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Psal RWebster 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal NHEBJE 11:3  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal ABP 11:3  That which you readied, they demolished; but the just, what did they do?
Psal NHEBME 11:3  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal Rotherha 11:3  When the pillars are overthrown, What could, a righteous man, do?
Psal LEB 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?
Psal RNKJV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal Jubilee2 11:3  The foundations shall be destroyed. What has the righteous done?
Psal Webster 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal Darby 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?
Psal OEB 11:3  In this tearing down of foundations what good can a good person do?”
Psal ASV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do?
Psal LITV 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal Geneva15 11:3  For the foundations are cast downe: what hath the righteous done?
Psal CPDV 11:3  They have been speaking emptiness, each one to his neighbor; they have been speaking with deceitful lips and a duplicitous heart.
Psal BBE 11:3  If the bases are broken down, what is the upright man to do?
Psal DRC 11:3  They have spoken vain things, every one to his neighbour: with deceitful lips, and with a double heart have they spoken.
Psal GodsWord 11:3  When the foundations of life are undermined, what can a righteous person do?"
Psal JPS 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed, what hath the righteous wrought?
Psal KJVPCE 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal NETfree 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed, what can the godly accomplish?"
Psal AB 11:3  For they have pulled down what You framed, but what has the righteous done?
Psal AFV2020 11:3  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal NHEB 11:3  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal OEBcth 11:3  In this tearing down of foundations what good can a good person do?”
Psal NETtext 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed, what can the godly accomplish?"
Psal UKJV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal Noyes 11:3  If the pillars be broken down, What can the righteous do?"
Psal KJV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal KJVA 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal AKJV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal RLT 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal MKJV 11:3  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psal YLT 11:3  When the foundations are destroyed, The righteous--what hath he done?
Psal ACV 11:3  If the foundations be destroyed, what can a righteous man do?
Psal VulgSist 11:3  Vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum: labia dolosa, in corde et corde locuti sunt.
Psal VulgCont 11:3  Vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum: labia dolosa, in corde et corde locuti sunt.
Psal Vulgate 11:3  vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum labia dolosa in corde et corde locuti sunt frustra loquuntur unusquisque proximo suo labium subdolum in corde et corde locuti sunt
Psal VulgHetz 11:3  Vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum: labia dolosa, in corde et corde locuti sunt.
Psal VulgClem 11:3  Vana locuti sunt unusquisque ad proximum suum ; labia dolosa, in corde et corde locuti sunt.
Psal Vulgate_ 11:3  frustra loquuntur unusquisque proximo suo labium subdolum in corde et corde locuti sunt
Psal CzeBKR 11:3  Ale těmi usilováními zkaženi budou; nebo spravedlivý co učinil?
Psal CzeB21 11:3  Když samy základy bortí se, tehdy spravedlivý nic nezmůže!
Psal CzeCEP 11:3  Když se všechno od základů hroutí, co dokáže spravedlivý?“
Psal CzeCSP 11:3  ⌈Co má dělat spravedlivý,⌉ když se základy hroutí?
Psal PorBLivr 11:3  Se os fundamentos são destruídos, o que o justo pode fazer?
Psal Mg1865 11:3  Fa rava ny fanorenana, ka inona indray no azon’ ny marina atao?
Psal FinPR 11:3  Kun peruspylväät murretaan maahan, mitä voi vanhurskas tehdä?"
Psal FinRK 11:3  Kun perustukset tuhotaan, mitä vanhurskas voi tehdä?
Psal ChiSB 11:3  基礎既已全部崩潰,義人還能有何作為?
Psal CopSahBi 11:3  ⲁⲡⲟⲩⲁ ⲡⲟⲩⲁ ϣⲁϫⲉ ⲛϩⲉⲛⲡⲉⲧϣⲟⲩⲉⲓⲧ ⲛⲛⲁϩⲣⲙ ⲡⲉⲧϩⲓⲧⲟⲩⲱϥ ϩⲉⲛⲥⲡⲟⲧⲟⲩ ⲛⲕⲣⲟϥ ϩⲛ ⲟⲩϩⲏⲧ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲁϥϣⲁϫⲉ ϩⲙ ⲡⲉϥϩⲏⲧ
Psal ChiUns 11:3  根基若毁坏,义人还能做甚么呢?
