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296445a For the dead, who seem to take away so much, really take with them nothing that is ours. The passion they have aroused lives after them, easy to transmute or to transfer, but well-nigh impossible to destroy. E.M. Forster
7470225 Remember that we must all die: all these personal relations we try to live by are temporary. I used to feel death selected people, it is a notion one gets from novels, because some of the characters are usually left talking at the end. Now 'death spares no one' begins to be real. E.M. Forster
b30a23b Anyone can find places, but the finding of people is a gift from God. E.M. Forster
edfde0d She disliked confidences, for they might lead to self-knowledge and to that king of terrors--Light. E.M. Forster
a4d0a0b Naked I came into the world, naked I shall go out of it! And a very good thing too, for it reminds me that I am naked under my shirt, whatever its colour. E.M. Forster
af1ff28 He was inaccurate because he was sensitive. E.M. Forster
59b99e0 As is Man to the Universe, so was the mind of Mr. Wilcox to the minds of some men -- a concentrated light upon a tiny spot, a little Ten Minutes moving self-contained through its appointed years. No Pagan he, who lives for the Now, and may be wiser than all philosophers. He lived for the five minutes that have past, and the five to come; he had the business mind. E.M. Forster
9dd77c1 By God, if you'd split on me to Mr Ducie, I'd have broken you. It might have cost me hundreds, but I've got them, and the police always back my sort against yours. You don't know. We'd have got you into quod, for blackmail, after which -- I'd have blown out my brains.' 'Killed yourself? Death?' 'I should have known by that time that I loved you. Too late . . . everything's always too late. E.M. Forster
7709c1f Vagueness spurred him into knight errantry. graciousness planning romanticism E.M. Forster
f363871 Travel was a species of warfare. insularity openness skepticism E.M. Forster
1e78da1 He was thinking of the irony of friendship--so strong it is, and so fragile. We fly together, like straws in an eddy, to part in the open stream. friendship E.M. Forster
d1a0c97 How indeed is it possible for one human being to be sorry for all the sadness that meets him on the face of the earth, for the pain that is endured not only by men, but by animals and plants, and perhaps by the stones? The soul is tired in a moment, and in fear of losing the little she does understand, she retreats to the permanent lines which habit or chance have dictated, and suffers there. E.M. Forster
5ff69c3 The haughty nephew ... and an even haughtier wife, both convinced that Germany was appointed by God to govern the world. Aunt July would come the next day, convinced that Great Britain had been appointed to the same post by the same authority. Were both these loud-voiced parties right? On one occasion they had met, and Margaret ... had implored them to argue the subject out in her presence. Whereat they blushed and began to talk about the w.. religion war E.M. Forster
5513350 London was beginning to illuminate herself against the night. Electric lights sizzled and jagged in the main thoroughfares, gas-lamps in the side streets glimmered a canary gold or green. The sky was a crimson battlefield of spring, but London was not afraid. Her smoke mitigated the splendour, and the clouds down Oxford Street were a delicately painted ceiling, which adorned while it did not distract. She has never known the clear-cut armie.. colors description e-m-forster howards-end london nightfall romance E.M. Forster
488deab Indoors herself, partaking of tea with old Mrs Butterworth, she reflected that it is impossible to foretell the future with any degree of accuracy, that it is impossible to rehearse life. A fault in the scenery, a face in the audience, an irruption of the audience onto the stage, and all our carefully planned gestures mean nothing, or mean too much. em-forster forster life E.M. Forster
04c30ec At my age one's seldom amazed," he said, smiling. "Marriage is too absurd in any case. It begins and continues for such very slight reasons. The social business props it up on one side, and the theological business on the other, but neither of them are marriage, are they? I've friends who can't remember why they married, no more can their wives. I suspect that it mostly happens haphazard, though afterwards various noble reasons are invented.. E.M. Forster
2be28f0 A mirror does not develop because an historical pageant passes in front of it. It only develops when it gets a fresh coat of quicksilver--in other words, when it acquires new sensitiveness; and the novel's success lies in its own sensitiveness, not in the success of its subject matter. E.M. Forster
b4522e0 People turned out to be alive. Hitherto he had supposed that they were what he pretended to be -- flat pieces of cardboard stamped with a conventional design -- but as he strolled about the courts at night and saw through the windows some men singing and others arguing and others at their books, there came by no process of reason a conviction that they were human beings with feelings akin to his own. He had never lived frankly since Mr Abra.. self-discovery E.M. Forster
8e1aefa Unless we remember we cannot understand. understanding writing E.M. Forster
c5c504d To attribute these two great developments to the Central Committee, is to take a very narrow view of civilization. The Central Committee announced the developments, it is true, but they were no more the cause of them than were the kings of the imperialistic period the cause of war. E.M. Forster
105c78d Scheherazade avoided her fate because she knew how to wield the weapon of suspense -the only literary tool that has any effect upon tyrants and savages. E.M. Forster
