I think you still love me, but we can't escape the fact that I'm not enough for you. I knew this was going to happen. So I'm not blaming you for falling in love with another woman. I'm not angry, either. I should be, but I'm not. I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt, but I was wrong.
livid, Fuck You for cheating on me. Fuck you for reducing it to the word cheating. As if this were a card game, and you sneaked a look at my hand. Who came up with the term anyway? A cheater, I imagine. Someone who thought was too harsh. Someone who thought was too emotional. The same person who thought, oops, he'd gotten Fuck you. This isn't about slipping yourself an extra twenty dollars of Monopoly money. These are our lives. You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned.
Touch. It is touch that is the deadliest enemy of chastity, loyalty, monogamy, gentility with its codes and conventions and restraints. By touch we are betrayed and betray others ... an accidental brushing of shoulders or touching of hands ... hands laid on shoulders in a gesture of comfort that lies like a thief, that takes, not gives, that wants, not offers, that awakes, not pacifies. When one flesh is waiting, there is electricity in the merest contact.
If theft is advantageous to everyone who succeeds at it, and adultery is a good strategy, at least for males, for increasing presence in the gene pool, why do we feel they are wrong? Shouldn't the only morality that evolution produces be the kind Bill Clinton had - being sorry you got caught?
Giraldus claimed that he had heard about Eleanor's adultery with Geoffrey from the saintly Bishop Hugh of Lincoln, who had learned of it from Henry II of England, Geoffrey's son and Eleanor's second husband. Eleanor was estranged from Henry at the time Giraldus was writing, and the king was trying to secure an annulment of their marriage from the Pope. It would have been to his advantage to declare her an adulterous wife who had had carnal relations with his father, for that in itself would have rendered their marriage incestuous and would have provided prima facie grounds for its dissolution.
Stray cats are like two-timing men. He got tired of you and took off. He doesn't find anyone new? He'll come slinking back. By then, if you're smart, you'll have decided you're better without him.
It's like when you find out your lover has been unfaithful: in one horrible instant everything she was to you, the whole beautiful enchantment, falls away, and you see her as she really is - mortal, machinating, tethered like everyone else to a little patch of space and time. And the worst of it is that you knew all along.
People often ask, Why is infidelity such a big deal today? Why does it hurt so much? How has it become one of the leading causes of divorce? Only by taking a brief trip back in time to look at the changes of love, sex and marriage over the last few centuries can we have an informed conversation about modern infidelity. History and culture have always set the stage for our domestic dramas. In particular, the rise of individualism, the emergence of consumer culture, and the mandate for happiness have transformed matrimony and its adulterous shadow. Affairs are not what they used to be because marriage is not what it used to be.
Le spun adeseori pacientilor mei ca, daca ar putea sa aduca in relatiile lor conjugale macar o zecime din indrazneala, zburdalnicia si verva pe care le aduc in relatiile lor extraconjugale, viata de acasa ar fi complet diferita. Imaginatia noastra pare sa fie mai bogata in relatiile adulterine decat in cele oficiale. ... Partenerii nostri nu ne apartin; sunt doar imprumutati, cu optiunea de a reinnoi contractul... sau nu. Faptul ca ii putem pierde nu trebuie sa ne diminueze angajamentul; mai degraba ar trebui sa presupuna o implicare mai vie, pe care cuplurile cu vechime uneori o pierd. ... Lucrurile carora trebuie sa te opui sunt automultumirea, curiozitatea tot mai vlaguita, angajamentele lipsite de entuziasm, resemnarea necrutatoare, obiceiurile pietrificate. Moartea conjugala este o criza a imaginatiei. Rareori, din relatiile extraconjugale lipseste imaginatia.
"Pentru ca sunt de parere ca o criza de infidelitate poate avea rezultate pozitive, am fost adeseori intrebata: "Deci, in cazul unui cuplu care are probleme, ii recomandati o relatie extraconjugala?" Raspunsul meu? In cazul bolilor terminale, multi oameni au experiente pozitive, care le schimba viata. Dar nu recomand o relatie extraconjugala, tot asa cum nu "recomand" sa ai cancer. ... Cand un cuplu vine la mine dupa ce membrii sai s-au confruntat cu un adulter, le spun adeseori urmatorul lucru: "Prima voastra casnicie s-a terminat. N-ati vrea sa intemeiati o a doua impreuna?"