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c38fe72 Tata coboara masuta, scoate fotografia mamei din buzunar, o aseaza pe masa, cu fata la fereastra. Isi lasa scaunul pe spate si privesc amandoi marea nesfarsita de norisori albi care dispar sub noi, fara sa mai scoata un cuvant tot restul zborului. life love Cecelia Ahern
017e393 Es curioso porque en la infancia crees que puedes ser cualquier cosa que quieras, ir a donde te venga en gana. No hay limites. Esperas lo inesperado, crees en la magia. Luego te haces mayor y la inocencia se hace anicos. Las realidades de la vida se interponen en tu camino y caes en la cuenta de que no puedes ser todo lo que querias ser, que quiza tengas que conformarte con un poquito menos. ?Por que dejamos de creer en nosotros mismos? ?Po.. Cecelia Ahern
a6ea956 Our life is made up of time; our days are measured in hours, our knowledge is measured by year's. We grab a few minutes in our busy day to have a coffee break. we rush back to our desks, we watch the clock, we live by appointments. And yet your time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, year's, and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could. In other .. time Cecelia Ahern
c91b24f Well, that's the problem with paradise. Nothing attracts a serpent quite like it. Cecelia Ahern
778d905 The impotant thing is not what we look like but the role we play in our best friend's life Cecelia Ahern
e90db74 La nostra vita e regolata dal tempo. I nostri giorni sono misurati in ore, il nostro stipendio e calcolato in base a quelle ore, il nostro sapere valutato in anni. Rubiamo pochi minuti della nostra frenetica giornata per goderci una pausa per il caffe. Poi torniamo velocemente alla scrivania, consultiamo l'orologio, viviamo di appuntamenti. Ma alla fine il tempo passa, e nel fondo del cuore ti domandi se quei secoli, minuti, ore, giorni, .. Cecelia Ahern
4f6f531 Anyway, my point is (I know, I know, there is one), I don't want to be one of those easily forgotten people, so important at the time, so special, so influential, and so treasured, yet years later just a vague face and a distant memory. I want us to be best friends forever, Alex. Cecelia Ahern
4fbb79d while everybody else marches to the beat of their own important drum. I constantly feel hungry, metaphorically and literally. Cecelia Ahern
601b402 Menschen sind nicht grausam. [...] Aber sie haben einen starken Selbsterhaltungstrieb und mischen sich, solange sie nicht direkt betroffen sind lieber nicht ein, wenn es Probleme gibt. Cecelia Ahern
246348c Ne trebas bas sve pokusavati sprijeciti. Katkad ti treba biti neugodno. Katkad trebas biti ranjiv pred ljudima. Katkad je to nuzno zato sto je takoder dio puta prema novom dijelu tebe, prema sutrasnjem danu. Cecelia Ahern
b4d01b8 Holly just felt as though she was missing a vital organ from her body. Cecelia Ahern
e3b957a Por que no podia, al menos por una vez, descubrir que tenia poderes magicos? No era justo, a las chicas americanas en las peliculas siempre les ocurria... Cecelia Ahern
4b18a1d Edith says that there are some people in the world that don't you all the time or play games but they still love you. they just don't know how to say it Cecelia Ahern
1f08acc I realised that my hour and someone else's hour are nit equal. We cannot spend it the same way, we cannot think of it in the same way. Cecelia Ahern
42f87da I've learned that a ten-minute shower and the gift of going to the toilet without a ticking clock restores much more in new parents than personal hygiene. Cecelia Ahern
e7cb8e5 Gerry se habia ido. Esa era la realidad. No volveria a acariciar la suavidad de su pero, a intercambiar en secreto una broma con el durante una cena de amigos, a lloriquearle al llegar a casa tras una dura jornada en el trabajo porque necesitaba algo tan simple como un abrazo; nunca volveria a compartir la cama con el, ni la despertarian cada manana sus ataques de estornudos, ni reiria con el hasta dolerle la barriga, nunca volverian a disc.. Cecelia Ahern
ae791db Solange du auf dieser Welt bist, ist dein Leben auch da. ... Du bist dieses Leben, es ist immer bei dir, um dich zu unterstutzen, es spornt dich an, es jubelt dir zu, selbst wenn du denkst, du kannst nicht mehr. ... Wir werden fureinander da sein bis zum letzten Augenblick, und dann werden wir uns ansehen und sagen: >>Danke, dass du bis zum Schluss bei mir geblieben bist.<< Cecelia Ahern
842111b Many won't struggle to believe it though, for their minds have been opened; unlocked by whatever kind of key causes people to believe. They're either born that way or, as babies, their little budlike minds are nurtured until their petals slowly open and prepare for the very nature of life to feed them. As the rain falls and the sun shines, they grow, grow, grow; minds so open they go through life aware and accepting, seeing light where ther.. Cecelia Ahern
