The Ticket-wallah, whose pimples bubbled as I watched, was as intractably dense as his counterpart in King's Cross. The Corporation breeds them from the same stem cell.
David Mitchell |
So I telled her my 'maginin's o' places from old books'n'pics in the school'ry. Lands where the Fall'd never falled, towns bigger'n all o' Big I. an' towers o' stars'n'suns blazin' higher'n Mauna Kea, bays of not jus' one Prescient Ship but a mil'yun, Smart boxes what make delish grinds more'n anyun can eat, Smart Pipes what gush more brew'n anyun can drink, places where it's always spring an' no sick, no knucklyin' an' no slavin'. Places w..
David Mitchell |
Yay, when it came to faces, pretty lies was better'n scabbin' true
David Mitchell |
Why does any martyr cooperate with his judases?
David Mitchell |
Sulkers Binge on lonely fantasies.
David Mitchell |
I recalled my father-in-law's aphorism "To fool a judge, feign fascination, but to bamboozle the whole court, feign boredom..." & I pretended to extract a speck from my eye."
David Mitchell |
I succumbed. Late-fifteenth-century verb, Old French succomber or Latin succumbere, but a basic necessity of the human condition, especially mine.
David Mitchell |
La risata e anarchia e blasfema. I tiranni fanno bene a temerla.
David Mitchell |
He chiseled open the fault lines in the others' personalities.
David Mitchell |
A trio of teenagers, dressed like Prostitute Barbie, approached, drift-netting the width of the pavement.
David Mitchell |
his deceased wife, watches her husband from the photograph on his console desk.
David Mitchell |
Senecas Warnung an Nero: Ganz gleich, wie viele von uns du totest, dein Nachfolger wird nicht darunter sein
David Mitchell |
The organs of Venus are familiar to all, but oh, my brothers, the organ of Saturn is the bladder.
David Mitchell |
Goat tongue is a gift, you got it from the day you're borned or you ain't got it. If you got it, goats'll heed your say-so, if you ain't, they'll jus' trample you muddy an' stand there scornin'.
David Mitchell |
El orgullo de llegar hasta el final. Certezas. Cuando te despojas de las creencias que te endilgan las institutrices, los colegios y los Estados, descubres dentro de ti verdades indelebles. Roma entrara en decadencia y volvera a caer, Cortes se hara de nuevo a la mar y despues Ewing tambien, Adrian volvera a saltar en pedazos, tu y yo volveremos a dormir juntos bajo las estrellas corsas, regresare a Brujas, de nuevo me enamorare y me desena..
David Mitchell |
Marinus is leaning on the railing. "Warehouse number six needs rebuilding; there's a big hole in the seawall behind the guild; Constable Kosugi shall probably"--from Seawall Lane comes an almighty sigh and crash--"shall certainly be lodging elsewhere tonight, and I pissed my thigh from fear. Our glorious flag, as you see, is unhurt. Half of their shots flew over us"--the doctor looks landward--"and caused damage ashore. "
David Mitchell |
I recognised love. It forms like a weather pattern.
David Mitchell |
The sun was deaf'nin' so high up, yay, it roared an' time streamed from it.
David Mitchell |
Lady Moon rose an' gazed o'er my busted'n'beautsome Valleys with silv'ry'n'sorryin' eyes, an' the dingos mourned for the died uns.
David Mitchell |
Southly thru shrubby heath we tromped now till we got to wideway. Wideway I'd heard o' from storymen an' here it was, an open, long, flat o' roadstone. SAplin's'n'bush was musclin' up but wondersome'n'wild was that windy space.
David Mitchell |
It's cold and clammy in the alley like White Scar Cave in the Yorkshire Dales. Dad took me when I was ten. I find a dead cat lying on the ground at the first corner. It's gray like dust on the moon. I know it's dead because it's as still as a dropped bag, and because big flies are drinking from its eyes. How did it die? There's no bullet wound or fang marks, though its head's at a slumped angle so maybe it was strangled by a cat-strangler. ..
