Never regret trusting someone. It proves you have a heart. But if he turns out to be a lying worm ... I'm not going to waste my time crying. Because I am way too fabulous for that.
"Because," he said quietly as she stood up, "until you walked into it, this was an ordinary garden." Puzzled, Elizabeth tipped her head. "What is it now?" "Heaven."
"With his current mood, Elizabeth realized, she was going to have to make her own opening. Lifting her eyes to his enigmatic golden ones, she said quietly, "Ian, have you ever wanted something very badly-something that was within your grasp-and yet you were afraid to reach out for it?" Surprised by her grave question and her use of his name, Ian tried to ignore the jealousy that had been eating at him all night. "No," he said, scrupulously keeping the curtness from his voice as he gazed down at her alluring face. "Why do you ask? Is there something you want?" Her gaze fell from his, and she nodded at his frilled white shirtfront. "What is it you want?" "You."
"Feeling a little foolish over her confidences, Elizabeth glanced up at him with an embarrassed smile. "What is the most beautiful place you've ever seen?" Dragging his gaze from the beauty of the gardens, Ian looked down at the beauty beside him. "Any place," he said huskily, "where you are."
"Elizabeth's entire body started to tremble as his lips began descending to hers. and she sought to forestall what her heart knew was inevitable by reasoning with him. "A gently bred Englishwoman," she shakily quoted Lucinda's lecture. "feels nothing stronger than affection. We do not fall in love." His warm lips covered hers. "I'm a Scot," he murmured huskily. "We do."
"I love you," he whispered, rubbing his jaw against her temple. "And you love me. I can feel it when you're in my arms." He felt her stiffen slightly and draw a shaky breath, but she either couldn't or wouldn't speak. She hadn't thrown the words back in his face, however, so Ian continued talking to her, his hand roving over her back. "I can feel it, Elizabeth, but if you don't admit it pretty soon, you're going to drive me out of my mind. I can't work. I can't think. I make decisions and then I change my mind. And," he teased, trying to lighten the mood by using the one topic sure to distract her, "that's nothing to the money I squander whenever I'm under this sort of violent stress. It wasn't just the gowns I bought, or the house on Promenade..." Still talking to her, he tipped her chin up, glorying in the gentle passion in her eyes, overlooking the doubt in their green depths. "If you don't admit it pretty soon," he teased, "I'll spend us out of house and home." Her delicate brows drew together in blank confusion, and Ian grinned, taking her hand from his chest, the emerald betrothal ring he had bought her unnoticed in his fingers. "When I'm under stress," he emphasized, sliding the magnificent emerald onto her finger, "I buy everything in sight. It took my last ounce of control not to buy one of these in every color."
"His gaze held hers, and his voice was tender and rough. "Love me, Elizabeth." Elizabeth felt a tremor run through her entire body, but she looked at him without flinching. "I do."
"Ian slid the pot of honey toward his plate. "We should go back upstairs," he said to Beth. "What?" Beth looked up from a list she was writing. "Why?" Ian rose and pulled back Beth's chair without answering. Ian had difficulty lying, so when he knew he shouldn't say what was on his mind, he'd learned to keep his mouth firmly closed. Beth knew him well, though. Without arguing, she let him take her arm and steer her from the table. Before he walked away, Ian reached back and snatched the honey pot from the table, balancing the pot in his hand as he led Beth from the room."
Hart was surprised how much Ian's silent presence comforted him. His volatile little brother, who'd needed so much help in the past, was now a rock in the roilling stream of Hart's world. , Ian had told him once. He'd meant that he'd know when Hart needed him, would be there, no matter what.
Losing Sarah and my boy was the hardest thing I've ever lived through. But even then, you see, I knew that Eleanor was with me. If not here, then at least in the world, where I could find her. I could think of her living in that old house with her father, I could write to her if I chose. She was the anchor in my world, no matter how far I was from her. But if I lose ... Ian, I lose myself. I can't live. Not without Eleanor.
"Sorry, Ian," Cameron said. He found himself saying that to Ian quite a bit. "I didn't understand." Ian gave him a faint nod but didn't answer. His look told Cameron that he knew his older brother was an idiot, but he'd learned to put up with it."
"Stop tormenting Derian." "Me?" Edgar gaped at her with a clearly fake look of innocence. "Yes, you." "And what about you? When will you stop tormenting him?" Edgar moved past the young queen to approach the unmoving captain. He circled the man as though he were checking out a statue on display "I'm not tormenting him; why would you say that?" "You have the poor guy believing you actually intend to marry him." Edgar stopped to fix the captain's collar, raising it up high and stiff around his neck. "I intend to marry him." Eena followed her immortal watchdog and folded down the captain's collar, repositioning it as it had been. "Oh please," Edgar groaned. "You've had two opportunities to do so, and on both occasions you turned him down." Edgar elevated the captain's elbow--adjusting him like a mannequin--leaving it in an awkward position. "The council expressed a desire for you to marry, and you nearly hyperventilated over the mere suggestion. And just recently, due to his own paranoia, Derian all but begged you to marry him. Your refusal couldn't have been more swift or more adamant." Eena returned the captain's elbow to his side as she retorted, "I'm only seventeen, Edgar! I have no desire to marry anyone right now. But when I ready, Derian be my husband." Edgar took hold of the captain's outreaching arm and shoved it forcefully down. "He will not." "He will so!" Eena raised the arm back to where it had been and warned her rival, "Don't touch him again, Edgarmetheus!" "Fine, fine," the immortal ceded. Then with a smug grin he added, "If this had been Ian, you would never have let me touch him in the first place."
"I don't need the bowls to give me peace anymore," Ian said. "I have you. And Jamie, and Belle. If all the Ming bowls in the world were smashed, I'd still have you." [...] "You broke the bowl, and it is gone. But are here, and whole. Nothing else matters."
"Well he'll not get her, will he?" Angus exclaimed. "He's just some little pond sprite. He can't do anything out of the water, right? He's powerless. I'll get her out of here! We'll go in to Glasgow or..." Ian sighed. "Come on, Angus. It's not as simple as all that. This is an Elemental you're dealing with. You'd have to take her to the center of the freaking Sahara to get away from him, and even then he'd probably make it rain. He's in every damned faucet and kitchen tap all over the world. She takes a bath and he'll pull her under!" Angus stared at him angrily. "It's fucking happened!" Ian said."