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d4b8b9e "Wizard Howl," said Wizard Suliman. "I must apologize for trying to bite you so often. In the normal way, I wouldn't dream of setting teeth in a fellow countryman." wales welsh Diana Wynne Jones
1ea80b4 She even learnt the language of a strange country which Senior Cosetti had been told some people believed still existed, although no-one in the world could say where it was. The name of this country was Wales. wales welsh Susanna Clarke
f09666f For cleverness and wisdom are as different as are the circuitous passages of a labyrinth and the straight, upward flight of a bird. wisdom mabinogion labyrinth welsh Evangeline Walton
7e1217b "She straightened and crossed her arms. "I can't sleep with you," she blurted. ... "As you please." "As you please?" She stepped back, the rough wood of the bench bumping her upper calf. She'd braced herself for a battle and now felt oddly deflated. "You aren't going to try to talk me into it?" "I need not talk women into lying with me." knightly-romance medieval-romance time-travel-romance norman knight wales welsh Angela Quarles
14be268 "In the yard of the inn, Daffy Cadwaladyr introduced himself. "Short for Davyd," he said pleasantly. The Londoner looked as if she'd never heard a sillier name in her life." welsh Emma Donoghue
2cbaba1 Impari lentamente, mio amato, ma impari. E cio che si impara lentamente scende piu nel profondo. Voi uomini e i vostri Dei! Vi beffate della Madre per la sua lentezza da lumaca, perche crea ciecamente al buio. Tuttavia quando create senza di Lei, in fretta e alla luce, create davvero ciecamente, dando forma, magari, alla morte di un mondo! Ebbene, avvelenate il mare e il cielo, l'aria che respirate, e persino la dolce pelle bruna del suo seno, che Essa vi ha sempre permesso di lacerare per darvi le messi. Uccidete e uccidete finche non rimane piu niente se non ossa nude su una terra squallida e contaminata. La Madre e potente; Essa ha molti corpi, e il vostro mondo e solo uno di quelli. Nella Sua potenza Essa puo tuttavia guarire le vostre ferite e far rifiorire la terra, si: allevare voi uomini, anche se deve partorire di nuovo tutta la vostra razza. Perche una buona madre e paziente; sa che un bambino inciampa piu volte prima d'imparare a camminare... mabinogion walton welsh mythology Evangeline Walton
8017097 So I went to bed, full, happy, and caring nothing for all the hurt of all the englished Welshmen that ever festered upon a proud land funny wales welsh english hiraeth Richard Llewellyn
d2b5478 "She flapped her hands, anxious energy coursing through her. "How can you be so calm?" He got to his feet, unfolding with an easy grace. He held out a hand, his dark eyes focused solemnly on hers. "Come with me." "For what?" "That's part of the lesson." Was it her imagination, or did a twinkle of humor stir in those eyes? "Center yourself, and grab onto the here and now." That made no sense--what was he now, Sir Medieval Zen Master? But she slipped her hand into his strong, calloused one. He hauled her up until she bumped into his chest. With a finger under her chin, he tilted her face until she looked in his eyes. "Listen to the world around you. Hear the birds? Hear the small animals scurrying? You are in this moment, this moment only, and sometimes that's all you can do, all you can be." His finger pulled away, brushing against her skin, and he tapped her nose, stepping away." medieval-romance time-travel-romance norman knight welsh historical-romance Angela Quarles
6acc447 "She needed a distraction. "Was that your mother?" The splashing stopped. "Are you going to converse while I bathe?" "Why not?" "Feels rather unseemly." She laughed, picturing him sitting there, shocked and indignant. "We're supposed to be married, right?" "You have a point, however I would rather not discuss her right now." "I think you're evading me." "Mayhap. Is it working?" medieval-romance romance-with-a-knight time-travel-romance norman wales welsh historical-romance Angela Quarles
dea3b66 "She led them to their pallets, again encircled by other pallets. She sat down, sighing at her aching muscles, and caught his gaze. "You may, er, wrap your arms around me if that will make you feel I am safer." He chuckled--a hoarse chuckle, rusty, but a chuckle nonetheless. She'd take it. "May I indeed?" He lay beside her and pulled her back against him, settling her head on his arm, bunching the other hide up to use as a pillow. "If I must." His warm sigh tickled across her neck. "After all, I must ensure that pinkie does not wander." Would Robert never let her forget that?" knightly-romance medieval-romance time-travel-romance norman knight wales welsh Angela Quarles