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0fbfeea Living is something of an emergency anyway, but our struggles must usually be strenuously concealed. Our anxieties churn away within us, yet on the outside we must smile and deliver upbeat answers to enquiries about how we're doing. Alain de Botton
5552a54 How seldom we notice rooftops; how easily our eyes are drawn to the more flamboyant attractions of a Roman temple or Renaissance church. Alain de Botton
683150d Uno de los principales inconvenientes del amor, al menos durante un tiempo, es que corre el riesgo de hacernos felices. Alain de Botton
073ef23 It seems that unlike the continuous, enduring contentment that we anticipate, our actual happiness with, and in, a place must be a brief and, at least to the conscious mind, apparently haphazard phenomenon: an interval in which we achieve receptivity to the world around us, in which positive thoughts of past and future coagulate and anxieties are allayed. The condition rarely endures for longer than ten minutes. New patterns of anxiety inev.. Alain de Botton
98a4904 Cand ne uitam la cineva (la un inger) din postura unei iubiri neimpartasite si ne imaginam placerea de a fi in paradis alaturi de acea persoana, suntem tentati sa trecem cu vederea un pericol important: cat de curand atractia pe care o simtim ar pali daca ingerul ar incepe sa raspunda iubirii noastre. Ne indragostim pentru ca tanjim sa evadam din noi insine alaturi de cineva pe cat de frumos, inteligent si spiritual pe atat suntem noi de ur.. Alain de Botton
d54253b I will despise whatever lies in the domain of Fortune, but if a choice is offered, I will choose the better half. Alain de Botton
027ac23 Cele mai atragatoare femei nu sunt cele care ne dau voie sa le sarutam imediat (devenim repede nerecunoscatori) si nici cele care nu ne lasa deloc sa le sarutam (le uitam repede), ci cele care ne duc de nas aceste extreme. Alain de Botton
43bc8ca We have almost all had the experience of gazing at the full moon. But those of us who are neither astronomers nor astronauts are unlikely to have scheduled moongazing appointments. For Zen Buddhists in Japan, however, every year, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the traditional Japanese lunisolar calendar, followers gather at nightfall around specially constructed cone-shaped viewing platforms, where for several hours prayers are.. Alain de Botton
d1eba9a The man who shouts every time he loses his house keys is betraying a beautiful but rash faith in a universe in which keys never go astray. Alain de Botton
4ca4981 religions merit our attention for their sheer conceptual ambition; for changing the world in a way that few secular institutions ever have. They have managed to combine theories about ethics and metaphysics with a practical involvement in education, fashion, politics, travel, hostelry, initiation ceremonies, publishing, art and architecture - a range of interests which puts to shame the scope of the achievements of even the greatest and mos.. Alain de Botton
21f192e In the field of education, it seems 'normal' to run stories about class sizes, teachers' pay, the country's performance in international league tables and the right balance between the roles of the private and state sectors. But we would risk seeming distinctly odd, even demented, if we asked whether the curriculum actually made sense; whether it really equipped students with the emotional and psychological resources that are central to the.. Alain de Botton
42eaa2f If there are so many references in the Mass to poverty, sadness, failure and loss, it is because the Church views the ill, the frail of mind, the desperate and the elderly as representing aspects of humanity and (even more meaningfully) of ourselves which we are tempted to deny, but which bring us, when we can acknowledge them, closer to our need for one another. In our more arrogant moments, the sin of pride - or superbia, in Augustine's L.. Alain de Botton
