려나무 도시 여리고로, 그들의 형제들에게로 데려다 주고 그 뒤에 사마리아로 돌아갔더라.
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И усташе људи именовани и узеше робље, и све голе између њих одјеше из плијена; и кад их одјеше и обуше, нахранише их и напојише и намазаше, и одведоше на магарцима све изнемогле, и доведоше их у Јерихон град гдје има много палама, к браћи њиховој, па се вратише у Самарију.
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And the men stoden, whiche we remembriden bifore, and thei token the prisounneris, and clothiden of the spuylis alle that weren nakid; and whanne thei hadden clothid hem, and hadden schod, and hadden refreschid with mete and drynke, and hadden anoyntid for trauel, and hadden youe cure, `ether medecyn, to hem; `thei puttiden hem on horsis, whiche euere `myyten not go, and weren feble `of bodi, and brouyten to Jerico, a citee of palmes, to `the britheren of hem; and thei turneden ayen in to Samarie.
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പേർ ചൊല്ലി വിളിക്കപ്പെട്ട ആളുകൾ എഴുന്നേറ്റു ബദ്ധന്മാരെ കൂട്ടി അവരിൽ നഗ്നന്മാരായവരെ ഒക്കെയും കൊള്ളയിലെ വസ്ത്രം ധരിപ്പിച്ചു; അവരെ ഉടുപ്പിച്ചു ചെരിപ്പും ഇടുവിച്ചശേഷം അവൎക്കു തിന്മാനും കുടിപ്പാനും കൊടുത്തു എണ്ണയും തേപ്പിച്ചു ക്ഷീണിച്ചുപോയവരെ ഒക്കെയും കഴുതപ്പുറത്തു കയറ്റി, ഈന്തപ്പട്ടണമായ യെരീഹോവിൽ അവരുടെ സഹോദരന്മാരുടെ അടുക്കൽ കൊണ്ടുചെന്നാക്കി ശമൎയ്യെക്കു മടങ്ങിപ്പോയി.
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이 위에 이름이 기록된 자들이 일어나서 포로를 맞고 노략하여 온 중에서 옷을 취하여 벗은 자에게 입히며 신을 신기며 먹이고 마시우며 기름을 바르고 그 약한 자는 나귀에 태워 데리고 종려나무 성 여리고에 이르러 그 형제에게 돌린 후에 사마리아로 돌아갔더라
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آدلاري چکئلَن آداملار قالخديلار و اسئرلري گؤتوروب اونلاردان لوت اولانلارين هاميسيني قنئمتدن گؤتورولموش پالتار و چاريقلا گِيئندئردئلر. اونلاري يِدئردئب-ائچئرتدئلر و اونلارا زيتون ياغي سورتدولر، ضعئف اولانلارين هاميسيني اِششَکلره مئندئردئلر و اونلاري خورما آغاجلاري شهري اِرئحايا، قارداشلارينين يانينا آپارديلار و سونرا سامئرهيه قاييتديلار.
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Då stodo de män upp, som nu vid namn nämnde voro, och togo fångarna, och alle de, som ibland dem nakne voro, klädde de, af det röfvadt var. Och då de hade klädt dem, drogo de skor uppå dem, och gåfvo dem mat och dryck, och smorde dem, och förde på åsnar alla dem, som svage voro, och läto komma dem till Jericho palmstaden, till deras bröder; och kommo igen till Samarien.
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The loDpu' 'Iv ghaj taH mentioned Sum pong rose Dung, je tlhapta' the captives, je tlhej the non clothed Hoch 'Iv were naked among chaH, dressed chaH, nobta' chaH sandals, je nobta' chaH something Daq Sop je Daq tlhutlh, ngoHta' chaH, qengta' Hoch the feeble vo' chaH Daq donkeys, je qempu' chaH Daq Jericho, the veng vo' palm Sormey, Daq chaj loDnI'pu'. vaj chaH cheghta' Daq Samaria.
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E quegli uomini suddetti si levarono, e presero i prigioni, e vestirono delle spoglie tutti que’ di loro ch’erano ignudi; e dopo averli rivestiti e calzati, diedero loro da mangiare e da bere, e li unsero; e ricondussero sopra degli asini quelli d’infra loro che non si potevano reggere; e li menarono in Gerico, città delle palme, appresso i lor fratelli; poi se ne ritornarono in Samaria.
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И встали мужи, упомянутые по именам, и взяли пленных, и всех нагих из них одели из добычи, — и одели их, и обули их, и накормили их, и напоили их, и помазали их елеем, и посадили на ослов всех слабых из них, и отправили их в Иерихон, город пальм, к братьям их, и возвратились в Самарию.
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И восташа мужие реченнии по имени и взяша плененых, и всех нагих облекоша от корыстей, и одеяша их и обуша их, и даша ясти и пити им и помазатися, и всадиша на подяремника всякаго немощнаго, и отвезоша их во Иерихон град финический ко братии их, и возвратишася в Самарию.
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και ανέστησαν άνδρες οι επεκλήθησαν εν ονόματι και αντελάβοντο της αιχμαλωσίας και πάντας τους γυμνούς περιέβαλον από των σκύλων και ενέδυσαν αυτούς και υπέδησαν αυτούς και έδωκαν αυτοίς του φαγείν και πιείν και αλείψασθαι και αντελάβοντο αυτών εν υποζυγίοις παντός ασθενούς και κατέστησαν αυτούς εις Ιεριχώ την πόλιν φοινίκων προς αδελφούς αυτών και επέστρεψαν εις Σαμάρειαν
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Et les hommes qui furent désignés à cet effet par leur nom se levèrent et prirent les prisonniers ; et pour tous ceux qui étaient nus, ils prirent des vêtements dans le butin ; et ils les vêtirent, les chaussèrent, et ils les firent manger et boire, et les oignirent, et ils les conduisirent sur des ânes, tous ceux qui étaient fatigués, et ils les menèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères ; et ils retournèrent à Samarie.
