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bc27b41 Liquor doesn't make you feel better. Just makes you not so worried about feeling bad. James S.A. Corey
c65492d Looking back through history, there are a lot more men who thought they were Alexander the Great than men who actually were. James S.A. Corey
d2d791e Nothing ever killed more people than being afraid to look like a sissy. James S.A. Corey
0d49e70 Later, when you're wishing we had this stuff, I am going to be merciless in my mockery. And then we'll die. James S.A. Corey
a9eeb9d His parents had raised him to believe that sex was something you did in private not because it was embarrassing, but because it was intimate. James S.A. Corey
c79359b If life transcends death Then I will seek for you there If not, then there too poetry love love-poetry chrisjen-avasarala haiku life-after-death James S.A. Corey
af14d5c I can't fight pirates without coffee. James S.A. Corey
30ccd45 I thought if you told people , they'd draw their conclusions, and because the facts were true, the conclusions mostly would be too. But we don't run on facts. We run on stories about things. About people. James S.A. Corey
819cb18 Last man standing," Amos replied with another grin. "It's in my job description." James S.A. Corey
c165da2 Posthuman. It was a word that came up in the media every five or six years, and it meant different things every time. Neural regrowth hormone? Posthuman. Sex robots with inbuilt pseudo intelligence? Posthuman. Self-optimizing network routing? Posthuman. It was a word from advertising copy, breathless and empty, and all he'd ever thought it really meant was that the people using it had a limited imagination about what exactly humans were cap.. James S.A. Corey
d1c5c59 Miller was staring at him like an entomologist trying to figure out exactly where the pin went. James S.A. Corey
cb3ed22 Here's the thing," Amos said. "If you did go in there, you might feel like you had to do something. And then I might feel like I had to do something. And then we'd all be doing things, and we'd all wind up having a worse day, just in general." James S.A. Corey
a8875ac A hundred and fifty years before, when the parochial disagreements between Earth and Mars had been on the verge of war, the Belt had been a far horizon of tremendous mineral wealth beyond viable economic reach, and the outer planets had been beyond even the most unrealistic corporate dream. Then Solomon Epstein had built his little modified fusion drive, popped it on the back of his three-man yacht, and turned it on. With a good scope, you .. James S.A. Corey
6dfa172 That man's asshole must be tight enough right now to bend space. James S.A. Corey
13c31cc No rest for the wicked, no peace for the good. James S.A. Corey
bedfc3a Murtry swung first, so technically, that was self-defense. And if I'd wanted him dead, don't you think he'd be dead? It's not like I quit hitting him because I was tired. James S.A. Corey
cfb215c Once is never. Twice is always. wisdom twice quip once pessimism James S.A. Corey
7216fef If humanity were capable of being satisfied, then they'll still be living in trees and eating bugs out of one another's fur. Anna had walked on a moon of Jupiter. She'd look up through a dome-covered sky at the great red spot, close enough to see the swirls and eddies of a storm larger than her home world. She'd tasted water thawed from ice as old as the solar system itself. And it was that human dissatisfaction, that human audacity that ha.. James S.A. Corey
e5083f2 A world no longer of haves and have-nots, but of the engaged and the apathetic. James S.A. Corey
2af2a9b Do not underestimate his capacity to fuck things up. James S.A. Corey
060df9f What did you do?" Fred asked. "There was a button," Holden said. "I pushed it." "Jesus Christ. That really is how you go through life, isn't it?" -- James S.A. Corey
db60be1 His words were full of hope and threat. Like the stars. words James S.A. Corey
9e2e629 You're the predator right up until you're prey. James S.A. Corey
7570b75 I actually read history. It's like reading prophecy, you know. James S.A. Corey
ddb4ba8 The mechanic had laid out two suits of their Martian-made light combat armour, a number of rifles and shotguns, and stacks of ammunition and explosives. "What," Holden said, "is all this?" "You said to gear up for the drop." "I meant, like, underwear and toothbrushes." explosives rifles shotguns toothbrushes underwear James S.A. Corey
4681dea A bicycle?" Amos leaned on the breakfast bar. "Sure. They don't need fuel, they don't get sick. Most of the repairs, you can handle on your own. You're looking for post-apocalyptic transportation, bikes are the way to go." James S.A. Corey
56d2533 She was not a political creature. She felt that politics was the second most evil thing humanity had ever invented, just after lutefisk. James S.A. Corey
0407fee Against all evidence, I keep thinking the assholes are outliers. James S.A. Corey
470addb There's a dignity in consequences. dignity James S.A. Corey
e68d942 Same here, Cap'n," Amos said. "I got a lot of past in my past." James S.A. Corey
96ea15c Alien superweapons were used," Alex said, walking into the room, sleep-sweaty hair standing out from his skull in every direction. "The laws of physics were altered, mistakes were made." James S.A. Corey
29ba650 People always whispered when they were hiding. Wrapped in a space suit and surrounded by vacuum, Gomez could have been lighting fireworks inside his armor and no one would have heard it, but he whispered. James S.A. Corey
c8acc1e You're a tough guy, but I'm a nightmare wrapped in the apocalypse. tough-guy threat nightmare James S.A. Corey
fbf4db0 Show a human a closed door, and no matter how many open doors she finds, she'll be haunted by what might be behind it. James S.A. Corey
aa0d4b0 Do we have a plan?" "A couple." Jim said. "Either of them good?" "Oh, no. Not at all. Just different flavors of terrible." James S.A. Corey
397d087 No one can blather on like a holy man with a trapped audience. Well, maybe a politician. James S.A. Corey
83a299a Well, mostly I'm a mechanic. But the idea that the UN has a file on me somewhere that lists me as the Rocinante's killer? That's kind of awesome. James S.A. Corey
8201c6b The best scientific minds of the system were staring at the data with their jaws slack, and the reason no one was panicking yet was that no one could agree on what they should panic about. James S.A. Corey
3e62f7e We're not making any official statements, especially when James Holden's in the room. No offense, but your track record for blurting information at inopportune moments is the stuff of legend. James S.A. Corey
b30fa64 They're all fucking men," she said. "Excuse me?" Soren said. "The generals. They're all fucking men." "I thought Souther was the only--" "I don't mean that they all fuck men. I mean they're all men, the fuckers. How long has it been since a woman was in charge of the armed forces? Not since I came here. So instead, we wind up with another example of what happens to policy when there's too much testosterone in the room." James S.A. Corey
42ec82f No, it wasn't. It was the scariest fucking answer to Fermi's paradox I can think of. Do you know why there aren't any Indians in your Old West analogy? Because they're already dead. The whatever-they-were that built all that got a head start and used their protomolecule gate builder to kill all the rest. And that's not even the scary part. The really frightening part is that something else came along, shot the first guys in the back of the .. James S.A. Corey
16ef989 They'd made a plan, and so far everything was more or less going the way they'd hoped. The thought left Holden increasingly terrified. James S.A. Corey
9e974a6 In his opinion, faith was generally for people who were bad at math. James S.A. Corey
709928f I know it's none of my business, but I really wouldn't let her put you off. So you don't understand sex and love and women. Just means you were born with a cock. And this girl? Naomi? She seems like she's worth putting a little effort into it. You know?" "Yeah," Holden said. Then: "Can we never talk about that again?" "Sure." James S.A. Corey