Onde estariamos sem amanhas? O que teriamos em vez disso seriam hoje. E, se esse fosse o caso, com voce, eu esperaria que hoje fosse o dia mais longo. Eu encheria o hoje de voce, fazendo tudo o que sempre amei. Eu riria, falaria, ouviria e aprenderia, eu amaria, amaria, amaria. Faria todos os dias serem hoje e passaria todos com voce, e nunca me preocuparia com o amanha, quando nao estaria com voce. E, quando aquele temido amanha chegar par..
Cecelia Ahern |
sometimes when people are involved, business has to stop being business and the human must win.
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What was it, I wondered, that we had then that we could revive now?
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She's just a friend. Four words that could possibly kill any woman, but they made me smile... And the castle was my witness.
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Always just pleasant. Never overexcited. Never, in fact, excited at all. Just pleasant, which is simply another word for nice.
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It's like my garden, love. Everything grows. Including love. And with that growing every day, how can you expect the missing part to ever fade away? Everything builds, including our ability to cope with it. That's how we keep going.
Cecelia Ahern |
I try to focus, but I can't. I know why I'm here, and then I don't know why I'm here. I understand, then I don't. I think it's fair, and then I don't. I wish I'd never done what I'd done, and then I'm glad I did.
Cecelia Ahern |
Das Meer war ein lebendiges Wesen, so unberechenbar wie ein grosser Theaterschauspieler: es konnte ruhig und freundlich sein, konnte sein Publikum mit offenen Armen willkommen heissen und schon im nachsten Moment sein sturmisches Temperament unter Beweis stellen, Menschen herumschleudern, als wollte es sie hinauswerfen, konnte Kusten attackieren und ganze Inseln zerstoren. Es hatte verspielte Seiten, es mochte die Menschen, schaukelte Kinde..
Cecelia Ahern |
Im ganzen Raum war der Energiespiegel angestiegen, die Stimmen klangen lauter, es wurde mehr gelacht - es war, als hatten die Menschen sich mit dem Gluck der jungen Leute aufgeladen, und ob sie an die Liebe glaubt oder nicht, sie feierten und sonnten sich im Abglanz derer, die es taten.
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Du warst die Einzige, die mir in diesem Gesprach aufrichtig gestanden hat, dass sie keine Angst hat zu fliegen, sondern vielmehr befurchtet, es nicht zu konnen<<
Cecelia Ahern |
Instead, the act of going back made new memories, and everytime I went I would add another layer on top of her memory, until eventually I'd buried them completely and all of those places stopped being about my past with her and became my present.
Cecelia Ahern |
Un val atarna intre cei doi poli,o simpla alunecare a unui lucru care e transparent pentru a ne avertiza sau a ne mangaia.Acum urasti,dar priveste prin acest val si vezi posibilitatea iubirii,esti trist acum,dar priveste in partea cealalta si vei vedea fericire.Calmul absolut pana la dezastrul absolut se petrece atat de repede,intr-o clipita.
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Ruby: Oh Rosie Dunne, expect the unexpected for once. Maybe this time you won't get such a shock when things don't go your way.
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You shouldn't try to stop everything from happening. Sometimes you're supposed to feel awkward. Sometimes you're supposed to be vulnerable in front of people. Sometimes it's necessary because it's all part of you getting to the next part of yourself.
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Dad was more into last impressions than first ones, which makes his death all the more symbolic.
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He is the luckiest man in the world to have you, Rosie, but he doesn't deserve you and you deserve far better. You deserve someone who loves you with every single beat of his heart, someone who thinks about you constantly, someone who spends every minute of every day just wondering what you're doing, where you are, who you're with, and if you're okay. You need someone who can help you reach your dreams and who can protect you from your fear..
Cecelia Ahern |
Me visto con ropa que hace demasiados anos que llevo, de una talla que no consigo variar, que me pone enferma, y que me ha hecho perder la voluntad de hacer algo respecto a... nada, o nada respecto a algo.
Cecelia Ahern |
Do you think that the day you reach forty you will be any different than you were at thirty-nine or forty-one for that matter? People create little ideas about ages so they can write silly self-help books, stick stupid comments in birthday cards, create names for internet chat rooms and look for excuses for crises that are happening in their life.
Cecelia Ahern |
They say a story loses something with each telling. If that is the case, this story has lost nothing, for it's the first time it's been told.
Cecelia Ahern |
Te sam veceri naucila nesto vazno. Ne trebas bas sve pokusati sprijeciti. Katkad ti treba biti neugodno. Katkad trebas biti ranjiv pred ljudima. Katkad je to nuzno zato sto je takoder dio puta prema novom dijelu tebe, prema sutrasnjem danu.
Cecelia Ahern |
into things. Paths are so much clearer when people stop looking at what everyone else is doing and instead concentrate on themselves.
Cecelia Ahern |
Fue como si el mundo dejara de dar vueltas en ese instante. Como si todos los que nos rodeaban hubiesen desaparecido. Como si hubiese olvidado todo lo que me aguardaba en Irlanda. Fue como si esos pocos minutos hubiesen sido creados solo para nosotros y lo unico que pudieramos hacer fuese mirarnos el uno al otro. Era como si el estuviera viendo mi cara por primera vez. Parecia confundido y al mismo tiempo complacido. Exactamente igual que y..