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Na nsima baponi bato mpo ya kosalisa baombo : balatisi baye bazalaki bolumbu bilamba na sapato, biye babotoloki o etumba, mpe bapesi bango biloko bya bolei mpe bya bomeli, na mpe mafuta ma bopakoli nzoto. Bakei na bango tee Yeriko, mboka ya mbila, esika bandeko ba bango bafandi ; baye bakoki kotambola lisusu te, babutisi bango o mpunda. Na nsima bazongi o Samaria.
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És felkeltek a név szerint megnevezett férfiak s támogatták a foglyokat, s a mezíteleneket közülük felöltöztették a zsákmányból, s ellátták őket ruhával meg saruval, s enniük és inniuk adtak s megkenték őket s elvezették őket szamarakon mind a gyengéket, s elvitték őket Jerichóba, a pálmák városába, testvéreik mellé, s visszatértek Sómrónba.
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Bấy giờ những người kể trên đứng dậy, tiếp nhận những tù binh; lấy y phục từ các chiến lợi phẩm mặc cho những người trần truồng, cung cấp giày dép, đồ ăn, thức uống và dầu xức cho họ; những người yếu đuối được để trên lưng lừa. Như thế những người này dẫn chúng về với anh em mình tại Giê-ri-cô, thành cây chà là; còn họ thì trở về Sa-ma-ri.
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καὶ ἀνέστησαν ἄνδρες οἳ ἐπεκλήθησαν ἐν ὀνόματι καὶ ἀντελάβοντο τῆς αἰχμαλωσίας καὶ πάντας τοὺς γυμνοὺς περιέβαλον ἀπὸ τῶν σκύλων καὶ ἐνέδυσαν αὐτοὺς καὶ ὑπέδησαν αὐτοὺς καὶ ἔδωκαν φαγεῖν καὶ ἀλείψασθαι καὶ ἀντελάβοντο ἐν ὑποζυγίοις παντὸς ἀσθενοῦντος καὶ κατέστησαν αὐτοὺς εἰς Ιεριχω πόλιν φοινίκων πρὸς τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτῶν καὶ ἐπέστρεψαν εἰς Σαμάρειαν
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Ug ang mga tawo nga gipanghisgutan sa ngalan mingtindog, ug gidala ang mga binihag, ug gikan sa mga butang nga inagaw, gisul-oban ang walay saput kanila, ug gipabistihan sila, ug gipasapinan sila, ug gihatagan sila sa pagkaon ug pag-inum, ug gidihogan sila, ug gitungtong sa mga asno ang mga maluyahon kanila, ug gidala sila ngadto sa Jerico, ang ciudad sa mga palma, ngadto sa ilang mga kaigsoonan: unya sila namalik ngadto sa Samaria.
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Şi oamenii numiţi pe nume pentru aceasta s-au sculat şi au luat pe prinşii de război, au îmbrăcat cu prada pe toţi cei ce erau goi, le-au dat haine şi încălţăminte, le-au dat să mănânce şi să bea, i-au uns, au încălecat pe măgari pe toţi cei osteniţi şi i-au adus la Ierihon, cetatea finicilor, la fraţii lor. Apoi s-au întors la Samaria.
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Ohl pahmeno eri pilipilda pwe re en kihong aramas selidi ko likou sang ni dipwisou lohdi ko. Re kihong irail likou oh suht pwe re en pwuhriong loale, kanampile irail oh kamwenge irail, oh kihong lehn olip ni arail ohla kan. Irail eri kidahng me luwetalahr akan pohn ahs, oh kapwureiraillahng nan sapwen Suda nan Seriko, kahnimw en tuhke pahm. Mehn Israel ko eri pwuralahng nan arail wasa kan nan Sameria.
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Ekkor név szerint kijelölt férfiak álltak elő, és gondjaikba vették a foglyokat: a mezíteleneket mind felöltöztették a zsákmányból, ruhát és sarut, ételt és italt adtak nekik, és bekenték őket olajjal. A gyengéket szamarakon szállították, és elvitték őket honfitársaikhoz Jerikóba, a pálmák városába; azután visszatértek Samáriába.
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Und die Männer, die mit Namen dazu bezeichnet wurden, standen auf und nahmen sich der Gefangenen an: sie bekleideten alle Nackten unter ihnen mit Stücken aus der Beute, gaben ihnen Kleider und Schuhe, Speise und Trank, salbten sie, setzten alle unter ihnen, die zu schwach waren, auf Esel und brachten sie nach Jericho, der Palmenstadt, zu ihren Brüdern. Darnach kehrten sie nach Samaria zurück.
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E os homens já mencionados por nome se levantaram e tomaram os cativos, e vestiram do despojo a todos os que dentre eles estavam nus; vestiram-nos, e os calçaram, e lhes deram de comer e de beber, e os ungiram; e, levando sobre jumentos todos os que estavam fracos, conduziram-nos a Jericó, a cidade das palmeiras, a seus irmãos. Depois voltaram para Samaria.