Psal BulVeren 11:3  Когато основите се разрушават, какво може да направи праведният?
Psal AraSVD 11:3  إِذَا ٱنْقَلَبَتِ ٱلْأَعْمِدَةُ، فَٱلصِّدِّيقُ مَاذَا يَفْعَلُ؟»
Psal Esperant 11:3  Kiam la fundamentoj estas detruitaj, Kion povas fari la justulo?
Psal ThaiKJV 11:3  ถ้ารากฐานถูกทำลายเสียแล้ว คนชอบธรรมจะทำอะไรได้”
Psal OSHB 11:3  כִּ֣י הַ֭שָּׁתוֹת יֵֽהָרֵס֑וּן צַ֝דִּ֗יק מַה־פָּעָֽל׃
Psal BurJudso 11:3  ငါ့ဝိညာဉ်အား သင်သည်ငှက်သကဲ့သို့ ကိုယ် နေရာ တောင်ပေါ်သို့ ပြေးချေဟု အဘယ်ကြောင့် ပြောကြသနည်း။ ထာဝရဘုရားသည် ငါခိုလှုံရာဖြစ်တော် မူ၏။
Psal FarTPV 11:3  در زمانی که نیکی از بین رفته است، نیکان چه می‌توانند بکنند؟»
Psal UrduGeoR 11:3  Rāstbāz kyā kare? Unhoṅ ne to buniyād ko hī tabāh kar diyā hai.
Psal SweFolk 11:3  När grundvalarna raseras, vad kan då den rättfärdige göra?"
Psal GerSch 11:3  Wenn die Grundfesten eingerissen werden, was hat der Gerechte getan?
Psal TagAngBi 11:3  Kung ang mga patibayan ay masira, anong magagawa ng matuwid?
Psal FinSTLK2 11:3  Kun perustukset murretaan maahan, mitä voi vanhurskas tehdä?"
Psal Dari 11:3  وقتیکه پایه های نظم فروریزد، مرد درستکار چه می تواند بکند؟
Psal SomKQA 11:3  Haddii aasaaska la dumiyo, Kan xaqa ahu bal muxuu samayn karaa?
Psal NorSMB 11:3  Når grunnvollarne vert nedrivne, kva kann då ein rettferdig gjera?»
Psal Alb 11:3  Kur themelet janë shkatërruar, çfarë mund të bëjë i drejti?
Psal UyCyr 11:3  Ялған сөзләр адәмләр бир-биригә, Ағзи силиқ болсиму растчиллиқ йоқ қәлбидә.
Psal KorHKJV 11:3  기초들이 무너지면 의로운 자들이 무엇을 할 수 있으리요?
Psal SrKDIjek 11:3  Кад су раскопани темељи, шта ће чинити праведник?"
Psal Wycliffe 11:3  Thei spaken veyn thingis, ech man to hys neiybore; thei han gileful lippis, thei spaken in herte and herte.
Psal Mal1910 11:3  അടിസ്ഥാനങ്ങൾ മറിഞ്ഞുപോയാൽ നീതിമാൻ എന്തുചെയ്യും?
Psal KorRV 11:3  터가 무너지면 의인이 무엇을 할꼬
Psal Azeri 11:3  اگر بونؤوره‌لر محو اولور، صالح آدام نه اده‌بئلر؟
Psal KLV 11:3  chugh the foundations 'oH Qaw'ta', nuq laH the QaQtaHghach ta'?
Psal ItaDio 11:3  Quando i fondamenti son ruinati, Che ha fatto il giusto?
Psal RusSynod 11:3  Ложь говорит каждый своему ближнему; уста льстивы, говорят от сердца притворного.
