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Jere RWebster 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere NHEBJE 36:31  I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they did not listen."'"
Jere ABP 36:31  And I will visit against him, and against his family, and against his children their lawlessnesses. And I will bring upon them, and upon the ones dwelling in Jerusalem, and upon the land of Judah, all the evils which I spoke to them; and they heard not.
Jere NHEBME 36:31  I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they did not listen."'"
Jere Rotherha 36:31  And I will visit upon him and upon his seed and upon his servants the punishment of their iniquity,—and will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and against, the men of Judah, all the calamity, which I have spoken against them but they have not hearkened.
Jere LEB 36:31  And I will punish him, and his offspring, and his servants for their guilt, and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the people of Judah all the disaster with which I have threatened them, but they would not listen.” ’ ”
Jere RNKJV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere Jubilee2 36:31  And I will visit upon him and upon his seed and upon his servants, their iniquity; and I will bring upon them and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and upon the men of Judah all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they did not hearken.
Jere Webster 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere Darby 36:31  And I will visit their iniquity upon him, and upon his seed, and upon his servants; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; and they have not hearkened.
Jere ASV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they hearkened not.
Jere LITV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their sin. And I will bring on them, and on the people of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have spoken against them. But they did not listen.
Jere Geneva15 36:31  And I will visite him and his seede, and his seruants for their iniquitie, and I will bring vpon them, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and vpon the men of Iudah all the euil that I haue pronounced against them: but they would not heare.
Jere CPDV 36:31  And I will visit against him, and against his offspring, and against his servants for their iniquities. And I will lead over them, and over the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and over the men of Judah, all the evil that I have declared against them, for they have not listened.”
Jere BBE 36:31  And I will send punishment on him and on his seed and on his servants for their evil-doing; I will send on them and on the people of Jerusalem and the men of Judah, all the evil which I said against them, but they did not give ear.
Jere DRC 36:31  And I will punish him, and his seed and his servants, for their iniquities, and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Juda all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they have not heard.
Jere GodsWord 36:31  I will punish him, his descendants, and his attendants for their wickedness. They refused to listen. So I will bring on them, on those who live in Jerusalem, and on the people of Judah all the disasters that I have threatened.'"
Jere JPS 36:31  And I will visit upon him and his seed and his servants their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they hearkened not.'
Jere KJVPCE 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere NETfree 36:31  I will punish him and his descendants and the officials who serve him for the wicked things they have done. I will bring on them, the citizens of Jerusalem, and the people of Judah all the disaster that I threatened to do to them. I will punish them because I threatened them but they still paid no heed."'"
Jere AB 36:31  And I will visit him, and his family, and his servants; and I will bring upon him, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the land of Judah, all the evils which I spoke of to them; and they did not heed.
Jere AFV2020 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity. And I will bring on them, and on the people of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have spoken against them; but they did not hearken." ’ ”
Jere NHEB 36:31  I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they did not listen."'"
Jere NETtext 36:31  I will punish him and his descendants and the officials who serve him for the wicked things they have done. I will bring on them, the citizens of Jerusalem, and the people of Judah all the disaster that I threatened to do to them. I will punish them because I threatened them but they still paid no heed."'"
Jere UKJV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere Noyes 36:31  And I will punish him, and his offspring, and his servants, for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil which I have pronounced against them, and they have not hearkened.
Jere KJV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere KJVA 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere AKJV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they listened not.
Jere RLT 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.
Jere MKJV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity. And I will bring on them, and on the people of Jerusalem, and on the men of Judah, all the evils that I have spoken against them; but they did not listen.
Jere YLT 36:31  and I have charged on him, and on his seed, and on his servants, their iniquity; and I have brought in on them, and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto the men of Judah, all the evil that I have spoken unto them, and they hearkened not.'
Jere ACV 36:31  And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity. And I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them, but they did not hearken.
Jere VulgSist 36:31  Et visitabo contra eum, et contra semen eius, et contra servos eius iniquitates suas, et adducam super eos et super habitatores Ierusalem, et super viros Iuda omne malum, quod locutus sum ad eos, et non audierunt.
Jere VulgCont 36:31  Et visitabo contra eum, et contra semen eius, et contra servos eius iniquitates suas, et adducam super eos et super habitatores Ierusalem, et super viros Iuda omne malum, quod locutus sum ad eos, et non audierunt.
Jere Vulgate 36:31  et visitabo contra eum et contra semen eius et contra servos eius iniquitates suas et adducam super eos et super habitatores Hierusalem et super viros Iuda omne malum quod locutus sum ad eos et non audierunt
Jere VulgHetz 36:31  Et visitabo contra eum, et contra semen eius, et contra servos eius iniquitates suas, et adducam super eos et super habitatores Ierusalem, et super viros Iuda omne malum, quod locutus sum ad eos, et non audierunt.
Jere VulgClem 36:31  Et visitabo contra eum, et contra semen ejus, et contra servos ejus, iniquitates suas : et adducam super eos, et super habitatores Jerusalem, et super viros Juda, omne malum quod locutus sum ad eos, et non audierunt.
Jere CzeBKR 36:31  Nebo trestati budu na něm, a na semeni jeho, i na služebnících jeho nepravost jejich, a uvedu na ně, a na obyvatele Jeruzalémské, i na muže Judské všecko to zlé, o kterémž jsem mluvíval jim, a neposlouchali.