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De mannen nu, die met namen uitgedrukt zijn, maakten zich op, en grepen de gevangenen, en kleedden van den roof al hun naakten; en zij kleedden hen, en schoeiden hen, en spijsden hen, en drenkten hen, en zalfden hen, en voerden ze op ezelen, allen die zwak waren, en brachten hen te Jericho, de Palmstad, bij hun broederen; daarna keerden zij weder naar Samaria.
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و آنانی که اسم ایشان مذکور شد برخاسته، اسیران را گرفتند وهمه برهنگان ایشان را از غنیمت پوشانیده، ملبس ساختند و کفش به پای ایشان کرده، ایشان راخورانیدند و نوشانیدند و تدهین کرده، تمامی ضعیفان را بر الاغها سوار نموده، ایشان را به اریحا که شهر نخل باشد نزد برادرانشان رسانیده، خود به سامره مراجعت کردند.
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Lamadoda abizwa ngamabizo asukuma, abamba abathunjiweyo, agqokisa bonke ababenqunu babo ngokuvela empangweni; yebo abagqokisa, abafaka amanyathela, abanika ukudla, abanathisa, abagcoba, athwala bonke ababuthakathaka ngabobabhemi, abasa eJeriko, umuzi wamalala, duze labafowabo; basebebuyela eSamariya.
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E levantaram-se os homens nomeados, e tomaram os cativos, e vestiram do despojo aos que deles estavam nus; vestiram-nos e calçaram-nos, e deram-lhes de comer e de beber, e ungiram-nos, e conduziram em asnos a todos os fracos, e levaram-nos até Jericó, cidade das palmeiras, próxima de seus irmãos; e eles voltaram a Samaria.
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Og de menn som nettop er nevnt, kom og tok fangene og klædde alle som var nakne iblandt dem, med klær som de tok av hærfanget; de gav dem både klær og sko, både mat og drikke, og salvet dem, og alle de skrøpelige iblandt dem satte de op på asener og førte dem til Jeriko, Palmestaden, til deres brødre; så vendte de selv hjem igjen til Samaria.
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In oni možje, ki so bili po imenu imenovani, se vzdignejo in vzamejo ujetnike v svojo skrb ter ogrnejo gole med njimi z oblačili iz plena, in ko so jih oblekli in obuli ter jim dali jesti in piti in jih pomazilili ter posadili slabe izmed njih na osle, so jih peljali v Jeriho, palmovo mesto, k njih bratom; potem se vrnejo v Samarijo.
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Adları çəkilən adamlar qalxdı və əsirləri götürüb onlardan çılpaq olanların hamısını qənimətdən götürülmüş paltar və çarıqla geyindirdilər. Onları yedirib-içirdilər və onlara yağ sürtdülər, zəif olanların hamısını eşşəklərə mindirdilər və onları xurma ağacları şəhəri Yerixoya – qohumlarının yanına apardılar və sonra Samariyaya qayıtdılar.
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Und die Männer, die mit Namen angegeben waren, standen auf und nahmen die Gefangenen; und alle, die nackt waren unter ihnen, bekleideten sie von der Beute; sie bekleideten und beschuhten sie und speisten und tränkten sie und salbten sie; und alle, die ermattet waren, führten sie auf Eseln und brachten sie nach Jericho, der Palmenstadt, in die Nähe ihrer Brüder. Und sie kehrten nach Samaria zurück.
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Un tie vīri, kas ar vārdu minēti, cēlās un ņēma tos cietumniekus un apģērba no tā laupījuma visus plikos viņu starpā un tiem deva drēbes un kurpes un ēst un dzert, un tos svaidīja un lika uz ēzeļiem visus, kas bija noguruši, un tos noveda uz Jēriku, to palmu pilsētu, pie viņu brāļiem, un griezās atpakaļ uz Samariju.
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E os homens que foram apontados por seus nomes se levantaram, e tomaram os presos, e vestiram do despojo a todos os que d'entre elles estavam nús; e os vestiram, e os calçaram, e lhes deram de comer e de beber, e os ungiram, e a todos os que estavam fracos levaram sobre jumentos, e os trouxeram a Jericó, á cidade das palmeiras, a seus irmãos: depois voltaram para Samaria.
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Då stodo de män upp, som nu vid namn nämnde voro, och togo fångarna, och alle de, som ibland dem nakne voro, klädde de, af det röfvadt var. Och då de hade klädt dem, drogo de skor uppå dem, och gåfvo dem mat och dryck, och smorde dem, och förde på åsnar alla dem, som svage voro, och läto komma dem till Jericho palmstaden, till deras bröder; och kommo igen till Samarien.
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Les hommes désignés nominativement se levèrent, se saisirent des captifs; tous ceux qui étaient nus, ils les vêtirent d’habits pris du butin, les habillèrent, les chaussèrent, leur donnèrent à manger et à boire, les frictionnèrent, conduisirent à âne tous ceux qui trébuchaient, les menèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères et revinrent à Samarie.
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Et les hommes, qui ont été désignés par leurs noms, se levèrent et s'emparèrent des prisonniers, et vêtirent tous ceux d'entre eux qui étaient nus, en prenant sur le butin, ils les vêtirent et les chaussèrent et leur donnèrent à manger et à boire, et les oignirent et les reconduisirent, sur des ânes tous les excédés, et les amenèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, chez leurs frères, puis-regagnèrent Samarie.
