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33abfd1 I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It's how rats are. It's what makes them rats. But a human doesn't run and hide in dark places, because he's something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is. Nancy Farmer
023f101 I love you," Matt said. I love you, too," Maria replied. "I know that's a sin, and I'll probably go to hell for it." If I have a soul, I'll go with you," promised Matt." love soul Nancy Farmer
ab5db4e People's souls are like gardens. You can't turn your back on someone because his garden's full of weeds. You have to give him water and lots of sunshine. Nancy Farmer
9cc6b2c He has his good side and his bad side. Very dark indeed is his majesty when he wants to be. When he was young, he made a choice, like a tree does when it decides to grow one way or the other. He grew large and green until he shadowed over the whole forest, but most of his branches are twisted. Nancy Farmer
4f1a96d Slow people are just paying close attention. Nancy Farmer
7473ce2 After all, what is suffering but an awareness of suffering? pain suffering Nancy Farmer
c25589e Patience and love can do anything. Nancy Farmer
702d0ae Guardian angels guide the steps of idiots. Nancy Farmer
7841433 Tam Lin says rabbits give up when they're caught by coyotes [...]. He says they consent to die because their animals and can't understand hope. But humans are different. They fight against death no matter how bad things seem, and sometimes, even when everything's against them, they win. inspirational Nancy Farmer
5468380 Look around you...Feel the wind, smell the air. Listen to the birds and watch the sky. Tell me what's happening in the wide world. observation Nancy Farmer
0de7791 No one can tell the difference between a clone and a human. That's because there isn't any difference. The idea of clones being inferior is a filthy lie. humanity inferiority lies Nancy Farmer
d67bf65 I don't mind," he whispered. "If I had a soul, I'd probably wind up in hell anyway." Nancy Farmer
d194232 But I also know that to ignore joy while it lasts, in favor of lamenting one's fate, is a great crime. rune sea-of-trolls Nancy Farmer
79ce5be The high point of your life was when you knocked me down high knocked-down life Nancy Farmer
c8757a6 Power's a strange thing, lad. It's a drug people like me crave it. drug power Nancy Farmer
0bca17d Does is make the dragon happy?" Matt asked. "Does is make the dragon happy?" echoed Tam Lin. "Why, I never thought of that. I suppose it does. What other pleasure can a creature have whose life consists of making everyone else miserable?" Nancy Farmer
8a87a38 Most of all, it was the wild music that impressed Matt. It did the same thing that playing the piano had done when he was frightened and lonely. It took him into another world where only beauty existed and where he was sage from hatred and disappointment and death. Nancy Farmer
f2e8ce2 A little extra forgiveness never hurts," said Matt, quoting one of Celia's favorite sayings." -- Nancy Farmer
96a6e07 The other girls in the village never felt restless. Nhamo was like a pot of boiling water. 'I want...I want...,' she whispered to herself, but she didn't know what she wanted and she had no idea how to find it. Nancy Farmer
1b1cb0b Tam Lin says rabbits give up when they're caught by coyotes," Matt said after he'd calmed enough to trust his voice. "He says they consent to die because they're animals and can't understand hope. Hit humans are different.. They fight against death no matter how bad things seem, and sometimes, even when everything's against them, they win." "Yeah. About once in a million years," said Chacho. "Twice in a million," said Matt. "There's who o.. Nancy Farmer
09c4faf You don't have a soul, so you can't be baptized. All animals are like that. I think it's unfair and sometimes I don't believe it. After all, what would heaven be without birds or dogs or horses? And what about trees and flowers? They don't have souls either. Does that mean heaven looks like a cement parking lot? I suppose this is what the nuns call a theological problem. Nancy Farmer
b8e588f I think people have an instinct for a family. You look until you find a mother, a father, a sister, a brother. They don't have to be blood relatives. They just have to love you. And when you find them, you don't have to look anymore. Nancy Farmer
7d5c628 No kindness is ever wasted, nor can we ever tell how much good may come of it. wisdom Nancy Farmer
6f00d3b That was the best kind of story: when the teller was as much under its spell as the listener. Nancy Farmer
6dfa5e1 I'd guess that you have some purpose to fulfill and that is why you were saved. But don't get a swelled head over it. A cabbage has a purpose when someone needs to make soup. Nancy Farmer
ad79dc8 Just say no to pillaging. Nancy Farmer
a61746b Don't be angry," the Bard said. "Most people live inside a cage of their own expectations. It makes them feel safe. The world's a frightening place full of glory and wonder and, as we've both discovered, danger. Flying isn't for everyone." Nancy Farmer
87e92ca How much wickedness could you do in the service of good before it turned into pure evil? Nancy Farmer
2c461a6 She would drink until the trembling stopped. Then she would wilt over the piano like one of Celia's spinaches when Tam Lin forgot to water the garden. science-fiction-ya the-house-of-the-scorpion young-adult Nancy Farmer
421da91 Knowledge is a house that must be built from the ground up. We know how to make the roof. The information is useless if we don't understand the foundations on which it is to be placed. Nancy Farmer
0cf4287 Tom is a filthy little pustule. If you quote me, I'll deny it! science-fiction Nancy Farmer
b21b94f She took to reading with a fervor so extreme, Baba Joseph had to take the books from her hands by force. 'Your eyes are not tractors. They are not meant to pull heavy loads,' he said sternly. Nancy Farmer
c2d2682 Gods, if they're neglected, tend to fall asleep, but they never really go away. Nancy Farmer
4c3a00d When u are small, u can choose which way to grow. If you are kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man. And if you are like El Patron . . . Just think about it." - Tam Lin" Nancy Farmer
6abd03d Heroes, well, they don't live so long. But they're muy suave, and we all admire them. heroes heroism young-adult Nancy Farmer
321b34a Life and death are in constant battle. There is no way in this world for happiness to exist alone... Nancy Farmer
ca7c6da Death must be fought with life, and that means courage and that means joy, Nancy Farmer
6e4bb18 I remembered what Olaf always said: You must never give up, even if you're falling off a cliff. You never know what might happen on the way down. Nancy Farmer
da430e6 I decided to forgive you after reading The Little Flowers of Saint Francis," Maria began. "You remember the wolf I talked about? Well, he was a monster who terrorized everybody until Saint Francis gave him a talking-to. He was sweet as a lamb and never ate anything but vegetables after that." "I didn't know wolves could digest vegetables," said Matt, who had studied biology. "That's not the point." Nancy Farmer
fb0cd19 Matt discovered that no matter how terrified he'd been at first, it wasn't possible to stay terrified. It was as though his brain said, Okay. That's enough. Let's find something else to do. Nancy Farmer
2c3aa68 Tendai remembered his last birthday. It seemed one shouldn't make wishes idly. Who knew which spirits were listening. He considered a moment and then thought, I wish for courage. Because with courage, you weren't afraid to look at the truth. You weren't afraid to ask questions or do the right thing. Nancy Farmer
3423a04 When you're small, you can choose which way to grow. If you're kind and decent, you grow into a kind and decent man. The idea that if you were mean, you might stay mean forever had never occurred to him. Nancy Farmer
1e5f813 I am one for whom dangers are play- things One who empties men of their strength as a nut from its shell The charms you use I chop up for relish on my porridge Beware! I am a deadly mamba Wrestler of legends A hive of hornets A man among men Nancy Farmer
c2edb57 It isn't healthy to care for someone who can never love you back. Nancy Farmer