Jere CzeB21 36:31  Ztrestám ho, jeho potomky i jeho dvořany za jejich zločiny. Přivedu na ně i na obyvatele Jeruzaléma a na judské muže všechno to zlo, před kterým jsem je varoval, ale nechtěli to poslouchat.“
Jere CzeCEP 36:31  Jej i jeho potomky a jeho služebníky za jejich nepravosti ztrestám. Uvedu na ně a na obyvatele Jeruzaléma i na muže judské všechno to zlo, které jsem jim ohlásil, a oni neposlechli.“
Jere CzeCSP 36:31  Navštívím s trestem za jejich viny jeho, jeho potomstvo i jeho otroky a přivedu na ně, na obyvatele Jeruzaléma a na všechny Judejce všechno to zlo, které jsem vyslovil proti nim, ale ⌈nechtěli slyšet.⌉
Jere PorBLivr 36:31  E punirei a ele, assim como sua semente e os seus servos, por sua perversidade; e trarei sobre eles, sobre os moradores de Jerusalém, e sobre os homens de Judá, todo o mal que tenho lhes dito mas não quiseram ouvir.
Jere Mg1865 36:31  Ary hampijaliko izy mbamin’ ny taranany sy ny mpanompony noho ny helony; ary havoko mihatra aminy sy amin’ ny mponina any Jerosalema ary amin’ ny lehilahy amin’ ny Joda ny loza rehetra izay nolazaiko hatao aminy, fa tsy nohenoiny.
Jere FinPR 36:31  Ja minä rankaisen häntä ja hänen jälkeläisiänsä ja hänen palvelijoitansa heidän pahojen tekojensa tähden. Ja minä annan tulla heille ja Jerusalemin asukkaille ja Juudan miehille kaiken sen onnettomuuden, jolla minä olen heitä uhannut, vaikka he eivät ole kuulleet."
Jere FinRK 36:31  Minä rankaisen häntä ja hänen jälkeläisiään ja palvelijoitaan heidän pahoista teoistaan. Minä tuotan heille sekä Jerusalemin asukkaille ja Juudan miehille kaiken sen onnettomuuden, jolla minä olen heitä uhannut. Mutta he eivät ole kuunnelleet minun sanojani.”
Jere ChiSB 36:31  對他和他的後裔及臣僕,我要懲罰他們的罪惡,給他們和耶路撒冷居民及猶大人,召來我向他們預告,他們卻不理會的一切災禍」。
Jere ChiUns 36:31  我必因他和他后裔,并他臣仆的罪孽刑罚他们。我要使我所说的一切灾祸临到他们和耶路撒冷的居民,并犹大人;只是他们不听。」
Jere BulVeren 36:31  Аз ще накажа него и потомството му, и слугите му за беззаконието им; и ще докарам върху тях и върху ерусалимските жители и върху юдовите мъже цялото зло, което изговорих против тях, а те не послушаха.
Jere AraSVD 36:31  وَأُعَاقِبُهُ وَنَسْلَهُ وَعَبِيدَهُ عَلَى إِثْمِهِمْ، وَأَجْلِبُ عَلَيْهِمْ وَعَلَى سُكَّانِ أُورُشَلِيمَ وَعَلَى رِجَالِ يَهُوذَا كُلَّ ٱلشَّرِّ ٱلَّذِي كَلَّمْتُهُمْ عَنْهُ وَلَمْ يَسْمَعُوا».
Jere Esperant 36:31  kaj Mi punos lin kaj lian idaron kaj liajn servantojn, pro ilia malbonago; kaj Mi venigos sur ilin kaj sur la loĝantojn de Jerusalem kaj sur la Judujanojn la tutan malbonon, pri kiu Mi diris al ili, sed ili ne aŭskultis.
Jere ThaiKJV 36:31  เราจะลงโทษท่านและเชื้อสายของท่านและข้าราชการของท่าน เพราะความชั่วช้าของเขาทั้งหลาย เราจะนำเหตุร้ายทั้งสิ้นที่เราได้ประกาศต่อพวกเขา แต่เขาไม่ฟังนั้น ให้ตกลงบนเขา และบนชาวกรุงเยรูซาเล็ม และบนคนยูดาห์’”
Jere OSHB 36:31  וּפָקַדְתִּ֨י עָלָ֧יו וְעַל־זַרְע֛וֹ וְעַל־עֲבָדָ֖יו אֶת־עֲוֺנָ֑ם וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י עֲ֠לֵיהֶם וְעַל־יֹשְׁבֵ֨י יְרוּשָׁלִַ֜ם וְאֶל־אִ֣ישׁ יְהוּדָ֗ה אֵ֧ת כָּל־הָרָעָ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־דִּבַּ֥רְתִּי אֲלֵיהֶ֖ם וְלֹ֥א שָׁמֵֽעוּ׃ ס
Jere BurJudso 36:31  သူမှစ၍ သူ၏သားမြေးတို့ကို၎င်း၊ သူ၏ ကျွန်တို့ကို၎င်း၊ အပြစ်နှင့်အလျောက် ငါစီရင်မည်။ သူတို့နှင့်ယေရှုရှလင်မြို့သူ ယုဒပြည်သားတို့သည် နား မထောင်၊ သူတို့အပေါ်သို့ ငါခြိမ်းသမျှသော ဘေးဥပဒ် တို့ကို ရောက်စေမည်ဟုမိန့်တော်မူ၏။
Jere FarTPV 36:31  من تو و فرزندانت و درباریانت را به‌خاطر گناهانی که مرتکب شده‌اید مجازات خواهم کرد. نه تو و نه مردمان اورشلیم و یهودا به اخطارهای من اعتنایی نکردید، پس من بلایی را که گفته بودم بر سر شما خواهم آورد.»
Jere UrduGeoR 36:31  Maiṅ use us ke bachchoṅ aur mulāzimoṅ samet un kī bedīnī kā munāsib ajr dūṅgā. Kyoṅki maiṅ un par aur Yarūshalam aur Yahūdāh ke bāshindoṅ par wuh tamām āfat nāzil karūṅga jis kā elān maiṅ kar chukā hūṅ. Afsos, unhoṅ ne merī nahīṅ sunī.”