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A seguir, os homens, cujos nomes acabaram de ser citados, levantaram-se para reconfortar os cativos: revestiram com as vestes tiradas dos despojos aqueles que estavam nus, calçaram-nos, deram-lhes de comer e beber, trataram-lhes as feridas e conduziram-nos a Jericó, cidade das palmeiras, para junto dos seus irmãos, montando nos jumentos aqueles que se encontravam extenuados. Depois, regressaram à Samaria.
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Und die Männer, die namentlich dazu bezeichnet waren, gingen daran, sich der Gefangenen anzunehmen, bekleideten alle, die nackt unter ihnen waren, aus der Beute, gaben ihnen Kleider und Schuhe und zu essen und zu trinken, versorgten sie, so viele ihrer zum Gehen zu matt waren, mit Eseln, brachten sie nach Jericho, der Palmenstadt, in die Nähe ihrer Volksgenossen und kehrten sodann nach Samaria zurück.
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Entonces se levantaron los hombres designados nominalmente, y tomando a los prisioneros, vistieron con el botín a todos los desnudos entre ellos, dándoles vestido y calzado. Les dieron también de comer y de beber y los ungieron; y transportando en asnos a todos los débiles, los llevaron a Jericó, ciudad de las palmetas, donde estaban sus hermanos. Luego se volvieron a Samaria.
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Nia daane dogo-haa gu-hilihili go digaula belee hagagahu digau galabudi gi-nia goloo ala ne-kumi i tauwa. Digaula guu-wanga gi digaula nia goloo mono hiiwae e-ulu-ai, guu-wanga nadau meegai mo nia wai guu-dohu, guu-hunu nadau magibala gi-nia lolo-olib. Digau ala gu-paagege di-haele gu-hagauda gi-hongo nia ‘donkey’, gei digau galabudi huogodoo guu-lahi gi-muli gi tenua o Judah i Jericho, di waahale o-nia niu. Nomuli, digau Israel ga-lloomoi gi-muli gi Samaria.
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וַיָּקֻ֣מוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים֩ אֲשֶׁר־נִקְּב֨וּ בְשֵׁמ֜וֹת וַיַּחֲזִ֣יקוּ בַשִּׁבְיָ֗ה וְכָֽל־מַעֲרֻמֵּיהֶם֮ הִלְבִּ֣ישׁוּ מִן־הַשָּׁלָל֒ וַיַּלְבִּשׁ֣וּם וַ֠יַּנְעִלוּם וַיַּאֲכִל֨וּם וַיַּשְׁק֜וּם וַיְסֻכ֗וּם וַיְנַהֲל֤וּם בַּחֲמֹרִים֙ לְכָל־כּוֹשֵׁ֔ל וַיְבִיא֛וּם יְרֵח֥וֹ עִיר־הַתְּמָרִ֖ים אֵ֣צֶל אֲחֵיהֶ֑ם וַיָּשׁ֖וּבוּ שֹׁמְרֽוֹן׃
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Vardais paminėti vyrai pakilo, paėmė belaisvius, iš grobio jie juos apvilko, apavė, pavalgydino, pagirdė ir patepė aliejumi; silpnesniuosius užkėlė ant asilų ir nuvedė visus į Jerichą, palmių miestą, pas jų brolius. Po to jie sugrįžo į Samariją.
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І ўсталі мужы, памянёныя па імёнах, і ўзялі палонных, і ўсіх голых зь іх апранулі са здабычы,— і апранулі іх, і абулі іх, і накармілі іх, і напаілі іх, і памазалі іх алеем, і пасадзілі на аслоў усіх слабых зь іх, і адправілі іх у Ерыхон, горад пальмаў, да братоў іхніх, і вярнуліся ў Самарыю.
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Da stunden auf die Manner, die jetzt mit Namen genannt sind, und nahmen die Gefangenen und alle die bloft unter ihnen waren, zogen sie an von dem Geraubten und kleideten sie und zogen ihnen Schuhe an; und gaben ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und salbeten sie; und fuhreten sie auf Eseln alle, die schwach waren, und brachten sie gen Jericho, zur Palmenstadt, zu ihren Brudern. Und kamen wieder gen Samaria.
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Tehtävään määrätyt miehet menivät vankien luo ja antoivat saaliista vaatteet ja jalkineet niille, joilla ei niitä ollut. He jakoivat vangeille ruokaa ja juomaa, voitelivat heidän haavansa ja nostivat aasien selkään ne, jotka eivät pystyneet kävelemään. Sitten he veivät heidät Jerikoon, Palmukaupunkiin, heidän heimolaistensa lähelle; itse he palasivat Samariaan.
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Y levantáronse los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo a los que de ellos estaban desnudos: vistiéronlos, y calzáronlos, y diéronles de comer y de beber, y ungiéronlos, y llevaron en asnos a todos los flacos, y trajéronlos hasta Jericó, la ciudad de las palmas, cerca de sus hermanos: y ellos se volvieron a Samaria.
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En de zojuist met name genoemde mannen boden zich aan, om de gevangenen te helpen; die onvoldoende gekleed waren, verstrekten zij kleding en schoeisel uit de buit; ze gaven hun te eten en te drinken, zalfden hen, lieten de meest vermoeiden op ezels zetten, en begeleidden hen tot Jericho, de Palmenstad, in de buurt van hun landgenoten. Toen keerden ze naar Samaria terug.