Psal CSlEliza 11:3  Суетная глагола кийждо ко искреннему своему: устне льстивыя в сердцы, и в сердцы глаголаша злая.
Psal ABPGRK 11:3  ότι α συ κατηρτίσω αυτοί καθείλον ο δε δίκαιος τι εποίησε
Psal FreBBB 11:3  Quand les fondements sont renversés, Que ferait le juste?
Psal LinVB 11:3  Soko ndako ebebi nye, moto semba akoki kosala nini ? »
Psal BurCBCM 11:3  မှီခိုအားထားရာ အခြေအမြစ်တို့သည် ပြိုပျက်သောအခါ သူတော်ကောင်းတစ်ဦးသည် မည်သို့ တတ်နိုင်ပါမည်နည်း။
Psal HunIMIT 11:3  Midőn ledöntetnek az alapok, mit mível az igaz?
Psal ChiUnL 11:3  基礎如其傾圮、義者將何爲兮、
Psal VietNVB 11:3  Nếu nền móng bị phá hủy,Thì người công chính sẽ làm sao?
Psal LXX 11:3  μάταια ἐλάλησεν ἕκαστος πρὸς τὸν πλησίον αὐτοῦ χείλη δόλια ἐν καρδίᾳ καὶ ἐν καρδίᾳ ἐλάλησαν
Psal CebPinad 11:3  Kong ang mga patukoranan pagagun-obon, Unsa man ang arang mahimo sa matarung?
Psal RomCor 11:3  Şi când se surpă temeliile, ce ar putea să mai facă cel neprihănit?
Psal Pohnpeia 11:3  Sohte mehkot aramas mwahu men kak wia ahnsou me mehkoaros ohlahr.”
Psal HunUj 11:3  Ha az alapfalakat is lerombolják, mit tehet az igaz ember?
Psal GerZurch 11:3  Wenn die Pfeiler (der Rechtsordnung) stürzen, / was hat der Gerechte ausgerichtet?" /
Psal GerTafel 11:3  Wenn die Grundfesten umgerissen sind, was soll der Gerechte tun?
Psal PorAR 11:3  Quando os fundamentos são destruídos, que pode fazer o justo?
Psal DutSVVA 11:3  Zekerlijk, de fondamenten worden omgestoten; wat heeft de rechtvaardige bedreven?
Psal FarOPV 11:3  زیرا که ارکان منهدم می‌شوند و مردعادل چه کند؟»
Psal Ndebele 11:3  Nxa izisekelo zidilizwa, angenzani olungileyo?
Psal PorBLivr 11:3  Se os fundamentos são destruídos, o que o justo pode fazer?
Psal SloStrit 11:3  Ko se bodo celo stebri podirali, kaj naj počne pravični?
Psal Norsk 11:3  Når grunnvollene nedbrytes, hvad makter da den rettferdige?
Psal SloChras 11:3  Ko se celo stebri podirajo, kaj naj počne pravični?
Psal Northern 11:3  Əgər hər şey təməlindən dağılarsa, Salehlər nə edə bilər?
Psal GerElb19 11:3  Wenn die Grundpfeiler umgerissen werden, was tut dann der Gerechte?
Psal PohnOld 11:3  Pwe ma ur akan rongk pasang, da me aramas pung en wiada?
Psal LvGluck8 11:3  Jo pamati top nopostīti; ko darīs taisnais?
Psal PorAlmei 11:3  Na verdade que já os fundamentos se transtornam: o que pode fazer o justo?
Psal SloOjaca 11:3  Če so temelji uničeni, kaj lahko stori [nepopustljivo] pravični ali kaj je On, [Pravični], izdelal ali dosegel?
Psal ChiUn 11:3  根基若毀壞,義人還能做甚麼呢?
Psal SweKarlX 11:3  Ty de sönderrifva grunden; hvad skulle den rättfärdige uträtta?
Psal FreKhan 11:3  pour la lancer, dans les ténèbres, contre les cœurs droits. Si les fondements sont renversés, que peut faire le juste?"