Cecelia Ahern |
Cuanto mas personas te aman, mas personas hay que pierden recuerdos de ti
Cecelia Ahern |
ali oduvijek sam se nadala da su sutljivi ljudi upuceni u magiju i znanja koja nedostaju manje suzdrzanim ljudima, da to sto negovore znaci da im se glavom motaju vaznije misli. Mozda njihova prividna jednostavnost krije tajni mozaik zamrsenih misli
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It's the extras that make life." "That make life what?" she whispered. He smiled. "That make life." Elizabeth swallowed the lump in her throat. "That's it?" Ivan smiled. "What do you mean, that's it? How much more can you get than life, how much more can you ask for than life? That's the gift. Life is everything, and you haven't lived it properly until you believe." --
Cecelia Ahern |
A zivot je niz trenutaka i ti su trenuci u vjecnoj mijeni, bas kao i misli, negativne i pozitivne. I premda je potreba za mozganjem u ljudskoj prirodi, ona je besmislena kao toliko nasih urodenih poriva. Besmisleno je dopustiti jednoj misli da nam zaposjedne um, jer misli su kao gosti ili nevjerni prijatelji. Mogu otici jednako brzo kako su i dosle, a cak i one kojima je najduze trebalo da se rode mogu isceznuti u trenu. Trenuci su, naproti..
Cecelia Ahern |
Hence all thoughts about myself now begin with Perhaps... because I'm having to think about myself in ways I never did before and I'm not sure if I'm right in my thinking about those things.
Cecelia Ahern |
You can't know everything by looking at me. You can never know by looking at someone.
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He pauses, looking around at the youthful faces staring up at him, their minds empty vessels waiting to be filled. So much to learn, so little time to do it in, such little passion within them to understand it truly. It is his job to give them passion. To share with them his experiences of travel, his knowledge of all the great masterpieces of centuries ago.
Cecelia Ahern |
We are constantly evolving; I suppose I have always known that, I feared stopping, and it is ironic that it was only when I finally stopped that I moved the most. I know now that we never truly stop, our journey is never complete, because we will continue to flourish - just as when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
Cecelia Ahern |
the message is that no matter how stuck we feel, we are always moving, and transforming. All difficult moments are transitional times, we are always evolving, and becoming the next version of ourselves. We just need to know that and stick it out.
Cecelia Ahern |
I've learned that home is not a place, it's a feeling. I can make the flat look as pretty as I can, put as many flower boxes on the window sill as I want, put a welcome mat outside the front door, hang a Home Sweet Home sign over the fireplace, and take to wearing aprons and baking cookies, but the truth is that I know I don't want to stay here forever.
Cecelia Ahern |
This is a story about people who find out who they are. About people who are unraveled and whose cores are revealed to all who count. And those who count are finally revealed to them. Just in time.
Cecelia Ahern |
When you see somwthing, it can't be unseen. When you hear a sound, it can't be unheard. I know, deep down, that this evening I have learned something that cam never be unlearned
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man's lesson is another man's tale, but often, a man's tale can be another's lesson.
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every single person, has a story to tell. Every single ordinary person has an extraordinary story. We might all think that we are unremarkable, that our lives are boring, just because we aren't doing ground-breaking things or making headlines or winning awards. But the truth is we all do something that is fascinating, that is brave, that is something we should be proud of.
Cecelia Ahern |
If you have a dream, you want to at least be able to try to achieve it in some way. Something that is seemingly beyond your grasp but that you know that with a bit of hard work you could possibly achieve.
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Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable treasures.
Cecelia Ahern |
This wasn't just my journey, this wasn't just about me falling down and a man rescuing me, though I did trip and you fell and love did happen for me and was mended and repaired for you. This is about you and me, our fall and rise with the seasons, and about what happened when one door closed for both of us. I don't know if I would be this woman now if it weren't for you, and you may not even think you did anything.
Cecelia Ahern |
Tabitha nods all throughout my sentences when I'm speaking to her, says "Right" after practically every single word, and even more annoyingly tries to finish my sentences for me, or join in with my last few words. The really annoying thing is that she always gets it wrong. She never fully catches the gist of what I'm saying, so I have to keep repeating the sentence while she keeps trying to guess what my last words will be. One of these day..
Cecelia Ahern |
THERE'S THE PERSON you think you should be and there's the person you really are. I'm not sure who I should be, but I now know who I am. And that, I say, is the perfect place to start again.
Cecelia Ahern |
They're seeing each other for the first time, two complete strangers, unable to take their eyes off each other. It is the moment his life splits; who he was before he met her and who becomes after.
Cecelia Ahern |
Will you be all right, Joe?' Bo asks, gently, her concern genuine. 'I'll have to be, won't I?
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She also wants the freedom to be able to act as she deems appropriate, without fearing or dreading the feedback, the sensing the disapproval and disappointment. Of always letting him down. Of having to check herself. She doesn't want any more cold air between them, but mostly she doesn't like to have to second-guess herself at a job that she knows she's more than capable of doing.
Cecelia Ahern |