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92ef0a9 Love needs room to grow. Like a rose. Or a tumor. fool love rose tumor Christopher Moore
3ec2676 It's awful to be rich and mind-boggingly handsome and have women fawn over you. My heart bleeds for you. Poor dear, how do you manage? rose Ilona Andrews
b14de94 "She handed him a glass of water and two Aleve gelcaps. "They're anti-inflammatories. They will dull the pain a little bit and keep down swelling and redness. Swallow the pills, don't chew." "Well, I thought I'd stick them into my nose and impersonate a walrus, but if you insist, I'll swallow them." funny medicine rose Ilona Andrews
1084e96 It's the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important...People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose. love rose Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
a3e5b0d Beauty and love pass, I know... Oh, there's sadness, too. I suppose all great happiness is a little sad. Beauty means the scent of roses and then the death of roses- death fitzgerald happiness rose roses sadness F Scott Fitzgerald
05fc3c9 "Our standard rate. A doubloon a day." It was generous. More than generous--some families would put him up for a week for a single coin. "Half a doubloon a day," she said. "No, you see, the idea behind bargaining is that you ask for a larger amount." declan ilona-andrews on-the-edge rose Ilona Andrews
11e41ff "How are you?" "Perfectly fine," he said. "Are your ribs broken?" "Probably not. Cracked at most. We fought very carefully." "Did this settle anything?" "It made me feel better," he said, sitting up. "Did you see me kick him in the kidneys?" "I saw." ilona-andrews on-the-edge rose Ilona Andrews
0291923 "You're a prickly, stubborn, spirited woman." "Don't forget crude, rude, and vulgar." "Only when it suits you. You're sly when occasion calls for it, direct to the point of forgetting tact even exists, sarcastic, fierce, I did mention stubborn, didn't I?" "Yes," she said dryly. "You're also smart, kind, gentle, beautiful, and always cling to your personal integrity, even when it's in your best interests to abandon it." A little warm feeling spread through her chest, and even her natural suspicion that he was lying couldn't quite extinguish it. Where was he going with this? "You're also quite funny," he said. "Oh, I amuse you?" He gave her one of his devastating, slightly wicked smiles. "You have no idea." Arrogant ass. "And all of that means what?" "Just that I mean to have you." She frowned at him. "I mean to have you, Rose, you and all of your thorns. I'm a disagreeable and stubborn bastard, but I'm not a fool. You didn't really expect me to pass you up, did you?" rose Ilona Andrews
e644c25 Rumors said that if he got drunk enough, he sometimes got his jollies by stripping naked and scaring hikers out in the Broken into thinking he was Bigfoot. on-the-edge rose rumors Ilona Andrews
81d812c "It became known that I had a rather fertile imagination, when it came to private activities." She stared. "What sort of private activities?" This time he did smile, and it turned his face wicked. "Disrobe, and I'll be happy to demonstrate." ilona-andrews on-the-edge rose Ilona Andrews
5867f13 How pale the Princess is! Never have I seen her so pale. She is like the shadow of a white rose in a mirror of silver. princess rose sadness Oscar Wilde
04be0b9 Everyone was a rose but even more complex than a mere flower. Everyone was made up of infinitely layered petals. And everyone had something indescribably precious at the heart of their being. No one was shallow. Not really. layer petal rose shallow Mary Balogh
060d6f6 "So, regarding that tidbit about your having a fertile imagination when it comes to private activities," she said, fighting off anxiety. "Was it another lie?" "Depends on how you look at it. It's not exactly a lie, and if you come with me to the Weird, you'll find that rumors of my 'creativity' when it comes to bed games with the opposite sex do exist. I started them myself and managed them very carefully. The trick with rumors is to feed them once in a while, so they don't die." ilona-andrews on-the-edge rose rumors Ilona Andrews
de9d4e7 "How is it different?" He rolled his head back, sable hair falling down on his shoulders. "With Rose I knew what to say. I could take a step back and talk to her. I remembered all the crap from the magaznies. It was easy." "And with me, it's hard?" Why? Because she was a swamp girl? And how did the magazines fit into it? William looked away from her. "I don't like it when you're away. If I don't see you, I can't settle down. If I see you talking with another man, I want to claw his throat out. And none of the things you're supposed to say fit." Oh, this had to be good. "What sort of things?" He sighed. "The lines. Like, 'You're my everything,' or 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" cerise ilona-andrews pick-up-lines rose the-edge william Ilona Andrews
234da9f "We need a barn or one of those storage areas for the Broken vehicles." "A garage?" He gave her a short nod. "A private, relatively remote location, with thick walls to dampen the sound and preferably a sturdy door I could bolt from the inside, keeping your grandmother, your brothers, and all other painfully annoying spectators out..." Rose began to laugh. A make-out bunker... "I'm glad you find our dilemma hilarious," make-out-bunker rose Ilona Andrews
4dad993 Rose pictured him standing at the boundary of the Ogletree house in that enormous fur cape, with a giant sword sticking over his shoulder, roaring at the top of his lungs and then being upset that nobody came out, and laughed. ilona-andrews on-the-edge rose Ilona Andrews
cf956c9 I mean to have you, Rose, you and all of your thorns. I'm a disagreeable and stubborn bastard, but I'm not a fool. You didn't really expect me to pass you up, did you? rose thorns Ilona Andrews
02aa7c5 "Rose put down her fork. "Lord Submarine..." "Camarine." "Whatever." on-the-edge rose Ilona Andrews
065f733 James started to laugh. His chin hurt where she'd smacked him twice, his foot throbbed where she'd stepped on it, and his entire body felt as if he'd swum through a rosebush, which wasn't as far off the truth as it sounded. Yet still he started to laugh. rose smack Julia Quinn
d276a60 My nephew is a manipulative, scheming, unscrupulous son of a bitch. And those are his good qualities. good-and-bad-qualities great-aunt humor nephew rose Kelley Armstrong
60dbbd1 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ME AND YOU When I hold a rose, I see the soft, velvety petals and smile, because tucked between those precious petals is a special gift - the one of a fragrance, pure and sweet. When you hold a rose, you see the thorns along the stem, and you frown because those thorns can bring you pain and cause you to bleed. I see the gift. You see the tragedy. More and more I fear that one of these days someone will hand me a rose and all I will see are thorns. Talk about tragedy. difference fear fragrance pain poetry rose tragedy Lisa Schroeder
719b9d0 "He hesitated for a moment. Then he said softly, "I love you, Mother." He took my hand and kissed it, and folded my fingers round the stem of the rose. He had stripped it of its thorns." mother rose son Elizabeth Peters
a449d4c Demon possession strains the boundaries of credulity, given the sheer number of times it seems to happen. One would really hope demons had better things to do with their time. demons olivia rose Kelley Armstrong
b06fdf2 The rose I gave you was an emblem of my heart,' said she; 'would you take it away and leave me here alone?' 'Would you give me your hand too, if I asked it?' 'Have I not said enough? engagement gift hand heart love rose Anne Brontë
831320e It hurt to kill a dream, like tearing petals off a rose in full bloom. hurting-others killing-dreams rose Lauren Willig