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519256a They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming. being hesse life siddhartha unity water Hermann Hesse
6605c1d Dreams and restless thoughts came flowing to him from the river, from the twinkling stars at night, from the sun's melting rays. Dreams and a restlessness of the soul came to him. hesse restlessness siddhartha soul Hermann Hesse
b34b7e6 Stages As every flower fades and as all youth Departs, so life at every stage, So every virtue, so our grasp of truth, Blooms in its day and may not last forever. Since life may summon us at every age Be ready, heart, for parting, new endeavor, Be ready bravely and without remorse To find new light that old ties cannot give. In all beginnings dwells a magic force For guarding us and helping us to live. Serenely let us move to distant places And let no sentiments of home detain us. The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us But lifts us stage by stage to wider spaces. If we accept a home of our own making, Familiar habit makes for indolence. We must prepare for parting and leave-taking Or else remain the slaves of permanence. Even the hour of our death may send Us speeding on to fresh and newer spaces, And life may summon us to newer races. So be it, heart: bid farewell without end. game glass herman hesse stages the Hermann Hesse
39ac3b6 Man is an onion made up of a hundred integuments, a texture made up of many threads. The ancient Asiatics knew this well enough, and in the Buddhist Yoga an exact technique was devised for unmasking the illusion of the personality. The human merry-go-round sees many changes: the illusion that cost India the efforts of thousands of years to unmask is the same illusion that the West has labored just as hard to maintain and strengthen. east hesse west Hermann Hesse
58571dd You show the world as a complete, unbroken chain, an eternal chain, linked together by cause and effect. hesse siddhartha world Hermann Hesse
a783d9e What is meditation? What is leaving one's body? What is fasting? What is holding one's breath? It is fleeing from the self, it is a short escape of the agony of being a self, it is a short numbing of the senses against the pain and the pointlessness of life. The same escape, the same short numbing is what the driver of an ox-cart finds in the inn, drinking a few bowls of rice-wine or fermented coconut-milk. Then he won't feel his self any more, then he won't feel the pains of life any more, then he finds a short numbing of the senses. When he falls asleep over his bowl of rice-wine, he'll find the same what Siddhartha and Govinda find when they escape their bodies through long exercises, staying in the non-self. hesse siddhartha Hermann Hesse
177c999 And they didn't like to pay with trust and love, but rather with money and goods. They betrayed each other and expected being betrayed themselves. hesse rainmaker Hermann Hesse
f0bea1b For it cannot be denied that all over the world and in all ages there are beings who are perceived to be extraordinary, charming, and appealing, and whom many honor as benevolent spirits, because they make one think of a more beautiful, a freer, a more winged life than the one we lead. extraordinary free hermann-hesse hesse inspirational life metamorphoses pictor-s Hermann Hesse
7a2a722 Y lo que, por el contrario, me sucede a mi en las raras horas de placer, lo que para mi es delicia, suceso, elevacion y extasis, eso no lo conoce, ni lo ama, ni lo busca el mundo mas que si acaso en las novelas; en la vida, lo considera una locura. Y en efecto, si el mundo tiene razon, si esta musica de los cafes, estas diversiones en masa, estos hombres americanos contentos con tan poco tienen razon, entonces soy yo el que no la tiene, entonces es verdad que estoy loco, entonces soy efectivamente el lobo estepario que tantas veces me he llamado, la bestia descarriada en un mundo que le es extrano e incomprensible, que ya no encuentra ni su hogar, ni su ambiente, ni su alimento. existencialismo existentialism hesse life lobo lobo-estepario modern-life vida-moderna Hermann Hesse
5ab8465 Quien no lleva dentro un lobo no tiene por eso que ser feliz tampoco. hermann hesse life lobo lone loner soledad vida wolf Hermann Hesse