Jere SweFolk 36:31  Jag ska straffa honom, hans efterkommande och hans tjänare för deras missgärning. Och jag ska låta all den olycka som jag uttalat över dem och Jerusalems invånare och Juda män drabba dem, eftersom de inte velat höra.”
Jere GerSch 36:31  Und ich will seine und seiner Nachkommen und seiner Knechte Bosheit heimsuchen; ich will auch über sie, über die Bewohner von Jerusalem und über die Männer von Juda alles Unglück bringen, das ich ihnen angedroht habe, und von dem sie nichts hören wollten!
Jere TagAngBi 36:31  At aking parurusahan siya at ang kaniyang binhi at ang kaniyang mga lingkod dahil sa kanilang kasamaan; at aking dadalhin sa kanila, at sa mga nananahan sa Jerusalem, at sa mga tao ng Juda, ang buong kasamaan na aking sinalita laban sa kanila, nguni't hindi nila dininig.
Jere FinSTLK2 36:31  Rankaisen häntä ja hänen jälkeläisiään ja hänen palvelijoitaan heidän pahojen tekojensa tähden. Annan tulla heille ja Jerusalemin asukkaille ja Juudan miehille kaiken sen onnettomuuden, jonka heille julistin, mutta jota he eivät kuulleet."
Jere Dari 36:31  ترا با فرزندان و اهل دربارت بخاطر گناهان تان مجازات می کنم. همه بلاهائی را که گفته ام بر سر اهالی اورشلیم و مردم یهودا می آورم، زیرا به اخطارهای من توجه نکردند.»
Jere SomKQA 36:31  Oo isaga iyo farcankiisa iyo addoommadiisaba xumaantooda aawadeed ayaan u ciqaabi doonaa, oo iyaga, iyo dadka Yeruusaalem deggan, iyo dadka dalka Yahuudahba waxaan ku soo dejin doonaa masiibadii aan iyaga kaga hadlay oo dhan, laakiinse way maqli waayeen.
Jere NorSMB 36:31  Og eg vil heimsøkja honom og avkjømet hans og tenarane hans for deira misgjerning, og eg vil lata koma yver deim og yver Jerusalems-buarne og Juda-mennerne alle dei ulukkor som eg hev truga dei med utan at dei høyrde.»
Jere Alb 36:31  Unë do ta dënoj atë, pasardhësit e tij dhe shërbëtorët e tij për paudhësinë e tyre dhe do të sjell mbi ta, mbi banorët e Jeruzalemit dhe mbi njerëzit e Judës tërë të keqen që kam shqiptuar kundër tyre, sepse nuk më dëgjuan".
Jere KorHKJV 36:31  또 내가 그와 그의 씨와 그의 신하들을 그들의 불법으로 인하여 벌하리라. 내가 그들과 예루살렘 거주민들과 유다 사람들을 향해 선언하였으나 그들이 귀를 기울이지 아니한 모든 재앙을 그들에게 내리리라, 하라.
Jere SrKDIjek 36:31  Јер ћу походити њега и сјеме његово и слуге његове за безакоње њихово, и пустићу на њих и на становнике Јерусалимске и на Јудејце све зло, за које им говорих али не послушаше.
Jere Wycliffe 36:31  And Y schal visite ayens hym, and ayens his seed, and ayens hise seruauntis, her wickidnessis. And Y schal bryng on hem, and on the dwelleris of Jerusalem, and on the men of Juda, al the yuel which Y spak to hem, and thei herden not.
Jere Mal1910 36:31  ഞാൻ അവനെയും അവന്റെ സന്തതിയെയും ഭൃത്യന്മാരെയും അവരുടെ അകൃത്യംനിമിത്തം സന്ദൎശിക്കും; അവൎക്കും യെരൂശലേം നിവാസികൾക്കും യെഹൂദാപുരുഷന്മാൎക്കും വരുത്തുമെന്നു ഞാൻ വിധിച്ചതും അവർ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കാത്തതുമായ അനൎത്ഥമൊക്കെയും ഞാൻ അവൎക്കു വരുത്തും.
Jere KorRV 36:31  또 내가 그와 그 자손과 신하들을 그들의 죄악을 인하여 벌할 것이라 내가 일찍 그들과 예루살렘 거민과 유다 사람에게 선포하였으나 그들이 듣지 아니한 그 모든 재앙을 내리리라 하셨다 하라
Jere Azeri 36:31  اؤزونو، نسلئني و اعيانلاريني تقصئرلرئندن اؤتري جزالانديرجاغام؛ اعلان اتدئيئم بوتون فلاکتلري اونلارين، اورشَلئمده ياشايانلارين و يهودا آداملارينين باشينا گتئره‌جيم، چونکي قولاق آسماييبلار.»"
Jere KLV 36:31  jIH DichDaq punish ghaH je Daj tIr je Daj toy'wI'pu' vaD chaj He'taHghach; je jIH DichDaq qem Daq chaH, je Daq the nganpu' vo' Jerusalem, je Daq the loDpu' vo' Judah, Hoch the mIghtaHghach vetlh jIH ghaj pronounced Daq chaH, 'ach chaH ta'be' 'Ij.
Jere ItaDio 36:31  Ed io farò punizione sopra lui, e sopra la sua progenie, e sopra i suoi servitori, della loro iniquità; e farò venire sopra loro, e sopra gli abitanti di Gerusalemme, e sopra gli uomini di Giuda, tutto il male che io ho loro pronunziato, e che non hanno ascoltato.
