In my experience, any class or assembly restricted to girls was going to be in some way degrading, like the one where we'd been convened to receive the information that from now on our bodies would be producing poisons that would need to be discharged on a monthly basis, through an unspecified orifice. The restriction of the typing requirement to girls suggested some sort of connection between our festering genitals and the need to serve in..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
I understood that no one could have lobbed such a stinging wad of shame out into the world without having a considerable personal reserve of it to draw on.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Just now and then, maybe every few weeks and then only for minutes at a time, a breach appeared in the partition and I walked on through, because I have always taken that as a general rule of life: If a door opens, walk on through and at least take a look around.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
The Ten Commandments, for example, were no more challenging than the Girl Scout oath, and why should anyone be tempted to put one false god ahead of another?
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Mientras que la investigacion sobre el vinculo entre actitud y supervivencia al cancer es muy endeble, existen toneladas de articulos que demuestran que las personas optimistas o felices suelen tener mejor salud que las amargadas y pesimistas. Sin embargo, la mayoria de estos estudios se limitan a establecer correlaciones, pero no dicen nada sobre la causalidad:
Barbara Ehrenreich |
por culpa de los seguros privados, muchos psicologos clinicos ya no pueden tratar a sus pacientes como creen que deberian. Pero, dado que desean seguir trabajando para ayudar a la gente, estan dejando la terapia para dedicarse al coaching."6 Mientras que el tratamiento de los enfermos no lo cubria nadie, si que habia todo tipo de posibilidades para "entrenar" a gente normal y ayudarles a conseguir mas felicidad, optimismo y exitos personale..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Durante siglos, al menos desde la reforma protestante, las elites economicas occidentales se han regocijado en la idea de que ser pobre es una situacion voluntaria. Los calvinistas la consideraban una consecuencia de la dejadez y las malas costumbres; y los pensadores positivos la atribuyen a una incapacidad obstinada para abrazar la abundancia.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
el colapso economico deberia haber convertido en historia esa idea de que la pobreza es un fracaso del individuo, o el fruto de una disfuncion interna. En las colas del paro y las de la beneficencia hay tantas hormigas como cigarras, tantos optimistas habituales como depresivos cronicos.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
algunos de los regimenes mas despiadados y autoritarios del mundo han exigido de sus subditos un optimismo irredento y un constante buen humor.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
En la Union Sovietica, igual que en los paises del Este y en Corea del Norte, los censores exigian que el arte, la literatura y el cine estuvieran llenos de alegria, que los heroes fueran felices, que la trama hablara de lograr las cuotas de produccion y que el final feliz pasara por un glorioso futuro revolucionario.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Lo que de verdad tiene el pensamiento positivo de ideologia conservadora es su apego al sistema, con todas sus desigualdades y sus abusos de poder.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Tonight, unhappy with your love, your job, your life, not enough money? Use your head. You can think yourself into a lot better you. Positive thoughts can transform, can attract the good things you know you want. Sound far-fetched? Think again. It's supported by science.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
pero nadie se atreve a dar por supuesto que, si los ninos llevan un rato callados, es porque estan viendo un deuvede educativo. No, las madres enseguida piensan que un hermano ha estrangulado a otro, o que han metido un tenedor en el enchufe; asi es como se perpetua nuestro genoma.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
The advice that you must change your environment--for example, by eliminating negative people and news--is an admission that there may in fact be a "real world" out there that is utterly unaffected by our wishes. In the face of this terrifying possibility, the only "positive" response is to withdraw into one's own carefully constructed world of constant approval and affirmation, nice news, and smiling people."