fe61c6b Zeit kann man nicht verschenken. Aber wir konnen sie miteinander teilen. Cecelia Ahern
c875934 Dem Meer wohnt ein Zauber inne. Menschen fuhlten sich unwiderstehlich zu ihm hingezogen, wollten am Meer leben, im Meer schwimmen, spielen, es anschauen. Cecelia Ahern
a6bbe11 Statt Bundel mit ihren wenigen Habseligkeiten trugen die Menschen jetzt Pappbecher mit Starbucks-Kaffee in der einen und Aktenzeichen in der anderen Hand. Cecelia Ahern
34fcc26 Arme Leute konnen nicht wahlerisch sein, oder? Bedeutet das auch, wer wahlerisch ist, kann nicht arm sein? Cecelia Ahern
75a0f13 Home is not a place. It is a feeling. Cecelia Ahern
12f74e9 Svaka obitelj ima tajni i vecina ljudi nikada ih ne otkrije, ali znaju da postoje praznine, rupe na mjestima gdje bi trebali biti odgovori, gdje bi netko trebao sjediti, gdje je netko nekoc bio. nikada izgovoreno ime ili ime izgovoreno jednom i nikada vise. Svi imamo tajni.... Zvucat ce grozno ljigavo, znam, ali pomogao mi je shvatiti da postoji sutra. Prije sam se bavila samo sadasnjoscu. Govorila sam i cinila ono sto ce mi omoguciti da ne.. Cecelia Ahern
0b9cbcc Often, when I'm searching for something, the only way I can find anything is to acknowledge out loud what it is, because I can't see it unless I fully register and envision in my mind what it is I'm looking for. Cecelia Ahern
76e3961 The realisation hits me like a ton of bricks and I can't seem to catch my breath. I couldn't tell anybody my dreams if they asked me right now, nor my hopes and desires. If I was asked to put a plan into action, I wouldn't know where to start. I feel utterly lost. Cecelia Ahern
bb28407 May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of your soul, Cecelia Ahern
7dcc04e earlier?" Gabe" Cecelia Ahern
a00f253 Ever since people are kids they use their parents as some sort of measurement for how bad a situation is. Cecelia Ahern
ac2c5e8 people who constantly looked over their shoulders often bumped Cecelia Ahern
22c6b5d When something happens, it triggers something inside us that connects us to a situation, connects us to other people, lighting us up and linking us like little lights on a Christmas tree, twisted and turned but still connected on a wire. Some go out, others flicker, others burn strong and bright, yet we're all on the same line. Cecelia Ahern
ed7ed5b Rosie: I know what it is. You just don't want me to be single because I'm a distraction to you. If I'm with a man then you think that you just might be able to keep your hands off me. I know deep down that's what this is all about. I've sussed you out, Alex Stewart. You love me. You want me to have your babies. You can't stand another day without me. Alex: I... don't no what to say... Rosie: Relax, I'm joking. What happened to make you ch.. Cecelia Ahern
159e0b7 He was too detached from the family to start trying in one evening to check himself into a place where there was currently no vacancy. Cecelia Ahern
e7cbb4b It was how a person felt in that state and why they were in that state that was the important thing. Cecelia Ahern
2803db0 the pile of personal problems in their inboxes grew higher. Cecelia Ahern
b8ffaaf nobody's life is filled with perfect little moments. And if they were, they wouldn't be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would you ever know happiness if you'd never experienced downs? Cecelia Ahern
8eca70c Rushing, rushing, rushing. We are always rushing. rushing Cecelia Ahern
4ea246a I've increasingly found that people never truly tire of playing games and dressing up, no matter how many years pass. Our lies now are just more sophisticated; our words to deceive, more eloquent. From cowboys and Indians, doctors and nurses, to husband and wife, we've never stopped pretending. Cecelia Ahern
2dfaf7d It's funny how people mark their lives, the benchmarks they choose to decide when a moment is more of a moment than any other. For life is made of them. Cecelia Ahern
29c19f3 Everything comes at a cost to others, most of the time at a cost to ourselves. missing mystery Cecelia Ahern
79090b1 You both know where you want to be. I suppose that's because you have each other and anywhere Dad is feels like home to you. I've learned that home isn't a place, it's a feeling. Cecelia Ahern
ffb0ef6 They say it gets easier,' he smiled. 'So they say,' Holly said grimly. 'Apparently gallons of tea do the trick. Cecelia Ahern
8c07287 Tomo un sorbo de te. Ah, las maravillas del magico te. La respuesta a todos los pequenos problemas de la vida. Tenias un cotilleo y preparabas una taza de te, te despedian del trabajo y tomabas una taza de te, tu marido te decia que tenia un tumor cerebral y tomabas una taza de te... Cecelia Ahern
f34dd19 When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Cecelia Ahern