Jere RusSynod 36:31  и посещу его и племя его и слуг его за неправду их, и наведу на них и на жителей Иерусалима и на мужей Иуды все зло, которое Я изрек на них, а они не слушали.
Jere CSlEliza 36:31  и посещу нань и на его род и на отроки его, и наведу нань и на живущыя во Иерусалиме и на землю Иудину вся злая, яже соглаголах на ня, и не послушаша.
Jere ABPGRK 36:31  και επισκέψομαι επ΄ αυτόν και επί το γένος αυτού και επί τους παίδας αυτού τας ανομίας αυτών και επάξω επ΄ αυτούς και επί τους κατοικούντας Ιερουσαλήμ και επί γην Ιούδα πάντα τα κακά α ελάλησα προς αυτούς και ουκ ήκουσαν
Jere FreBBB 36:31  Je punirai donc sur lui, sur sa race et sur tous ses serviteurs leur iniquité, et je ferai venir sur eux, sur les habitants de Jérusalem et sur les hommes de Juda tout le mal que je leur ai annoncé sans qu'ils aient écouté.
Jere LinVB 36:31  Nakotumbola ye na bana na basaleli ba ye mpo ya masumu ma bango. Nakotindela bango na bato ba Yeruzalem mpe ba Yuda mpasi inso nakanelaki bango, zambi baboyi koyoka ngai. »
Jere HunIMIT 36:31  És megbüntetem rajta és magzatján és szolgáin a bűnüket, és elhozom rájuk és Jeruzsálem lakóira és Jehúda embereire mindazt a rosszat, amelyet szóltam felőlük, de ők nem hallgattak rá.
Jere ChiUnL 36:31  我必因其罪愆罰之、與其子孫臣僕、降所言之災於彼、及耶路撒冷居民、猶大之衆、而彼不聽、
Jere VietNVB 36:31  Ta sẽ hình phạt nó, dòng dõi nó, và quần thần nó vì tội ác của chúng. Ta sẽ giáng xuống chúng nó, xuống dân cư thành Giê-ru-sa-lem, và dân Giu-đa tất cả những tai họa Ta đã báo trước cho chúng, nhưng chúng không chịu nghe.
Jere LXX 36:31  ἀπόστειλον πρὸς τὴν ἀποικίαν λέγων οὕτως εἶπεν κύριος ἐπὶ Σαμαιαν τὸν Νελαμίτην ἐπειδὴ ἐπροφήτευσεν ὑμῖν Σαμαιας καὶ ἐγὼ οὐκ ἀπέστειλα αὐτόν καὶ πεποιθέναι ἐποίησεν ὑμᾶς ἐπ’ ἀδίκοις
Jere CebPinad 36:31  Ug ako magasilot gayud kaniya ug sa iyang kaliwatan ug sa iyang mga sulogoon tungod sa ilang kasal-anan; ug dad-on ko sa ibabaw nila, ug sa ibabaw sa mga pumoluyo sa Jerusalem, ug sa ibabaw sa mga tawo sa Juda, ang tanang kadautan nga gipamulong ko batok kanila: apan sila wala managpatalinghug.
Jere RomCor 36:31  Îl voi pedepsi pe el, sămânţa lui şi pe slujitorii lui pentru nelegiuirea lor şi voi aduce peste ei, peste locuitorii Ierusalimului şi peste oamenii lui Iuda toate nenorocirile cu care i-am ameninţat, fără ca ei să fi vrut să Mă asculte!’ ”
Jere Pohnpeia 36:31  I pahn kalokeiuk oh kadaudokomw kan, iangahki noumw lapalap akan, pwehki dihp me kumwail koaros wiadahr. Kowe oh mehn Serusalem kan sohte men rong ei peneu kan, iei me I pahn kalokehkin kumwail kalokolok ehu me I koasoanediongkumwailehr.”
Jere HunUj 36:31  Megbüntetem őt és utódját meg udvari embereit a bűneik miatt. Elhozom rájuk és Jeruzsálem lakóira meg a júdaiakra mindazt a veszedelmet, amit megmondtam nekik, de nem hallgattak meg.
Jere GerZurch 36:31  Und ich werde an ihm und seinem Geschlecht und seinen Dienern ihre Verschuldung ahnden; ich werde über sie und über die Bewohner Jerusalems und die Männer von Juda all das Unheil bringen, das ich ihnen angedroht habe, ohne dass sie darauf hörten.
Jere GerTafel 36:31  Und heimsuchen werde Ich an ihm und seinem Samen und an seinen Knechten ihre Missetat und bringen über sie und über Jerusalems Bewohner und über den Mann Jehudahs all das Böse, das Ich über sie geredet habe, und sie hörten nicht.
Jere PorAR 36:31  E castigá-lo-ei a ele, e a sua descendência e os seus servos, por causa da sua iniquidade; e trarei sobre ele e sobre os moradores de Jerusalém, e sobre os homens de Judá, todo o mal que tenho pronunciado contra eles, e que não ouviram.
Jere DutSVVA 36:31  En Ik zal over hem, en over zijn zaad, en over zijn knechten hunlieder ongerechtigheid bezoeken; en Ik zal over hen, en over de inwoners van Jeruzalem, en over de mannen van Juda, al het kwaad brengen, dat Ik tot hen gesproken heb; maar zij hebben niet gehoord.
Jere FarOPV 36:31  و بر او و برذریتش و بر بندگانش عقوبت گناه ایشان راخواهم آورد و بر ایشان و بر سکنه اورشلیم ومردان یهودا تمامی آن بلا را که درباره ایشان گفته‌ام خواهم رسانید زیرا که مرا نشنیدند.»