0034852 We come up against beauty here -- for the first time in our enquiry: beauty at which a novelist should never aim though he fails if he does not achieve it. I will conduct beauty to her proper place later on. Meanwhile please accept her as part of a completed plot. She looks a little surprised at being there, but beauty ought to look a little surprised: it is the emotion that best suits her face, as Botticelli knew when he painted her risen .. botticelli novel plot surprise E.M. Forster
2e3d7ea I think everyone fails, but there are so many kinds of failure. god success E.M. Forster
17777fa S]he might yet reveal depths of strangeness, if not of meaning. strangeness woman E.M. Forster
d684a72 And as her love revived, so did her capacity for suffering. Life, more important, grew more bitter. love suffering E.M. Forster
bc2ae36 If high ideals make a young man rude, the sooner he gets rid of them the better, E.M. Forster
e1fa748 One is certain of nothing but the truth of one's own emotions. E.M. Forster
50f8573 Something had changed. He had journeyed--as on rare occasions a man must--till he stood behind right and wrong. On the banks of the grey torrent of life, love is the only flower. love E.M. Forster
eec310f She was appallingly narrow, but her consciousness of wider things gave to her narrowness a pathetic charm. E.M. Forster
9abc9d8 I've often thought about it, Helen. It's one of the most interesting things in the world. The truth is that there is a great outer life that you and I have never touched--a life in which telegrams and anger count. Personal relations, that we think supreme, are not supreme there. There love means marriage settlements, death, death duties. So far I'm clear. But here my difficulty. This outer life, though obviously horrid, often seems the real.. E.M. Forster
8df4d81 En ese preciso momento el camino se abria y con una exclamacion Lucy se encontro fuera del bosque. Luz y belleza la envolvia. Habia ido a dar a una pequena terraza que estaba cubierta de violetas de un extremo a otro. - !Valor! -exclamo su companero, erguido a unos seis pies de altura respecto a ella-. Valor y amor. Ella no respondio. A sus pies el suelo se cortaba bruscamente dando paso a la panoramica. Violetas que se agrupaban alrededor .. E.M. Forster
9e82d06 Food, the stoking-up process, the keeping alive of an individual flame, the process that begins before birth and is continued after it by the mother, and finally taken over by the individual himself, who goes on day after day putting an assortment of objects into a hole in his face without becoming surprised or bored. food E.M. Forster
981f792 Durham no podia esperar. La gente los rodeaba, pero con ojos que se habian vuelto intensamente azules murmuro: --Que te amo. Maurice se escandalizo, se horrorizo. Se estremecio hasta las raices de su alma burguesa, y exclamo:"!Oh, maldicion!" Las palabras, los gestos, surgian de el antes de que pudiera evitarlo." E.M. Forster
69370a2 Love was an emotion through which you occasionally enjoyed yourself. It could not do things. love E.M. Forster
1994ba2 She was no dazzling executante; her runs were not at all like stings of pearls, an she struck no more right notes than was suitable for one of her age and situation. Nor was she the passionate young lady, who performs so tragically on a summer's evening with the window open. Passion was there, but it could not be easily labelled; it slipped between love and hatred and jealousy, and all the furniture of the pictorial style. And she was tragi.. E.M. Forster
e1f828c She did not acknowledge that her brain was warped, for the brain itself must assist in that acknowledgement, and she was disordering the very instruments of life. E.M. Forster
0d68358 I don't understand," she said at last. She understood very well, but she no longer wished to be absolutely truthful. "How are you going to stop him talking about it?" "I have a feeling that talk is a thing he will never do." "I, too, intend to judge him charitably. But unfortunately I have met the type before. They seldom keep their exploits to themselves." "Exploits?" cried Lucy, wincing under the horrible plural. "My poor dear, did you su.. E.M. Forster
4e71309 The aims of battle and the fruits of conquest are never the same; E.M. Forster
bca9037 She strove in vain against the echoing walls of their civility. E.M. Forster
8e54305 He mourned his wife more sincerely because he mourned her seldom. E.M. Forster
a86ed71 You remember how he would trust strangers, and if they fooled him he would say: 'It's better to be fooled than to be suspicious'--that the confidence trick is the work of man, but the want-of-confidence trick is the work of the devil. E.M. Forster
036e2f0 She had a strong, if erroneous, conviction of her own futility, and wished she had never come out of her backwater, where nothing happened except art and literature, and where no one ever got married or succeeded in remaining engaged. futility howards-end insecure out-of-place self-doubt society E.M. Forster
47aba71 Human beings have their great chance in the novel. They say to the novelist: "Recreate us if you like, but we must come in," and the novelist's problem, as we have seen all along, is to give them a good run and to achieve something else at the same time. Whither shall he turn? not indeed for help but for analogy. Music, though it does not employ human beings, though it is governed by intricate laws, nevertheless does offer in its final expr.. E.M. Forster
dce7acf He never did his dumb-bells or played in his school fifteen. But the muscles came. He thinks they came while he was reading Pindar. pindar E.M. Forster
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