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Männer, die namentlich dazu bestimmt wurden, nahmen sich der Gefangenen an, von denen manche kaum etwas auf dem Leib trugen. Sie gaben ihnen Kleidung und Schuhe aus der Beute. Dann gaben sie ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und Öl, um sich zu salben. Die Schwachen unter ihnen setzten sie auf Esel. Dann brachten sie die Gefangenen in die Palmenstadt Jericho, in die Nähe ihrer Stammesbrüder. Anschließend kehrten sie nach Samaria zurück.
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مذکورہ چار آدمیوں نے سامنے آ کر قیدیوں کو اپنے پاس محفوظ رکھا۔ لُوٹے ہوئے مال میں سے کپڑے نکال کر اُنہوں نے اُنہیں اُن میں تقسیم کیا جو برہنہ تھے۔ اِس کے بعد اُنہوں نے تمام قیدیوں کو کپڑے اور جوتے دے دیئے، اُنہیں کھانا کھلایا، پانی پلایا اور اُن کے زخموں کی مرہم پٹی کی۔ جتنے تھکاوٹ کی وجہ سے چل نہ سکتے تھے اُنہیں اُنہوں نے گدھوں پر بٹھایا، پھر چلتے چلتے سب کو کھجور کے شہر یریحو تک پہنچایا جہاں اُن کے اپنے لوگ تھے۔ پھر وہ سامریہ لوٹ آئے۔
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وَنَهَضَ بَعْضُ الرِّجَالِ الَّذِينَ تَمَّ تَعْيِينُهُمْ بِأَسْمَائِهِمْ وَأَخَذُوا الأَسْرَى وَوَزَّعُوا عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ الْغَنِيمَةِ مَلاَبِسَ وَأَحْذِيَةً وَطَعَاماً وخَمْراً، وَعَالَجُوا جِرَاحَهُمْ بالدُّهُونِ وَأَرْكَبُوا الْمُعْيِينَ فِيهِمْ عَلَى حَمِيرٍ. وَأَعَادُوهُمْ إِلَى أَرِيحَا مَدِينَةِ النَّخْلِ حَيْثُ أَسْلَمُوهُمْ إِلَى أَهَالِيهِمْ، ثُمَّ رَجَعُوا إِلَى السَّامِرَةِ.
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E gli uomini già ricordati per nome si levarono e presero i prigionieri; del bottino si servirono per rivestire tutti quelli di loro ch’erano ignudi; li rivestirono, li calzarono, diedero loro da mangiare e da bere, li unsero, condussero sopra degli asini tutti quelli che cascavan dalla fatica, e li menarono a Gerico, la città delle palme, dai loro fratelli; poi se ne tornarono a Samaria.
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En die manne wat met hulle naam aangewys was, het opgestaan en die gevangenes ondersteun en al die naaktes onder hulle uit die buit klere aangetrek; en hulle het aan hulle klere en skoene gegee en hulle laat eet en drink en hulle gesalf en almal wat moeg was, op esels vervoer en na Jérigo, die palmstad, by hul broers gebring; daarna het hulle na Samaría teruggegaan.
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И встали мужи, упомянутые по именам, и взяли пленных, и всех нагих из них одели из добычи, и одели их, и обули их, и накормили их, и напоили их, и помазали их елеем, и посадили на ослов всех слабых из них, и отправили их в Иерихон, город Пальм, к братьям их, и возвратились в Самарию.
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मज़कूरा चार आदमियों ने सामने आकर क़ैदियों को अपने पास महफ़ूज़ रखा। लूटे हुए माल में से कपड़े निकालकर उन्होंने उन्हें उनमें तक़सीम किया जो बरहना थे। इसके बाद उन्होंने तमाम क़ैदियों को कपड़े और जूते दे दिए, उन्हें खाना खिलाया, पानी पिलाया और उनके ज़ख़मों की मरहम-पट्टी की। जितने थकावट की वजह से चल न सकते थे उन्हें उन्होंने गधों पर बिठाया, फिर चलते चलते सबको खजूर के शहर यरीहू तक पहुँचाया जहाँ उनके अपने लोग थे। फिर वह सामरिया लौट आए।
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Görevlendirilen belirli kişiler tutsakları aldılar, yağmalanmış giysilerle aralarındaki çıplakların hepsini giydirdiler. Onlara giysi, çarık, yiyecek, içecek sağladılar. Yaralarına zeytinyağı sürdüler. Yürüyemeyecek durumda olanları eşeklere bindirdiler. Onları hurma kenti Eriha'ya, kardeşlerine geri götürdükten sonra Samiriye'ye döndüler.
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De mannen nu, die met namen uitgedrukt zijn, maakten zich op, en grepen de gevangenen, en kleedden van den roof al hun naakten; en zij kleedden hen, en schoeiden hen, en spijsden hen, en drenkten hen, en zalfden hen, en voerden ze op ezelen, allen die zwak waren, en brachten hen te Jericho, de Palmstad, bij hun broederen; daarna keerden zij weder naar Samaria.
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Ekkor felkeltek azok a férfiak, akiket az előbbiekben megneveztünk, és a foglyok közül mindazokat, akik mezítelenek voltak, felöltöztették a zsákmányból. Miután felöltöztették és sarut adtak rájuk, és étellel, itallal felüdítették és a fáradtság miatt megkenték őket s gondoskodtak róluk, s mindazokat, akik járni nem tudtak s erőtlen testűek voltak, hátasállatokra helyezték, visszavitték őket Jerikóba, a pálmák városába, testvéreikhez. Aztán visszatértek Szamariába.