Jere Ndebele 36:31  Ngizamjezisa-ke yena, lenzalo yakhe, lenceku zakhe, ububi babo; ngehlisele phezu kwabo laphezu kwabahlali beJerusalema laphezu kwabantu bakoJuda konke okubi engikukhulume kubo, kodwa kabalalelanga.
Jere PorBLivr 36:31  E punirei a ele, assim como sua semente e os seus servos, por sua perversidade; e trarei sobre eles, sobre os moradores de Jerusalém, e sobre os homens de Judá, todo o mal que tenho lhes dito mas não quiseram ouvir.
Jere Norsk 36:31  Og jeg vil hjemsøke ham og hans ætt og hans tjenere for deres misgjerning, og jeg vil la komme over dem og over Jerusalems innbyggere og over Judas menn all den ulykke jeg har forkynt dem uten at de vilde høre.
Jere SloChras 36:31  Kajti kaznoval ga bom in seme njegovo in hlapce njegove za njih krivico; in pripeljem zoper nje in zoper prebivalce jeruzalemske in zoper može Judove vso tisto nesrečo, ki sem jo jim oznanjal, pa me niso poslušali.
Jere Northern 36:31  Özünü, nəslini və əyanlarını günahlarından ötrü cəzalandıracağam. Haqqında danışdığım bütün fəlakətləri onların, Yerusəlimdə yaşayanların və Yəhuda adamlarının başına gətirəcəyəm, çünki qulaq asmadılar”».
Jere GerElb19 36:31  Und ich will an ihm und an seinem Samen und an seinen Knechten ihre Missetat heimsuchen, und will über sie und über die Bewohner von Jerusalem und über die Männer von Juda all das Unglück bringen, welches ich über sie geredet habe; aber sie haben nicht gehört. -
Jere LvGluck8 36:31  Un Es pie viņa un pie viņa dzimuma un pie viņa kalpiem piemeklēšu viņa noziegumu, un vedīšu pār tiem un pār Jeruzālemes iedzīvotājiem un pār visiem Jūda vīriem visu to ļaunumu, ko Es pret tiem esmu runājis, bet tie nav klausījuši.”
Jere PorAlmei 36:31  E visitarei sobre elle, e sobre a sua semente, e sobre os seus servos, a sua iniquidade; e trarei sobre elle e sobre os moradores de Jerusalem, e sobre os homens de Judah, todo aquelle mal que lhes tenho fallado, e não ouviram.
Jere ChiUn 36:31  我必因他和他後裔,並他臣僕的罪孽刑罰他們。我要使我所說的一切災禍臨到他們和耶路撒冷的居民,並猶大人;只是他們不聽。」
Jere SweKarlX 36:31  Och jag skall hemsöka honom, och hans säd, och hans tjenare, för deras missgerningars skull, och jag skall låta komma öfver dem, och öfver Jerusalems inbyggare, och öfver dem i Juda, alla den olycko, som jag till dem talat hafver, och de dock intet höra ville.
Jere FreKhan 36:31  Je le châtierai, lui, sa race, ses officiers, pour leurs crimes, et je ferai fondre sur eux, sur les habitants de Jérusalem et les gens de Juda toutes les calamités que je leur ai annoncées, sans qu’ils voulussent écouter."
Jere FrePGR 36:31  et je punirai sur lui, et sur sa race, et sur ses serviteurs leur crime, et je ferai venir sur eux, et sur les habitants de Jérusalem, et sur les hommes de Juda, tous les maux dont je les ai menacés, sans qu'ils aient écouté. –
Jere PorCap 36:31  Castigá-lo-ei pelas suas iniquidades, a ele, à sua descendência e aos seus servos. Farei cair sobre eles, sobre os habitantes de Jerusalém e sobre o povo de Judá, todos os flagelos com que os ameacei, sem que me tenham ouvido.’»
Jere JapKougo 36:31  わたしはまた彼とその子孫とその家来たちをその罪のために罰する。また彼らとエルサレムの民とユダの人々には災を下す。この災のことについては、すでに語ったけれども、彼らは聞くことをしなかった』」。
Jere GerTextb 36:31  Und ich will an ihm und an seinen Nachkommen und an seinen Dienern ihre Verschuldung ahnden und über sie und über die Bewohner Jerusalems und über die Männer von Juda all' das Unheil kommen lassen, das ich ihnen angedroht habe, ohne daß sie darauf hörten.
Jere Kapingam 36:31  Gei au ga-hagaduadua goe mo do madawaawa mo au gau aamua huogodoo, i-nia huaidu ala ne-hai go goodou huogodoo. Kooe mo digau Jerusalem mo digau Judah la-digi hagalongo gi agu helekai, deelaa dagu mee ga-hagaduadua goodou gi-di hagaduadua dela gu-hagatogomaalia adu gi goodou.”
Jere SpaPlate 36:31  Y castigaré su iniquidad no solamente en él, sino también en su descendencia y en sus servidores; y traeré sobre ellos, sobre los habitantes de Jerusalén y sobre los hombres de Judá, todo el mal que Yo les he anunciado y que ellos no quisieron oír.”
Jere WLC 36:31  וּפָקַדְתִּ֨י עָלָ֧יו וְעַל־זַרְע֛וֹ וְעַל־עֲבָדָ֖יו אֶת־עֲוֺנָ֑ם וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י עֲ֠לֵיהֶם וְעַל־יֹשְׁבֵ֨י יְרוּשָׁלִַ֜ם וְאֶל־אִ֣ישׁ יְהוּדָ֗ה אֵ֧ת כָּל־הָרָעָ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־דִּבַּ֥רְתִּי אֲלֵיהֶ֖ם וְלֹ֥א שָׁמֵֽעוּ׃
Jere LtKBB 36:31  Aš nubausiu jį, jo palikuonis bei tarnus ir užleisiu visas nelaimes ant Jeruzalės gyventojų ir Judo žmonių, kurias paskelbiau prieš juos, bet jie neklausė’“.