6a61bfa An enlightened man had but one duty--to seek the way to himself, to reach inner certainty, to grope his way forward, no matter where it led. The realization shook me profoundly, it was the fruit of this experience. I had often speculated with images of the future, dreamed of roles that I might be assigned, perhaps as poet or prophet or painter, or something similar. All that was futile. I did not exist to write poems, to preach or to paint, neither I nor anyone else. All of that was incidental. Each man had only one genuine vocation--to find the way to himself. He might end up as poet or madman, as prophet or criminal--that was not his affair, ultimately it was of no concern. His task was to discover his own destiny--not an arbitrary one--and live it out wholly and resolutely within himself. Everything else was only a would-be existence, an attempt at evasion, a flight back to the ideals of the masses, conformity and fear of one's own inwardness. destiny enlightement hesse man Hermann Hesse
d4d65c9 Pero cada uno de los hombres no es tan solo el mismo; es tambien un punto unico, particularismo, importante siempre y singular, en el que se cruzan los fenomenos del Mundo, solo una vez de aquel modo y nunca mas. hesse hombre Hermann Hesse
871df5b "Ein alter, ewiger Fehler, den ich hundertmal begangen und bitter bereut habe, ist mir auch diesmal wieder passiert. Ich wollte mich einer Norm anpassen, ich wollte Forderungen erfullen, die gar niemand an mich stellte,ich wollte etwas sein oder spielen, was ich gar nicht war. hesse kurgast Herrmann Hesse
3f6a9f9 Du bi dau don quan quai, toi van tha thiet yeu thuong tran gian dien dai nay hesse love Hermann Hesse
b2d9b02 el desesperado no querer morir, es el camino mas seguro para la muerte eterna, en tanto que saber morir, rasgar el velo del arcano, ir buscando eternamente mutaciones al yo conduce a la inmortalidad. hermann hesse lobo loner morte muerte vida vita wolf Hermann Hesse
56922f6 ?No ira usted a creer que todos esos bipedos que andan por la calle son hombre solo porque anden derechos y lleven a sus crias nueve meses dentro de si? Muchos de ellos son peces u ovejas, gusano o angeles; otros son hormigas, y otros abejas. En cada uno existen las posibilidades de ser hombre; pero solo cuando las vislumbra, cuando aprende a hacerlas conscientes, por lo menos en parte, estas posibilidades le pertenecen. hesse hombre Hermann Hesse
9ce2627 Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el mas intimo impulso el que nos ha llevado a ofrecer amor y veneracion, cuando hemos sido discipulos y amigos de todo corazon, el momento de reconocer que la corriente dominante en nosotros se aparta de la persona querida es amargo y terrible. amor demian hesse Hermann Hesse
1d9e5b3 Mira, todos los hombres son capaces de hacer lo increible cuando estan amenazados sus ideales. Pero ninguno esta dispuesto cuando se presenta un nuevo ideal, un nuevo movimiento de expansion quiza peligroso y misterioso. hesse hombre ideales Hermann Hesse
d7c254e Hicbir gercek yoktur ki, karsiti da gercek olmasin! Yani soyle: Bir gercek ancak tek tarafliysa, dile getirilip sozcuklere dokulebilir. Dusuncelerle dusunulup sozcuklerle soylenebilen ne varsa tek taraflidir, hepsi tek tarafli, hepsi yarim, hepsi butunlukten mukemmellikten ve birlikten yoksun. hesse siddhartha Hermann Hesse
b96e6ac Hicbir gercek yoktur ki, karsiti da gercek olmasin! Yani soyle: Bir gercek ancak tek tarafliysa, dile getirilip sozcuklere dokulebilir. Dusuncelerle dusunulup sozcuklerle soylenebilen ne varsa tek taraflidir, hepsi tek tarafli, hepsi yarim, hepsi butunlukten mukemmellikten ve birlikten yoksun.Ulu Gotama ogrencilerine dunyadan soz acarken, cile ve esenlik diye ikiye ayirdi. Baska turlusu olanaksizdir, ogretmek isteyen birinin izleyecegi baska yol yoktur. Ancak dunyanin kendisi, gerek cevremizdeki, gerek icimizdeki varlik asla tek tarafli degildir. Asla bir insan ya da bir eylem tumuyle Sansara, tumuyle Nirvana degildir, asla bir insan tumuyle kutsal ya da tumuyle gunahkar olamaz. Boyle gibi gorunmesi yanilmamizdan, zamana gercek bir nesne gibi bakmamamizdandir. Zaman gercek degildir, Govinda, ben sik sik yasadim bunu. Zaman da gercek degilse, dunya ile sonsuzluk, aci ile mutluluk, kotu ile iyi arasinda var gibi gorunen cizgi de bir yanilgidan baska sey degildir. hesse siddharta Hermann Hesse