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Na ka whakatika nga tangata i whakahuatia o ratou ingoa, ka mau ki nga whakarau, whakakakahuria ana e ratou ki nga taonga nga mea kakahukore o ratou; whakakakahuria ana e ratou, whakawhiwhi rawa ki te hu, hoatu ana he mea hei kai, hei inu, whaka wahia ana, kawea ana nga mea kahakore katoa o ratou i runga i te kaihe, a tae noa ki Heriko, ki te pa nikau ki o ratou tuakana, teina. Na hoki ana ratou ki Hamaria.
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És felállának a névszerint megnevezett férfiak, s felvevék a foglyokat, és a kik mezítelenek valának közülök, felöltözteték a zsákmányból; felöltözteték azokat, sarukat is adának lábaikra; ételt és italt is adának nékik; sőt meg is kenék őket, és a gyengélkedőket szamarakra helyezék, és vivék őket a pálmafák városába, Jérikhóba, az ő atyjokfiaihoz; azután megtérének Samariába.
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Những người đã kể tên trước đây, bèn chổi dậy, dẫn các phu tù ra, lấy của cướp mặc cho các người trong họ bị trần truồng; chúng mặc quần áo và mang giày cho họ, cho ăn, uống, và xức dầu cho, cùng để những người yếu đuối cỡi lừa, rồi đưa họ về cùng anh em mình, đến Giê-ri-cô, thành cây chà là; đoạn chúng trở về Sa-ma-ri.
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Eb li cui̱nk li nequeˈcˈamoc be queˈxsicˈ li tˈicr saˈ xya̱nk li cˈaˈru quicanaba̱c ut queˈxqˈue rakˈeb laj Judá li tˈustˈu̱queb. Queˈxqˈue ajcuiˈ lix xa̱beb ut lix cua rucˈaheb, joˈ ajcuiˈ lix ban. Eb li tacuajenakeb queˈxqˈue chirix li bu̱r ut queˈxcˈam saˈ li tenamit Jericó li cuan cuiˈ nabal li cheˈ palma ut queˈxcanabeb riqˈuineb li rechˈalal. Ut chirix aˈan queˈsukˈi cuiˈchic Samaria eb li cui̱nk li nequeˈcˈamoc be.
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Och de nämnda männen stodo upp och togo sig an fångarna. Alla som voro nakna bland dem klädde de upp med vad de hade tagit såsom byte; de gåvo dem kläder och skor, mat och dryck, och smorde dem med olja, och alla som icke orkade gå läto de sätta sig upp på åsnor, och förde dem så till Jeriko, Palmstaden, till deras bröder där. Sedan vände de tillbaka till Samaria.
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Onda su poimence prozvani ljudi ustali, osokolili robove, obukli sve gole u odjeću iz plijena; a kad su ih obukli, obuli, nahranili, napojili i namazali, poveli su na magarcima sve iznemogle i odveli ih u palmov grad Jerihon do njihove braće, a potom se vratili u Samariju.
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Những người đã được chỉ định đích danh đứng ra chăm sóc những người bị bắt làm tù binh ; các ông lấy đồ trong số chiến lợi phẩm mặc cho tất cả những người trần trụi, cho mặc áo, đi giày, ăn uống và xức dầu cho họ, lại đưa tất cả những người khập khiễng lên lừa và dẫn về Giê-ri-khô, thành Chà Là, đến gần anh em của họ. Rồi các ông ấy trở về Sa-ma-ri.
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Et ces hommes, qui ont été désignés par leurs noms, se levèrent, prirent les prisonniers, et vêtirent, au moyen du butin, tous ceux d’entre eux qui étaient nus ; ils les vêtirent, ils les chaussèrent ; ils leur donnèrent à manger et à boire ; ils les oignirent, et ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui ne pouvaient pas se soutenir, et les menèrent à Jérico, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères ; puis ils s’en retournèrent à Samarie.
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Et les hommes qui viennent d'être nominativement désignés, se levèrent, prirent soin des captifs, les vêtirent d'objets compris dans les dépouilles, les habillèrent, les chaussèrent, leur donnèrent des vivres pour manger, de l'huile pour se parfumer, firent monter les infirmes sur des ânes, les menèrent avec leurs frères jusqu'à Jéricho, ville des palmiers, et retournèrent à Samarie.
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ויקמו האנשים אשר נקבו בשמות ויחזיקו בשביה וכל מערמיהם הלבישו מן השלל וילבשם וינעלום ויאכלום וישקום ויסכום וינהלום בחמרים לכל כושל ויביאום ירחו עיר התמרים אצל אחיהם וישובו שמרון {פ}
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וַיָּקֻ֣מוּ הָאֲנָשִׁים֩ אֲשֶׁר־נִקְּב֨וּ בְשֵׁמ֜וֹת וַיַּחֲזִ֣יקוּ בַשִּׁבְיָ֗ה וְכׇֽל־מַעֲרֻמֵּיהֶם֮ הִלְבִּ֣ישׁוּ מִן־הַשָּׁלָל֒ וַיַּלְבִּשֻׁ֣ם וַ֠יַּנְעִל֠וּם וַיַּאֲכִל֨וּם וַיַּשְׁק֜וּם וַיְסֻכ֗וּם וַיְנַהֲל֤וּם בַּֽחֲמֹרִים֙ לְכׇל־כּוֹשֵׁ֔ל וַיְבִיא֛וּם יְרֵח֥וֹ עִיר־הַתְּמָרִ֖ים אֵ֣צֶל אֲחֵיהֶ֑ם וַיָּשׁ֖וּבוּ שֹׁמְרֽוֹן׃
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ויקמו האנשים אשר נקבו בשמות ויחזיקו בשביה וכל מערמיהם הלבישו מן השלל וילבשום וינעלום ויאכלום וישקום ויסכום וינהלום בחמרים לכל כושל ויביאום ירחו עיר התמרים אצל אחיהם וישובו שמרון׃
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Содан соң аталып өткен әкімдер орындарынан тұрып, тұтқындарға барып, іштеріндегі жалаңаш келгендеріне қолға түскен олжа киімдерден беріп, аяқтарына аяқкиім кигізді. Оларға тамақ пен сусын үлестіріп, жараларын маймен сылап емдеді. Әлсізденіп қалғандарын есекке отырғызып, бәрін пальма ағаштары өсетін Иерихон қаласындағы елдестеріне апарып тастап, өздері Самарияға қайта оралды.