David Mitchell |
She'n'her bros at the school'ry'd made a new game, Zachry'n'Meronym on Mauna Kia, but Abbess say-soed 'em not to 'cos times are pretendin' can bend bein'. A whoah game it was, said Catkin, but I din't want to know its rules nor endin'.david
David Mitchell |
Sobering to think how one accursed night of baccarat can alter a man's social standing so irreversibly.
David Mitchell |
A no-name place, as far as I could see, but it had a miserable cafe-cum-garage-cum-funeral parlor shared by a gang of silent locals and many flies who wheeled through the air like drugged angels of death.
David Mitchell |
Writing's a pathology," I say. "I'd pack it in tomorrow, if I could."
David Mitchell |
I pitched my voice for Dirty Harry, but it was more Lisping Baggins.
David Mitchell |
si nos convencemos de que la humanidad puede trascender colmillos y garras, si nos convencemos de que las diversas razas y credos pueden compartir pacificamente la tierra, (...)si nos convencemos de que los gobernantes deben ser justos, de que la violencia debe dominarse, de que el poder ha de ser responsable y las riquezas de la tierra y los oceanos deben repartirse equitativamente entre todos, este mundo se hara realidad. No me engano. Ya..
David Mitchell |
A dragonfly arrives and leaves like a change of mind.
David Mitchell |
Clark Kent gives up his powers just to have sexual intercourse with Lois Lane in a glittery bed. Who'd make such a stupid swap? If you could fly? Deflect nuclear missiles into space? Turn back time by spinning the planet in reverse? Sexual intercourse can't be that good.
David Mitchell |
To list and name people ... is to subjugate them.
David Mitchell |
An Anchorite was a girl who lived like a hermit in a cell, but in the wall of a church. A living human sacrifice, in a way.
David Mitchell |
books may speak, but they do not listen.
David Mitchell |
Beauty is immune to definition.
David Mitchell |
one's environment is a key to one's identity, but that environment, Papa Song's, was a key I had lost.
David Mitchell |
the First Rule of Parenting states that you never wake a peacefully sleeping child.
David Mitchell |
Being born's a hell of a lottery
David Mitchell |
A big fat zoo of snorers is snoring in all different rhythms
David Mitchell |
A dragonfly settles on a bulrush an inch from my nose. Its wings are like cellophane and Jonah says, "Its wings are like cellophane," and I say, "I was just thinking that," but Jonah says, "Just thinking what?" so maybe I just thought he'd said it. Valium rubs out speech marks and pops thought-bubbles. I've noticed it before."
David Mitchell |
love's not just the drug; it's also the dealer.
David Mitchell |
Places change you, Miss Timms, and deserts change us pale northerners so much, our own mothers wouldn't recognize us.
David Mitchell |
Are we mutants? Have we evolved this way? Or are we designed? Designed by whom? Why did the designer go to such elaborate lengths, only to vacate the stage and leave us wondering why we exist? For entertainment? For perversity? For a joke? To judge us? "To what end?"
David Mitchell |
if an atrocity isn't written about, it stops existing when the last witnesses die. That's what I can't stand. If a mass shooting, a bomb, a whatever, is written about, then at least it's made a tiny dent in the world's memory. Someone, somewhere, some time, has a chance of learning what happened. And, just maybe, acting on it. Or not. But at least it's there.
David Mitchell |
But love's not just the drug; it's also the dealer. Love wants love in return, am I right, Olly? Like drugs, the highs look divine, and I envy the users. But when the side effects kick in--jealousy, the rages, grief, I think, Count me out. Elizabethans equated romantic love with insanity. Buddhists view it as a brat throwing a tantrum at the picnic of the calm mind.
David Mitchell |
It's not a girl's glittering personality that men're interested in, Holly. It never bloody is.
David Mitchell |