Psal GerAlbre 11:3  Wenn die Grundpfeiler niederstürzen, / Was vermöchte da der Gerechte?"
Psal FrePGR 11:3  Quand les fondements s'écroulent, le juste, que ferait-il ? »
Psal PorCap 11:3  Quando até os fundamentos são abalados,que poderá fazer o justo?
Psal JapKougo 11:3  基が取りこわされるならば、正しい者は何をなし得ようか」と。
Psal GerTextb 11:3  Wenn die Grundpfeiler eingerissen werden - was hat der Fromme ausgerichtet?
Psal Kapingam 11:3  Ma di mee e-mee di-hai go tangada humalia ai i-di madagoaa nia mee huogodoo gu-mooho.”
Psal SpaPlate 11:3  Unos a otros se dicen mentiras; se hablan con labios fraudulentos y doblez de corazón.
Psal GerOffBi 11:3  Ja, (denn) [selbst] die Fundamente sollen (werden) eingerissen werden - Was [also] tut der Gerechte?“
Psal WLC 11:3  כִּ֣י הַ֭שָּׁתוֹת יֵֽהָרֵס֑וּן צַ֝דִּ֗יק מַה־פָּעָֽל׃
Psal LtKBB 11:3  Kai pamatai griaunami, ką gi begali teisusis?
Psal Bela 11:3  Кожны хлусіць блізкаму свайму; вусны лісьлівыя ад няшчырага сэрца гавораць.
Psal GerBoLut 11:3  Denn sie reilien den Grund urn; was soil der Gerechte ausrichten?
Psal FinPR92 11:3  Kun kaikki perustukset revitään, mitä vanhurskas voi enää tehdä?"
Psal SpaRV186 11:3  Porque los fundamentos serán derribados: ¿el justo qué ha hecho?
Psal NlCanisi 11:3  Men liegt elkander maar voor, Met valse harten, maar vleiende lippen.
Psal GerNeUe 11:3  Ist die Grundordnung zerbrochen, / was richtet da der Gerechte noch aus?
Psal UrduGeo 11:3  راست باز کیا کرے؟ اُنہوں نے تو بنیاد کو ہی تباہ کر دیا ہے۔
Psal AraNAV 11:3  إِذَا تَقَوَّضَتِ الأَسَاسَاتُ، فَمَاذَا يَعْمَلُ الصِّدِّيقُ؟
Psal ChiNCVs 11:3  根基既然毁坏,义人还能作什么呢?”
Psal ItaRive 11:3  Quando i fondamenti son rovinati che può fare il giusto?
Psal Afr1953 11:3  As die fondamente omgegooi word, wat kan die regverdige doen?
Psal RusSynod 11:3  Ложь говорит каждый своему ближнему; уста льстивы, говорят от сердца притворного.
Psal UrduGeoD 11:3  रास्तबाज़ क्या करे? उन्होंने तो बुनियाद को ही तबाह कर दिया है।
Psal TurNTB 11:3  Temeller yıkılırsa, Ne yapabilir doğru insan?”
Psal DutSVV 11:3  Zekerlijk, de fondamenten worden omgestoten; wat heeft de rechtvaardige bedreven?
Psal HunKNB 11:3  Ha semmibe sem veszik végzéseidet, mit tehet akkor az igaz?«
Psal Maori 11:3  Ki te wawahia nga turanga ake, me pehea te tangata tika?
Psal HunKar 11:3  Mikor a fundamentomok is elrontattak, mit cselekedett az igaz?
Psal Viet 11:3  Nếu các nền bị phá đổ, Người công bình sẽ làm sao?
Psal Kekchi 11:3  ¿Cˈaˈut nak nacaye nak incˈaˈ chic ta̱ru̱k teˈxcol rib li ti̱queb xchˈo̱l xban nak incˈaˈ chic nequeˈcuan saˈ xya̱lal li tenamit?
Psal Swe1917 11:3  När grundvalarna upprivas, vad kan då den rättfärdige uträtta?»