Jere Bela 36:31  і наведаю яго і племя яго і слуг ягоных за няпраўду іхнюю, і навяду на іх і на жыхароў Ерусаліма і на мужчын Юдавых усё ліха, якое Я прамовіў на іх, а яны ня слухалі".
Jere GerBoLut 36:31  Und ich will ihn und seinen Samen und seine Knechte heimsuchen urn ihrer Missetat willen. Und ich will uber sie und über die Burger zu Jerusalem und über die in Juda kommen lassen all das Unglück, das ich ihnen geredet habe, und sie doch nicht gehorchen.
Jere FinPR92 36:31  Minä rankaisen sinua, sinun jälkeläisiäsi ja palvelijoitasi teidän rikoksistanne. Teitä kaikkia, myös Jerusalemin asukkaita ja Juudan kansaa, kohtaa se tuho, jolla minä olen uhannut mutta jonka kukaan ei uskonut tulevan."
Jere SpaRV186 36:31  Y visitaré sobre él, y sobre su simiente, y sobre sus siervos, su maldad; y traeré sobre ellos, y sobre los moradores de Jerusalem, y sobre los varones de Judá, todo el mal que les he dicho; y no oyeron.
Jere NlCanisi 36:31  Ik zal op hem en zijn kroost en op zijn dienaars hun misdaad wreken, en over hen, en over de bewoners van Jerusalem en over de mannen van Juda alle rampen uitstorten, waarmee Ik ze heb bedreigd, zonder dat ze hebben geluisterd.
Jere GerNeUe 36:31  Ich werde ihn, seine Nachkommen und seine Diener wegen ihrer Schuld zur Rechenschaft ziehen. Ich werde all das Unglück über die Bewohner Jerusalems und die Leute von Juda bringen, das ich ihnen angedroht habe, ohne dass sie darauf reagiert hätten.'"
Jere UrduGeo 36:31  مَیں اُسے اُس کے بچوں اور ملازموں سمیت اُن کی بےدینی کا مناسب اجر دوں گا۔ کیونکہ مَیں اُن پر اور یروشلم اور یہوداہ کے باشندوں پر وہ تمام آفت نازل کروں گا جس کا اعلان مَیں کر چکا ہوں۔ افسوس، اُنہوں نے میری نہیں سنی۔“
Jere AraNAV 36:31  وَأُعَاقِبُهُ وَأُعَاقِبُ ذُرِّيَّتَهُ وَعَبِيدَهُ لإِثْمِهِمْ، وَأُوْقِعُ بِهِمْ وَبِجَمِيعِ أَهْلِ أُورُشَلِيمَ وَبِرِجَالِ يَهُوذَا جَمِيعَ مَا قَضَيْتُ بِهِ مِنْ شَرٍّ عَلَيْهِمْ إِذْ لَمْ يَسْمَعُوا».
Jere ChiNCVs 36:31  我必惩罚他和他的后裔,以及他臣仆的罪孽;我必使我对他们预告过的一切灾祸,临到他们和耶路撒冷的居民,以及犹大人的身上;他们却不听从。’”
Jere ItaRive 36:31  E io punirò lui, la sua progenie e i suoi servitori della loro iniquità, e farò venire su loro, sugli abitanti di Gerusalemme e sugli uomini di Giuda tutto il male che ho pronunziato contro di loro, senza ch’essi abbian dato ascolto".
Jere Afr1953 36:31  En Ek sal aan hom en sy geslag en sy dienaars hulle ongeregtigheid besoek; en Ek sal oor hulle en die inwoners van Jerusalem en die manne van Juda al die onheil bring wat Ek teen hulle gespreek het sonder dat hulle geluister het.
Jere RusSynod 36:31  И посещу его, и племя его, и слуг его за неправду их, и наведу на них, и на жителей Иерусалима, и на мужей Иуды все зло, которое Я изрек на них, а они не слушали“».
Jere UrduGeoD 36:31  मैं उसे उसके बच्चों और मुलाज़िमों समेत उनकी बेदीनी का मुनासिब अज्र दूँगा। क्योंकि मैं उन पर और यरूशलम और यहूदाह के बाशिंदों पर वह तमाम आफ़त नाज़िल करूँगा जिसका एलान मैं कर चुका हूँ। अफ़सोस, उन्होंने मेरी नहीं सुनी।”
Jere TurNTB 36:31  İşledikleri suçlar yüzünden kendisini de çocuklarıyla görevlilerini de cezalandıracağım. Onların, Yeruşalim'de yaşayanların ve Yahuda halkının başına sözünü ettiğim bütün felaketleri getireceğim. Çünkü beni dinlemediler.’ ”
Jere DutSVV 36:31  En Ik zal over hem, en over zijn zaad, en over zijn knechten hunlieder ongerechtigheid bezoeken; en Ik zal over hen, en over de inwoners van Jeruzalem, en over de mannen van Juda, al het kwaad brengen, dat Ik tot hen gesproken heb; maar zij hebben niet gehoord.
Jere HunKNB 36:31  Meglátogatom őt, ivadékát és szolgáit bűnük miatt; és elhozom rájuk, Jeruzsálem lakóira és Júda férfiaira mindazt a bajt, amit megmondtam nekik, de nem hallgatták meg.«
Jere Maori 36:31  Ka whiua hoki ia e ahau, ratou ko ona uri, ko ana tangata mo to ratou he; a ka kawea mai e ahau ki a ratou, ki nga tangata o Hiruharama, ki nga tangata hoki o Hura, te kino katoa i korerotia e ahau mo ratou, a kihai nei ratou i whakarongo.
