Each of the scars, the chipped teeth and broken claws, the mutilated tail--they weren't the markings of a victim. Oh, no. They were the trophies of a survivor. Abraxos was a warrior who'd had all the odds stacked against him and survived. Learned from it. Triumphed.
Then I resolved that I would go back out there and somehow cope with the situation, despite the fact that I lacked a strategy and was frightened to the pit of my being.
"I know, but if I feel this bad for Gramps, how am I going to feel when it's Dad?" Tyler told me. "You'll feel even worse, of course, but you'll carry on, because happiness has a way of creeping in again. It really does," I said."
I knew what I stood for, even if nobody else did. I knew the piece of me on the inside, truer than all the rest, that never comes out. Doesn't everyone have one? Some kind of grand inner princess waiting to toss her hair down, forever waiting at the tower window. Some jungle animal so noble and fierce you had to crawl on your belly through dangerous grasses to get a glimpse.