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68d6cdf ESTRAGON: Don't touch me! Don't question me! Don't speak to me! Stay with me! VLADIMIR: Did I ever leave you? ESTRAGON: You let me go. solidarity Samuel Beckett
ec35109 Here beyond men's judgments all covenants were brittle. freedom social-contract state-of-nature the-west frontier libertarianism solidarity mercy liberty individualism liberalism justice Cormac McCarthy
f548f8e To die to our neighbors means to stop judging them, to stop evaluating them, and thus to become free to be compassionate. Compassion can never coexist with judgment because judgment creates the distance, the distinction, which prevents us from really being with the other. solidarity the-other judgment Henri J.M. Nouwen
94cb975 I propose a conspiracy of orphans. We exchange winks. We reject hierarchies. All hierarchies. We take the shit of the world for granted and we exchange stories about how we nevertheless get by. We are impertinent. More than half the stars in the universe are orphan-stars belonging to no constellation. And they give off more light than all the constellation stars. individuality hierarchies subversion institution orphan solidarity John Berger
ed97d7e True resistance begins with people confronting pain... and wanting to do something to change it. pain critical solidarity resistance Bell Hooks
c4d3538 "I saw that you can't do anything for anybody. We can't save each other. Or ourselves." "What have you left, then? Isolation and despair! You're denying brotherhood, Shevek!" the tall girl cried. "No--no, I'm not. I'm trying to say what I think brotherhood really is. It begins--it begins in shared pain." solidarity Ursula K. Le Guin
20f45d1 "."Katrina was an extreme version of what goes on in many disasters,wherein how you behave depends on whether you think your neighbors or fellow citizens are a greater threat than the havoc wrought by a disaster or a greater good than the property in houses and stores around you." utopias solidarity Rebecca Solnit
398ae15 Although war can bring with it great enthusiasm and solidarity, it also brings the reaction to these things. war reactionary-politics solidarity Christopher Hitchens
4f93bca I cannot let things remain as they are, because then I would not be free. If I cease to act because I fear the future, then I create a worse enslavement for myself. That much I know. While my people are not free, I am not free. If the freedom and justice I seek loose destruction upon the earth, then I accept that responsibility, but it seems to me that the real responsibility must be borne by those who keep me from my freedom. I must act! solidarity Rudolfo Anaya
4c18435 And only when he'd finished and fallen silent did the vague smile return to his lips, in apparent gentle mockery of himself, of the man he had just described and for whom, deep down, he felt neither compassion nor disdain, only a kind of disillusioned, sympathetic solidarity. sympathy solidarity Arturo Pérez-Reverte
b93e3b8 What greater good could there be in a man's life than to lift the oppression that destroys them, what greater honor is there? solidarity Rudolfo Anaya
966b82e As negroes moved from unionism toward political action, white labor in the North not only moved in the opposite direction from political action to union organization, but also evolved the American Blindspot for the Negro and his problems. It lost interest and vital touch with Southern labor and acted as though the millions of laborers in the South did not exist. Thus labor went into the great war of 1877 against Northern capitalists unsupported by the black man, and the black man went his way in the South to strengthen and consolidate his power, unsupported by Northern labor. Suppose for a moment that Northern labor had stopped the bargain of 1876 and maintained the power of the labor vote in the South; and suppose that the Negro with new and dawning consciousness of the demands of labor as differentiated from the demands of capitalists, had used his vote more specifically for the benefit of white labor, South and North? racism working-class solidarity W E B Du Bois