Jere HunKar 36:31  És megbüntetem őt, és az ő magvát, és az ő szolgáit az ő bűneikért, és rájok bocsátom és a Jeruzsálembeli polgárokra és Júdának férfiaira mind azt a veszedelmet, a melyről szólottam nékik, de nem hallgattak meg.
Jere Viet 36:31  Ta sẽ phạt nó, phạt con cháu và bầy tôi nó, vì gian ác chúng nó. Ta sẽ giáng trên chúng nó, trên dân cư Giê-ru-sa-lem và người Giu-đa, mọi tai nạn ta đã rao cho chúng nó mà chúng nó không nghe.
Jere Kekchi 36:31  Texinqˈue chixtojbal le̱ ma̱c che̱junilex, la̱at ut eb la̱ cualal a̱cˈajol, joˈqueb ajcuiˈ li nequeˈcˈanjelac cha̱cuu. Teˈtzˈako̱nk ajcuiˈ laj Jerusalén ut eb laj Judá riqˈuin li raylal li xinye nak te̱cˈul xban nak incˈaˈ xepa̱b li cˈaˈru xinye e̱re, chan li Dios re laj Joacim.
Jere Swe1917 36:31  Och jag skall hemsöka honom och hans avkomlingar och hans tjänare för deras missgärnings skull, och över dem och över Jerusalems invånare och över Juda män skall jag låta all den olycka komma, som jag har förkunnat över dem, fastän de icke hava velat höra.
Jere CroSaric 36:31  Kaznit ću njega, i potomstvo njegovo, i sluge njegove zbog njihova bezakonja, i svalit ću na Jeruzalemce i na Judejce sve zlo kojim sam im prijetio, a nisu me slušali."
Jere VieLCCMN 36:31  Ta sẽ trừng phạt nó, dòng dõi và cả tôi tớ nó, vì các tội chúng đã phạm. Ta sẽ giáng xuống trên chúng, cũng như dân cư Giê-ru-sa-lem và người Giu-đa, mọi tai hoạ Ta đã nói cho chúng mà chúng chẳng thèm nghe.
Jere FreBDM17 36:31  Je visiterai donc sur lui, et sur sa postérité, et sur ses serviteurs, leur iniquité ; et je ferai venir sur eux, et sur les habitants de Jérusalem, et sur les hommes de Juda, tout le mal que je leur ai prononcé, et qu’ils n’ont point écouté.
Jere FreLXX 36:31  Envoie-les aux captifs, disant : Ainsi parle le Seigneur sur Jérémie l'Elamite : Puisque Séméi vous a prophétisé sans être envoyé par moi, et qu'il a gagné votre confiance injustement,
Jere Aleppo 36:31  ופקדתי עליו ועל זרעו ועל עבדיו את עונם והבאתי עליהם ועל ישבי ירושלם ואל איש יהודה את כל הרעה אשר דברתי אליהם—ולא שמעו
Jere MapM 36:31  וּפָקַדְתִּ֨י עָלָ֧יו וְעַל־זַרְע֛וֹ וְעַל־עֲבָדָ֖יו אֶת־עֲוֺנָ֑ם וְהֵבֵאתִ֣י עֲ֠לֵיהֶ֠ם וְעַל־יֹשְׁבֵ֨י יְרוּשָׁלַ֜‍ִם וְאֶל־אִ֣ישׁ יְהוּדָ֗ה אֵ֧ת כׇּל־הָרָעָ֛ה אֲשֶׁר־דִּבַּ֥רְתִּי אֲלֵיהֶ֖ם וְלֹ֥א שָׁמֵֽעוּ׃
Jere HebModer 36:31  ופקדתי עליו ועל זרעו ועל עבדיו את עונם והבאתי עליהם ועל ישבי ירושלם ואל איש יהודה את כל הרעה אשר דברתי אליהם ולא שמעו׃
Jere Kaz 36:31  Мен оның өзін де, ұрпақтарын да, нөкерлерін де зұлымдықтары үшін жазалаймын. Ескертулеріме құлақ аспағандарына бола Мен оларға және Иерусалим мен Яһуданың тұрғындарына жіберемін деп алдын ала айтқан апаттардың бәрін де бастарына түсіремін.
Jere FreJND 36:31  Et je le punirai, lui, et sa semence, et ses serviteurs, pour leur iniquité, et je ferai venir sur eux, et sur les habitants de Jérusalem, et sur les hommes de Juda, tout le mal que je leur ai annoncé, et ils n’ont point écouté.
Jere GerGruen 36:31  Ich such an ihm und seinem Stamm und seinen Dienern ihre Sünde heim. Ich bringe über sie und die Bewohner von Jerusalem und alle Männer Judas all dies Unheil, das ich ihnen angedroht. Sie aber hören nicht darauf.'"
Jere SloKJV 36:31  Kaznoval ga bom, njegovo seme in njegove služabnike zaradi njihove krivičnosti in jaz bom privedel nadnje, nad prebivalce Jeruzalema in nad Judove može, vse zlo, katerega sem proglasil zoper njih; toda niso mi prisluhnili.‘“
Jere Haitian 36:31  M'ap pini yo, ni li menm ni pitit li yo, ni chèf li yo pou tou sa yo fè ki mal. Ni yo, ni moun lavil Jerizalèm yo, ni moun peyi Jida yo pa t' koute m' lè mwen t'ap avèti yo. M'ap voye sou yo malè mwen te di m'ap voye a.
