So now you have it. The plot, the whole plot, and nothing but the plot.
Elizabeth Peters |
Have I mentioned to you, Peabody, that one of the reasons I adore you is that you are more inclined to beat people with your umbrella than fall weeping on your bed?
Elizabeth Peters |
The room was so neat and tidy it made me feel quite depressed...I do not allow myself to repine about what cannot be helped; but I remembered earlier Decembers, under the cloudless blue skies and brilliant sun of Egypt. As I stood morosely contemplating the destruction of our cheerful domestic clutter, and recalling better days, I heard the sound of wheels on the gravel of the drive. The first guest had arrived. Gathering the robes of my ma..
Elizabeth Peters |
he managed to create an atmosphere of sticky sentimentality that disgusted me.
Elizabeth Peters |
at the time there were moments of extreme discomfort; but the adventure, the danger, the exhilaration of doubt and peril are in retrospect something I rather regret having lost.
Elizabeth Peters |
that was Evelyn's weakness. She was too kind, and too truthful. Both, I have found, are inconvenient character traits.
Elizabeth Peters |
I believe you would square off at Satan if he came around and inconvenienced you!
Elizabeth Peters |
In the gloomy corridor of that sepulchre I had felt Emerson's arms about me for the first time; along the rubble-strewn floor of the wadi we had raced by moonlight to save those we loved from a hideous death. Every foot of the way was familiar to me, and the spot was as fraught with romance as a garden of roses might be to one who had led a more boring life.
Elizabeth Peters |
A woman's instinct, I always feel, supercedes logic.
Elizabeth Peters |
For some reason his parents had a low opinion of his common sense.
Elizabeth Peters |
Either the War Office had recruited Ramses - in which case I would have General Spencer's head on a platter - or Ramses had come across something that, in his opinion, merited investigation.... I am never guilty of idle speculation, so I kept an open mind on that. Except that once I caught up with him, I would have Ramses' head on another platter.
Elizabeth Peters |
Why is a man with a knife after your blood? Who sent him? I would like to write the fellow a letter of thanks!
Elizabeth Peters |
The roar of an angry crowd is one of the most terrifying sounds in the world.
Elizabeth Peters |
They will have difficulties to overcome,' I admitted. 'Including the differences in their religions. However, marriage is always a chancy business, Katherine. I have known individuals who appeared perfectly suited, by family background, religion, and nationality, who were thoroughly miserable.' 'So you believe in taking the chance?' 'Certainly. What is life without some risk?
Elizabeth Peters |
Speculation,' I retorted, 'is never a waste of time. It clears away the deadwood in the thickets of deduction.
Elizabeth Peters |
Romanticism is not a quality I despise, but it is inconvenient in a butler.)
Elizabeth Peters |
People of that sort seldom fall ill; they are too busy pretending to be ill.
Elizabeth Peters |
Emerson is a remarkable person, considering that he is a man. Which is not saying a great deal.
Elizabeth Peters |
She was so pitiful as she lay there on the cold, damp ground that only a heart of stone could have been unmoved. There are many hearts of that composition, however.
Elizabeth Peters |
I have never been able to understand how men can feel affection for individuals who are intent on massacring them in a variety of unpleasant ways, but it is an undeniable fact that they can and do. Witness the immortal verse of Mr. Kipling: "So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'home in the Soudan; You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man!" One can only accept this as another example of the peculiar emotional aberrat..
Elizabeth Peters |
I would be the first to admit that my maternal instincts are not well developed--though in defense I must add that the raising of Ramses would have discouraged any woman.
Elizabeth Peters |
Before us, the moonlight lay upon the tumbled desolation of sand that had once been the brilliant capital of a pharaoh. For a moment I had a vision; I seemed to see the ruined walls rise up again, the stately villas in their green groves and gardens, the white walls of the temples, adorned with brilliantly painted reliefs, the flash of gold-tipped flagstaffs, with crimson pennants flying the breeze. The wide, tree-lined avenues were filled ..
Elizabeth Peters |
No, no, you needn't slap me; I am not at all hysterical.
Elizabeth Peters |
Emerson maintains, justly or unjustly, that all religious leaders are showmen at heart.
Elizabeth Peters |
Let me be candid. Emerson would cheerfully consign the entire globe and its inhabitants (with a few exceptions) to the nethermost pits to save one dingy fragment of history from extinction.
Elizabeth Peters |
Stop," he ordered, in a low but compelling voice. "Do not take another step, or I fire! Dash it," he added vexedly, "does the monstrosity understand English? How absurd this is!" "It understands the gesture, at least," I called, thrusting head and shoulders through the window. "Lucas, for pity's sake, seize it! Don't stand there deriding its linguistic inadequacies!"
Elizabeth Peters |
The sun is born again from the womb of night," he said. "See how the light spreads, remaking the world."
Elizabeth Peters |
It is a misconception that the innocent sleep well. The worse a man is, the more profound his slumber; for if he had a conscience, he would not be a villain. When
Elizabeth Peters |
His blue-and-white striped robe ballooning out in the wind, he rode directly to me and fell off the donkey. Gasping theatrically, he handed me a note and then collapsed face down in the sand. Since the donkey had been doing all the work, I ignored this demonstration. While John bent over the fallen man with expressions of concern I opened the note.
Elizabeth Peters |
I object to murder. It's just a silly girlish prejudice.
Elizabeth Peters |
Americans have many admirable characteristics, but literary taste is rare among them.
Elizabeth Peters |
We all know how ruthlessly these American millionaires crush their rivals as they climb to power.
Elizabeth Peters |
Ten years of Ramses had convinced me that my inability to have more children was not, as I had first viewed it, a sad disappointment, but rather a kindly disposition of all-knowing Providence. One Ramses was enough. Two or more would have finished me.
Elizabeth Peters |
Bucolic peace is not my ambience,
Elizabeth Peters |
History has a kindly way of glossing over little faults like brigandage, slaughter, piracy, and assaults on women, especially when the perpetrators possess titles and landed estates.
Elizabeth Peters |
he never comes to see us unless he wants something. Find out what it is, tell him "no," and let us be off."
Elizabeth Peters |
Men believe women are hopeless gossips, but women know men are. The poor creatures are worse than women in some ways, because they cannot admit to themselves that they are gossiping, or doubt the discretion of the individuals in whom they confide. 'Strictly in confidence, old boy, just between you and me...'.
Elizabeth Peters |
unnecessary discomfort is a form of martyrdom with which I have no sympathy.
Elizabeth Peters |
One thing led to another, and we were a trifle late going down for dinner.
Elizabeth Peters |
Goodness, what a nasty suspicious mind the boy has, I thought. He must have got it from me.
Elizabeth Peters |
Rewarding a cat is a waste of time. They think they deserve the best whatever they do.
Elizabeth Peters |
We are only demonstrating the qualities for which our superior caste is famous,' Ramses drawled. 'British phlegm, noblesse oblige, coolness under fire... What have I left out?' 'Don't be hateful,' Nefret snapped. 'That's the part I left out,' said Ramses. 'Hatefulness.
Elizabeth Peters |
For a time Emerson politely endeavored to conceal his boredom - like most men, he is profoundly disinterested in all children except his own - ...
Elizabeth Peters |
I couldn't help overhearing," he went on. "Grrr," said Emerson. (I assure you, there is really no other way of reproducing this sound.) "Honestly."
Elizabeth Peters |