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Los sacerdotes que predican el pensamiento positivo en Estados Unidos seguramente se quedaran desolados si ven que se habla de ellos en el mismo capitulo (y hasta en el mismo libro) que de los censores y propagandistas del estalinismo.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
La gran ventaja de este pensamiento positivo al estilo americano es que uno puede contar con que sean las personas quienes se lo impongan a si mismas. Los regimenes estalinistas tenian que apoyarse en el aparato del Estado (escuelas, policia secreta, etcetera) para imponer el optimismo, pero las democracias capitalistas confian en el mercado para que les haga el trabajo.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Los regimenes estalinistas tenian que apoyarse en el aparato del Estado (escuelas, policia secreta, etcetera) para imponer el optimismo, pero las democracias capitalistas confian en el mercado para que les haga el trabajo.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
los empresarios confiaban en que el pensamiento positivo aplacara a las victimas de las reestructuraciones y fomentara en los supervivientes las ganas de hacer un esfuerzo aun mas heroico.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Se suele hablar de la arraigada creencia en la oportunidad y en la movilidad social para explicar la alta tolerancia de los estadounidenses ante la desigualdad. La mayoria de los estadounidenses encuestados cree que en el futuro ganara mas que la media (a pesar de que eso sea una imposibilidad matematica).
Barbara Ehrenreich |
La proporcion entre el sueldo del presidente y el de uno de sus trabajadores medios paso, de ser de 24 a 1 en 1965, a ser de 300 a 1 en 2000; como tambien aumento la distancia entre el sueldo del presidente y el de su tercer cargo mas alto.29
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Le voy a decir algo que no le va a gustar: una crisis no es una oportunidad"."
Barbara Ehrenreich |
esa chifladura general de los estadounidenses con el pensamiento positivo no sirvio para hacerles mas felices.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Las megaiglesias (y las que aspiran a ese estatus) necesitaban sustituir las bases del cristianismo por otra cosa, y la mayoria de ellas lo ha sustituido por el pensamiento positivo; no porque sea biblicamente "verdadero" o lo apoyen las Escrituras, sino porque garantiza la satisfaccion del "cliente", que es como muchos pastores se refieren a su parroquia."
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Someone has to puncture the prevailing fiction that we're a "family" here, we "associates" and our "servant leaders," held together solely by our commitment to the "guests." After all, you'd need a lot stronger word than dysfunctional to describe a family where a few people get to eat at the table while the rest--the "associates" and all the dark-skinned seamstresses and factory workers worldwide who make the things we sell--lick up the dri..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
So this was the mental procedure, which even a little girl could learn: First, size up the situation. Make sure you have all the facts, and nothing but the facts--no folklore, no conventional wisdom, no lazy assumptions. Then examine the facts for patterns and connections. Make a prediction. See if it works. And if it doesn't work, start all over again.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
You can think of it this way: Thought is electrical activity--a bunch of neurons firing up and connecting to each other--but all this mental circuitry has to function in a liquid environment that swarms with hormones and other small molecules whose levels can register in the mind as emotions. When the liquid starts turning into tar--or worse, going into whirlpool mode and threatening total disintegration--the only way out is to strengthen t..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
tengo demasiada informacion y me falta ingenuidad
Barbara Ehrenreich |
As a teenager, I aspired to be a scientist, but too many things happened to distract me from that goal, so I became instead a science appreciator.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
In the at least three-thousand-year-old struggle between Pentheus and Dionysus-- between popes and dancing peasants, between Puritans and carnival-goers, between missionaries and the practitioners of indigenous ecstatic danced religions -- Pentheus and his allies seem to have finally prevailed. Not only has the possibility of collective joy been largely marginalized to the storefront churches of the poor and the darkened clubs frequented by..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Mires a donde mires, te encuentras con la jerga empresarial: "incentivos", "valor anadido", "pasos adelante"; las mismas cadenas de mando, las mismas oficinas con iguales mesas y cubiculos, la misma funcionalidad neutral, sin concesion alguna a la estetica; la misma fe en la motivacion y en el espiritu de equipo prefabricado."