b292420 Seyahatler, dolayli da olsa, is ortaminin ve ayakta kalma mucadelesinin agir kosullarindan siyrildigimizda nasil bir yasamimiz olacagini, istedigimiz gibi yasamaktan ne anladigimizi ortaya koyar. Alain de Botton
57e9e10 Mutluluk, bizim beklentilerimizdeki gibi kesintisiz ve uzun suren bir memnuniyet duygusu degildir. Aksine, aklin ve bilincin de isin icinde oldugu, kisacik ve tesadufi bir olgudur; kisa bir sure icin dunyayi cok net algilariz; gecmisin ve gelecegin olumlu dusunceleri bir araya gelir ve endiseler ortadan kaybolur. Fakat bu durumun on dakikadan daha uzun surdugu pek nadirdir. Alain de Botton
c655bf4 For most of their relationship, Eric avoided paying his due because he knew Alice would pay when he didn't. If he paid only 10 units, she would come up with the other 30. If he didn't feel like driving over to her house then she would come to his. if he didn't wish to break a deadlock after an argument, he could count on her to play the mediator. But he miscalculated just how far he could push Alice. her share of the 40x began to slowly dec.. Alain de Botton
640a5df De door alcohol opgewekte gevechten die op zaterdagavonden in provincieplaatsen uitbreken zijn voorspelbare symptomen van onze verbolgenheid over deze vrijheidsberoving. Ze herinneren ons aan de prijs die we betalen voor onze dagelijkse onderwerping aan orde en beleid - en aan de woede die stilletjes aanzwelt achter een gezagsgetrouwe en inschikkelijke facade. Alain de Botton
accc15a We gaan in op reusachtige, ongrijpbare collectieve projecten, zodat we ons afvragen wat we vorig jaar deden, sterker nog, waar wij zijn gebleven en wat er van ons geworden is. We zien onze verspilde krachten onder ogen tijdens het pathos van een pensioneringsfeestje. Alain de Botton
c259636 Hoe machtig onze technologie en hoe complex onze ondernemingen ook mogen zijn, het opmerkelijkste kenmerk van onze moderne arbeid is uiteindelijk misschien wel iets wat in onszelf zit, een aspect van onze mentaliteit: de wijdverbreide overtuiging dat ons werk ons gelukkig moet maken. work spiritualityity work-ethic Alain de Botton
5fe83bc Onszelf beschouwen als het middelpunt van het heelal, de huidige tijd als het hoogtepunt van de geschiedenis en onze geplande vergaderingen als gebeurtenissen van het grootst mogelijke gewicht, voorbijgaan aan de lessen die begraafplaatsen ons leren, slechts nu en dan een boek lezen, de druk van deadlines voelen, tegen collega's snauwen, ons door conferentieroosters heen werken met vermeldingen als:'11.00 uur tot 11.15 uur: koffiepauze', on.. work work-ethic Alain de Botton
c791a1f One wants never to give up this crystalline perspective. One wants to keep counterpositioning home with what one knows of alternative realities, as they exist in Tunis or Hyderabad. One wants never to forget that nothing here is normal, that the streets are different in Wisebaden, and Louyang, that this is just one of many possible worlds. travel movement worlds Alain de Botton
8d9f7b1 Why? Because no one is able to produce a great work of art without experience, nor achieve a worldly position immediately, nor be a great lover at the first attempt; and in the interval between initial failure and subsequent success, in the gap between who we wish one day to be and who we are at present, must come pain, anxiety, envy and humiliation. We suffer because we cannot spontaneously master the ingredients of fulfilment. Nietzsche Alain de Botton
a98b158 Ergenlik suclamalari,boyutlari ne olursa olsun,insanligin cektigi acilarin karmasikligini bir anda ortadan kaldiri veriyordu.Eger ergenlik suclamasini edebiyat yapitlarina uyarlayacak olsaydik,dunya uzerindeki butun edebiyat elestirmenleri islerinden olurdu.Hamlet'in,Raskolnikov'un ve Genc Werther'in sirri neydi?Erganlik bunalimlari tabi.Peki ya Don Quixote veya Humbert Humbert?Onda ne var canim,yanit:Orta yas bunalimlari.Oyleyse zavalli An.. Alain de Botton
e738326 Wittgenstein'i bu duruma uyarlayacak olursak,dunyamizin sinirlarinin,baskalarinin bizi anlama sinirlari tarafindan belirlendigini soyleyebiliriz.Elimizde olmadan baskalarinin algilarinin parametreleri icinde var oluruz- baskalarinin bizim komikligimizi anlama sinirlari icinde komiklik yapariz;onlarin zekasi bizim zekamizi,comertligi comertligimizi,ironisi ironimizi belirler.Karakter,hem okura hem de yazara ihtiyac duyan bir dil gibi isler.S.. Alain de Botton
