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1ac52b5 The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits. habits Albert Camus
6fdede2 And habits are hell's own substitute for good intentions. Habits are the ruin of ambition, of initiative , of imagination. They're the curse of marriage and the after-bane of death. habits imagination initiative Dorothy Dunnett
2bb3f23 "You have a bad habit of listing anything that can go wrong, Volger." "I have always considered that a good habit" -- habits Scott Westerfeld
110b723 I should pursue only those habits that would make me feel freer and stronger. habits Gretchen Rubin
80dcd60 I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday, habits self-improvement Stephen R. Covey
aa5069d Habits never really disappear. They're encoded into the structures of our brain, and that's a huge advantage for us, because it would be awful if we had to relearn how to drive after every vacation. The problem is that your brain can't tell the difference between bad and good habits, and so if you have a bad one, it's always lurking there, waiting for the right cues and rewards. This explains why it's so hard to create exercise habits, for instance, or change what we eat. Once we develop a routine of sitting on the couch, rather than running, or snacking whenever we pass a doughnut box, those patterns always remain inside our heads. By the same rule, though, if we learn to create new neurological routines that overpower those behaviors--if we take control of the habit loop--we can force those bad tendencies into the background, just as Lisa Allen did after her Cairo trip. And once someone creates a new pattern, studies have demonstrated, going for a jog or ignoring the doughnuts becomes as automatic as any other habit. habits Charles Duhigg
99d899c For discipline is imposed not just on oneself but on those in one's orbit. habits life-of-the-writer routine writing Philip Roth
368d0e6 The game had to be played the same way every day or the pieces would fall to the floor, the board would collapse, and the illusion that you were shaping your own life, that you were in control, would break. control habits Kevin Brockmeier
80b5de9 I am deep in my willed habits. From the outside, I suppose I look like an unoccupied house with one unconvincing night-light left on. Any burglar could look through my curtains and conclude I am empty. But he would be mistaken. Under that one light unstirred by movement or shadows there is a man at work, and as long as I am at work I am not a candidate for Menlo Park, or that terminal facility they cynically call a convalescent hospital, or a pine box. My habits and the unchanging season sustain me. Evil is what questions and disrupts. emptiness evil habit habits old-age work Wallace Stegner
e25e765 All habits are bad habits. (...) Madness does not come by breaking out, but by giving in; by settling down in some dirty, little, self-repeating circle of ideas; by being tamed. habits madness rebellionllion tamed G.K. Chesterton
49265ef He was forty-eight -- an age at which permanence of habits begins to be predictable. habits James Hilton
037c96c You can't really think hard about what you're doing and listen to the radio at the same time. Maybe they didn't see their job as having anything to do with hard thought, just wrench twiddling. care consciousness distractions excellence habits music observations quality work-environment Robert M. Pirsig
5f2a930 The traditions of . . . bygone times, even to the smallest social particular, enable one to understand more clearly the circumstances with contributed to the formation of character. The daily life into which people are born, and into which they are absorbed before they are well aware, forms chains which only one in a hundred has moral strength enough to despise, and to break when the right time comes - when an inward necessity for independent individual action arises, which is superior to all outward conventionalities. Therefore it is well to know what were the chains of daily domestic habit which were the natural leading-strings of our forefathers before they learnt to go alone. character circumstances forefathers generations habits historical history mindsets traditions Elizabeth Gaskell
10e5b4c You move on. You move back. On because you're always getting older, back because there's always a set of habits and routines to catch you and suck you back in when your guard is down. habits moving-on Mike Carey
04e214b Strange how reluctant I was to acknowledge that control of my fate lay beyond my own conscious will. Habit of a lifetime, I suppose. free-will habits will Patrick McGrath
288f2d6 "According to Maximus the Confessor in "One Hundred Chapters of Love", the key to directing and increasing one's desire for God is the acquisition of the virtues-which, you'll recall, we described above as noncognitive "dispositions" acquired through practices. So how does one acquire such virtues, such dispositions of desire? Through participation in concrete Christian practices like confession." formation habits practices James K.A. Smith
fe05a75 I don't only act out of my character; my character reacts to my actions. Each time I why, even if I'm not caught, I become a little bit more of this ugly thing: a liar. Character is always in the making, with each morally valenced action, whether right or wrong, affecting our characters, the people who we are. decisions habits Rebecca Goldstein
7f6c069 Manners matter, asserts the professor. What provokes rebellion, he asserts, is not as often a theory out allowing for arbitrary power but be excessive, brusque use of it by a particular individual. habits influence personality Robert J. Allison
f0197c8 Upholders may struggle in situations where expectations aren't clear or the rules aren't established. They may feel compelled to meet expectations, even ones that seem pointless. They may feel uneasy when they know they're breaking the rules, even unnecessary rules, unless they work out a powerful justification to do so. habits Gretchen Rubin