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b18806c "If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away. The more the outside world tries to reinforce an image of you, the harder it is to continue to be an artist, which is why a lot of times, artists have to say, "Bye. I have to go. I'm going crazy and I'm getting out of here." And they go and hibernate somewhere. Maybe later they re-emerge a little differently. (Steve Jobs)" steve-jobs playboy interview Walter Isaacson
fce9a62 "Edward Smith: What do you think is the characteristic of a really nice person? Some people you obviously do like more than others. Andy Warhol: Ummm, well, if they talk a lot. edward-smith radio interview Andy Warhol
9d1e581 Like Sylvia Plath, Natalie Jeanne Champagne invites you so close to the pain and agony of her life of mental illness and addiction, which leaves you gasping from shock and laughing moments later: this is both the beauty and unique nature of her storytelling. With brilliance and courage, the author's brave and candid chronicle travels where no other memoir about mental illness and addiction has gone before. The Third Sunrise is an incredible triumph and Natalie Jeanne Champagne is without a doubt the most important new voice in this genre. blog depression writing blogger insomnia memoir bipolar-disorder recovery mental-health interview Andy Behrman
0d11a8a "Years ago, when I was about to go on a book tour for writing fantasy interview mythic-fiction Charles de Lint
6e2c5ab Not everyone can be relaxed or comfortable enough to seriously listen to the (debate or interview) answers. interview Jim Lehrer
7f0d993 "A major defining factor was my wanting him to be part of the DC Universe. Because if someone as powerful as the Sandman was running all the dreams in the world, a natural question would be "Why haven't we heard about him by now?" The answer I came up with was "He's been locked away." And that solution formed an image in my head of a naked man in a glass cell. My next question was "How long had he been trapped there?" The movie hadn't been made yet, but I'd read Oliver Sacks's book a few months earlier, so I knew about the encephalitis lethargica, or "sleepy sickness," that had swept Europe in 1916. Scientists to this day don't understand what caused it, and I loved the idea of blaming it on the Sandman's imprisonment, so I determined the length of his stay to be seventy-two years--ending in late 1988, when the series debuted. And so on; each plot point just seemed to naturally lead to the next one." sleepy-sickness sandman neil-gaiman interview Hy Bender
6ae18d3 "I did Barbie's dream as a one-off thing, but I found it haunting me; I kept having an image in my head of Martin Tenbones getting killed in real New York. Still, that would've been the end of it...except, by a wild coincidence, a short time later I received a postcard from Jonathan Carroll. He wrote that he'd been following my graphic novel --which was being serialized in magazine at the time--and he was finding a number of very scary similarities between my story and his as yet unpublished novel, . He concluded, "We're like two radio sets tuned to the same goofy channel." I wrote back and said, "I think you're right. What's more, I abandoned a whole storyline after reading , but I keep thinking I ought to return to it." Jonathan then sent me a wonderful letter with this advice: "Go to it, man. Ezra Pound said that every story has already been written. The purpose of a good writer is to write it new. I would very much like to see a Gaiman approach to that kind of story." With that encouragement, I began creating ." writing neil-gaiman jonathan-carroll radio interview Hy Bender
27e0083 While Nicole drove off in search of recipes for fish hash, clam fritters, and salmon quiche, Charlotte settled in the Chowder House with Dorey Jewett, who, well beyond the assortment of chowders she always brought to Bailey's Brunch, would be as important a figure in the book as any. They sat in the kitchen, though Dorey did little actual sitting. Looking her chef-self in T-shirt, shorts, and apron, if she wasn't dicing veggies, she was clarifying butter or supervising a young boy who was shucking clams dug from the flats hours before. Even this early, the kitchen smelled of chowder bubbling in huge steel pots. Much as Anna Cabot had done for the island in general, Dorey gave a history of restaurants on Quinnipeague, from the first fish stand at the pier, to a primitive burger hut on the bluff, to a short-lived diner on Main Street, to the current Grill and Cafe. Naturally, she spoke at greatest length about the evolution of the Chowder House, whose success she credited to her father, though the man had been dead for nearly twenty years. Everyone knew Dorey was the one who had brought the place into the twenty-first century, but her family loyalty was endearing. chef chowder dorey-jewett recipes restaurants seafood interview Barbara Delinsky