Jere FinBibli 36:31  Ja minä tahdon rangaista häntä ja hänen siementänsä, ja hänen palvelioitansa heidän pahain tekoinsa tähden: ja minä annan tulla heidän päällensä, ja Jerusalemin asuvaisten päälle, ja Juudan miesten päälle, kaiken onnettomuuden, jonka minä heille olen puhunut; ja ei he kuitenkaan tahtoneet kuulla.
Jere SpaRV 36:31  Y visitaré sobre él, y sobre su simiente, y sobre sus siervos, su maldad; y traeré sobre ellos, y sobre los moradores de Jerusalem, y sobre los varones de Judá, todo el mal que les he dicho y no escucharon.
Jere WelBeibl 36:31  Dw i'n mynd i'w gosbi e a'i ddisgynyddion a'i swyddogion am yr holl bethau drwg maen nhw wedi'u gwneud. Bydda i'n eu taro nhw (a pobl Jerwsalem a Jwda) hefo pob dinistr dw i wedi'i fygwth, am iddyn nhw ddal i wrthod gwrando.’”
Jere GerMenge 36:31  Und ich werde an ihm und seinen Nachkommen und seinen Dienern ihre Verschuldung heimsuchen und will über sie und über die Bewohner Jerusalems und über die Männer von Juda all das Unheil kommen lassen, das ich ihnen angedroht habe, ohne daß sie darauf hörten!‹«
Jere GreVamva 36:31  και θέλω παιδεύσει αυτόν και το σπέρμα αυτού και τους δούλους αυτού διά την ανομίαν αυτών· και θέλω φέρει επ' αυτούς και επί τους κατοίκους της Ιερουσαλήμ και επί τους ανθρώπους του Ιούδα πάντα τα κακά, τα οποία ελάλησα προς αυτούς και δεν ήκουσαν.
Jere UkrOgien 36:31  І навіщу́ його та насіння його, і його рабів за їхні провини, і спрова́джу на них та на ме́шканців Єрусалиму й на юде́янина все те зло, що Я говорив до них, та вони не послухали“.
Jere FreCramp 36:31  Je punirai sur lui, sur sa race et sur ses serviteurs leur iniquité, et je ferai venir sur eux, sur les habitants de Jérusalem et sur les hommes de Juda, tous le mal que je leur ai annoncé sans qu'ils m'aient écouté.
Jere SrKDEkav 36:31  Јер ћу походити њега и семе његово и слуге његове за безакоње њихово, и пустићу на њих и на становнике јерусалимске и на Јудејце све зло, за које им говорих али не послушаше.
Jere PolUGdan 36:31  Nawiedzę go bowiem, jego potomstwo i jego sługi za ich nieprawość i sprowadzę na nich, na mieszkańców Jerozolimy i na Judejczyków całe to nieszczęście, które im zapowiedziałem, ale nie słuchali.
Jere FreSegon 36:31  Je le châtierai, lui, sa postérité, et ses serviteurs, à cause de leur iniquité, et je ferai venir sur eux, sur les habitants de Jérusalem et sur les hommes de Juda tous les malheurs dont je les ai menacés, sans qu'ils aient voulu m'écouter.
Jere SpaRV190 36:31  Y visitaré sobre él, y sobre su simiente, y sobre sus siervos, su maldad; y traeré sobre ellos, y sobre los moradores de Jerusalem, y sobre los varones de Judá, todo el mal que les he dicho y no escucharon.
Jere HunRUF 36:31  Megbüntetem őt és utódját meg udvari embereit a bűneik miatt. Elhozom rájuk és Jeruzsálem lakóira meg a júdaiakra mindazt a veszedelmet, amelyet megmondtam nekik, de nem hallgattak meg.
Jere DaOT1931 36:31  jeg vil hjemsøge ham, hans Afkom og hans Tjenere for deres Brøde og bringe over dem og Jerusalems Borgere og Judas Mænd al den Ulykke, jeg har udtalt over dem, uden at de vilde høre.«
Jere TpiKJPB 36:31  Na Mi bai wokim mekim save long em na tumbuna pikinini bilong em na ol wokboi bilong em long olgeta sin nogut bilong ol. Na Mi bai bringim antap long ol, na antap long ol man i stap long Jerusalem, na antap long ol man bilong Juda, olgeta dispela samting nogut Mi bin kolim i birua long ol. Tasol ol i no harim.
Jere DaOT1871 36:31  Og jeg vil hjemsøge ham og hans Sæd og hans Tjenere for deres Misgerning, og jeg vil bringe over dem og over Jerusalems Indbyggere og over Judas Mænd al den Ulykke, som jeg har udtalt over dem, uden at de vilde høre.
Jere FreVulgG 36:31  Je visiterai en lui, et dans sa race, et dans ses serviteurs, leurs iniquités, et je ferai venir sur eux, sur les habitants de Jérusalem et sur les hommes de Juda, tous les maux que je leur ai prédits (annoncés), sans qu’ils m’aient écouté.
Jere PolGdans 36:31  Bo nawiedzę na nim, i na nasieniu jego, i na sługach jego nieprawość ich, i przywiodę na nich i na obywateli Jeruzalemskich, i na mężów Judzkich to wszystko złe, o któremem mawiał do nich; ale nie słuchali.
Jere JapBungo 36:31  我また彼とその子孫とその臣僕等をその惡のために罰せんまた彼らとヱルサレムの民とユダの人々には我わが彼らにつきて語りしかども彼らが聽ことをせざりし所の禍を降すべし
Jere GerElb18 36:31  Und ich will an ihm und an seinem Samen und an seinen Knechten ihre Missetat heimsuchen, und will über sie und über die Bewohner von Jerusalem und über die Männer von Juda all das Unglück bringen, welches ich über sie geredet habe; aber sie haben nicht gehört. -