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b9b7c82 Revolting' was the last word I ever spoke as someone who'd never kissed a girl. relationships David Mitchell
8ccf218 Nonfiction that smells like fiction is neither. non-fiction David Mitchell
f41329f When a parent dies, a filing cabinet full of all the fascinating stuff also ceases to exist. David Mitchell
aa1a593 Anticipating the end of the world is humanity's oldest pastime. David Mitchell
92f5545 we cross, crisscross, and recross our old tracks like figure skaters. David Mitchell
be18029 If you'd cured Henry the Seventh's TB with a course of ethambutol, or given Isaac Newton an hour's access to the Hubble telescope, or shown an off-the-shelf 3-D printer to the regulars at the Captain Marlow in the 1980s, you would have had the M-word thrown your way, too. Some magic is merely normality that you're not yet used to. David Mitchell
07d3208 Prayer may be a placebo for the disease of helplessness, but placebos can make you feel better. placebo prayer religion David Mitchell
9c72240 That's the weird part: I know I don't know you. So how come I feel like I do? David Mitchell
40f792d Attaining immortality is easier than controlling its terms and conditions. David Mitchell
13e85b4 Mortality is inscribed in your cellular structure, and you say you're not ill? Look at the painting. Look at it." She nods towards The Adoration of the Magi. I obey. I always will. "Thirteen subjects, if you count them, like the Last Supper. Shepherds, the Magi, the relatives. Study their faces, one by one. Who believes this newborn manikin can one day conquer death? Who wants proof? Who suspects the Messiah is a false prophet? Who knows th.. David Mitchell
c8a099c If consumers found fulfillment at any meaningful level, she extemporized, corpocracy would be finished. contentment David Mitchell
c05a29f Orito pictures the human mind as a loom that weaves disparate threads of belief, memory and narrative into an entity whose common name is Self, and which sometimes calls itself Perception. David Mitchell
759a62c The wheel of seasons is broken, says the spring pattern this autumn day, and so am I. David Mitchell
837fc03 that human hunger birthed the Civ'lize, but human hunger killed it too. human inspirational David Mitchell
cbecc87 I silently laugh at my own cenotaph, And out of the caverns of rain, Like a child from the womb, like a ghost from the tomb, I arise and unbuild it again. David Mitchell
b86924f A wrongheaded world," sighed Shiloh Davydov, "where women needs must deny their gender for fear that their ideas will be dismissed." David Mitchell
6c7216c Perfume counters in department stores, Holly Deblin smells of, the middle of July, and cinnamon Tic Tacs. love lovers young-love young-lovers David Mitchell
1e83e25 I managed to smile, thinking how Modesty is Vanity's craftier stepbrother. David Mitchell
b1b1e15 Yet what are we without our addictions? Insipid. Flavourless. David Mitchell
9d0e66d Our right to be here is weaker by the minute. David Mitchell
5d09e3b Do we use the L-word because we mean it, or because we want to kid ourselves into thinking we're still in that blissful state? David Mitchell
a035924 But the paranormal is persuasive; why else does religion persist? David Mitchell
370693b Hesitations're yeses or nos if the questioner already knows the answer. David Mitchell
c9a208a These...xistential qualms you suffer, they just mean you're truly human. I aked how I might remedy them. "You don't remedy them. You live thru them." stoicism David Mitchell
c11b66d Laboring types surrounded me with bad teeth, parrot voices, and unfounded optimism. David Mitchell
ef44bb3 Grin and bear it! Remember your heritage! You're a Japanese law-abiding straight! You grin and bear it until your Zimmer frame buckles and your drinking water is mercury oxide, and our whole country is one coast-to-coast parking lot. david mitchell
eb0e5f6 Your employers evince great faith in your talents, Mr Ewing, to entrust you with business neccessitating such a long & arduous voyage." I replied that, yes, I was a senior enough notary to be entrusted with my present assignment, but a junior enough scrivener to be obligated to accept the same." David Mitchell
c577cc3 Yet the way men live is so far removed from the way they ought to live that anyone who abandons what 'is' for what 'should be' pursues his downfall rather than his preservation; David Mitchell
80ce52c There's no future in stories...Stories are things of the past, things for museums. stories David Mitchell
8838436 Your leaders must know powerful magic. Yes, said one of the women. The magic is called Marx, Stalin, Lenin and Class Dialectics. It didn't sound like very powerful magic to me. marxism David Mitchell
92ad060 A rocker rose like Poseidon and flexed his knuckles. David Mitchell
3a71015 Our will to power, our science, and those v. faculties that elevated us from apes, to savages, to modern man, are the same faculties that'll snuff out Homo sapiens before this century is out! David Mitchell
646950e Love's a dictator. I know this, yet the blast furnace in my ribcage roars You You You You You You just the same, and there's bugger-all I can do about it. David Mitchell
25cabb0 Today's the day I either change my life or I don't. David Mitchell
e935ade Speak to me about power. What is it?" I do believe I'm being out-Cambridged. "You want me to discuss power? Right here and now?" Her shapely head tilts. "No time except the present." "Okay." Only for a ten. "Power is the ability to make someone do what they otherwise wouldn't, or deter them from doing what they otherwise would." Immaculee Constantin is unreadable. "How?" "By coercion and reward. Carrots and sticks, though in bad light .. David Mitchell
c9f65fe Temple of the Rat King. Ark of the Soot God. Sphincter of Hades. Yes, King's Cross Station, where, according to , a blow job costs only five quid - any of the furthest-left three cubicles in the men's lavvy downstairs, twenty-four hours a day. london prostitution trains David Mitchell
e3ef664 love is fusion in the sun's core. Love is a blurring of pronouns. Love is subject and object. The difference between its presence and its absence is the difference between life and death. David Mitchell
858c11d Linda shares her packet of Custard Creams with me, and Marion says "Picking is hungry work" in her bunged up voice, and I say, "Yeah, it is, Marion," and Marion's really happy, and I wish her life could be easier than it's going to be." David Mitchell
f7cd6b8 Human beings are walking bundles of cravings. Cravings for food, water, shelter, warmth; sex and companionship; status, a tribe to belong to; kicks, control, purpose; and so on, all the way down toe chocolate-brown bathroom suites. Love is one way to satisfy some of these cravings. But love's not just the drug; it's also the dealer. Love wants love in return. Like drugs, the highs look divine, and I envy the users. But when the side effects.. David Mitchell
2fb90c3 Two thoughts walked into my place. The first thought said that we hadn't slept together because sex would have closed an entrance behind us and opened an exit ahead of us. The second thought told me quite clearly what to do. Maybe Takeshi's wife was right--maybe it is unsafe to base an important decision on your feelings for a person. Takeshi says the same thing often enough. Every bonk, he says, quadruples in price by the morning after. Bu.. David Mitchell
fdc084c How lazily "xperts" dismiss what they fail to understand! I," David Mitchell
39b9070 I loved Vinny like he was a part of me, and he loved me like a stick of gum. He'd spat me out when the flavor went, unwrapped another, and stuffed it in, and not just anyone, but Stella Yearwood. My best mate. David Mitchell
48101cc The present is a battleground . . . where rival what-ifs compete to become the future 'what-is.' How does one what-if prevail over its adversaries? The answer . . . 'Military and political power, of course!' is a postponement, for what is it that directs the minds of the powerful? The answer is 'belief.' Beliefs that are ignoble or idealistic; democratic or Confucian; Occidental or Oriental; timid or bold; clearsighted or delusional. Power .. power David Mitchell
e047f58 But Ed Brubeck's a guy, like Vinny's a guy, and guys are all sperm-guns. David Mitchell