Psal CroSaric 11:3  Kad su temelji uzljuljani, što da učini pravednik?"
Psal VieLCCMN 11:3  Khi nền móng cương thường đổ nát người công chính còn làm được chuyện gì ?
Psal FreBDM17 11:3  Puisque les fondements sont ruinés, que fera le juste ?
Psal FreLXX 11:3  Chacun a dit à son prochain des choses vaines ; leurs lèvres sont menteuses, et ils ont parlé avec un cœur double.
Psal Aleppo 11:3    כי השתות יהרסון—    צדיק מה-פעל
Psal MapM 11:3  כִּ֣י הַ֭שָּׁתוֹת יֵהָרֵס֑וּן צַ֝דִּ֗יק מַה־פָּעָֽל׃
Psal HebModer 11:3  כי השתות יהרסון צדיק מה פעל׃
Psal Kaz 11:3  Әрбір жан жақындарына жалғандық айтады,Мүләйім жүзбен сөйлесіп, жағымпазданады.
Psal FreJND 11:3  Si les fondements sont détruits, que fera le juste ?
Psal GerGruen 11:3  Vernichtet werden ja die Wohnstätten.Was kann der Fromme da noch tun?"
Psal SloKJV 11:3  Če so temelji razrušeni, kaj lahko stori pravični?
Psal Haitian 11:3  Pa gen anyen yon bon moun ka fè, lè tout bagay tèt anba.
Psal FinBibli 11:3  Sillä he rikkoivat perustuksen: mitä vanhurskas taitaa toimittaa?
Psal Geez 11:3  ይሤርዎን ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለከናፍረ ፡ ጕሕሉት ፤ ወለልሳን ፡ እንተ ፡ ታዐቢ ነቢበ ።
Psal SpaRV 11:3  Si fueren destruídos los fundamentos, ¿qué ha de hacer el justo?
Psal WelBeibl 11:3  Pan mae'r sylfeini wedi chwalu, beth all y cyfiawn ei gyflawni?
Psal GerMenge 11:3  Wenn die Grundpfeiler niedergerissen werden, – was kann da der Gerechte noch leisten?«
Psal GreVamva 11:3  Εάν τα θεμέλια καταστραφώσιν, ο δίκαιος τι δύναται να κάμη;
Psal UkrOgien 11:3  Марно́ту говорять один до одно́го, їхні уста обле́сні, і серцем подвійним говорять.
Psal FreCramp 11:3  Quand les fondements sont renversés, que peut faire le juste ? "
Psal SrKDEkav 11:3  Кад су раскопани темељи, шта ће учинити праведник?"
Psal PolUGdan 11:3  Gdy zostaną zburzone fundamenty, cóż może zrobić sprawiedliwy?
Psal FreSegon 11:3  Quand les fondements sont renversés, Le juste, que ferait-il? -
Psal SpaRV190 11:3  Si fueren destruídos los fundamentos, ¿qué ha de hacer el justo?
Psal HunRUF 11:3  Ha az alapokat is lerombolják, mit tehet az igaz ember?
Psal FreSynod 11:3  Quand les fondements sont renversés, Le juste, que fera-t-il?»
Psal DaOT1931 11:3  Naar selv Grundpillerne styrter, hvad gør den retfærdige da?«
Psal TpiKJPB 11:3  Sapos ol as ston i bagarap, ol stretpela man inap mekim wanem?
Psal DaOT1871 11:3  Thi Grundvoldene nedbrydes; hvad kunde en retfærdig udrette?
Psal FreVulgG 11:3  Chacun ne dit à son prochain que des choses vaines ; leurs lèvres sont trompeuses, et ils parlent avec un cœur double (et un cœur).
Psal PolGdans 11:3  Ale zamysły ich będą skażone; bo sprawiedliwy cóż uczynił?
Psal JapBungo 11:3  基みなやぶれたらんには義者なにをなさんや
Psal GerElb18 11:3  Wenn die Grundpfeiler umgerissen werden, was tut dann der Gerechte?