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526a495 Skol'ko liudei, stol'ko i istin. Vremia ot vremeni mne viditsia bolee istinnaia Istina, skryvaiushchaiasia v nesovershennom podobii samoi sebia, no kak tol'ko ia k nei priblizhaius', ona probuzhdaetsia i pogruzhaetsia eshchio glubzhe v porosshee koliuchim kustarnikom boloto raznoglasii. David Mitchell
14ab62b flamelight danced with shadows round them unloved walls. David Mitchell
d94b560 Soznanie ne terpit pustoty, a potomu sklonno naseliat' ee prizrakami. David Mitchell
e6a84a8 Ce invatatura se cere trasa? Ca Pacea, oricit de placuta in ochii Domnului Dumnezeului nostru, este o virtute cardinala numai daca si vecinii vad lucrurile la fel. razboi David Mitchell
895534d Why does any martyr cooperate with his judases? We see a game beyond the endgame...As Seneca warned Nero: No matter how many of us you kill, you will never kill your successor. conspiracy martyr purpose David Mitchell
d3c725f Svijet je skolski ravnatelj koji se bavi tvojim manama. Ne mislim u nekom u nekom misticnom ili Isusovom smislu. Nego prije na foru da se uporno spotices preko neke skrivene stube, bez kraja i konca, dok ti konacno ne sine: pazi, stuba! Sve su stvari u kojima kiksamo skrivene stube, bilo da smo odvec sebicni ili odvec sluga pokoran ili sto vec. Ili nikad neces primijetiti u cemu grijesis pa ces dovijeka trpjeti posljedice ili ces jednog dan.. David Mitchell
235f9a3 Old Ma Yibber spread the news that Zachry what came down off Mauna Kea weren't the same Zachry what'd gone up, an' true 'nuff I s'pose, there ain't no journey what don't change you some. David Mitchell
46f2b89 Das Fegen der Wandelgange ist eine lastige Angelegenheit an diesem Nachmittag: Kaum sind die Blatter und Piniennadeln zusammengekehrt, blast der Wind den Haufen davon. Wolken ziehen uber dem Kahlen Gipfel auf und verschutten eisigen Nieselregen. german japan David Mitchell
a0117f8 Citi oameni atitea adevaruri. Cind si cind, parca zaresc un Adevar mai adevarat, care se ascunde in spatele unor simulacre imprefecte, dar, cind incerc sa m-apropii de el, se face nevazut si se afunda si mai adinca in mlastina inselatoare a dezacordului. credinta minciuna razboi David Mitchell
16d999b Yay, Old Uns' Smart mastered sicks, miles, seeds an' made miracles ord'nary, but it din't master one thing, nay, a hunger in the hearts o' humans, yay, a hunger for more. More what? I asked. Old Uns'd got ev'rythin'. Oh, more gear, more food, faster speeds, longer lifes, easier lifes, more power, yay. Now the Hole World is big, but it weren't big 'nuff for that hunger what made Old Uns rip out the skies an' boil up the seas an' poison soil .. David Mitchell
2c4a42c My spine still works. That's always useful. David Mitchell
46ffb41 Venga, hombre, ?que es un critico? Un individuo que lee deprisa y corriendo, de manera arrogante pero nunca prudente. David Mitchell
16d9d04 Ay, TC, ?por que te entregaste a los libros? !Que rollo de oficio, que autentico pestino! Las autobiografias ya de por si son infumables, !pero anda que las novelitas! Heroe emprende viaje, forastero llega a la ciudad, alguien persigue algo, lo consigue o no lo consigue, conflicto entre voluntades opuestas. "Admiradme, porque soy una metafora"." David Mitchell
508d83d Ya no hay lugar para ti en el mundo exterior. Ahora vives en Aurora House. ?Vas captando el concepto? ?O le pido al senor Withers aqui presente que te lo vuelva a explicar? Mandala a la mierda, me aconsejaba mi espiritu, o te arrepentiras despues. Dile lo que quiere oir, chillaba mi sistema nervioso, o te arrepentiras ahora. El espiritu parecia fuerte, pero la carne es debil. David Mitchell
df127ef The wisdom of skin is underappreciated. David Mitchell
f7ca3f8 Te das cuenta, verdad, mi querido lector? Estaba metido en un asilo de pelicula de serie B. Cuanto mas rabiaba y despotricaba, mas demostraba que deberia estar donde estaba. David Mitchell
68a8a0d Me habia equivocado de estrategia desde el primer movimiento. Habia tratado de salir de aquel absurdo a grito pelado, pero una vez internado eso es imposible. Los negreros reciben con los brazos abiertos a los rebeldes, para darles un escarmiento delante de los demas. En toda la literatura carcelaria que conozco, desde Archipielago Gulag a An Evil Cradling, sin olvidarnos de Sandwich de nudillos, los derechos hay que ganarselos a base de tr.. David Mitchell
d218aa8 La felicidad significa ausencia de privaciones? Si es asi, entonces los sirvientes, tal y como los purasangres gustan de creer, son el estrato mas feliz de toda la Corpocracia. Pero si la felicidad significa superar adversidades, o sentirse valorado y realizado, entonces, de todos los esclavos de Nea So Copros, somos sin ninguna duda los mas desdichados. David Mitchell
9d01cdf por que cualquier dominador teme que sus vasallos adquieran conocimiento. No me atrevi a pronunciar la palabra insurreccion David Mitchell
1644be2 la verdadera adquisicion de conocimiento no se limitaba a la lectura, que el conocimiento sin experiencia era como la comida sin sustancia. David Mitchell
e9bd52d I'd always worried but kissing's not so tricky. Your lips know what to do, just like sea anemones know what to do. David Mitchell