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Et les hommes qui ont été nommés par [leurs] noms se levèrent et prirent les captifs, et vêtirent du butin tous ceux d’entre eux qui étaient nus ; et ils les vêtirent et les chaussèrent, et leur donnèrent à manger et à boire, et les oignirent ; et ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui étaient faibles, et les amenèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères ; et ils s’en retournèrent à Samarie.
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Und die Männer, die mit Namen genannt sind, standen auf und nahmen sich der Gefangenen an. Sie kleideten auch aus der Beute alle Nackten unter ihnen, gaben ihnen Kleider und Schuhe und zu essen und zu trinken, salbten sie und führten alle Müden auf Eseln und brachten sie nach der Palmenstadt Jericho zu ihren Brüdern. Dann kehrten sie nach Samaria zurück.
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Možje, ki so bili določeni po imenu, so vstali, vzeli ujetnike in s plenom oblekli vse, ki so bili med njimi nagi, jih odeli, obuli, jim dali jesti in piti ter jih mazilili in vse slabotne med njimi odvedli na oslih ter jih privedli do Jerihe, mesta palmovih dreves, do njihovih bratov. Potem so se vrnili v Samarijo.
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Lè sa a, yo chwazi kat menm mesye sa yo pou yo reskonsab prizonye yo. Yo pran rad nan bagay sòlda yo te piye yo, yo mete sou moun ki te toutouni yo, yo biye yo, mete sapat nan pye yo, yo ba yo manje, yo ba yo bwè. Yo mete renmèd sou tout kote yo te blese. Yo fè tou sa ki te twò fèb yo moute bourik, yo mennen tout prizonye yo tounen lavil Jeriko, lavil Palmis yo, yo renmèt yo bay fanmi yo. Lèfini, yo tounen tounen yo lavil Samari.
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Ja ne miehet nousivat, jotka nimeltänsä nimitetyt olivat, ja ottivat vangit ja kaikki jotka heidän seassansa alasti olivat, ja vaatettivat siitä saaliista. Ja kuin he heidät olivat vaatettaneet ja kengittäneet, antoivat he heille ruokaa ja juomaa, ja voitelivat heitä, ja veivät kaikki ne aasein päällä jotka heikoimmat olivat, ja saattivat heidät Jerihon Palmukaupunkiin veljeinsä tykö, ja palasivat sitte Samariaan.
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Y levantáronse los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo á los que de ellos estaban desnudos; vistiéronlos y calzáronlos, y diéronles de comer y de beber, y ungiéronlos, y condujeron en asnos á todos los flacos, y lleváronlos hasta Jericó, ciudad de las palmas, cerca de sus hermanos; y ellos se volvieron á Samaria.
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Cafodd dynion eu dewis i ofalu am y bobl. Dyma nhw'n ffeindio dillad o'r ysbail i'r rhai oedd yn noeth eu gwisgo, rhoi sandalau, bwyd a diod iddyn nhw, ac olew i'w rwbio ar eu croen. Yna dyma nhw'n rhoi pawb oedd yn methu cerdded ar asynnod, a mynd â nhw i gyd yn ôl at eu perthnasau i Jericho, dinas y palmwydd. Wedyn dyma'r dynion yn dod yn ôl adre i Samaria.
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und die Männer, die mit Namen oben angegeben sind, machten sich daran, sich der Gefangenen anzunehmen: sie versahen alle, die unter ihnen ungenügend bekleidet waren, mit Kleidern aus der Beute; und nachdem sie sie mit Kleidung und Schuhen versehen hatten, gaben sie ihnen zu essen und zu trinken und Öl, um sich zu salben; hierauf setzten sie alle, die (zum Gehen) zu schwach waren, auf Esel und brachten sie nach der Palmenstadt Jericho in die Nähe ihrer Volksgenossen; alsdann kehrten sie nach Samaria zurück.
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Και σηκωθέντες οι άνδρες, οι ονομασθέντες κατ' όνομα, έλαβον τους αιχμαλώτους και πάντας τους γυμνούς αυτών ενέδυσαν εκ των λαφύρων· και αφού ενέδυσαν αυτούς και υπεδημάτωσαν αυτούς και έδωκαν εις αυτούς να φάγωσι και να πίωσι και ήλειψαν αυτούς, και πάντας τους αδυνάτους εξ αυτών μετεκόμισαν επί όνους και έφεραν αυτούς εις Ιεριχώ, την πόλιν των φοινίκων, προς τους αδελφούς αυτών· και επέστρεψαν εις Σαμάρειαν.
