LADY BRACKNELL To speak frankly, I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable.
When you have been just told that the girl you love is definitely betrothed to another, you begin to understand how Anarchists must feel when the bomb goes off too soon.
But the answer isn't just to intimidate people into consuming more 'serious' news; it is to push so-called serious outlets into learning to present important information in ways that can properly engage audiences. It is too easy to claim that serious things must be, and can almost afford to be, a bit boring. The challenge is to transcend the current dichotomy between those outlets that offer thoughtful but impotent instruction on the one hand and those that provide sensationalism stripped of responsibility on the other.
The rose I gave you was an emblem of my heart,' said she; 'would you take it away and leave me here alone?' 'Would you give me your hand too, if I asked it?' 'Have I not said enough?
"Becky, if I had to wait five years, then I would. Or eight -- or even ten." He pauses, and there's complete silence except for a tiny gust of wind, blowing confetti about the churchyard. "But I hope that one day -- preferably rather sooner than that -- you'll do me the honor of marrying me?"
"I've got money!" Eve exclaimed in a frantic frenzy of hope, her eyes dancing wildly with the notion that there was some way out of this. "I mean, I don't know what use money is to the Grim Reaper, but I've got a ton of cash! It's in a hat box under my bed! I've got a bright red Lexus in the garage, I've got my engagement ring upstairs, it's real gold... there must be something we can trade off with..." "You can't bribe me away, I'm afraid," said Mr. Azrael. "Money means nothing where I come from."
A lack of engagement sends the message that you may not care, are not interested, are too busy, or that the other person does not matter to you. Even though this is rarely your intention, it can happen when you're not being mindful and deliberate to connect in the moment.
"When you are "off somewhere else" people notice. Have you found yourself in conversations in which you're so concerned about what you are going to say next, that you don't even hear what the other person is saying? Guilty as charged, right?"
Your life is happening in the NOW, yet the present moment is often squandered by your thinking about what has happened in the past or may happen in the future.