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910c199 The beauty and mystery of this world only emerges through affection, attention, interest and compassion . . . open your eyes wide and actually see this world by attending to its colors, details and irony. attention beauty color compassion detail interest irony mystery Orhan Pamuk
f896dac And he read all morning, but just to make it interesting, he put lots of dragons in it. books dragons interest reading Terry Pratchett
0d5f83a Thus, you see, he arrived at the same end, via supposed duty, that he was previously pledged to via interest. I fancy a good number of us, when any line of action will promote our own interest, can make ourselves believe that reasons exist which compel us to it as a duty. duty ends interest purpose reasoning sardonic self-deception Elizabeth Gaskell
7632518 But the answer isn't just to intimidate people into consuming more 'serious' news; it is to push so-called serious outlets into learning to present important information in ways that can properly engage audiences. It is too easy to claim that serious things must be, and can almost afford to be, a bit boring. The challenge is to transcend the current dichotomy between those outlets that offer thoughtful but impotent instruction on the one hand and those that provide sensationalism stripped of responsibility on the other. engagement interest news presentation responsibility sensationalism seriousness thoughtfulness Alain de Botton
3aacf2d It is difficult to begin without borrowing, but perhaps it is the most generous course thus to permit your fellow-men to have an interest in your enterprise. The owner of the axe, as he released his hold on it, said that it was the apple of his eye; but I returned it sharper than I received it. interest Henry David Thoreau
ab24c3b The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. -William Morris. elevate everyday genuine happy hygge interest life secret Louisa Thomsen Brits
0c86cf1 But what I mean is, lots of time you don't know what interests you most till you start talking about something that doesn't interest you most. doesnt interest most something start talking you J.D. Salinger
2276172 To grow interested in any piece of information, we need somewhere to 'put' it, which means some way of connecting it to an issue we already now how to care about. categorization information interest organization Alain de Botton
004db93 Evidently, a given object took no particular amount of time to draw; instead the artist took the time, or didn't take it, at pleasure. And,similarly, things themselves possessed no fixed and intrinsic amount of interest; instead things were interesting as long as you had attention to give them. How long does it take to draw a baseball mitt? As much time as you care to give it. Not an infinite amount of time, but more time than you first imagined. For many days, so long as you want to keep drawing that mitt, and studying that mitt, there will always be a new and finer layer of distinctions to draw out and lay in. Your attention discovers--seems thereby to produce--an array of interesting features in any object, like a lamp. drawing interest interesting Annie Dillard
9364bed He started from nothing, I hear say, and now he's got the only supermarket in the barrio. He has a big Cadillac car, and a lot of political connections at City Hall. They say he delivers the barrio's votes every election, for the right price. Some of the people call him el patron. Of course he takes his mordida from everyone--Do you know he charges the people on welfare a dime to cash their checks. He gets a man a job, and he takes a bite. He gets someone out of jail, or helps someone apply for welfare or social security, and he gets a small cut. He charges a fee for everything, and all those small fees have made him rich--' 'It doesn't seem fair,' Jason reflected. 'No,' Clemente agreed, 'but it's the way we're learning to live, like the americano, there is a fee for everything credit interest Rudolfo Anaya
5c84b72 Throughout this book I have tried to point out why interest, especially as it has been used by people such as Hume, Smith, Tocqueville, and Weber, is still a very useful concept. One reason why the concept of interest imparts a distinct dynamic to the analysis is that it is mainly interest which makes people takes action. It supplies the force that makes people get up at dawn and work very hard throughout the day. Combined with interests of others, it is a force that can move mountains and create new societies. alexis-de-tocqueville david-hume economic-sociology interest max-weber Richard Swedberg