0a7149e Romantik donem boyuncaruhun hisle bagdastirildigindan bahsetmistik; ancak sunu soylemekte yarar var ki cok kisa bir sure sonra his;zevkleri ya da mutluluklari degil de acilari hissetmekle ozdeslerstirilir oldu.Bir seyleri derinden yasamak; mutlu olmak;dusta islik calmak ya da bahcede sarki soylemek anlamina gelmiyordu: Ruhu olan insan acilara duyarli insan demekti artik. Alain de Botton
e4633f6 There is usually a Marxist moment in every relationship, the moment when it becomes clear that love is reciprocated. Alain de Botton
8ea7d3e Long before we've had a chance to become truly familiar with our loved one, we may be filled with the curious sense that we know them already. It can seem as though we've met them somewhere before, in a previous life, perhaps, or in our dreams. Alain de Botton
7c0a3ce We should give chaos pride of place once a year or so, designating occasions on which we can be briefly exempted from the two greatest pressures of secular adult life: having to be rational and having to be faithful. Alain de Botton
77e27dc An atheist may, of course, also feel clean after taking a bath and dirty without one, but the mikveh ritual, associating outer hygiene with the recovery of a particular kind of inner purity, like so many other symbolic practices promoted by religions, manages to use a physical activity to support a spiritual lesson. Alain de Botton
44de1ae Mary in Christianity, Isis in ancient Egypt, Demeter in Greece, Venus in Rome and Guan Yin in China have all functioned as conduits to recollections of early tenderness. Their statues often stand in darkened, womb-like spaces, their faces are compassionate and supportive, they enable us to sit, talk and cry with them. The similarities between them are too great to be coincidental. We are dealing here with figures that have evolved not out o.. Alain de Botton
e52a125 Every skillful writer foregrounds notable aspects of experience, details that might otherwise be lost in the mass of data that continuously bathes our senses - and in so doing prompts us to find and savour those in the world around us. Alain de Botton
57862b8 There is, in the early period of love, a measure of sheer relief at being able, at last, to reveal so much of what needed to be kept hidden for the sake of propriety. We can admit to not being as respectable or as sober, as even-keeled, or as "normal" as society believes. We can be childish, imaginative, wild, hopeful, cynical, fragile, and multiple; all of this our lover can understand and accept us for. At" Alain de Botton
715e691 the imagination could provide a more-than-adequate substitute for the vulgar reality of actual experience'. Alain de Botton
61205e3 Life is near-death experience. Alain de Botton
034ffac It wasn't only fanatics and drunkards who began conversations with strangers in public. Alain de Botton
4a75c0e There may be no good reason for things to be the way they are. Alain de Botton
6feb410 It is by finding out what something is not that one comes closest to understanding what it is. Alain de Botton
f02bb25 True respectability stems not from the will of the majority but from proper reasoning. Alain de Botton
25a3b5a Not everyone is worth listening to. Alain de Botton
dd5541e Why, then, if expensive things cannot bring us remarkable joy, are we so powerfully drawn to them? Alain de Botton
797373c Happiness may be difficult to obtain. The obstacles are not primarily financial. Alain de Botton
05b8a93 Our greatest furies spring from events which violate our sense of the ground of our existence. Alain de Botton
e81e3a8 We will cease to be angry once we cease to be so hopeful. Alain de Botton
6681b91 Our bodies hold our minds hostage to their whims and rhythms. Alain de Botton
976f75d The greatest works of art speak to us without knowing us. Alain de Botton
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