ef02ced Bueno --tanteo Hae-Joo--, ?que haces para relajarte? --Jugar al go con el sony --dije. --?Para relajarte? --replico incredulo--. ?Y quien gana, tu o el sony? --El sony --respondi--. ?Como si no iba a mejorar? --O sea, que los ganadores --razono Hae-Joo--, ?son, en realidad, los perdedores, porque no aprenden nada nuevo? Entonces, ?que son los perdedores? ?Ganadores? Yo no sabia si hablaba en serio. --Si los perdedores consiguen sacar partid.. David Mitchell
53bbc35 Pero si sabias que todo era un montaje, ?por que te prestaste a colaborar? ?Por que se presta todo martir a colaborar con su Judas? Porque atisba un objetivo mas elevado. David Mitchell
86ff666 la historia no admite leyes, solo consecuencias. ?Que determina las consecuencias? Las acciones depravadas y las acciones virtuosas. ?Y que determina las acciones? Las creencias. David Mitchell
4c8d4c5 Sentimientos liberales! !Pero a mi no me vengas con monsergas de justicia! !Vete a Tennessee montado en un pollino y ponte a convencer a esos palurdos sudistas de que en realidad son negros pintados de blanco y de que sus esclavos son blancos pintados de negro! !Vete a Europa y ponte a decirles que los derechos de los esclavos del imperio son tan inalienables como los de la reina de Belgica! !Ah, terminaras pobre, canoso y ronco en las reun.. David Mitchell
5481dcd entre todas las razas del mundo, nuestra sed, o mejor dicho, nuestra avidez, de tesoros, de oro, de especias y de dominio, !oh, si!, sobre todo del dulce dominio, !es la mas aguda, la mas insaciable, la mas carente de todo escrupulo! Es esta avidez la que alimenta nuestro progreso, no se si con fines diabolicos o divinos. Ni usted tampoco lo sabe, senor. Ni yo tengo el menor interes en saberlo. Simplemente, me alegro de que el Creador me ar.. diabólico divine divino español progreso progress spanish vencer win winner David Mitchell
fd469dc Commander Aronsson of the Icelandic Marines, that ship is the ICGV Sjalfstaedi." The officer's voice has a military crispness, and when he turns to his left, the bulletproof visor reflects the low sun. "This is Lieutenant Eriksdottir." He indicates a slighter figure, a woman, also watching us through an augvisor. She nods by way of hello. "Last, we have 'Mr.' Harry Veracruz, a presidential adviser who is joining us on our mission." -- David Mitchell
3865848 They need shinier myths that will never be soiled by becoming true. David Mitchell
732644f I put ten sugar cubes in my coffee. I drank it through my tongue, and my blood sang like the Archangel Gabriel as the sugar flooded in. That can't be natural humor David Mitchell
6b1bfd2 Grief's a bastard, it really is--pardon my French. It makes everything else harder. David Mitchell
21b0d50 Fuck you, said Fear to Reason. David Mitchell
2dfd6bd If people praise you, you're not walking your own path. David Mitchell
be38aad Hershey is so bent on avoiding cliche that each sentence is as tortured as an American whistleblower. writing David Mitchell
945e4c6 Us f'gotten slaves was bein' drained by hunger'n'pain an' the mozzies from the slopin' pond now an' we was envyin' that Hawi boy diresome, till at a nod from Lyons they ripped down Elfy's pants an' held him an' busted that boy's ring, oilin' his hole up with lardbird fat b'tween turns. David Mitchell
68d6d16 Lavender's my favorite scent, after White-Out and bacon rind. I sat down on the steps, not sure where to go next. A July afternoon yawned. Mirage puddles'd shimmered on the Welland road as I rode here. I could've gone to sleep on the baked doorstep. Little naked ants. David Mitchell
2e46b83 Still. Mariangela says that the best way to work with dementia is to act as if the person you knew is still inside the wreckage. If you're wrong, and the person you knew is gone, then no damage is done but the standards of care stay high; if you're right, and the person you knew is still bricked up inside, then you are the lifeline. David Mitchell
1cc40bd Other boys mean questions have to get settled. Who's coolest? Who's hardest? Who's brainiest? Normal boys care about this stuff David Mitchell
29c9667 What is marriage, exactly, and how could we explain it to an alien anthropologist? It's more than just a living arrangement. Is it an endeavor, a pledge, a symbol, or an affirmation? Is it a span of shared years and shared experiences? A vessel for intimacy? Or does the old joke nail it best? 'If love is an enchanted dream, then marriage is an alarm clock.' " Mostly male laughter in the congregation is shushed. "Maybe marriage is difficult .. David Mitchell
d439676 tho' law an' Civ'lize ain't always the same, nay, see Kona got Kona law but they ain't got one flea o' Civ'lize. David Mitchell
30b57f9 His skin's so tanned he could be Turkish or something turkish David Mitchell
9b1d4db Power is lost or won, never created or destroyed. Power is a visitor to, not a possession of, those it empowers. The mad tend to crave it, many of the sane crave it, but the wise worry about its long-term side effects. David Mitchell
8818933 in a cycle as old as tribalism, ignorance of the Other engenders fear; fear engenders hatred; hatred engenders violence; violence engenders further violence until the only "rights," the only law, are whatever is willed by the most powerful." David Mitchell
c9f3e22 war's first victim is truth, its second is clerical efficiency. David Mitchell
1204a5e If you don't want the fish, why do you catch them?" A few seconds pass. "For the quality of the conversation." David Mitchell