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І встали ті мужі, що були́ озна́чені імена́ми, і взяли́ полоне́них, і всіх їхніх наги́х позодяга́ли зо здо́бичі, і зодягну́ли їх, і обу́ли їх, і нагодува́ли їх, і напоїли їх, і намасти́ли їх, і кожного слабо́го з них пове́зли на ослах. І припрова́дили їх до Єрихо́ну, мі́ста пальм, до їхніх братів, а самі вернулися до Самарії.
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И усташе људи именовани и узеше робље, и све голе између њих оденуше из плена; и кад их оденуше и обуше, нахранише их и напојише и намазаше, и одведоше на магарцима све изнемогле, и доведоше их у Јерихон, град где има много палми, к браћи њиховој, па се вратише у Самарију.
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Et les hommes qui ont été mentionnés par leurs noms se levèrent et, ayant pris les captifs, ils revêtirent avec le butin tous ceux qui étaient nus, leur donnant des habits et des chaussures ; puis ils les firent manger et boire et les oignirent et, transportant sur des ânes tous ceux qui défaillaient, il les menèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères. Et eux retournèrent à Samarie.
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A mężczyźni, którzy zostali wyznaczeni imiennie, wystąpili i zajęli się jeńcami: korzystając z łupów, przyodziali wszystkich nagich, ubrali ich, dali im obuwie, nakarmili ich i napoili, i namaścili, a słabych odprowadzili na osłach. Wtedy przyprowadzili ich do Jerycha, miasta palm, do ich braci. Potem wrócili do Samarii.
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Et les hommes dont les noms viennent d'être mentionnés se levèrent et prirent les captifs; ils employèrent le butin à vêtir tous ceux qui étaient nus, ils leur donnèrent des habits et des chaussures, ils les firent manger et boire, ils les oignirent, ils conduisirent sur des ânes tous ceux qui étaient fatigués, et ils les menèrent à Jéricho, la ville des palmiers, auprès de leurs frères. Puis ils retournèrent à Samarie.
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Y levantáronse los varones nombrados, y tomaron los cautivos, y vistieron del despojo á los que de ellos estaban desnudos; vistiéronlos y calzáronlos, y diéronles de comer y de beber, y ungiéronlos, y condujeron en asnos á todos los flacos, y lleváronlos hasta Jericó, ciudad de las palmas, cerca de sus hermanos; y ellos se volvieron á Samaria.
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Ekkor a fent nevezett férfiak előálltak, és gondjaikba vették a foglyokat: a mezteleneket mind felöltöztették a zsákmányból, ruhát és sarut, ételt és italt adtak nekik, és bekenték őket olajjal. A gyengéket szamarakon szállították, és elvitték őket honfitársaikhoz Jerikóba, a pálmák városába; azután visszatértek Samáriába.
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og de ovenfor nævnte Mænd stod op og tog sig af Fangerne, gav alle de nøgne iblandt dem Klæder af Byttet, forsynede dem med Klæder og Sko, gav dem Mad og Drikke, salvede dem, lod dem, der ikke kunde gaa, ride paa Æsler og bragte dem til Jeriko, Palmestaden, hen i Nærheden af deres Brødre; derpaa vendte de tilbage til Samaria.
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Na ol man husat ol nem bilong ol i go pinis i kirap, na kisim ol kalabus, na wantaim ol kago bilong pait ol i putim klos long olgeta husat i skin nating namel long ol, na putim naispela klos long ol, na putim su long ol, na givim ol long kaikai na long dring, na welim ol, na karim olgeta lain i no gat strong bilong ol antap long ol donki, na bringim ol long Jeriko, biktaun bilong ol diwai palmen, long ol brata bilong ol. Nau ol i go bek long Samaria.
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Da stode de Mænd, som ere nævnede ved Navn, op og toge de fangne, og alle nøgne iblandt dem klædte de af Byttet, ja, de klædte dem og gave dem Sko paa og gave dem at æde og gave dem at drikke og salvede dem, og alle skrøbelige førte de paa Asenerne, og de bragte dem til Jeriko, til Palmestaden til deres Brødre, og de vendte tilbage til Samaria.
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Et les hommes que nous avons nommés plus haut prirent les captifs et tous ceux qui étaient nus, les vêtirent des dépouilles, et après les avoir vêtus et chaussés, (ranimés,) leur donnèrent à boire et à manger, les oignirent, parce qu’ils étaient fatigués, et en prirent (grand) soin ; puis ils mirent sur des chevaux ceux qui ne pouvaient marcher, et dont les corps étaient exténués, et ils les menèrent à Jéricho, ville des palmes, auprès de leurs frères ; et ils s’en retournèrent à Samarie.
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A powstawszy mężowie, którzy są z imienia mianowani, wzięli onych więźniów, a wszystkich obnażonych między nimi przyodziali z onych korzyści, a przyodziawszy ich i dawszy im obuwie, nakarmili ich, i napoili ich, i pomazali ich, i odprowadzili na osłach każdego słabego, a przyprowadzili ich do Jerycha, miasta palm, do braci ich: a potem się wrócili do Samaryi.
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Und die Männer, die mit Namen angegeben waren, standen auf und nahmen die Gefangenen; und alle, die nackt waren unter ihnen, bekleideten sie von der Beute; sie bekleideten und beschuhten sie und speisten und tränkten sie und salbten sie; und alle, die ermattet waren, führten sie auf Eseln und brachten sie nach Jericho, der Palmenstadt, in die Nähe ihrer Brüder. Und sie kehrten nach Samaria zurück.