Barbara Ehrenreich |
As Louis Uchitelle has reported in the New York Times, many employers will offer almost anything--free meals, subsidized transportation, store discounts--rather than raise wages. The reason for this, in the words of one employer, is that such extras "can be shed more easily" than wage increases when changes in the market seem to make them unnecessary. In the same spirit, automobile manufacturers would rather offer their customers cash rebat..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
I was born to atheism and raised in it, by people who had derived their own atheism from a proud tradition of working-class rejection of authority in all its forms, whether vested in bosses or priests, gods or demons. This is what defined my people, my tribe: We did not believe, and what this meant, when I started on the path of metaphysical questioning, was that there were no ready answers at hand. My religious friends--and my friends were..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Ah, hell. Even now, insulated by so many intervening years, I could choke on the pity of it. They started out so young and brave, my parents, and ended up such sordid messes. Only one thing saved my father from dying as a slobbering drunk, and that was Alzheimer's disease, alcohol being unavailable in the nursing home he finally expired in. As for my mother, she didn't live long enough to find out that I grew up to have all the things she c..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Desde la decada de 1980, y cada vez a mas velocidad en las dos siguientes, las iglesias han ido sacrificando su faceta doctrinal y embarcandose en el crecimiento por el crecimiento, para el que el pensamiento positivo ha resultado ser un poderoso catalizador.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
De las cuatro mayores megaiglesias de Estados Unidos, tres difunden el "evangelio de la prosperidad"
Barbara Ehrenreich |
What do you do when confronted with an inexplicable and alarming situation? Well, you can panic or give in to some other tyrannical emotion, like dread. Or you can escape into a book or a puzzle or, judging from the adults around me, a bottle of gin. But there is another possible response to the unknown and potentially menacing, and that is thinking.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
The early Christian patriarchs may not have realized that, in attempting to suppress ecstatic practices, they were throwing out much of Jesus too.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
We don't usually talk about American nationalism, but it is a mark of how deep it runs that we apply the word "nationalism" to Serbs, Russians, and others, while believing ourselves to possess a uniquely superior version called"
Barbara Ehrenreich |
You may think of yourself as a freestanding individual, a unique point of consciousness in the universe, but in many ways you are just subbing for absent family members or departed ancestors.
Barbara Ehrenreich |
Whenever I am like this, too critical of the ideas of others and too sure of my own I must remind myself there are only two things that I really know--one: that I exist. I could say I live and am a human being but those things are also matters of definition so I can't be sure. Two: That I know nothing except these two things. One might say that this is being silly and extreme but I think it is best to start out with as few as possible thing..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
The historian Michael Walzer has argued that modern revolution was a task for the kind of ascetic, single-minded, self-denying personality that Calvinism sought to inculcate, and certainly some of the successful revolutionaries of the West would seem to fill the bill. As we have seen, the English revolutionary leader Oliver Cromwell, a Calvinist himself, railed perpetually against the festive inclinations of his troops. The Jacobin leader R..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
The organization of lab work was, and still is, entirely feudal. A "lab" was not only a place or a room or series of rooms, it was the fiefdom of a particular scientist. To "go into" a lab as a grad student was to apprentice yourself to this scientist, with the idea that you would, after several years of patient toil, ascend to a similar rank yourself, at which point you would be able to offload the manual labor to people more junior than y..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
I wish I could say I rushed back and confronted George to get his side of the story. I wish I could say I stood up to Vic and insisted that George be given a translator and allowed to defend himself or announced that I'd find a lawyer who'd handle the case pro bono. At the very least I should have testified as to the kid's honesty. The mystery to me is that there's not much worth stealing in the dry-storage room, at least not in any fenceab..
Barbara Ehrenreich |
According to critical thinkers like Zola and Illich, one of the functions of medical ritual is social control. Medical encounters occur across what is often a profound gap in social status: Despite the last few decades' surge in immigrant and female doctors, the physician is likely to be an educated and affluent white male, and the interaction requires the patient to exhibit submissive behavior--to undress, for example, and be open to penet..
Barbara Ehrenreich |