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11f994e "the word "snobbery" came into use for the first time in England during 1820s. It was said to have derived from the habit of many Oxford and Cambridge colleges of writing sine nobilitate (without nobility) , or "s.nob", next to the names of the ordinary students on examinations lists in order to distinguish them from their aristocratic peers. In the word's earliest days, a snob was taken to mean someone without high status, but it quickly assumed its modern and almost diametrically opposed meaning: someone offended by a lack of high status in others, a person who believes in a flawless equations between social rank and human worth" snob snobbery Alain de Botton
357e9dc You despise the real bourgeois classes for all their snobbishness and their snobbish voices and ways. You do, don't you? Yet all you put in their place is a horrid little refusal to have nasty thoughts or do nasty things or be nasty in any way. Do you know that every great thing in the story of art and every beautiful thing in life is actually what you call nasty or has been caused by feelings that you would call nasty? By passion, by love, by hatred, by truth. Do you know that? beautiful beauty bourgeois class classes despise feelings hatred horrid life love nasty passion refusal snob snobbish snobbishness thought thoughts truth John Fowles
723d555 -Mi meta en la vida es llegar a ser un adjetivo -dijo-. Que la gente vaya por ahi diciendo: <>, o <>. -Bankheadiano suena bien -dijo Madeleine. -Es mejor que bankheadesco. -O bankheadino. -La terminacion en <> es horrible la mires por donde la mires. Hay joyciano, shakesperiano, faulkneriano. Pero en <>. ?Quien hay por ahi que sea algo terminado en <>? -?Thoma Mannino? -Kafesco -dijo-. !Pynchonesco! Mira, Pynchon es ya un adjetivo. Gaddis. ?Como seria para Gaddis? ?Gaddiesco? ?Gaddisio? -No, con Gaddis no se puede hacer --dijo Madeleine. -No -dijo Leonard- Ha tenido mala suerte, Gaddis. ?Te gusta Gaddis? -Lei un poco de Los reconocimientos -dijo Madeleine. Doblaron Planet Street y subieron por la pendiente. -Belloviano -dijo Leonard-. Es superbonito cuando se cambia alguna letra. Con nabokoviano no pasa: Nabokov ya tiene la <>. Y Chejov tambien: chejoviano. Los rusos lo tienen facil. !Tolstoiano! El tal Tolstoi era un adjetivo a la espera de formarse. -No te olvides del tolstoianismo -dijo Madeleine. -!Dios mio! -dijo Leonard-. !Un nombre! Jamas habia sonado con llegar a ser un nombre. -?Que significaria bankheadiano? Leonard se quedo pensativo unos segundos. -De o relativo a Leonard Bankhead (norteamericano, nacido en 1959). Caracterizado por una introspeccion o inquietud excesiva. Sombrio, depresivo. Vease caso perdido. Madeleine reia. Leonard se detuvo y la cogio del brazo, mirandola con seriedad. -Te estoy llevando a mi casa -dijo. -?Que? -Todo este tiempo que llevamos andando. Te he estado llevando hacia mi casa. Eso es lo que hago normalmente, al parecer. Es vergonzoso. Vergonzoso. No quiero que sea asi. No contigo. Asi que te lo estoy diciendo. -Ya me lo habia figurado, que ibamos a tu casa. -?Si? -Te lo iba a decir. Cuando estuvieramos mas cerca. -Ya estamos cerca. -No puedo subir. -Por favor. -No. Esta noche no. -Hannaesco -dijo Leonard-. Testarudo. Dado a posturas inamovibles. -Hannaesco -dijo Madeleine-. Peligroso. Algo con lo que no se juega. -Quedo advertido. Se quedaron de pie, mirandose, en el frio y la oscuridad de Planet Street. Leonard saco las manos de los bolsillos para encajarse la melena detras de las orejas. -Puede que suba solo un minuto -dijo Madeleine. anagrama eugenides snob trama-nupcial Jeffrey Eugenides
f3cf570 I don't cook anything fancy. Sheba's appetite isn't up to much and I've never been one for sauces. We eat nursery food mainly. Beans on toast, Welsh rarebit, fish fingers. Sheba leans against the oven and watches me while I work. At a certain point, she usually asks for wine. I have tried to get her to wait until she's eaten something, but she gets very scratchy when I do that, so these days I tend to give in straightaway and pour her a small glass from the carton in the fridge. You choose your battles. Sheba is a bit of a snob about drink and she keeps whining at me to get a grander sort. 'Something in a bottle, at least', she says. But I continue to buy the cartons. we are on a tight budget these days. And for all her carping, Sheba doesn't seem to have too much trouble knocking back the cheap stuff. food snob Zoë Heller